As predicted, the (announced) exit "in Afghanistan results in slaughter

Wimpy Obama changes Rules of Engagement for US Marines

Wimpy Obama changes Rules of Engagement for US Marines
An excerpt:

Our US Marines "CANNOT" shoot at the Taliban unless they see them with a gun. Yeah, that'll get more of our guys killed for sure. What a HUMP!

If you will notice that it is the generals that set the ROE, not Oblama, but you are more concerned with being a flaming troll than a sensible down to Earth person that does not fly off the handle.

Troops on the ground and some military commanders have said the strict rules -- aimed at preventing civilian casualties -- have effectively forced the troops to fight with one hand tied behind their backs.

The military source who has talked with Petraeus said the general will make those changes. Other sources were not so sure, but said they wouldn't be surprised to see that happen once Petraeus takes command.

The rules, put in place by outgoing Gen. Stanley McChrystal, are classified but generally aim to limit civilian casualties by prohibiting troops from firing unless they're shot at -- or from launching bomb or artillery attacks when civilians are near the target.

Read more: Petraeus to Modify Afghanistan Rules of Engagement, Source Says | Fox News
Thanks again, Obama.

"The rush for a withdrawal from Afghanistan has created the conditions to allow the Taliban to infiltrate the local security forces, Afghan and some Western military commanders insist, with around 7,000 recruits for the Afghan police and army having to be processed every month. Since the rise in the "green on blue" attacks, vetting has been tightened up, and one in 35 applicants is said to have been rejected. One Afghan official said 420 out of the 15,000 who applied to join the army in the last seven months appeared to have the sole aim of murdering Western troops."

Another day, another disaster: So what now for Afghanistan? - Asia - World - The Independent

Sorry, are US troops being murdered by Taliban in Texas or are you moaning about an invading/occupying force being attacked by residents of the country they invaded?

They think that war is a video game and when you suffer a loss or a set back you can reset andd start anew.

They don't seem to realise the US is the invading and occupying force.
Frankly, while I really don't want anyone to die, it's the sort of thing that happen when you start a war.
Shut up, you piece of shit. Nobody wants to hear your claptrap about how it's cool that Islamofascists are slaughtering us.

Let me guess, you are thinking "surge" right about now. Yeah, that worked out so fucking well in Iraq. Look at how peaceful that Democracy is these days....dipshit.

I thought the Iraq was a victory for Obama? My... How quickly things change.
I don't know why we ever announce Military actions to anyone, fuck when we invaded Iraq CNN had the cameras rolling before we even 1 US Troop set foot into Iraq.
Yeah, that was bizarre.

At least we knew immediately that there were no WMDs.
Wimpy Obama changes Rules of Engagement for US Marines

Wimpy Obama changes Rules of Engagement for US Marines
An excerpt:

Our US Marines "CANNOT" shoot at the Taliban unless they see them with a gun. Yeah, that'll get more of our guys killed for sure. What a HUMP!

These rules are costing out troops their lives.

Of course Barry could care how difficult he makes things for our troops who actually have to deal with his stupidity.

I'm sure, like most liberals, he has utter disdain for the military.

Unless its with SEAL Team 6 for a photo op.

A predictable result of foolishly thinking that we can invade and occupy a country as huge and backwards as Afghanistan, and even MORE foolishly thinking that we can nation-build it. Maybe we should stop such narcissistic and short-sighted behavior.

I think the most important thing to remember is no matter what, after we leave there they'll go back to how it was before we got there. Afghanistan is a country of nomads that have little interest in a nationalistic society, no matter how hard it gets crammed down their throat.
Oh look, a lefty telling us we should expect and welcome these deaths and trying to pretend they have nothing to do with bad policy.

Piece of shit.

How many years were you a soldier in any military? If you think that you join for a vacation you are mistaken.
Bad policy, hardly, death is part of the game of war. Since you think I am a piece of shit I take that as a complement for the years I proudly wore the US Army uniform. Since you hate old soldiers and our comander in chief I would just settle on letting you know that your opinion matters little to none to those that put their life on the line for you to hate us so much.
Yes, death is part of war.

Needless death, even in war, is contemptible and usually will get a commander relieved.

Have you completely lost the ability to think and comprehend?

These deaths are a result of a published policy that should have remained secret, and the deaths that have come about because of these giving away of strategies, are wholly avoidable.
I think the most important thing to remember is no matter what, after we leave there they'll go back to how it was before we got there. Afghanistan is a country of nomads that have little interest in a nationalistic society, no matter how hard it gets crammed down their throat.


Unfortunately, we have convinced ourselves that laws, rules and logic don't apply to us.

I think it's that "American Exceptionalism" thing. Do things our way, or else.

Hey, what could go wrong?


A predictable result of foolishly thinking that we can invade and occupy a country as huge and backwards as Afghanistan, and even MORE foolishly thinking that we can nation-build it. Maybe we should stop such narcissistic and short-sighted behavior.

Your right.

We should just depopulate that country and have done with it.
I don't know why we ever announce Military actions to anyone, fuck when we invaded Iraq CNN had the cameras rolling before we even 1 US Troop set foot into Iraq.
Yeah, that was bizarre.

At least we knew immediately that there were no WMDs.

Only idiots think Iraq didn't have WMDs. In UNSCOM Resolution 1441 a WMD was clearly defined as a Missile with a range greater than 150km... The Al Samoud 2 missile had a range that surpassed that requirement...Link: Al-Samoud II - Iraq Special Weapons Play dumb all you want to, just get your facts straight before you do.

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