As if the US Army doesn't already have enough problems...🤣

When I was a soldier protecting citizens was the last thing on our minds.
"Don't ask, don't tell" morphed into a total freakshow.

I'm sure our enemies are shuddering at the thought of our rainbow regiments, tranny troops & pup platoons.
Milley & Austin would get laughed at by our traditional generals like Washington, Grant, Lee, Sherman, Patton & McCarthur.

Hard to fight a war when the officers are dressed like a dog & begging for a bone
"Don't ask, don't tell" morphed into a total freakshow.

I'm sure our enemies are shuddering at the thought of our rainbow regiments, tranny troops & pup platoons.
Milley & Austin would get laughed at by our traditional generals like Washington, Grant, Lee, Sherman, Patton & McCarthur.

Hard to fight a war when the officers are dressed like a dog & begging for a bone
There were freaks in the army forty years ago, what kind of person contracts themselves out as a cheaply paid killer? All kinds...
My husband would have been pretty disgusted by this shit, as well as the concept that children who like to pretend they are not human get to demand that they be treated in class as whatever species they feel like on any given day. (Hubby was a teacher too.)


It's pretty unbelievable. And pretty hard to take. Those who really understand and love teaching know that children and teens need understanding, yes, but also, boundaries. This "restorative circles" that's supposed to be so good for children from chaotic backgrounds is destined to be another failure. No one, but especially not traumatized children--loves to be in a school with lax or no discipline where you can't predict from day to day what might happen.

US Army Col. Poses in Uniform with “Pup Mask” – Secret Army Pup Kink Patrol Exposed!​

"A secret group of “pups” and “pup handlers” in the US military have been exposed after some soldiers spoke out and didn’t want a coverup anymore..."

This kind of smells of fake news.

So, this Colonel removes his nametag from his uniform (Good move) but leaves on all his medals? Do you think they'd have a hard time matching O-6 to those awards?

The Army Service Ribbon would indicate he was enlisted at one point.
He would have also have attended Airborne and Air Assault School, so that eliminates a number of suspects.
Branch insignia is the Aviation Corps. That eliminates a lot of people.

They recruited me hard in high school, God knows why. Finally I got sick of the calls. One guy said "don't you want to serve your country?" I said, I'm going into teaching, so I think that's a way of serving.

He hung up and I never got called again.
I wanted to work on jets. Got my wish....

FF - First TAC Fighter Wing, Langley AFB Va.
It's pretty unbelievable. And pretty hard to take. Those who really understand and love teaching know that children and teens need understanding, yes, but also, boundaries. This "restorative circles" that's supposed to be so good for children from chaotic backgrounds is destined to be another failure. No one, but especially not traumatized children--loves to be in a school with lax or no discipline where you can't predict from day to day what might happen.

I agree.

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