As I predicted, Stagflation here we come

What the fuck are you talking about?

Can you even bullshit your way though the claim that I can't distinguish the difference between Obama and Bush?>

Didn't think so, keep acting like Rtard, RW and Shaman and rep[eating yourself while not saying anything.

From your post #16
You are correct, Republicans played a huge part in all of this. Bush era policy with Republicans and Bush (and dems) are no different than Policies today, under Obama, Dems and Republicans.

Are you ready to admit I was correct?

Ok fuckwit. Where are Democrats and Republicans under Bush and Obama different.... Now remember, when you list Obamacare and I mention Medicare part D while I understand the programs are different they are the same in being a power grab for Government into our lives involving HC. I understand the difference, but you seem to think Bush's deficits good. Obama deficits bad, Bush HC grab good, Obama HC grab bad... Bush wars Good!!!! OBAMA WARS BAAAAD....

Is Libya different than Iraq? Sure!!! But both were unconstitutional wastes of money and lives that fall under "pointless illegal wars America does."

Stimulus, deficits, education, housing and so on are all relatively the same under Bush and Obama... Grow them, more money, more rules.

Neg rep for stupidity and a move to Ignore. You earned it, asshole.
Hi Rabbi,

i think not only you but also everybody with sound mind has predicted that Obama's economy policy will fail.
There are times for increased DEregulation and there are times for needed regulation . There are times when social part can be expanded and there are times when it should be scaled back.
Only idiots will lump everything into one pile and scream - they are all the same, what difference does it make ?!

It makes a tremendous difference not to have a crazy spender at the time of depression.
And that is what has happened since 2009 - we have had a crazy spender with absolutely no economic understanding of what to do in this situation in order to improve it not sink it more. Only crazy spender without a clue will make his signature act to be such monstrous strangling rope as is obamacare

I mostly agree. The issue of course is what with the regulations be and will the constitution be followed.

well, here I agree - it is a VERY tricky issue and easily overstepped.
All of our economy's money has been pumped into the financial sector which crashed. That means very little money into developing businesses, which means sluggish growth.

It all comes back to the crash, ladies and gentlemen. We are still feeding the banks at the expense of everyone else. They are bigger than ever, more profitable than ever, and sucking the life out of the entire planet.

You literally have no clue what you're talking about.

The Banks ARE the Private Sector. Banks 'borrow' money from the US Treasury and loan it out.

Banks borrow money from the Federal Reserve, not the US Treasury.

They make money on the difference between what they borrow it for and what they lend it for.

Now, if you want to complain about how difficult it is for Small Businesses to get loans these past few years... You'd have a point.

But I doubt that even entered your mind.

That is the very point I was making. You have a serious reading comprehension problem. The money channeled to the financial services sector is money being deprived from developing businesses. And that is what is causing slow growth.

And oh, Clinton signed Gramm-Leach-Billey into law.

Yes, and I plainly said Clinton, Bush, and the GOP Congress, now didn't I. Gramm, Leach, and Bliley were all Republicans.

I have discussed the FSMA at length on this board.

A momentary lapse on my part.

I don't see how you can sell that to anybody. How do Businesses acquire money if not through the Financial Sector?

The problem is, Banks were getting money from the Fed at .25% and then turning around and buying Treasuries that pay 1% for a no-risk profit of .75%. On BILLIONS of dollars, that's a fair amount of change.

If that's what you were trying to say, I agree.

But the only way I know of for Businesses to borrow money is through the Financial Sector.

Or from 'Vinnie'. :dunno:
I'm no better than libtards because I don't approve of policies that were deficit running "liberal lite" under Bush... Fucking crazy. I understand Obama is bad, I understand Obamacare is bad, but trusting Republicans to do better with their track record is LOLOLOLOZ.

Medicare part D is not as big of a disaster.... lol, yeah you fucking owned me right there!
You idiot, it was enacted when unemployment was 5%!

What's yer point? When Bush left office UE was on its way to 10%.... MedicareD is Obama's Obamacare.

No, it is not.

Do you know WHEN was it enacted?
Hi Rabbi,

i think not only you but also everybody with sound mind has predicted that Obama's economy policy will fail.

They already have. But it was predicted. About 1,000 economists took out an ad in the WSJ against the stimulus when it was proposed. And they were right.
Ok fuckwit. Where are Democrats and Republicans under Bush and Obama different.... Now remember, when you list Obamacare and I mention Medicare part D while I understand the programs are different they are the same in being a power grab for Government into our lives involving HC. I understand the difference, but you seem to think Bush's deficits good. Obama deficits bad, Bush HC grab good, Obama HC grab bad... Bush wars Good!!!! OBAMA WARS BAAAAD....

Is Libya different than Iraq? Sure!!! But both were unconstitutional wastes of money and lives that fall under "pointless illegal wars America does."

Stimulus, deficits, education, housing and so on are all relatively the same under Bush and Obama... Grow them, more money, more rules.

No, they ARE NOT. Not only because the programs have different scope, not only because they are covering a humungously different amount of people, not only because one is a strangle on particular businesses and the other is just additional spending inside the existing social program, but because THE TIME AND ECONOMY were TOTALLY different at the time of enactment!

Do you understand this simple concept?
Several years ago on these boards I predicted that Obama's policies combined with the Fed's would produce stagflation, rising prices with no increase in actual production. Looks like I was ahead of my time.

Sorry to rain on your parade Kreskin but:

Feb, 2008 Ron Paul (among others students of Austrian Economics) was predicting stagflation based on the trajectory of monetary and fiscal policy.

[ame=]Ron Paul Stagflation, Inflationary depression - YouTube[/ame]
Several years ago on these boards I predicted that Obama's policies combined with the Fed's would produce stagflation, rising prices with no increase in actual production. Looks like I was ahead of my time.

Sorry to rain on your parade Kreskin but:

Feb, 2008 Ron Paul (among others students of Austrian Economics) was predicting stagflation based on the trajectory of monetary and fiscal policy.

[ame=]Ron Paul Stagflation, Inflationary depression - YouTube[/ame]

In 2008 Ron Paul was terribly wrong.
Several years ago on these boards I predicted that Obama's policies combined with the Fed's would produce stagflation, rising prices with no increase in actual production. Looks like I was ahead of my time.

Sorry to rain on your parade Kreskin but:

Feb, 2008 Ron Paul (among others students of Austrian Economics) was predicting stagflation based on the trajectory of monetary and fiscal policy.

[ame=]Ron Paul Stagflation, Inflationary depression - YouTube[/ame]

In 2008 Ron Paul was terribly wrong.

Uh-huh..... :rolleyes:
Obama policy has failed?!? How bout passing some of it? The Jobs Act (1% growth)?- and not ruining the recovery with a brand new idea, the debt ceiling "CRISIS!!" and follow up sequester (1-1.5% cut in growth each). Hater dupes are functional morons.
From your post #16

Are you ready to admit I was correct?

Ok fuckwit. Where are Democrats and Republicans under Bush and Obama different.... Now remember, when you list Obamacare and I mention Medicare part D while I understand the programs are different they are the same in being a power grab for Government into our lives involving HC. I understand the difference, but you seem to think Bush's deficits good. Obama deficits bad, Bush HC grab good, Obama HC grab bad... Bush wars Good!!!! OBAMA WARS BAAAAD....

Is Libya different than Iraq? Sure!!! But both were unconstitutional wastes of money and lives that fall under "pointless illegal wars America does."

Stimulus, deficits, education, housing and so on are all relatively the same under Bush and Obama... Grow them, more money, more rules.

Neg rep for stupidity and a move to Ignore. You earned it, asshole.

And in the end you couldn't list the differences and how I was wrong. I might be an asshole but at least in this thread I was right.
Several years ago on these boards I predicted that Obama's policies combined with the Fed's would produce stagflation, rising prices with no increase in actual production. Looks like I was ahead of my time.

Sorry to rain on your parade Kreskin but:

Feb, 2008 Ron Paul (among others students of Austrian Economics) was predicting stagflation based on the trajectory of monetary and fiscal policy.

[ame=]Ron Paul Stagflation, Inflationary depression - YouTube[/ame]

In 2008 Ron Paul was terribly wrong.

Ron Paul > Rabbi

Sorry, it's just fact.

And for the record, this is all the prof I need to show how under Bush nothing was different than under Obama in regards to stagflation. As you can see, clearly, even under the great Bush, progressive policies that he enacted and expanded upon have had the same resualts as Obama's progressive policies.


  • $median_wages.jpg
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As I predicted, Stagflation here we come

So, your predictions have actually come true, not because they have yet, but because others agree with them?

Rabbi catching up with the rest of us librarians on understanding how bad the economy is is meaningless. Under Bush you (I assume) and many others claimed the lack of wadge growth was proof his polices were destructive, and you were correct. Bush was a Progressive liberal, he grew Government in all directions while spending more than we had. However, now, under Obama, the same policies "saved us from a depression" according you (I assume) and many other Obama-bots.

Once again you're correct, but what you failed to do is show your work. All Obama did was take a depression and turn it into a horrible never ending recession, while trying to build a new bubble.... In doing so he takes great risk (with almost absolute certainty) of putting the US in a Great Depression. That would be devastating after years of a "great recession."

In the end a Depression is needed to clear the bad investments, so it will occur. That's why at even 1 trillion a year + of Obama debt, and around 1 trillion a year of Ben Bernake debt, we have historically bad growth, they are fighting the inevitable, like gay marriage, it's gonna happen.

Ron Paul > Rabbi

Sorry, it's just fact.
Very true Avory but I also forgot to point out that;

With all due respect to Dr. Paul he was basing his predictions on what he learned from Austrian Business Cycle Theory which has been around long before anybody ever heard of Obama or Bush, gotta give credit where credit is due , three cheers for Hayek and Von Mises. :)
There is no doubt in any sane persons mind that Obamacare has stunted economic growth.

Obama's anti business policies are the other half of the equation.

Uncertainty + anti business policy = substandard economic growth.

It's not the whole story, but it is the most recent chapter...and the author will be penning the outline for the next chapter as well...
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But it is a situation in which the repubs share the blame.

Share the blame? They caused the problem and block anything that could fix any part of it.

Time and again we've challenged the USMB to give us some credible policies that would help the country and the ONLY the things they come up with:

Cut Taxes

It was GOP Deregulation the ruined the economy

It was the Bush tax cuts that gave us the largest share of the deficits. We are being taxed at historic lows.

The definition of insane is doing the same thing over again and expecting different results.

The weird thing is the base lets Republican congressmen take credit for creating hundreds of thousands of jobs using money from the Obama stimulus and then complain, the stimulus failed. While taking credit for the jobs it created. How can that be? Republicans are capable of anything. Seriously.
But it is a situation in which the repubs share the blame.

Share the blame? They caused the problem and block anything that could fix any part of it.

Time and again we've challenged the USMB to give us some credible policies that would help the country and the ONLY the things they come up with:

Cut Taxes

It was GOP Deregulation the ruined the economy

It was the Bush tax cuts that gave us the largest share of the deficits. We are being taxed at historic lows.

The definition of insane is doing the same thing over again and expecting different results.

The weird thing is the base lets Republican congressmen take credit for creating hundreds of thousands of jobs using money from the Obama stimulus and then complain, the stimulus failed. While taking credit for the jobs it created. How can that be? Republicans are capable of anything. Seriously.

And by deregulation Rtard means deregulation Clinton did. And by largest share of deficits Ratrd means by having programs we can't afford, like SS/MC/MC and the military welfare program that Obama gleefully expanded the shit out of.

That's what getting owned looks like Rtard.

And this is all Rabbi is, a different side to the same coin. Rabbi is blindly partisan to a degree where he blames 100% the stagflation that has been going on for around 10-15 years on fucking Obamacare. Ratard is blindly partisan to where he blames the GOP for shit mother fucking Clinton did while claiming tax cuts were an issue despiote Dems voting for them, passing new tax *credits* with the stimulus and extending the Bush era tax cuts.
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Ron Paul > Rabbi

Sorry, it's just fact.
Very true Avory but I also forgot to point out that;

With all due respect to Dr. Paul he was basing his predictions on what he learned from Austrian Business Cycle Theory which has been around long before anybody ever heard of Obama or Bush, gotta give credit where credit is due , three cheers for Hayek and Von Mises. :)

Except in 2008 Ron Paul was wrong. Sorry to all the Paul-fluffers.

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