As many as 10 dead in shooting at Batman premiere in Denver: reports

Would this have happened if guns were banned in the US?

Why do President Obama and the Democrats insist on attacking white males whose only crime is in exercising their god given, Constitutional right to shoot innocent people? :mad:

Why do you insist they can kill innocent babies? By the way....You go to jail for shooting a innocent person but do you go to jail for killing a innocent baby still in the womb?????
Noomi is a teabagger?

Who knew?

Fuck off, evil hack.

He's an idiot.

I'm GLAD my eldest works for a theater.

She got to see the "Dark Knight Rises " yesterday at 10:00 a.m.

(yeah, I know, you all hate her. I told her, when she told me she was going to see the Dark Knight Rises, 14 hours before anyone else, that I love her, but she sucks! :lol::lol::lol::lol: )

I want to see the movie real bad, but I'm afraid to take the other kiddie to see it now!

Nobody cares

Well, you are finally right about something. You are a nobody!

You lib idiots are going to have to learn. You can't out one line me!

High Five Everyone! :D

I was fixing breakfast and the little tv in the kitchen only has an antena, no cable access.

So, I turned on Chanel 6 (ABC) news.

OF COURSE, George Steffy Stephanopolis, suggested the guy was a Tea Party member!

What an asshole!

People are dying and this asshole has to try and make it about Obama or the Democrats.

Pisses me off!

Don't worry, one of you fellow teabaggers tried to spin this tragedy into a bashing democrats/liberals issue at the beginning of the thread.

One of you libs started in on gun ownership in post #2.

They may have been provoked.
I was fixing breakfast and the little tv in the kitchen only has an antena, no cable access.

So, I turned on Chanel 6 (ABC) news.

OF COURSE, George Steffy Stephanopolis, suggested the guy was a Tea Party member!

What an asshole!

People are dying and this asshole has to try and make it about Obama or the Democrats.

Pisses me off!

Don't worry, one of you fellow teabaggers tried to spin this tragedy into a bashing democrats/liberals issue at the beginning of the thread.

One of you libs started in on gun ownership in post #2.

They may have been provoked.

Do those idiots ever consider if other people had, had guns, they could have SHOT BACK, instead of just having to run and dodge bullets?
Would this have happened if guns were banned in the US?

Why do President Obama and the Democrats insist on attacking white males whose only crime is in exercising their god given, Constitutional right to shoot innocent people? :mad:

Why do you insist they can kill innocent babies? By the way....You go to jail for shooting a innocent person but do you go to jail for killing a innocent baby still in the womb?????

because fetuses don't have fully developed brains? people like you are case studies for how abortion and assisted suicide could benefit society by thinning the herd of idiots and imbeciles.
I was fixing breakfast and the little tv in the kitchen only has an antena, no cable access.

So, I turned on Chanel 6 (ABC) news.

OF COURSE, George Steffy Stephanopolis, suggested the guy was a Tea Party member!

What an asshole!

People are dying and this asshole has to try and make it about Obama or the Democrats.

Pisses me off!

Don't worry, one of you fellow teabaggers tried to spin this tragedy into a bashing democrats/liberals issue at the beginning of the thread.

One of you libs started in on gun ownership in post #2.

They may have been provoked.

while the australian dingbat immediately derailed this thread, you upped the inanity with your post. and you know it.
I was fixing breakfast and the little tv in the kitchen only has an antena, no cable access.

So, I turned on Chanel 6 (ABC) news.

OF COURSE, George Steffy Stephanopolis, suggested the guy was a Tea Party member!

What an asshole!

People are dying and this asshole has to try and make it about Obama or the Democrats.

Pisses me off!

Don't worry, one of you fellow teabaggers tried to spin this tragedy into a bashing democrats/liberals issue at the beginning of the thread.

One of you libs started in on gun ownership in post #2.

They may have been provoked.
And, I negged the bitch for it.
I think the real issue here is how strict gun restrictions are already. If a law abiding citizen had been packing in that theater it would have been much less of a tragedy.
is the sale of bullet-proof vests regulated in colorado?
Word is Democrats were planning on taking advantage of the release of this movie, using the villain's name "Bane" against Mitt Romney.

Rotten Tomatoes received so many nasty comments on their site under the review of the movie that they had to shut it down.

The movie is about Batman's conflict over becoming Batman again. Bane shows up takes control of the League of Shadows and starts killing people and sets off a chain of explosions. Then he grabs a bunch of Rich people and puts them on trial after dragged them from their homes. Gotham regresses into anarchy and the city is sealed off from the rest of the world. Batman supposedly is killed in the battle with Bane and his possessions divided up. Batman isn't dead. He and cat woman skip out on Gotham and retire to France.

Most OWS folks would call this a great movie with a happy ending.

I'm sure the left will take full advantage of the massacre in Colorado just like they did the Columbine massacre.

Hmmmm...getting in first?
Why do President Obama and the Democrats insist on attacking white males whose only crime is in exercising their god given, Constitutional right to shoot innocent people? :mad:

Why do you insist they can kill innocent babies? By the way....You go to jail for shooting a innocent person but do you go to jail for killing a innocent baby still in the womb?????

because fetuses don't have fully developed brains? people like you are case studies for how abortion and assisted suicide could benefit society by thinning the herd of idiots and imbeciles.

You don't have a fully developed brain does that mean you are not human?
There is also a report he was an occupy wall street member pissed off at negative mentions in the film.

In other words - the press is just printing any shit they think of that they think will sell advertising for their shitty outlets.
I think the real issue here is how strict gun restrictions are already. If a law abiding citizen had been packing in that theater it would have been much less of a tragedy.

maybe. maybe not. but I would like to be able to defend myself with an equalizer :eusa_angel:
I hope to hell there in NO poltical connection.

If this kid starts saying crap about Rush then it will really be bad
I agree, TM.

With the hackery in this country having the MAIN aim to divide, I hope so too.

This is horrible stuff. But, based on the limited info out, it seems clear that one motivation is clear - this person wanted to do a lot of damage.

the young man is insane.

that is the ONLY reason people do this.

they have him in custody and he will be able to tell his story.

I hope its not political.
Who takes a 3 yr old to a night time movie?

and there are many blacks in the theater. Is the shooter white?
White male driving a truck with TN plates.

In the liberal mind - Red-neck clinging to his gun and his religion

May turn out to be an Iranian terrorist but it will take weeks to find out for sure. Doesn't matter. The slimy fucks in the MSM will push that he is a Tea Party member. Tim McVeigh was an anti-social anarchist that hated this country, still the left believes he was a conservative.

ABC has just said a Tea Party member names James Holmes has a web-site. Don't know if it's true or not.

My how convenient.

I wish they would do their jobs and find out who Obama was raised by and what he's up to.

Like I said the Democrats planned on using this movie for political purposes. I just didn't think they'd stoop this low.
I think the real issue here is how strict gun restrictions are already. If a law abiding citizen had been packing in that theater it would have been much less of a tragedy.

maybe. maybe not. but I would like to be able to defend myself with an equalizer :eusa_angel:

I swear to hell if Im ever in this type of situation Im going to jump the fucker.

Im going to jump the fucker and gouge their fucking eyes out with my bare hands.

Im old enough to die and I will not run and hide when some nutter is shooting kids.

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