As predicted, Obamacare premiums MUCH HIGHER for men than women

Tell ya what PudWhistler ( smoke on the Johnson), come back in around 6 months and tell us all how much the nation hates Obamacare.

Even Ted Cruz has stated that when people see the benefit, they won't want to see it repealed.

Sorry, but the GOP is gonna lose big in 2014.
...premiums are now going to be the same for men and women.

What about Gays, since they won't be having any kids, Gays should get a discount as they won't be a drag on the company's healthcare as a heterosexual would ............ having 3 teenage daughters needing papsmears and all that nonsense is expensive.

Right up till they get AIDS......:eusa_whistle:
Tell ya what PudWhistler ( smoke on the Johnson), come back in around 6 months and tell us all how much the nation hates Obamacare.

Even Ted Cruz has stated that when people see the benefit, they won't want to see it repealed.

Sorry, but the GOP is gonna lose big in 2014.

So you're admitting you hate Gays.

Thanks for the input.
Obama just now is releasing the costs of premiums. Just a few days before they take effect.

He doesn't even have the balls to show the real costs without subsidies.

Again, I don't think he'd be president today if he had done this in say, 2010. We've been waiting over 4 years for this SOB to come through and now everyone's finding out in bits and pieces just exactly how much they are getting screwed.
...premiums are now going to be the same for men and women.

What about Gays, since they won't be having any kids, Gays should get a discount as they won't be a drag on the company's healthcare as a heterosexual would ............ having 3 teenage daughters needing papsmears and all that nonsense is expensive.

They get AIDS, need counseling & want a sex changes.
Tell ya what PudWhistler ( smoke on the Johnson), come back in around 6 months and tell us all how much the nation hates Obamacare.

Even Ted Cruz has stated that when people see the benefit, they won't want to see it repealed.

Sorry, but the GOP is gonna lose big in 2014.

So you're admitting you hate Gays.

Thanks for the input.

Nope..............I don't hate gays, I just don't like small minded people such as yourself.
The only winners I can see in the ACA are the ones we taxpayers will be subsidizing. Seems we'll be subsidizing quite a few.

Wonder what happens when the tax money is gone??
Interestingly enough, lots of people are bitching about Obamacare, but it hasn't even been started yet.

Obamacare doesn't start until October 1st.

And obviously YOU've NEVER been tasked to calculate health insurance premiums!
Obviously you have NO idea that insurance premiums are based on PAST claim experiences that are used to predict future expenses. Did you ever consider that?

So without ANY experience as to how to calculate a premium based on the assumption that is totally different then what actuaries USED to use, i.e. predicting future claims' expenses based on past experiences with ObamaCare
eliminating "pre-existing conditions" there IS NO Experience.. EXCEPT take everyone!
NOW when you do that the PREMIUMS HAVE to increase to cover known and unknown expenses!
...premiums are now going to be the same for men and women.


Premiums will be different for everyone. It will depend on your income, your health, your state of residence, your age, etc.,........

BTW, premiums for women will triple and premiums for men will quadruple.

Obama lied about Obamacare not raising taxes one dime. He also lied when he said it lowers premiums by $2500 per family. A family of four will have to pay $282/mo. However this has to be subsidized by taxpayer money to arrive at this $282/mo. cost.

Also, a "Death Panel" of 15 unelected officials will decide if you will get that surgery you needed to get rid of all of the pain you've been putting up with for years. Thus Obama's statement that you'll just have to take a pill is coming true.

there are no death panels ... according to my health care manger from what she is seeing, she told me my health care will be aroundm 100 dollars a month... rignt now I'm paying 450 dollars a month... yes I'm a male
they ain't having sex that gets them pregnant without the man's 100% i guess the public is paying for the man's sex life too, eh?:eusa_whistle:
so let the man pay for it ffs! Whatever ditzy point you're trying to make is way beyond me.
just that if ''liberals think the public should pay for women's sex lives'' as you stated was the case, then you should also note that 'liberals think the public should pay for men's sex lives' too.... She ain't having sex alone and getting pregnant all by her lonesome... So why single the ''woman'' out?
because she has the right to do with what she wants with her body, as with having an abortion for instance. No one is forcing her to have sex! Is this a difficult concept?!
so let the man pay for it ffs! Whatever ditzy point you're trying to make is way beyond me.
just that if ''liberals think the public should pay for women's sex lives'' as you stated was the case, then you should also note that 'liberals think the public should pay for men's sex lives' too.... She ain't having sex alone and getting pregnant all by her lonesome... So why single the ''woman'' out?
because she has the right to do with what she wants with her body, as with having an abortion for instance. No one is forcing her to have sex! Is this a difficult concept?!

Yup, no woman is ever forced to have sex.

Why do you hate men? You really expect the MEN of America to go without sex so that no abortions will happen? I mean, just because you don't need it doesn't mean the rest of 'em don't!
The only winners I can see in the ACA are the ones we taxpayers will be subsidizing. Seems we'll be subsidizing quite a few.

Wonder what happens when the tax money is gone??

so what you're trying to tell us is 48 million of these people will be subsidized right ... you're saying 48 million people will be making under the set figure by the health care bill .... on a previous post I posted the government web site ... it tells you how much each person will pay in round numbers ... so again how are we going to subsidize the entire system ???? people like you who don't take the time to go the the government web site to confirm your suspicion and relies on some right wing blogger with and agenda is beyond me...

I wonder what happens to your currant health care when 48 million people start going to the emergency room with out any health care ...
Even the mainstream rag Forbes admits it. Democrats have a war on men just like their war on children. To democrats only women, blacks and illegals count.

First thought......the premiums were higher for YOUNG women to begin they are the same. Thus increasing more for YOUNG men than young women. Is that the problem?

Overall, for young people, the premiums may be higher, but subsidies will be available to cover the increase for those who meet the income requirement. More bitching about nothing.


Who will pay for the subsidies?

More bitching about nothing, my ass.

the same people who pays for the farm subsidies, oil subsides and so on and so on and so on and on ... so whats your point ... do you want to see children die just because you don't want to pay .10 more in taxes ??? s that what you're telling us here ??? Just askin'
How about a link that shows this.

It's U.S. law now, thanks to the ACA. Gender rating is out. Only four factors can be considered for individual rating and gender isn't one of them.

42 USC § 300gg - Fair health insurance premiums
(a)  1 Prohibiting discriminatory premium rates
(1) In general
With respect to the premium rate charged by a health insurance issuer for health insurance coverage offered in the individual or small group market—
(A) such rate shall vary with respect to the particular plan or coverage involved only by—
(i) whether such plan or coverage covers an individual or family;
(ii) rating area, as established in accordance with paragraph (2);
(iii) age, except that such rate shall not vary by more than 3 to 1 for adults (consistent with section 300gg–6 (c) of this title); and
(iv) tobacco use, except that such rate shall not vary by more than 1.5 to 1​

Did Congress change that or did he just pencil-whip it?

Is it legal for the POTUS to change a law after it's passed and signed?


Why don't we have different premiums for Democrats and Republicans.

The higher ones for Democrats. They voted for this POS, so they can pay for the friggen thing.

yes it is ...according to the supreme court ... If you don't like it then take it up with them ...
...premiums are now going to be the same for men and women.

What about Gays, since they won't be having any kids, Gays should get a discount as they won't be a drag on the company's healthcare as a heterosexual would ............ having 3 teenage daughters needing papsmears and all that nonsense is expensive.

Perverts get aids and hepatitis and tons of other horrible diseases. Each one of these degenerates will cost the taxpayers millions.

Is it legal for the POTUS to change a law after it's passed and signed?


yes it is ...according to the supreme court ... If you don't like it then take it up with them ...[/QUOTE]

HAHAHA. And where does the supreme court get the authority to decide what powers the president has.?

The constitution says all legislative power is vested in congress. Obozo cannot change a law. THINK

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