As President Trump predicted, under Biden we’d be paying $7 for a gallon of gas.

/----/ Even democRATs are fed up with Dementia Joe's handling of this. Democrats denounce Biden for going to dictators for new oil imports
I think it is a better question to ask why it is that the Federal Government is buying up all the land they can? In the West, it is somewhere around 30% as far as I know. For what purpose do they own this land other than to control people?
Of course, they are, the commies.
What the Biden administration is doing with these leases is lying to you. Yes there are leases, some 9,000 leases, while the year before Biden took office there were 37,000 leases, but none the same, the 9K that they are talking about are being slow walked, or held up any way the administration can, and that's before they even know if there is any oil under them in the first place...
9000 new leases that Biden approved.

If there were 37,000 oil leases before Biden took office, who's doing the slow walking?
MUST have been Trump right.

So, you can lie all you want, the American people see this stuff, and know who is to blame...
I think it is a better question to ask why it is that the Federal Government is buying up all the land they can? In the West, it is somewhere around 30% as far as I know. For what purpose do they own this land other than to control people?

What the Biden administration is doing with these leases is lying to you. Yes there are leases, some 9,000 leases, while the year before Biden took office there were 37,000 leases, but none the same, the 9K that they are talking about are being slow walked, or held up any way the administration can, and that's before they even know if there is any oil under them in the first place...

So, you can lie all you want, the American people see this stuff, and know who is to blame...
The smart ones do but as usual, RWNJ's refuse to believe they're getting conned.

First by Trump, now they're being conned by oil companies, of course, they blame "others" and would gladly give them a massive tax cut if they could.
Of course, they are, the commies.

9000 new leases that Biden approved.

If there were 37,000 oil leases before Biden took office, who's doing the slow walking?
MUST have been Trump right.

The smart ones do but as usual, RWNJ's refuse to I

First by Trump, now they're being conned by oil companies, of course, they blame "others" and would gladly give them a massive tax cut if they could.
I accept your concession here...This isn't about Trump, or about anything other than Biden lying directly to the American people about the oil industry in this country. And, the callous way he is overtly hurting the middle, and poor with his policies...You, on the other hand don't have a response to the information, fact that I provided to you so instead you try to deflect....Sad really. Do better.
In the oil business, it is.

Oil and Gas Lease for Dummies​

Oil and gas lease is an agreement between a mineral owner (lessor) and a company (lessee) in which the owner grants the company the right to explore, drill and produce oil, gas, and other minerals below the surface of the earth.

We aren’t calling anyone names when we say oil and gas leases for dummies, but rather, we wanted to explain what an oil and gas lease is in the simplest terms so that anyone with any amount of experience can understand.
Gotta get permits after the lease, Dumbass. In some states that can take a full year, then you have to find the oil, then you have to drill.

How many of the Biden leases are producing oil? Zero sound about right?
I accept your concession here...This isn't about Trump, or about anything other than Biden lying directly to the American people about the oil industry in this country. And, the callous way he is overtly hurting the middle, and poor with his policies...You, on the other hand don't have a response to the information, fact that I provided to you so instead you try to deflect....Sad really. Do better.
I'm tired of responding to liars.
Your links don't have ANYTHING to do with the price of oil, oil drilling, or oil leases TODAY but you still keep repeating them as if THEY are the cause.
Who gives a fuck about domestic oil production?

Thanks to republicans, we have to export most of our oil, then buy it back at OPEC prices.

Now republicans whine and shift blame to anyone but themselves.

Thanks to republicans, we have to export most of our oil, then buy it back at OPEC prices.

Who is begging OPEC to sell us more oil? Your Vegetable Messiah.
I'm tired of responding to liars.
Your links don't have ANYTHING to do with the price of oil, oil drilling, or oil leases TODAY but you still keep repeating them as if THEY are the cause.
And I am tired of addressing people who clearly don't have the slightest clue about what they are bleating about. You want to buy without question the Biden lies, then go ahead...The rest of us that actually see through he bullshit will continue to laugh at you as we slap down your defense of said
Gotta get permits after the lease, Dumbass. In some states that can take a full year, then you have to find the oil, then you have to drill.
No shit, you moron.

Since they both are issued by the Interior Department.
How many of the Biden leases are producing oil? Zero sound about right?
So, the oil companies don't drill and it's Biden's fault?

March 9 2022
Ever since Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, Republican politicians, conservative pundits and fossil fuel industry leaders have accused President Biden of weakening the U.S.’s economic power against Russia by reducing oil and gas production.

Last week, for example, Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., said, “Joe Biden has given up the best defense we had against [Russian President Vladimir] Putin’s evil vision for the world — energy independence.”

But a data dashboard unveiled Wednesday by the Center for Western Priorities shows that the opposite is true. The federal government has been issuing oil and gas drilling permits more willingly than it did during President Donald Trump’s first three years in office, and it could be issuing even more if the oil and gas industry weren’t leaving many current leases undeveloped.

Right now, the industry is sitting on 9,173 approved but unused drilling permits on federal and tribal lands. This is mystifying to some observers, who note that filing for those permits has already cost operators more than $10,000 each. The permits also expire after two years, with only one extension allowed. More than 26 million acres of federal land — an area comparable to the size of Kentucky — are currently under lease for oil and gas drilling. Of that, slightly more than half — 13.9 million acres, equivalent to the size of West Virginia — are not being used.
Thanks to republicans, we have to export most of our oil, then buy it back at OPEC prices.

Who is begging OPEC to sell us more oil? Your Vegetable Messiah.
The only one who begged was your fat, orange, dear leader.

Just spoke to King Salman of Saudi Arabia and explained to him that, because of the turmoil & disfunction in Iran and Venezuela, I am asking that Saudi Arabia increase oil production, maybe up to 2,000,000 barrels, to make up the difference...Prices to high! He has agreed!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 30, 2018
And I am tired of addressing people who clearly don't have the slightest clue about what they are bleating about.
You clearly don't trying to make a two-month suspension of NEW government-issued permits on FEDERAL LAND, last year is the root cause of fuel prices TODAY.
You want to buy without question the Biden lies, then go ahead...The rest of us that actually see through he bullshit will continue to laugh at you as we slap down your defense of said
Sure RWNJ.

"Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what's happening," Trump said. "Just stick with us, don't believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news."

Guess FOX has you trained as well.
The only one who begged was your fat, orange, dear leader.

Just spoke to King Salman of Saudi Arabia and explained to him that, because of the turmoil & disfunction in Iran and Venezuela, I am asking that Saudi Arabia increase oil production, maybe up to 2,000,000 barrels, to make up the difference...Prices to high! He has agreed!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 30, 2018
You are a liar. Here is your Vegetable Messiah begging they aren't even taking the idiots calls.

You clearly don't trying to make a two-month suspension of NEW government-issued permits on FEDERAL LAND, last year is the root cause of fuel prices TODAY.

Sure RWNJ.

"Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what's happening," Trump said. "Just stick with us, don't believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news."

Guess FOX has you trained as well.
:itsok: :auiqs.jpg: You've already lost the argument....Give it up
Gotta get permits after the lease, Dumbass. In some states that can take a full year, then you have to find the oil, then you have to drill.

How many of the Biden leases are producing oil? Zero sound about right?
/-----/ Libtards understand the oil industry the way a pig understands the designated hitter rule.
President Trump was right, again!


Any fucking idiot could have made that prediction if he knew what Putin had in mind, and I believe that tump knew what Putin wanted to do. Tump thought that Putin would wait until the election was over
and tump would be reelected. OH well.
Any fucking idiot could have made that prediction if he knew what Putin had in mind, and I believe that tump knew what Putin wanted to do. Tump thought that Putin would wait until the election was over
and tump would be reelected. OH well.

June 14 2018
President Donald Trump told G7 leaders that Crimea is Russian because everyone who lives there speaks Russian.

Trump made the remarks over dinner last Friday during a discussion on foreign affairs at the G7 summit in Quebec, Canada.

Trump also seemed to question why the G7 leaders were siding with Ukraine. The president told leaders that "Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world."

When he departed the White House to travel to the summit last Friday, Trump caused bewilderment when he told reporters that Russia should be readmitted to the G7, the group of seven nations — the US, Germany, France, Italy, the UK, Japan, and Canada — that represent the world's most advanced economies.

On the second day of the summit, Trump again called for Russia to rejoin the group, downplaying the country's invasion of Ukraine. "This used to be the G8, not the G7," Trump said. "Something happened a while ago where Russia is no longer in."
Republitards understand the oil industry the way Trump understands US tariffs.
/-----/ If they were sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad, why hasn't Joe reversed them?

Why Biden is keeping Trump's China tariffs in place - CNN › 2022 › 01 › 26 › politics › china-tariffs-biden-policy › index.html
Jan 26, 2022Washington (CNN) President Joe Biden reversed a number of the Trump administration's policies during his first year in office -- but he has left tariffs in place on $350 billion of Chinese goods ...

Biden keeps many Trump tariffs in place, confounding ... › nation-world › 2021 › 08 › 17 › biden-keeps-many-trump-tariffs-in-place-confounding-businesses-hoping-for-reprieve
Biden keeps many Trump tariffs in place, confounding businesses hoping for reprieve. Automated vehicles move shipping containers in a container port in Qingdao in eastern China's Shandong Province ...
Of course, they are, the commies.

9000 new leases that Biden approved.

If there were 37,000 oil leases before Biden took office, who's doing the slow walking?
MUST have been Trump right.

The smart ones do but as usual, RWNJ's refuse to believe they're getting conned.

First by Trump, now they're being conned by oil companies, of course, they blame "others" and would gladly give them a massive tax cut if they could.


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Thanks Sergei

Did your Russian masters give you your stale bread today?
This might mean he knew more about Russia's intentions that he was telling us...

It is not like Trump has a history of lying to the American people about an upcoming disaster... Sure that pandemic was gone by the net week..

Trump was President and he was grossly incompetent and a lot of Americans died because of his incompetence.... History will be a harsh judge of Trump...

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