As Much As I REALLY Hate To Admit It, I Think Republicans Need A New Candidate

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
And that's coming from a pretty big Trump supporter. It seems like a Trump organization just got into major trouble and now Trump endorsed candidates lost the midterm election. I will definitely vote for him if given no alternative, but at this point I'm not really sure if he'll get enough votes to win.

Ron DeSantis is my top pick anyways and I really think he should run because he would probably win in a landslide as a lot of people like him, but I just don't think enough people like Trump anymore. Or not as many as there used to be since I know he still has a lot of supporters.
And that's coming from a pretty big Trump supporter. It seems like a Trump organization just got into major trouble and now Trump endorsed candidates lost the midterm election. I will definitely vote for him if given no alternative, but at this point I'm not really sure if he'll get enough votes to win.

Ron DeSantis is my top pick anyways and I really think he should run because he would probably win in a landslide as a lot of people like him, but I just don't think enough people like Trump anymore. Or not as many as there used to be since I know he still has a lot of supporters.
About 180 Trump endorsed candidates won.
I don't believe endorsements mean anything.
About 180 Trump endorsed candidates won.
I don't believe endorsements mean anything.

Don't get me wrong, it would be wonderful if he could pull it off,... I guess we'll just have to wait for 2024 to find out as he might possibly surprise me.
Of course like I said before I believe that DeSantis is the much better choice, but I don't think he's running.
No GOP is going to win, the only difference is that the MSM and GOP will say "see, America doesn't like these policies!" If he runs and loses.
Trump didn’t do a bad job in office in terms of policy and metrics and appointments…. SOME appointments. He should have fired quite a few more people. It’s even what he was fucking known for, his TV catchphrase, and he didn’t fire nearly enough of these assholes…

His personality is dismal

His communication skills are dismal
It was shocking that he won the 2016 nomination and I thought he was doomed going up against Hillary, then he won, which was the most fabulous thing, saving us from falling on that godawful grenade… and he had earned good graces and good faith and all that.

If he could just behave like an adult.

If he could just do that some of the time, he would still be President. But he can’t. He can’t do it.

Yeah he wasn’t treated fairly, and he still isn’t, but Democrats do this to everyone - if it wasn’t him it would be someone else they abuse and defame. I’m not the only one old enough to remember how fuckface VP Biden said Mitt Romney wanted to put black people in chains and it was a laugh / applause like for the sick stupid fucks in that audience instead of what it was vile and contemptuous.

He gave them too much ammo though with his demeanor and unclear communication, and he should have learned at some point when he had the most powerful job in the world to just… shut up and be above it all, be presidential.

So anyway, yeah DeSantis, sounds good. I was for Rand Paul 2016, and he’s still great. By the time it got to Texas it was Rubio, Ted, or Donald, so Ted for me since Rand was out. Rubio’s not… awful but not as solid a conservative. Donald had no record whatsoever as a conservative, so… yeah.
I don't know about that. DeSantis crushed his governor competition. I honestly believe that he could win.

Not a chance in hell unfortunately. GOP can't get over the election rules on PA, AZ and other places that used to be purple or outright Conservative. If the 2020 election didn't confirm that mail in ballots would sink Trump, something I predicted immediately upon it being announced; 2022 proved without a shadow of a doubt.

Cheney can lose in record fashion but other pro-Trump policy people can't win, including a doctor losing to a guy who had a stroke?

The GOP Establishment don't want to win anything outside their own individual seats. Voters get it.
Not a chance in hell unfortunately. GOP can't get over the election rules on PA, AZ and other places that used to be purple or outright Conservative. If the 2020 election didn't confirm that mail in ballots would sink Trump, something I predicted immediately upon it being announced; 2022 proved without shadow of a doubt.

Cheney can lose in record fashion but other pro-Trump policy people can't win, including those a doctor losing to a guy who had a stroke?

The GOP Establishment don't want to win anything outside their own individual seats. Voters get it.
I agree.
Within 2 years the US will be inundated with unverified mail-in ballots and no R will win the Oval Office again.
About 180 Trump endorsed candidates won.

Photo Jun 21, 11 13 15 AM.png
True dat!

Anybody can mock a simple statement of fact. But that doesn’t mean diddly shit. Facts don’t care about people’s feelings about them.
By the way, Horse keeps attacking everybody by saying they're not lawyers, inferring that he is.
Ahhhhh, how I love Trumpster defeatism late in the afternoons.

You really want to know what funny?
When someone here posted it 2 weeks ago, you didn't comment.

You really want to know what's funny?

Your bullshit spin.

Your "180 candidates" are comprised of almost all primary endorsements and general election candidates in deep red districts they couldn't lose if they tried.

Here is the record that MATTERS:

And Lombardo is a pretty regular guy who stuck to the issues and Johnson is a two term incumbent. And Walker ended up losing. THOSE endorsements cost Republicans the Senate and a bunch of gubernatorial races, but you ALREADY KNEW THAT when you posted your bullshit.

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