As Minnesota goes (demographically), so goes the Nation


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
As Minnesota goes (demographically), so goes the Nation
Posted by Ann Corcoran on April 8, 2015

Here is a long article published originally at Brookings basically warning America that the white population is fading out, getting old, retiring and dying off and we better darn well educate the immigrants in order to replace us in the workforce.


So far, it isn’t going well as we learned just the other day that half of the Somali population of Minnesota lives in poverty.

Here are a few snips from the beginning of the story (I don’t have the time or patience to read it all!).

Refugee resettlement is named as one of the main reasons for the demographic shift in Minnesota (thank Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Service and World Relief renamed Arrive Ministries for that! See here!).

Minnesota and the surrounding states of the upper Midwest are experiencing a demographic revolution. Yet that fact and its significance are just beginning to sink in, which is why many residents of the greater Minneapolis-St. Paul area, whatever their own ethnicity, still refer to their community matter-of-factly as “lily white.” And while it’s true that with a 78% Caucasian population the Twin Cities are still far less ethnically diverse than other parts of the United States—among them the far West and Southeast as well as gateway cities and multicultural hubs like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, San Francisco, and Miami—it’s also becoming less true with every passing year. One big reason: immigration.


As former Minneapolis mayor R.T. Rybak says, “Our diversity is more diverse” than many other places because the state in general, and Minneapolis-St. Paul in particular, have been hubs of refugee resettlement for decades. The region has twice the share of immigrants from Southeast Asia as the United States as a whole (21% versus 10% of the immigrant population), and five times the share of immigrants from Africa as the nation as a whole (21% versus 4%).

Minnesota is home to Mexicans, Hmong, Indians, Vietnamese, Somalis, Liberians, and Ethiopians. Its people of color also include American-born Native Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and African-Americans. According to the State Demographic Center, the Asian, black, and Hispanic populations in the state tripled between 1990 and 2010, while the white population grew by less than 10%. This trend will continue: From 2010 to 2030, the number of people of color is expected to grow twice as quickly as the number of whites. As Minnesota and the region go, so goes the nation, which is also becoming ever more diversified, with an overall decline in the percentage of whites, and increase in people of color.

Read it all if you feel like it!

Got a grandchild born today? When that child is 30, America will be a very different place.

Now this is what genocide looks like...Liberals would have a fucking heartattack if a African nation was being replaced like this.
Hispanics are by and large caucasian. Changes everything doesn't it?

For some bizarre reason there's been this real drum beat on the left to try to convince us all that as whites/caucasians we are an endangered species.

I know from the census numbers, I'm not sweating it.

And they don't realize their true faces are showing...
Hispanics are by and large caucasian. Changes everything doesn't it?

For some bizarre reason there's been this real drum beat on the left to try to convince us all that as whites/caucasians we are an endangered species.

I know from the census numbers, I'm not sweating it.

Like I said there's been this real drum beat on the left to somehow turn "hispanic" into a race. It's not.

It's a word that represents people of mutual linguistic and ethnic heritage.

Now I'm not pulling an Alex Jones here, but I believe the reason the left has been so obsessed with trying to create this new "race" is to start fudging numbers to create this illusion that we are dying off as "whiteys" and consequently diminishing our voting power our buying power etc.

Basically to write us off as an unimportant race in the demographics game.

I found this article awhile ago. The author is in an absolute panic that hispanics identify with being white. It's a kick ass eyeopener that I believe validates my feelings that the drive to make hispanic a race is by design.

If you get a chance to read it, you can feel how frustrated and angry the author is. Worth the read.

Why are Hispanics identifying as white?
By Eric Liu

Updated 9:51 AM ET, Fri May 30, 2014

Opinion Why are Hispanics identifying as white -

Just check out this one paragraph because you can feel his panic.


"Some news reports suggested that Hispanics, rather than solidifying a distinct ethnic identity and becoming the driving force of a "majority-minority" future, might instead try to be just the latest group of immigrants, such as Italians or Jews, to "become white."

Such a shift, if it's real, has potentially big implications.


Eric Liu
Think about national politics, where the Republican Party plays to a shrinking, aging and increasingly anxious base of white voters. If large numbers of Hispanics were to start thinking of themselves as white, that could alter the calculations and rhetoric of the GOP."

I don't give a flying fuck as to the racial makeup of America.

What does frighten me is the increasing numbers of residents in this country (legal and otherwise) who could give a rat's ass about our Constitution, our Laws, or our future as a Nation of free peoples who care to comport themselves with a dignity that fosters common good and collective pride.

Since 2008 this once great Nation has slowly been flushing itself down the proverbial shitter.
I don't give a flying fuck as to the racial makeup of America.

What does frighten me is the increasing numbers of residents in this country (legal and otherwise) who could give a rat's ass about our Constitution, our Laws, or our future as a Nation of free peoples who care to comport themselves with a dignity that fosters common good and collective pride.

Since 2008 this once great Nation has slowly been flushing itself down the proverbial shitter.

The left are obsessed with race and identity politcs. It's unreal. Every individual is a "category".

Everyone is hyphenated. And this is the lefts doing. I remember when everyone was wonderfully "American".

These are sad days indeed and I truly miss the past.
I don't give a flying fuck as to the racial makeup of America.

What does frighten me is the increasing numbers of residents in this country (legal and otherwise) who could give a rat's ass about our Constitution, our Laws, or our future as a Nation of free peoples who care to comport themselves with a dignity that fosters common good and collective pride.

Since 2008 this once great Nation has slowly been flushing itself down the proverbial shitter.

The left are obsessed with race and identity politcs. It's unreal. Every individual is a "category".

Everyone is hyphenated. And this is the lefts doing. I remember when everyone was wonderfully "American".

These are sad days indeed and I truly miss the past.
Sex used to be a lot less confusing too.

Nowadays, we seem to all but canonize sex with everything from infants to office copiers.
Hispanics are by and large caucasian. Changes everything doesn't it?

For some bizarre reason there's been this real drum beat on the left to try to convince us all that as whites/caucasians we are an endangered species.

I know from the census numbers, I'm not sweating it.


No, Hispanics are a mix. It's not about race anyway it's about our culture.

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