As long as Jews control the media, we will never end immigration

$38 billion dollar care package to israel recently

Every penny of which goes straight back into the coffers of Lockheed, Boeing, General Dynamics, and the others. Military aid is a taxpayer-funded handout to the arms industry under the guise of altruism.

Israel tends to have great success with both imported and locally developed weapons systems. So, giving weapons to Israel is a guarantee of follow-on sales to the rest of the world.
I'm a rather talented Artist


Eye of the beholder ...
Fact = arrogance?

Arrogance is the belief that you're better than everyone else. It's not arrogance when you actually ARE better than everyone else.
Israel is 60 years old and is a state of the art nation.
India & Africa are shitholes after 40 years of US handouts.

If israel is state of the art, then why are we subsidizing it?
I wish we weren't because Israel would have been Arab free by now.
By the way, until 1967, world Jewry supported Israel, not the US.

Since '67 you've been freeloading off of us? That's 50 years!!
Here's an article by Israeli news Ynet, which admits to the disproportionate role of Jews under Stalin's regime.

Ynetnews Opinion - Stalin's Jews

And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the "bloodthirsty dwarf."

Yezhov was not Jewish but was blessed with an active Jewish wife. In his Book "Stalin: Court of the Red Star", Jewish historian Sebag Montefiore writes that during the darkest period of terror, when the Communist killing machine worked in full force, Stalin was surrounded by beautiful, young Jewish women.

Stalin's close associates and loyalists included member of the Central Committee and Politburo Lazar Kaganovich. Montefiore characterizes him as the "first Stalinist" and adds that those starving to death in Ukraine, an unparalleled tragedy in the history of human kind aside from the Nazi horrors and Mao's terror in China, did not move Kaganovich.

Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity. We'll mention just one more: Leonid Reichman, head of the NKVD's special department and the organization's chief interrogator, who was a particularly cruel sadist.

In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin.
Ever notice that almost nobody cares.
Just remember that Jews are the best at everything, including, unfortunately, murder.
Keep them in yeshiva.

Some arrogance to assume that Jews are best at everything, no?
Fact = arrogance?

For starters Jews aren't usually good at sports.

For enders Jews aren't good at all intellectual factors, they're not so good at engineering, technology, and invention.

All 3 of the above are not included in the Nobel Prize.
In terms of engineering, technology, and invention, are you on crack?
You better start reading up on what's going on in Israel.
The Days of Moshiah are approaching.

European are much better at engineering, technology, and invention than Jews.

Who's the Jewish version of Nikola Tesla, or Thomas Edison?
I think our politicians feel a sense of "entitlement" to be failures at diplomacy, Because they have recourse to our exorbitantly expensive, superpower.
In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin.

In 1956, according to published statistics, 98.37 percent of all white nationalists were brain-dead, inbred, bible-thumpin', cousin-humpin' morons.

That number has since doubled or tripled.

But all is not lost. If the US is smart, we will keep immigrants, including Jews and get rid of these brainless racist nutters.

Sent from my iPad using

LMFAO, but Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims all score lower IQ's than racists.

Nazi member Wernher Von Braun put a man on the Moon.

KKK member Borglum carved Mount Rushmoore.

Darwin who formulated Evolution, said the Fuegian Natives were hardly even Human.

Nikola Tesla who invented alternate current, the patents Marconi stole for radio, remote controls, and unmanned aerial vehicles, among other things talked about cleansing the World of savages.

Immanuel Kant the prized philosopher who put Blacks, and Native Americans as low hierarchy Humans.

James Watson who co-discovered DNA structure spoke of Blacks not being equal, and the other co-discoverer of DNA structure Francis Crick also touted of racial inequality.,

I'd dare you to list such accomplished Blacks, Hispanics, or Muslims?
Ever notice that almost nobody cares.
Just remember that Jews are the best at everything, including, unfortunately, murder.
Keep them in yeshiva.

Some arrogance to assume that Jews are best at everything, no?
Fact = arrogance?

For starters Jews aren't usually good at sports.

For enders Jews aren't good at all intellectual factors, they're not so good at engineering, technology, and invention.

All 3 of the above are not included in the Nobel Prize.
In terms of engineering, technology, and invention, are you on crack?
You better start reading up on what's going on in Israel.
The Days of Moshiah are approaching.

European are much better at engineering, technology, and invention than Jews.

Who's the Jewish version of Nikola Tesla, or Thomas Edison?
You mean when we we're being slaughtered in Europe and not allowed in Universities in the US or Europe?
We already had this discussion so you either have a bad memory or are being intellectually dishonest.
Since you are Polish, neither can be true.
Fact = arrogance?

Arrogance is the belief that you're better than everyone else. It's not arrogance when you actually ARE better than everyone else.
Israel is 60 years old and is a state of the art nation.
India & Africa are shitholes after 40 years of US handouts.

If israel is state of the art, then why are we subsidizing it?
I wish we weren't because Israel would have been Arab free by now.
By the way, until 1967, world Jewry supported Israel, not the US.

Since '67 you've been freeloading off of us? That's 50 years!!
Yep, and Israel isn't a Caste ridden shithole like India, still backwards like Africa or producing several hundred million terrorists a year like the Muslim countries the US is paying off to behave.
I'll give you blood lust. Nobody does bloodthirsty like you people. And nepotism, can't forget that. You people excel at nepotism. Oh, and then there is the deceit. <whistles> World. Class. Deceit.

But we give you a job and keep the rent low on your trailer ... You're welcome.

Vivid assumptions on your part... I can't speak for him... But... we're looking to buy a 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom house, with 3 decks, and a pool.
But... we're looking to buy a 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom house, with 3 decks, and a pool.

Yes ... everyone on the Internet is a Doctor / Lawyer / Astronaut (some are all three), married to a super model and living in a mansion.

Here's a clue for you ... if you're bragging about it, we know it's a lie.
Some arrogance to assume that Jews are best at everything, no?
Fact = arrogance?

For starters Jews aren't usually good at sports.

For enders Jews aren't good at all intellectual factors, they're not so good at engineering, technology, and invention.

All 3 of the above are not included in the Nobel Prize.
In terms of engineering, technology, and invention, are you on crack?
You better start reading up on what's going on in Israel.
The Days of Moshiah are approaching.

European are much better at engineering, technology, and invention than Jews.

Who's the Jewish version of Nikola Tesla, or Thomas Edison?
You mean when we we're being slaughtered in Europe and not allowed in Universities in the US or Europe?
We already had this discussion so you either have a bad memory or are being intellectually dishonest.
Since you are Polish, neither can be true.

Why are Ashkenazi Jews superior over Mizrahi Jews, and Sephardi Jews who are actually more Jewish than Ashkenazi Jews?
Why are Ashkenazi Jews superior over Mizrahi Jews, and Sephardi Jews who are actually more Jewish than Ashkenazi Jews?

I'm not surprised you have no idea what you're talking about ... given the only Jews you've ever met were your landlord, your boss, and your court-appointed attorney.
Fact = arrogance?

For starters Jews aren't usually good at sports.

For enders Jews aren't good at all intellectual factors, they're not so good at engineering, technology, and invention.

All 3 of the above are not included in the Nobel Prize.
In terms of engineering, technology, and invention, are you on crack?
You better start reading up on what's going on in Israel.
The Days of Moshiah are approaching.

European are much better at engineering, technology, and invention than Jews.

Who's the Jewish version of Nikola Tesla, or Thomas Edison?
You mean when we we're being slaughtered in Europe and not allowed in Universities in the US or Europe?
We already had this discussion so you either have a bad memory or are being intellectually dishonest.
Since you are Polish, neither can be true.

Why are Ashkenazi Jews superior over Mizrahi Jews, and Sephardi Jews who are actually more Jewish than Ashkenazi Jews?
It's called the Church; the Sephardi were free of the RCC.
All Hail the RCC!!!
Ashkenazi Jews are superior over Mizrahi Jews? Please explain.
But... we're looking to buy a 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom house, with 3 decks, and a pool.

Yes ... everyone on the Internet is a Doctor / Lawyer / Astronaut (some are all three), married to a super model and living in a mansion.

Here's a clue for you ... if you're bragging about it, we know it's a lie.

Both my parents were teachers, and by my father being a good teacher, and a teacher in jail, he made about $100,000 a year, had he not retired, he's probably make $115,000 today.

As for me, I don't really have to work, but I do so anyways.
But... we're looking to buy a 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom house, with 3 decks, and a pool.

Yes ... everyone on the Internet is a Doctor / Lawyer / Astronaut (some are all three), married to a super model and living in a mansion.

Here's a clue for you ... if you're bragging about it, we know it's a lie.

Both my parents were teachers, and by my father being a good teacher, and a teacher in jail, he made about $100,000 a year, had he not retired, he's probably make $115,000 today.

As for me, I don't really have to work, but I do so anyways.
Publishing anti-Jew and pro-Polish magazines?
For starters Jews aren't usually good at sports.

For enders Jews aren't good at all intellectual factors, they're not so good at engineering, technology, and invention.

All 3 of the above are not included in the Nobel Prize.
In terms of engineering, technology, and invention, are you on crack?
You better start reading up on what's going on in Israel.
The Days of Moshiah are approaching.

European are much better at engineering, technology, and invention than Jews.

Who's the Jewish version of Nikola Tesla, or Thomas Edison?
You mean when we we're being slaughtered in Europe and not allowed in Universities in the US or Europe?
We already had this discussion so you either have a bad memory or are being intellectually dishonest.
Since you are Polish, neither can be true.

Why are Ashkenazi Jews superior over Mizrahi Jews, and Sephardi Jews who are actually more Jewish than Ashkenazi Jews?
It's called the Church; the Sephardi were free of the RCC.
All Hail the RCC!!!
Ashkenazi Jews are superior over Mizrahi Jews? Please explain.

Sephardi Jews, and Mizrahi Jews score lower IQ's, and also have far less intellectual contributions, than Ashkenazi Jews.
Both my parents were teachers, and by my father being a good teacher, and a teacher in jail, he made about $100,000 a year, had he not retired, he's probably make $115,000 today.

As for me, I don't really have to work, but I do so anyways.

In terms of engineering, technology, and invention, are you on crack?
You better start reading up on what's going on in Israel.
The Days of Moshiah are approaching.

European are much better at engineering, technology, and invention than Jews.

Who's the Jewish version of Nikola Tesla, or Thomas Edison?
You mean when we we're being slaughtered in Europe and not allowed in Universities in the US or Europe?
We already had this discussion so you either have a bad memory or are being intellectually dishonest.
Since you are Polish, neither can be true.

Why are Ashkenazi Jews superior over Mizrahi Jews, and Sephardi Jews who are actually more Jewish than Ashkenazi Jews?
It's called the Church; the Sephardi were free of the RCC.
All Hail the RCC!!!
Ashkenazi Jews are superior over Mizrahi Jews? Please explain.

Sephardi Jews, and Mizrahi Jews score lower IQ's, and also have far less intellectual contributions, than Ashkenazi Jews.
Based on what comparisons?
My son-in-law is Sephardi and is very accomplished.
It's is difficult to keep up with Ashkenazi Jews as we are more inclined to compete with non-Jewish society.

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