As many as 10 dead in shooting at Batman premiere in Denver: reports

I was fixing breakfast and the little tv in the kitchen only has an antena, no cable access.

So, I turned on Chanel 6 (ABC) news.

OF COURSE, George Steffy Stephanopolis, suggested the guy was a Tea Party member!

What an asshole!

People are dying and this asshole has to try and make it about Obama or the Democrats.

Pisses me off!
I was fixing breakfast and the little tv in the kitchen only has an antena, no cable access.

So, I turned on Chanel 6 (ABC) news.

OF COURSE, George Steffy Stephanopolis, suggested the guy was a Tea Party member!

What an asshole!

People are dying and this asshole has to try and make it about Obama or the Democrats.

Pisses me off!

Don't worry, one of you fellow teabaggers tried to spin this tragedy into a bashing democrats/liberals issue at the beginning of the thread.
I was fixing breakfast and the little tv in the kitchen only has an antena, no cable access.

So, I turned on Chanel 6 (ABC) news.

OF COURSE, George Steffy Stephanopolis, suggested the guy was a Tea Party member!

What an asshole!

People are dying and this asshole has to try and make it about Obama or the Democrats.

Pisses me off!

He is a tool
Did Iranians do it?
No evidence but it seems it may have been a white bloke with a US driving licence so it could be.

Heads Up. Here is what was reported from Denver Channel 9 news earlier that someone captured online. Perp originally was said to be Iranian Immigrant Mohammad Alam. Now he has been morphed into James Holmes. Could this guy been a convert? The liberal media is burying the shooter's pic and real name. It would not surprise me if this was the case

Read the text of their news feed in the video. I bet this gets scrubbed real soon.

[ame=""]Perpetrator Identified as Iranian in Aurora Shooting [07/20/2012] - YouTube[/ame]

Well that's weird because Chanel 6 (ABC) suggested it was a terror attack and made it out like he was muslim then five minutes later, they said he was James Holmes and suggested he belonged to the TEA PARTY!

They were all over the freaking place.

(As an asside, I am so deaf, that when the girl on skype started talking, I thought she said Toledo, not Colorado. When my hubby came down I said, "People got shot right here in Ohio!" And my husband set me straight that it was Colorado! DOH!)
I was fixing breakfast and the little tv in the kitchen only has an antena, no cable access.

So, I turned on Chanel 6 (ABC) news.

OF COURSE, George Steffy Stephanopolis, suggested the guy was a Tea Party member!

What an asshole!

People are dying and this asshole has to try and make it about Obama or the Democrats.

Pisses me off!

Don't worry, one of you fellow teabaggers tried to spin this tragedy into a bashing democrats/liberals issue at the beginning of the thread.

Oh nice try, a-hole! There is a big difference between someone on a political board, and the FORMER PRESS SPOKESMAN FOR THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!

Keep trying, idiot!
I was fixing breakfast and the little tv in the kitchen only has an antena, no cable access.

So, I turned on Chanel 6 (ABC) news.

OF COURSE, George Steffy Stephanopolis, suggested the guy was a Tea Party member!

What an asshole!

People are dying and this asshole has to try and make it about Obama or the Democrats.

Pisses me off!

Don't worry, one of you fellow teabaggers tried to spin this tragedy into a bashing democrats/liberals issue at the beginning of the thread.
Noomi is a teabagger?

Who knew?

Fuck off, evil hack.
they have the kid.

you know hes a nutter.

this is why improved mental health care is in everyones best interest
I was fixing breakfast and the little tv in the kitchen only has an antena, no cable access.

So, I turned on Chanel 6 (ABC) news.

OF COURSE, George Steffy Stephanopolis, suggested the guy was a Tea Party member!

What an asshole!

People are dying and this asshole has to try and make it about Obama or the Democrats.

Pisses me off!

Don't worry, one of you fellow teabaggers tried to spin this tragedy into a bashing democrats/liberals issue at the beginning of the thread.
Noomi is a teabagger?

Who knew?

Fuck off, evil hack.

Mudwhistle you filthy teabagger piece of shit.
I hope to hell there in NO poltical connection.

If this kid starts saying crap about Rush then it will really be bad
I was fixing breakfast and the little tv in the kitchen only has an antena, no cable access.

So, I turned on Chanel 6 (ABC) news.

OF COURSE, George Steffy Stephanopolis, suggested the guy was a Tea Party member!

What an asshole!

People are dying and this asshole has to try and make it about Obama or the Democrats.

Pisses me off!

Don't worry, one of you fellow teabaggers tried to spin this tragedy into a bashing democrats/liberals issue at the beginning of the thread.
Noomi is a teabagger?

Who knew?

Fuck off, evil hack.

He's an idiot.

I'm GLAD my eldest works for a theater.

She got to see the "Dark Knight Rises " yesterday at 10:00 a.m.

(yeah, I know, you all hate her. I told her, when she told me she was going to see the Dark Knight Rises, 14 hours before anyone else, that I love her, but she sucks! :lol::lol::lol::lol: )

I want to see the movie real bad, but I'm afraid to take the other kiddie to see it now!

Her name was Jessica... :(

I am trying to figure out what the best way to remove this Shit from the Earth would be?...


Did Iranians do it?
No evidence but it seems it may have been a white bloke with a US driving licence so it could be.

Heads Up. Here is what was reported from Denver Channel 9 news earlier that someone captured online. Perp originally was said to be Iranian Immigrant Mohammad Alam. Now he has been morphed into James Holmes. Could this guy been a convert? The liberal media is burying the shooter's pic and real name. It would not surprise me if this was the case

Read the text of their news feed in the video. I bet this gets scrubbed real soon.


It's been widely reported the shooter was a white male with tennessee plates on his car. Why is the right wing media hiding that?

Could it have been a teabagger whacked out on meth that went on the rampage because Limbaugh said the new batman movie was a conspiracy against Romney, as the villains name was "bane?"

I'll post the photo again because that accusation is just as ridiculous as yours,...


I expected this to happen. It wasn't a matter of if it would happen but when.

John Homes, James Holmes, John Smith. Doesn't matter. The Drivebys want you to assume it's some butt picking NASCAR loving Red-neck gun enthusiast. The Ft Hood shooter was declared a lone assailant and it was immediately called an isolated incident, which proved not to be true.

Regardless, the fact may eventually come out, but the media won't wait.
Don't worry, one of you fellow teabaggers tried to spin this tragedy into a bashing democrats/liberals issue at the beginning of the thread.
Noomi is a teabagger?

Who knew?

Fuck off, evil hack.

He's an idiot.

I'm GLAD my eldest works for a theater.

She got to see the "Dark Knight Rises " yesterday at 10:00 a.m.

(yeah, I know, you all hate her. I told her, when she told me she was going to see the Dark Knight Rises, 14 hours before anyone else, that I love her, but she sucks! :lol::lol::lol::lol: )

I want to see the movie real bad, but I'm afraid to take the other kiddie to see it now!

You cant predict a insane asshole....You should never curb your life cause of some asshole was insane.
He's an idiot.

I'm GLAD my eldest works for a theater.

She got to see the "Dark Knight Rises " yesterday at 10:00 a.m.

(yeah, I know, you all hate her. I told her, when she told me she was going to see the Dark Knight Rises, 14 hours before anyone else, that I love her, but she sucks! :lol::lol::lol::lol: )

I want to see the movie real bad, but I'm afraid to take the other kiddie to see it now!

Nobody cares
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I hope to hell there in NO poltical connection.

If this kid starts saying crap about Rush then it will really be bad
I agree, TM.

With the hackery in this country having the MAIN aim to divide, I hope so too.

This is horrible stuff. But, based on the limited info out, it seems clear that one motivation is clear - this person wanted to do a lot of damage.

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