As predicted, Obamacare premiums MUCH HIGHER for men than women

Even the mainstream rag Forbes admits it. Democrats have a war on men just like their war on children. To democrats only women, blacks and illegals count.

Double Down: Obamacare Will Increase Avg. Individual-Market Insurance Premiums By 99% For Men, 62% For Women - Forbes


For months now, we’ve been waiting to hear how much Obamacare will drive up the cost of health insurance for people who purchase coverage on their own. Last night, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services finally began to provide some data on how Americans will fare on Obamacare’s federally-sponsored insurance exchanges. HHS’ press release is full of happy talk about how premiums will be “lower than originally expected.” But the reality is starkly different.

Based on a Manhattan Institute analysis of the HHS numbers, Obamacare will increase underlying insurance rates for younger men by an average of 97 to 99 percent, and for younger women by an average of 55 to 62 percent. Worst off is North Carolina, which will see individual-market rates triple for women, and quadruple for men.

The bill was passed by a dem congress and signed by a dem President and we all know the dems are the party of 'women' or so they say.
...premiums are now going to be the same for men and women.


Premiums will be different for everyone. It will depend on your income, your health, your state of residence, your age, etc.,........

BTW, premiums for women will triple and premiums for men will quadruple.

Obama lied about Obamacare not raising taxes one dime. He also lied when he said it lowers premiums by $2500 per family. A family of four will have to pay $282/mo. However this has to be subsidized by taxpayer money to arrive at this $282/mo. cost.

Also, a "Death Panel" of 15 unelected officials will decide if you will get that surgery you needed to get rid of all of the pain you've been putting up with for years. Thus Obama's statement that you'll just have to take a pill is coming true.

there are no death panels ... according to my health care manger from what she is seeing, she told me my health care will be aroundm 100 dollars a month... rignt now I'm paying 450 dollars a month... yes I'm a male

The Death Panels are real. They decide who can and can't get the treatment they want.

And I don't believe you. No way your insurance is going down that much unless your deductible is going through the roof.
Man that's two clueless xomments people have made in one day. Request granted.

And he has no money means he has no money as in he ain't got $500 to spend. Case and point.
The point is you're stubborn, ignorant, brainwashed functional morons.

NO money, MEDICAID FOR FREE. Some money, highly subSidized. JEEBUS, the dupes are stupid. READ SOMETHING that's not BS...
Fact is, this shit is going into effect and Obama is doing everything he can to push the damage beyond the 2014 election.

The Dems think they can make everyone who ends up suffering STFU, and they'll only talk about people that this POS monstrosity supposedly helped. They have a willing media to help them.

We'll see what happens. I don't think you can sell it once the true impact of this becomes apparent.
The Death Panels are real. They decide who can and can't get the treatment they want.


the idea behind death panels is ok. No sense in spending a fortune on an 88 year old geezer. Unfortunately the panels will abuse their power and deny treatment to govt critics.
But, isn't the fact that the U.S. has hit its debt ceiling "over a hundred times" - and, thus, has had to keep raising it - proof that raising the limit does, in fact, lead to increased debt?

I know, truth is commie LOL...

Conservative Media "Death Panels" Lie Returns In Full Force ... - Cached
Aug 13, 2013 ... Fox News and other media outlets in recent weeks have aggressively tried to
revive the claim that President Obama's Affordable Care Act ...
Democrats Jump on the 'Death Panel' Bandwagon | Mother Jones - Cached - Similar
Aug 8, 2013 ... In 2009, Sarah Palin claimed Obamacare would create "death panels," or bands
of bureaucrats who would decide whether old or disabled ...

Explain the purpose of Obamacare.

We already had Medicare and Medicaid. Why do we need Obamacare?

Why did Obama borrow $700 billion from Medicare last year, knowing that Medicare was soon becoming insolvent?

The problem with all of this isn't that it's not a good idea, because Romney is supposedly the inspiration for Obamacare. The problem is who wrote it, who is implementing it, and who is running it. How can Obama and Obama's IRS be trusted? They've already proved they can't be.

This is essential. When we look back at the Romney campaign and the Obama campaigns, Romney finished in the black and Obama finished millions in debt. I don't think somebody who had the financial resources Obama had, using billions in taxpayer funds to prop up his campaign, and still ending up broke and not able to pay his bills, can be trusted to run something that will take up 1/6th of our economy. Right now we're borrowing to pay our bills, so why is instituting another even more massive entitlement a good idea when we're about to hit our debt-ceiling yet again in a few days?
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Obama yesterday claimed that the GOP said 6 months ago that Obamacare would kill senior citizens, women, children, puppies.

Then he said "we still have women, we still have children, we still have senior citizens........."

What does he mean by this?

Does he mean "What are a few dead women, children, and old folks.......there's still plenty more"?

I think Obama should pay closer attention to what his speechwriters put on his teleprompter.

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Is it legal for the POTUS to change a law after it's passed and signed?


yes it is ...according to the supreme court ... If you don't like it then take it up with them ...

HAHAHA. And where does the supreme court get the authority to decide what powers the president has.?

The constitution says all legislative power is vested in congress. Obozo cannot change a law. THINK[/QUOTE]

in the Affordable Care Act the republicans took to the supreme cour,t the section that said if you don't sign up you will be fined ... the court rule that if you change it to read taxed then the law would be legal ... the president, not the congress, changed signed law to read it will be taxed ... so moron once again we have proved you to be wrong ... but I already knew that ... because everything you republicans do usually explodes in your face...

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