As predicted, Obamacare premiums MUCH HIGHER for men than women

because she has the right to do with what she wants with her body, as with having an abortion for instance. No one is forcing her to have sex! Is this a difficult concept?!

Yup, no woman is ever forced to have sex.

Why do you hate men? You really expect the MEN of America to go without sex so that no abortions will happen? I mean, just because you don't need it doesn't mean the rest of 'em don't!
I think both men and women should be responsible for the consequences of their choices, including sexual. You expect the taxpayer to be.

in a policy that you buy ,you buy not the tax payer says you are alloud to get birth control or boner pill as part of thye policy where you are charged extra for getting these Items ... the tax payer only pay for policys that are subsidized ... and I guarantee you that 48 million uninsured people are subsidized ... many of these people will be able to afford buy the health care... it only covers people making 20,000 dollars or less to subsidize their health care
...premiums are now going to be the same for men and women.

I don't recall anybody bitching here when they were much higher for women than men.

I didn't bitch when they were much higher for me as an old man than they were for my younger friends either. The reason for that is I actually understand how insurance works, and I don't need the government to protect me from reality.

so you're saying that insurance companies should raise your rates just because you became Ill right and just because you're older ??? thank goodness you're not in charge and the dems are ... because we dems wrote in the law that insurers can't raise your rates because you're older of sick

Premiums will be different for everyone. It will depend on your income, your health, your state of residence, your age, etc.,........

BTW, premiums for women will triple and premiums for men will quadruple.

Obama lied about Obamacare not raising taxes one dime. He also lied when he said it lowers premiums by $2500 per family. A family of four will have to pay $282/mo. However this has to be subsidized by taxpayer money to arrive at this $282/mo. cost.

Also, a "Death Panel" of 15 unelected officials will decide if you will get that surgery you needed to get rid of all of the pain you've been putting up with for years. Thus Obama's statement that you'll just have to take a pill is coming true.

there are no death panels ... according to my health care manger from what she is seeing, she told me my health care will be aroundm 100 dollars a month... rignt now I'm paying 450 dollars a month... yes I'm a male

And a liar.

here's how I have my retirement set ... everything I own is paid for ... if I need something done or bought I go to my money manger tell him what I want, he then gets me the money I need by selling bonds, covered calls, or stocks ... that way it never affects my principal ... then I pay the bill with cash for it ... I've been doing this since 1980 ... that money becomes part of my income which I pay taxes for it ... according to my health care manager she told me and my money manager that if you make less then 25,000 dollars a year, which is the way I have my retirement set .... social security pays be 1900 dollars a month ... I take 600 dollars a month from my retirement account ... from my understanding, which both of them are looking at, social security isn't taxable income .... this is my first year under social security .... so this is and unknown to me so far my 600 dollars a month will classify me as a person who makes 7200 dollars a year which I will be subsidized for my health care ... both of my managers and my tax accountant said that's what my taxable income will be ... so my health care manager told me that I will pay about 100 dollars a month ... they aren't totally sure, but when all the information comes out that's what I will pay ... now telling you this doesn't make me a liar ... it only is telling you what I'm doing ...
The only winners I can see in the ACA are the ones we taxpayers will be subsidizing. Seems we'll be subsidizing quite a few.

Wonder what happens when the tax money is gone??

so what you're trying to tell us is 48 million of these people will be subsidized right ... you're saying 48 million people will be making under the set figure by the health care bill .... on a previous post I posted the government web site ... it tells you how much each person will pay in round numbers ... so again how are we going to subsidize the entire system ???? people like you who don't take the time to go the the government web site to confirm your suspicion and relies on some right wing blogger with and agenda is beyond me...

I wonder what happens to your currant health care when 48 million people start going to the emergency room with out any health care ...

Thats nice.

Suppose those people have no money?? Just who the hell do you think will be paying more so those folks are covered??

Oh and thats doesn't include the illegal immigrants we will be paying for. Last I heard there are around 20 million of them in this country and you can bet they won't be paying for ANYTHING.

WOW your a moron.

I sorry I live in the real world ... so your should of, would of, could of, doesn't matter ... its reality that matters ... what the government said that the majority of these people th 48 million make 50,000 dollars a year or more up to 75,000 dollars and can't afford health care for their families so your point is ridiculous once again ....

which makes you the moron!!!!! read the damn bill

when you say that includes illegal immigrants I suggest you go a read the god Damn Health care bill again it say quite clearly only American citizen can get this health care period ... so your point about Illegals and 20 million of them is you being incredibly stupid

or Hey !!! WOW !!! a moron!!!!
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Premiums will be different for everyone. It will depend on your income, your health, your state of residence, your age, etc.,........

BTW, premiums for women will triple and premiums for men will quadruple.

Obama lied about Obamacare not raising taxes one dime. He also lied when he said it lowers premiums by $2500 per family. A family of four will have to pay $282/mo. However this has to be subsidized by taxpayer money to arrive at this $282/mo. cost.

Also, a "Death Panel" of 15 unelected officials will decide if you will get that surgery you needed to get rid of all of the pain you've been putting up with for years. Thus Obama's statement that you'll just have to take a pill is coming true.

there are no death panels ... according to my health care manger from what she is seeing, she told me my health care will be aroundm 100 dollars a month... rignt now I'm paying 450 dollars a month... yes I'm a male

The Death Panels are real. They decide who can and can't get the treatment they want.

And I don't believe you. No way your insurance is going down that much unless your deductible is going through the roof.
no they don't decide what you get ... what this board does is give you options of what they have to offer you for what ever illness you have ... you get to decide what you want done...

as for health care ... according to my money manager, my health care manager an my tax accxountant ... they have set this up for me... they say I will be paying around 100 dollars a month ... I explained how this is done on a previous post
The point is you're stubborn, ignorant, brainwashed functional morons.

NO money, MEDICAID FOR FREE. Some money, highly subSidized. JEEBUS, the dupes are stupid. READ SOMETHING that's not BS...

The point is you're a stubborn, ignorant, brainwashed, dysfunctional moron.

translation= you refuse to go amd read the fod damn health care bill ... got it ... stay stupid ... after all it is america and we do have a freedom of choice

Explain the purpose of Obamacare.

We already had Medicare and Medicaid. Why do we need Obamacare?

Why did Obama borrow $700 billion from Medicare last year, knowing that Medicare was soon becoming insolvent?

The problem with all of this isn't that it's not a good idea, because Romney is supposedly the inspiration for Obamacare. The problem is who wrote it, who is implementing it, and who is running it. How can Obama and Obama's IRS be trusted? They've already proved they can't be.

This is essential. When we look back at the Romney campaign and the Obama campaigns, Romney finished in the black and Obama finished millions in debt. I don't think somebody who had the financial resources Obama had, using billions in taxpayer funds to prop up his campaign, and still ending up broke and not able to pay his bills, can be trusted to run something that will take up 1/6th of our economy. Right now we're borrowing to pay our bills, so why is instituting another even more massive entitlement a good idea when we're about to hit our debt-ceiling yet again in a few days?

according to Obama never took 700 billion from medicare that's a lie ... try again
But, isn't the fact that the U.S. has hit its debt ceiling "over a hundred times" - and, thus, has had to keep raising it - proof that raising the limit does, in fact, lead to increased debt?


no it doesn't deal with increased debt ...
Obama yesterday claimed that the GOP said 6 months ago that Obamacare would kill senior citizens, women, children, puppies.

Then he said "we still have women, we still have children, we still have senior citizens........."

What does he mean by this?

Does he mean "What are a few dead women, children, and old folks.......there's still plenty more"?

I think Obama should pay closer attention to what his speechwriters put on his teleprompter.


do you ever get anything right????? I mean really... Obama was quoting republicans ... this was michell bachman quote... he was making fun of her you doltz

[ame=]Michelle Bachmann Repeal Obamacare Before It Literally KILLS Children, KILLS Women, Senior Citizens - YouTube[/ame]
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Obama yesterday claimed that the GOP said 6 months ago that Obamacare would kill senior citizens, women, children, puppies.

Then he said "we still have women, we still have children, we still have senior citizens........."

What does he mean by this?

Does he mean "What are a few dead women, children, and old folks.......there's still plenty more"?

I think Obama should pay closer attention to what his speechwriters put on his teleprompter.


do you ever get anything right????? I mean really... Obama was quoting republicans ... this was michell bachman quote... he was making fun of her you doltz

[ame=]Michelle Bachmann Repeal Obamacare Before It Literally KILLS Children, KILLS Women, Senior Citizens - YouTube[/ame]

No fucken shit!!!!

I don't see what your point is other than you missed my fucken point numbnuts.

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 2
I don't recall anybody bitching here when they were much higher for women than men.

I didn't bitch when they were much higher for me as an old man than they were for my younger friends either. The reason for that is I actually understand how insurance works, and I don't need the government to protect me from reality.

so you're saying that insurance companies should raise your rates just because you became Ill right and just because you're older ??? thank goodness you're not in charge and the dems are ... because we dems wrote in the law that insurers can't raise your rates because you're older of sick

No, the law is saying that. In fact, the law specifically tells older people, like me, that they have fewer options on the exchanges because we need more coverage.
there are no death panels ... according to my health care manger from what she is seeing, she told me my health care will be aroundm 100 dollars a month... rignt now I'm paying 450 dollars a month... yes I'm a male

And a liar.

here's how I have my retirement set ... everything I own is paid for ... if I need something done or bought I go to my money manger tell him what I want, he then gets me the money I need by selling bonds, covered calls, or stocks ... that way it never affects my principal ... then I pay the bill with cash for it ... I've been doing this since 1980 ... that money becomes part of my income which I pay taxes for it ... according to my health care manager she told me and my money manager that if you make less then 25,000 dollars a year, which is the way I have my retirement set .... social security pays be 1900 dollars a month ... I take 600 dollars a month from my retirement account ... from my understanding, which both of them are looking at, social security isn't taxable income .... this is my first year under social security .... so this is and unknown to me so far my 600 dollars a month will classify me as a person who makes 7200 dollars a year which I will be subsidized for my health care ... both of my managers and my tax accountant said that's what my taxable income will be ... so my health care manager told me that I will pay about 100 dollars a month ... they aren't totally sure, but when all the information comes out that's what I will pay ... now telling you this doesn't make me a liar ... it only is telling you what I'm doing ...

Is there anything there that makes you not a liar?
Obama yesterday claimed that the GOP said 6 months ago that Obamacare would kill senior citizens, women, children, puppies.

Then he said "we still have women, we still have children, we still have senior citizens........."

What does he mean by this?

Does he mean "What are a few dead women, children, and old folks.......there's still plenty more"?

I think Obama should pay closer attention to what his speechwriters put on his teleprompter.


do you ever get anything right????? I mean really... Obama was quoting republicans ... this was michell bachman quote... he was making fun of her you doltz

[ame=]Michelle Bachmann Repeal Obamacare Before It Literally KILLS Children, KILLS Women, Senior Citizens - YouTube[/ame]

No fucken shit!!!!

I don't see what your point is other than you missed my fucken point numbnuts.

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 2

the point I was making, so you wouldn't come back and ask me for a source, was to point out who said it,which I did ... so now that we totally understood who said it ... cause you righties seem to be a little, oh how do you say it, stupid !!!! there I saids it .... my whole point was to point out to you he was making fun of republicans ... did ya miss that on one in your wisdom of remarks here
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And a liar.

here's how I have my retirement set ... everything I own is paid for ... if I need something done or bought I go to my money manger tell him what I want, he then gets me the money I need by selling bonds, covered calls, or stocks ... that way it never affects my principal ... then I pay the bill with cash for it ... I've been doing this since 1980 ... that money becomes part of my income which I pay taxes for it ... according to my health care manager she told me and my money manager that if you make less then 25,000 dollars a year, which is the way I have my retirement set .... social security pays be 1900 dollars a month ... I take 600 dollars a month from my retirement account ... from my understanding, which both of them are looking at, social security isn't taxable income .... this is my first year under social security .... so this is and unknown to me so far my 600 dollars a month will classify me as a person who makes 7200 dollars a year which I will be subsidized for my health care ... both of my managers and my tax accountant said that's what my taxable income will be ... so my health care manager told me that I will pay about 100 dollars a month ... they aren't totally sure, but when all the information comes out that's what I will pay ... now telling you this doesn't make me a liar ... it only is telling you what I'm doing ...

Is there anything there that makes you not a liar?

yes every thing I've said is true, you see the state I live in has state run health care program for people who can't qualify for health care... since the state run health care will be disband in January of 2014, because of Obama care, the people who are in this state run health care has to look for a new plan come October 1 ... which is when we all we see what is true and what isn't ... as a electronic tech my knowledge deals with electronics, not how to make money or how I have to get the best health care plan for the buck ... in 1980 I developed a case for ambulances that can be sterilized over and over cheaply ... that's where I got my money ... so I didn't have to work anymore... so when the state notified me that they will be shutting down I had to look for a new health care plan .... so I went to the people I spoke about... that's what they told me, whether its a lie or not I can't say ... if you choose to believe it or not that's your choice ... as I said they don't know 100% but they are pretty sure ... since 1980 I trust their opinion and not some whack job that you choose to believe ...
I didn't bitch when they were much higher for me as an old man than they were for my younger friends either. The reason for that is I actually understand how insurance works, and I don't need the government to protect me from reality.

so you're saying that insurance companies should raise your rates just because you became Ill right and just because you're older ??? thank goodness you're not in charge and the dems are ... because we dems wrote in the law that insurers can't raise your rates because you're older of sick

No, the law is saying that. In fact, the law specifically tells older people, like me, that they have fewer options on the exchanges because we need more coverage.

no it doesn't .. where ever you get this crap stop going there... you can get any thing you want with medicare ... their aren't any fewer exchanges... where ever you got that BS... stop your lying ...
here's how I have my retirement set ... everything I own is paid for ... if I need something done or bought I go to my money manger tell him what I want, he then gets me the money I need by selling bonds, covered calls, or stocks ... that way it never affects my principal ... then I pay the bill with cash for it ... I've been doing this since 1980 ... that money becomes part of my income which I pay taxes for it ... according to my health care manager she told me and my money manager that if you make less then 25,000 dollars a year, which is the way I have my retirement set .... social security pays be 1900 dollars a month ... I take 600 dollars a month from my retirement account ... from my understanding, which both of them are looking at, social security isn't taxable income .... this is my first year under social security .... so this is and unknown to me so far my 600 dollars a month will classify me as a person who makes 7200 dollars a year which I will be subsidized for my health care ... both of my managers and my tax accountant said that's what my taxable income will be ... so my health care manager told me that I will pay about 100 dollars a month ... they aren't totally sure, but when all the information comes out that's what I will pay ... now telling you this doesn't make me a liar ... it only is telling you what I'm doing ...

Is there anything there that makes you not a liar?

yes every thing I've said is true, you see the state I live in has state run health care program for people who can't qualify for health care... since the state run health care will be disband in January of 2014, because of Obama care, the people who are in this state run health care has to look for a new plan come October 1 ... which is when we all we see what is true and what isn't ... as a electronic tech my knowledge deals with electronics, not how to make money or how I have to get the best health care plan for the buck ... in 1980 I developed a case for ambulances that can be sterilized over and over cheaply ... that's where I got my money ... so I didn't have to work anymore... so when the state notified me that they will be shutting down I had to look for a new health care plan .... so I went to the people I spoke about... that's what they told me, whether its a lie or not I can't say ... if you choose to believe it or not that's your choice ... as I said they don't know 100% but they are pretty sure ... since 1980 I trust their opinion and not some whack job that you choose to believe ...

If everything you said is true you would have to admit that you do lie.

I lie, you lie, everyone lies, thus everyone is a liar.

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