As the evidence builds that Biden was a poor choice the more subjective the exuse

Or, I have just given up trying to communicate with you ignorant, arrogant rubes here.

Oh how you leftist tards LOVE to use that one as a back door escape!

I get it! You HAVE a good answer, just too tired of trying to get through to us knuckleheads, right?

Meantime I could take a bullet to the head and STILL have a higher IQ than you.
If you were given a choice between a free new Cadillac or a used Yugo, you'd take the used Yugo.

I would take the Corvette over the Golf Cart


If laughter is triggered then you take the cake. It's the symbol you associate with not me. I loved my favorite dog. You're programmed to love Nazi symbolism. It's okay. This is America, you're free to do that.
Just a hint, kumbreath. Every Jewish person I know has seen my avatar and none of them is the least bit offended by it. It's because they all have brains and understand subtle messages, kumbreath.
Lying Moron!

then he eased them

just for show
It was evident when the Cheddar Shredder attempted to Strong Arm the Ukrainian President into announcing a phony investigation into the Joe Biden, he was the Democrat most likely to be able to beat him. The vitriolic and repugnant daily assault are a testament to how much they fear his calm demeanor and his knowledge of the political landscape.

I like the one where Trump was Putin's lap dog. Fuck he was so compliant that Putin didn't invade anything on Trump's watch. Heck Putin couldn't even find the 30K emails that Clinton deleted.

I guess Putin simply invaded Ukraine now because at least Biden is a formidable opponent. Trump was just a push-over and Putin likes competition.
Just a hint, kumbreath. Every Jewish person I know has seen my avatar and none of them is the least bit offended by it. It's because they all have brains and understand subtle messages, kumbreath.
That's okay by me my fine Trumpycumswallower friend. You can display Nazi Symbolism in my country.
There are a few certified imbeciles here who continue their "Biden is better" drivel....

Meanwhile in the real world......
Gas prices are at record highs along with inflation and .....
we are likely closer to nuclear holocaust than at any time in world history.

But these bats keep singing his praises.
For these morons, The light bulb may come on just an instant before the blast wave vaporizes them.
Who is Mr Non Partisan?


Leftist rules of engagement

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

3a. Play dumb to keep others wasting their time trying to enlighten you.

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