As President Trump predicted, under Biden we’d be paying $7 for a gallon of gas.

Do you need to fill up with 18 cups of coffee?


Because I don't drive a gas guzzling SUV, I also don't need that much gas.

What I find funny is that all you people who INSISTED on buying SUV's are all squealing like stuck pigs because you don't understand the law of supply and demand.
May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Qasim Rashid, Esq. @QasimRashid don't like paying higher gas prices either but it s incredible that people will buy GOP outrage on gas that's $5 instead of $3.50-but then excuse GOP for keeping the min wage at $7.25 instead of $15, insulin at $1200 instead of $35, & paid leave at O weeks instead of 12 weeks.'
This might mean he knew more about Russia's intentions that he was telling us...

It is not like Trump has a history of lying to the American people about an upcoming disaster... Sure that pandemic was gone by the net week..

Trump was President and he was grossly incompetent and a lot of Americans died because of his incompetence.... History will be a harsh judge of Trump...
/----/ Please stop with the lies. Here is what really happened when democrats showed their incompetence.

Because I don't drive a gas guzzling SUV, I also don't need that much gas.

What I find funny is that all you people who INSISTED on buying SUV's are all squealing like stuck pigs because you don't understand the law of supply and demand.
/-----/ "I also don't need that much gas."
Oh yes, you do, Tinkerbell. Everything you buy is affected by the price and supply of gas/diesel. How do you think food gets from the farm to the store? How does all the merchandise get to your local big-box store?


  • When gas prices rise, it can be a drag on the economy—impacting everything from consumer spending to the price of airline tickets to hiring practices.
  • Gas is an important input for transportation, which directly impacts households as they drive, but also businesses that rely on logistics and transportation chains around the globe.
  • If discretionary spending is hampered by higher gasoline costs, it can have knock-on effects throughout the broader economy.
/-----/ If they were sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad, why hasn't Joe reversed them?

Why Biden is keeping Trump's China tariffs in place - CNN › 2022 › 01 › 26 › politics › china-tariffs-biden-policy › index.html
Jan 26, 2022Washington (CNN) President Joe Biden reversed a number of the Trump administration's policies during his first year in office -- but he has left tariffs in place on $350 billion of Chinese goods ...

Biden keeps many Trump tariffs in place, confounding ... › nation-world › 2021 › 08 › 17 › biden-keeps-many-trump-tariffs-in-place-confounding-businesses-hoping-for-reprieve
Biden keeps many Trump tariffs in place, confounding businesses hoping for reprieve. Automated vehicles move shipping containers in a container port in Qingdao in eastern China's Shandong Province ...


That wasn't the fucking point "understand"?
The orange retard doesn't know how tariffs work.

December 27 2019
When President Trump sat before reporters in the Oval Office on Dec. 19 with Rep. Jeff Van Drew, the subject of the trade negotiations with China came up briefly. “They’re still paying tremendous amounts of tariffs,” the president said.
It was a notable comment only for its frequency of use. In fact, according to an analysis by Yahoo Finance, that was at least the 108th instance in 2019 that Trump falsely claimed China is “eating” or “being charged” or in some way “paying” for the tariffs his administration has imposed on Chinese imports.

Sure, just like Mexico paid for Trump's vanity wall.

China doesn't pay for tariffs imposed on them, US companies pay for Trump's tariffs.

That wasn't the fucking point "understand"?
The orange retard doesn't know how tariffs work.

December 27 2019
When President Trump sat before reporters in the Oval Office on Dec. 19 with Rep. Jeff Van Drew, the subject of the trade negotiations with China came up briefly. “They’re still paying tremendous amounts of tariffs,” the president said.
It was a notable comment only for its frequency of use. In fact, according to an analysis by Yahoo Finance, that was at least the 108th instance in 2019 that Trump falsely claimed China is “eating” or “being charged” or in some way “paying” for the tariffs his administration has imposed on Chinese imports.

Sure, just like Mexico paid for Trump's vanity wall.

China doesn't pay for tariffs imposed on them, US companies pay for Trump's tariffs.
/-------/ "That wasn't the fucking point "understand"? The orange retard doesn't know how tariffs work."
Then Joe doesn't understand either. I guess you're the only smart guy around. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

When did Biden ever claim China pay's for US imposed sanctions like Trump did?
/----/ Now you're changing the subject. I was replying to this post:
Smokin' OP said:
Republitards understand the oil industry the way Trump understands US tariffs.
I was asking if Trump was so wrong on the tariffs, why has Joe kept them in place?
Still asking? Why is this on Biden? We are one of the largest producers, with a strong domestic oil and gas industry. We have actually produced more oil. It is at record numbers, and we will continue to produce more oil. There are 9,000 approved drilling permits that are not being used. So, the suggestion that we are not allowing companies to drill is inaccurate. The suggestion that that is what is hindering or preventing gas prices to come down is inaccurate.
When libs claim there are 9000 drilling permits thats not true

there are 9000 leases

getting a permit is an extra step and very difficult to do under biden
When libs claim there are 9000 drilling permits thats not true

there are 9000 leases

getting a permit is an extra step and very difficult to do under biden
Yep. Some of those permits are held up by Biden's red tape for a full year.

Then they need to explore to see if the leases contain any oil.

In short, not a single Veggie Joe "lease" has produced a single barrel of oil.
/----/ Now you're changing the subject. I was replying to this post:
I didn't.
If I did according to your comment then you did.

Post 472.
" Libtards understand the oil industry the way a pig understands the designated hitter rule"
Trying to change the subject to baseball?
Smokin' OP said:
Republitards understand the oil industry the way Trump understands US tariffs.
I was asking if Trump was so wrong on the tariffs, why has Joe kept them in place?
Trump was wrong claiming China pays for US tariffs, that's not the case, US companies pay them.
Biden isn't bailing out import companies with taxpayer $$$, like Trump did.

Trump signed a trade deal with China INCREASING trade by $200 billion.
2 years later, China isn't even reaching 60% of what the agreement called for, so some tariffs remain in place.

As far as the rest of Trump's tariffs on imported European goods, Biden reversed those.
Yep. Some of those permits are held up by Biden's red tape for a full year.
You're FOS, as usual.

June 13 2021
Approvals for companies to drill for oil and gas on U.S. public lands are on pace this year to reach their highest level since George W. Bush was president, underscoring President Joe Biden's reluctance to more forcefully curb petroleum production in the face of industry and Republican resistance.

The Interior Department approved about 2,500 permits to drill on public and tribal lands in the first six months of the year, according to an Associated Press analysis of government data. That includes more than 2,100 drilling approvals since Biden took office January 20.

Then they need to explore to see if the leases contain any oil.
Sure, let's do that instead of increasing the amount of oil coming out of existing wells.
In short, not a single Veggie Joe "lease" has produced a single barrel of oil.
So, it's Biden's fault for oil companies NOT pursuing oil?
Stupid libtards.

I can't even believe how mind bogglingly stupid these people are.

Really, it boggles the mind.

"I want my morality", should be the regressive motto.

Doesn't care about running the country - which is the whole point of a political system in the first place - just wants what's "fair".

I find myself wondering if there's any actual gray matter in regressive brains, or if it's all brown dung between the ears.
When libs claim there are 9000 drilling permits thats not true
YES, it is.

At the end of 2021, there were about 9,000 approved permits to drill on federal and Indian lands. Those permits included those issued under Biden and those still active from Trump’s administration.

"In the United States, 90% of onshore oil production takes place on land that isn’t owned by the federal government. And of the remaining 10% that occurs on federal land, the oil and gas industry has millions of acres leased," Biden said. "They have 9,000 permits to drill now. They could be drilling right now, yesterday, last week, last year. They have 9,000 to drill onshore that are already approved."

there are 9000 leases
And permits to drill.
getting a permit is an extra step and very difficult to do under biden
No, it isn't.

Before drilling can occur, the lease holder has to get a federal permit. At the end of 2021, there were 9,173 approved and available permits to drill on federal and Indian lands. Those permits include those issued under Biden and those still active from Trump’s administration and potentially before, said Josh Axelrod, of the National Resources Defense Council. Companies don’t have to immediately begin drilling as their leases last 10 years and can be extended beyond that.

A permit is given out by the Bureau of Land Management an agency that's under the Interior Department which issues the leases.
Hm. Democrats are quite obviously on the defensive at this point. It's all over these posts, on this forum.

A few of them are still trying to pretend it isn't happening, but it is.

This country is rejecting the touch-feely fluidity underlying the progressive mindset, which has been at the core of the Democratic party platform for almost 30 years now.

The Biden administration drives it home. They're fair, but they're clueless and incompetent.

Here's my political prediction (you heard it here first): the Democratic party is going to fractionate. Just like the Republican party did in the waning years of the Neo-Cons.

The Bernie faction in the Dem party, are like the Trump fans on the Republican side - they're populists. Whereas the dominant faction, the "establishment", Hillary's people, are institutionalists.

Starting after the midterms, you're going to see a power struggle between these factions, and the Bernie faction will emerge as the Democratic equivalent of the Tea Party. It'll be very popular, very powerful.

It would not surprise me ("at all") if the two populist factions found common cause at some point. I'd like to see that. That would REALLY throw the Powers That Be into a tizzy. lol :p

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