As stated on fox news this morning. Arresting 730 criminals in new york would reduce crime by 30%

You state that "Progs screwed it up because it became purely political", without an ounce of evidence or even stating exactly how "Progs screwed it up".

TRUMP SCREWED IT UP FOR POLITICAL REASONS. When Michael Brown was murdered by police in Ferguson, and riots resulted, President Obama created the Task Force in American policing, which studied issues in communities with policing and made several recommendations for police reform, which the Obama Administration acted on.

Police Reform was ordered by the Department of Justice, and was undertaken in numerous large cities, across the country, with DOJ supervision. Upon his election, Donald Trump CANCELLED all of these police reform programs, and withdrew the funding for police reform. He told police not to be "so gentle" arresting suspects.

In the wake of the George Floyd murder, Trump did nothing. When protestors took to the street, they were confronted with violent police forces attacking and beating protestors. Trump revelled in the violence, as he always does, and branded it "liberal terrorism", even though virtually all of the arrests made for violence, looting and arson, were of right wing agitators and professional looting gangs.

Democrats didn't screw up policing for politcal reason, DONALD TRUMP DID IT.

All the worst places in this country are run by people like you.
Without access to the specifics, that's an interesting suggestion with a peculiar set of data.

Why not arrest 1700 people and cut down crime by 48%? Or, how about 122,000 people and cut crime by 98.4%?

Furthermore, how the hell do you just arrest people randomly? Are we living in the Minority Report now?

Look, I'm not a soft on crime guy if someone is a career criminal and uninterested in going straight. I am a believer in redemption and rehabilitation though. My guess is that many police don't like that though, it cuts into their necessity. No crime, no cops (or far fewer and lower wages too).

Simplified solutions are rarely the answer or even credible.

How much crime would end if Americans simply arrested the right militias?????

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