As predicted, Obamacare premiums MUCH HIGHER for men than women

Even the mainstream rag Forbes admits it. Democrats have a war on men just like their war on children. To democrats only women, blacks and illegals count.

Double Down: Obamacare Will Increase Avg. Individual-Market Insurance Premiums By 99% For Men, 62% For Women - Forbes


For months now, we’ve been waiting to hear how much Obamacare will drive up the cost of health insurance for people who purchase coverage on their own. Last night, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services finally began to provide some data on how Americans will fare on Obamacare’s federally-sponsored insurance exchanges. HHS’ press release is full of happy talk about how premiums will be “lower than originally expected.” But the reality is starkly different.

Based on a Manhattan Institute analysis of the HHS numbers, Obamacare will increase underlying insurance rates for younger men by an average of 97 to 99 percent, and for younger women by an average of 55 to 62 percent. Worst off is North Carolina, which will see individual-market rates triple for women, and quadruple for men.

First thought......the premiums were higher for YOUNG women to begin they are the same. Thus increasing more for YOUNG men than young women. Is that the problem?

Overall, for young people, the premiums may be higher, but subsidies will be available to cover the increase for those who meet the income requirement. More bitching about nothing.

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Basically I can tell you this, the lower cost employee will get and hold the job, the more expensive and/or high risk employee will drown in their own jobless filth.
Because liberals think the public should pay for women's sex lives.
they ain't having sex that gets them pregnant without the man's 100% I guess the public is paying for the man's sex life too, eh?:eusa_whistle:
So let the man pay for it ffs! Whatever ditzy point you're trying to make is way beyond me.
Just that IF ''liberals think the public should pay for women's sex lives'' as you stated was the case, then you should also note that 'liberals think the public should pay for men's sex lives' too.... she ain't having sex alone and getting pregnant all by her lonesome... so why single the ''woman'' out?

Men have a higher risk of serious illness than women...hence the higher premiums.

Same effect as with auto insurance.
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I don't recall anybody bitching here when they were much higher for women than men.

Then you are ignorant. It's even against the law.

I. Don't. Recall. Anyone. Here. Bitching. When. Premiums. Were. Much. Higher. For. Women. Than. For. Men.

Your response has not jack shit to do with my comment.
it has everything to do with right wing bloggers ...
There shouldn't be. Women, especially in their child-bearing years, are far mores taxing on health resources.

Why shouldn't this cost more?
Because liberals think the public should pay for women's sex lives.

don't ya get tired of these ignorant republietards .... no liberal has ever said the public should pay for their sex lives ... where ever you get this crap stop going there
...premiums are now going to be the same for men and women.


Premiums will be different for everyone. It will depend on your income, your health, your state of residence, your age, etc.,........

BTW, premiums for women will triple and premiums for men will quadruple.

Obama lied about Obamacare not raising taxes one dime. He also lied when he said it lowers premiums by $2500 per family. A family of four will have to pay $282/mo. However this has to be subsidized by taxpayer money to arrive at this $282/mo. cost.

Also, a "Death Panel" of 15 unelected officials will decide if you will get that surgery you needed to get rid of all of the pain you've been putting up with for years. Thus Obama's statement that you'll just have to take a pill is coming true.
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Even the mainstream rag Forbes admits it. Democrats have a war on men just like their war on children. To democrats only women, blacks and illegals count.

Double Down: Obamacare Will Increase Avg. Individual-Market Insurance Premiums By 99% For Men, 62% For Women - Forbes


For months now, we’ve been waiting to hear how much Obamacare will drive up the cost of health insurance for people who purchase coverage on their own. Last night, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services finally began to provide some data on how Americans will fare on Obamacare’s federally-sponsored insurance exchanges. HHS’ press release is full of happy talk about how premiums will be “lower than originally expected.” But the reality is starkly different.

Based on a Manhattan Institute analysis of the HHS numbers, Obamacare will increase underlying insurance rates for younger men by an average of 97 to 99 percent, and for younger women by an average of 55 to 62 percent. Worst off is North Carolina, which will see individual-market rates triple for women, and quadruple for men.

First thought......the premiums were higher for YOUNG women to begin they are the same. Thus increasing more for YOUNG men than young women. Is that the problem?

Overall, for young people, the premiums may be higher, but subsidies will be available to cover the increase for those who meet the income requirement. More bitching about nothing.


Who will pay for the subsidies?

More bitching about nothing, my ass.
...premiums are now going to be the same for men and women.

How about a link that shows this.

It's U.S. law now, thanks to the ACA. Gender rating is out. Only four factors can be considered for individual rating and gender isn't one of them.

42 USC § 300gg - Fair health insurance premiums
(a)  1 Prohibiting discriminatory premium rates
(1) In general
With respect to the premium rate charged by a health insurance issuer for health insurance coverage offered in the individual or small group market—
(A) such rate shall vary with respect to the particular plan or coverage involved only by—
(i) whether such plan or coverage covers an individual or family;
(ii) rating area, as established in accordance with paragraph (2);
(iii) age, except that such rate shall not vary by more than 3 to 1 for adults (consistent with section 300gg–6 (c) of this title); and
(iv) tobacco use, except that such rate shall not vary by more than 1.5 to 1​
...premiums are now going to be the same for men and women.

How about a link that shows this.

It's U.S. law now, thanks to the ACA. Gender rating is out. Only four factors can be considered for individual rating and gender isn't one of them.

42 USC § 300gg - Fair health insurance premiums
(a)  1 Prohibiting discriminatory premium rates
(1) In general
With respect to the premium rate charged by a health insurance issuer for health insurance coverage offered in the individual or small group market—
(A) such rate shall vary with respect to the particular plan or coverage involved only by—
(i) whether such plan or coverage covers an individual or family;
(ii) rating area, as established in accordance with paragraph (2);
(iii) age, except that such rate shall not vary by more than 3 to 1 for adults (consistent with section 300gg–6 (c) of this title); and
(iv) tobacco use, except that such rate shall not vary by more than 1.5 to 1​

Did Congress change that or did he just pencil-whip it?

Is it legal for the POTUS to change a law after it's passed and signed?


Why don't we have different premiums for Democrats and Republicans.

The higher ones for Democrats. They voted for this POS, so they can pay for the friggen thing.
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The number one complaint will soon be that anyone who didn't want insurance will still have to pay a fine through the IRS. So everyone is going to get screwed and they don't even know it yet.
Did Congress change that or did he just pencil-whip it?

Congress changed it. There was this big thing in the news a couple years ago--it's called the Affordable Care Act--that reformed the health insurance and health care systems. Made all the newspapers.

One of the things it did is change the way insurers can rate health plans. Charging women different premiums for the same plan solely on the basis of their gender will no longer be allowed.
Did Congress change that or did he just pencil-whip it?

Congress changed it. There was this big thing in the news a couple years ago--it's called the Affordable Care Act--that reformed the health insurance and health care systems. Made all the newspapers.

One of the things it did is change the way insurers can rate health plans. Charging women different premiums for the same plan solely on the basis of their gender will no longer be allowed.

But you can use just about any other criteria to charge different premiums imaginable. Not to mention the fact that Congress made sure they won't have to fall under the law.

Honestly, I don't believe you. The biggest knock against this law is nothing seems to be written in stone. Nothing.
Interestingly enough, lots of people are bitching about Obamacare, but it hasn't even been started yet.

Obamacare doesn't start until October 1st.
Interestingly enough, lots of people are bitching about Obamacare, but it hasn't even been started yet.

Obamacare doesn't start until October 1st.

What is more interesting is Obama waited 4 years to start it.

If he hadn't he wouldn't be president today most likely.

Also, when all of those wavers expire all hell is going to break loose.

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