As the party of racism, slavery, the kkk and jim crow...should the democrat party be outlawed...?

Further, your comment about President Obama suggests that you may not be aware of the DEFINITION of "racism":

rac·ism [rey-siz-uhm] Show IPA
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

What in this sense of racism, in any way differs from obama, his life history or the policy advanced by his cult?

2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.

So a policy, system of government, etc... which is based upon the fomenting of racial division, such as the obama cult... that would therefore be a function of racism.

3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Well... DAM'! That's just straight up Ideological Left... and a fair definition of obama.
A lot of their dirty little secrets are about to start surfacing.

The fact that the Democratic party is so much different now than it was half a century ago is hardly a secret.

How is that.....all of the openly racist groups in the country, all the openly racists personalities in the country are democrats...including barak obama......that the only thing that changed is they want to control all people, not just blacks....

My, what an ACTIVE imagination! Jump to conclusions much. Do you claim the Charleston shooter was a "democrat"??

Further, your comment about President Obama suggests that you may not be aware of the DEFINITION of "racism":

rac·ism [rey-siz-uhm] Show IPA
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
[END QUOTE Racism Define Racism at ]

I therefore CHALLENGE you to provide your most compelling evidence that Barack Obama's behavior meets the definition of "racism"!

"Prove ALL THINGS and hold fast to that which Is right" - 1st Thes 5:21

1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Did he or did he not sit in jeremiah wrights church for 20 Years? The entire definition of racism came from that church.
Nope. Just outlaw another terrorist organization. The supporters may stagger off and continue their useless existence so long as they behave in a law-abiding manner.

Ah I love how the Conservatives are showing their true colors in this thread- advocating murder and arrest of Americans- or in your case- just banning any political party you disagree with......

And which people would that be....I don't want the democrat party banned.....I bring up the question since you guys want the flag banned because it is a symbol of racism...then you get all quiet when it is pointed out that the political party that created that symbol of racism...the democrats....were actually racists back then and are still racists now.....
Here's your strawman "Democrats want the Con-federate flag banned". That's a lie. No one wants it can still get all the con-federate flag bumper stickers, all the con-federate flag crying towels, all the con-federate flag hankies you want. We just don't think it's appropriate for government entities to fly a Traitor flag.

Of course leftist pukes want to ban the confederate flag banning (fill in the blank) is their #1 obsession in life. Banning guns, words, speech, flags, crosses, XL soda, the freaks are out of control.

Once again- it is a Conservative in this thread proposing to ban a political party in the United States.

Which conservative is doing that?

Races, ethnicities, religions, gender.

The GOP. Christians Whites. That's 90%. The rest? Who cares? They have no power anyway.

Yes...just look at the 14 GOP candidates for President...Cruz, Rubio, Jindal, Carson, Fiorini......all those white

Rush told you that Obama was elected because of his color, so your main priority is someone with a tan. Perfect right wing logic.

Uh, to the lie told by bulldog.....
Yep, the modern Democrat Party = Communist Party.

Most of them should be rounded up and tried for treason.
Nothing like a Con-federate wanting fellow Americans rounded up.

Acutally, the left is the side that rounds people up for concentration guy FDR did it to Americans during World War 2 and your buddies over seas murdered close to 100 million people......and of course you democrats belong to the racist party....
The internment of Japanese Americans was a big mistake, granted. But the Republicans were big supporters of the Fascists in Europe before Pearl Harbor.

The kennedy's like hitler......the democrats liked what hitler and mussolini were doing......and they just loved them some joe stalin....
A lot of their dirty little secrets are about to start surfacing.

The fact that the Democratic party is so much different now than it was half a century ago is hardly a secret.
They are having problem with reality.
And what reality would that be? Didn't the doctor give you something so you wouldn't fantasize so much?


If any of those racist Democrats from 150 years ago are on the ticket, I promise not to vote for them.

But you are going to vote for the woman who sat there while her husband, a violent rapist, awarded the Presidential medal of Freedom to a racist, democrat segregationist, who was her husbands good friend and political mentor? Whose husband dedicated a statue to the democrat racist, segreationist........? Whose husband gave a place of honor to orvau faubus...look him up why don't his inauguration.....and you think she had nothing to say in any of those things....?

Not to mention she was the one who took over silencing the women he raped and sexually assaulted...
The President of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis, was a democrat...he wanted to keep slavery....the first grand wizard of the ku klux klan was nathan bedford forrest.....a democrat.... managed to figure all of that out?

The President of the Confederacy was a Southerner. The first grand wizard of the KKK was a Southerner.

Again- where is your call to disenfranchise all Southerners?

Actually, the important part is that they were both democrats.....who wanted slavery....

Well that is the only part you want to talk about.

Why is it that you are so reluctant to discuss the fact that they were all Southerners?

In many cases actual ancestors of current residents of the South?

Well....because not all southerners are still a part of the racist democrat party want to hide the racism of the democrat party by smearing all southernors with the democrat party racism....

LOL- okay- this was fun- watching your twist your panties round and round with your wierd rational to blame Democrats- for what Democrats did in 1862- but not to blame Southerners- for what Southerners did in 1862.

Racial minorities have abandoned the Republican Party and flocked to the Democratic Party.

Because the Republican Party has abandoned its roots- and minorities believe that the Republican Party is racist.

They decided to trust the political party that owned their ancestors as slaves...for the promise of government benefits....and you see where it got them and their children in democrat controlled cities....I hear it all on the news in Chicago where the democrat controlled teachers unions are graduating black children at the rate of 50%....and those who graduate too many can hardly read, write or do math........and the democrats fight to keep them in those schools.......they are destroying these human beings and you guys just sit there and let it happen....
The flag in the monument at the South Carolina capital is a battle flag.....democrats carried that flag into battle against the Republicans who were trying to free the slaves.......the democrats...fighting under that flag fought and killed to keep slavery, extend slavery into the new territories and restart the slave trade with Africa which the U.S. Constitution specifically ended........

That is what I mean...the racist democrats carried that flag into battle to fight to keep their slaves...

Funny- in all of this you don't mention Southerners at all. You have a hate on for Democrats- not unusual for a wingbat Conservative like you- but you seem to think this was all in a vaccuum- well like many uneducated wingbat Conservatives.

Yes- the Confederacy was largely composed of Democrats- and entirely composed of Southerners.

Where is your call to disenfranchise all Southerners?

The President of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis, was a democrat...he wanted to keep slavery....the first grand wizard of the ku klux klan was nathan bedford forrest.....a democrat.... managed to figure all of that out?

The President of the Confederacy was a Southerner. The first grand wizard of the KKK was a Southerner.

Again- where is your call to disenfranchise all Southerners?

Actually, the important part is that they were both democrats.....who wanted slavery....

Well that is the only part you want to talk about.

Why is it that you are so reluctant to discuss the fact that they were all Southerners?

In many cases actual ancestors of current residents of the South?

No...I will discuss the fact that the southerners in the 1860s were democrats but they aren't all democrats are trying to smear modern Southerners with the democrat southerners of the racist democrat party......that is dishonest and a lie....modern democrats are not the racists the southerners of the 1860s were when they were democrats fighting to keep slavery.
A lot of their dirty little secrets are about to start surfacing.

The fact that the Democratic party is so much different now than it was half a century ago is hardly a secret.

How is that.....all of the openly racist groups in the country, all the openly racists personalities in the country are democrats...including barak obama......that the only thing that changed is they want to control all people, not just blacks....

My, what an ACTIVE imagination! Jump to conclusions much. Do you claim the Charleston shooter was a "democrat"??

Further, your comment about President Obama suggests that you may not be aware of the DEFINITION of "racism":

rac·ism [rey-siz-uhm] Show IPA
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
[END QUOTE Racism Define Racism at ]

I therefore CHALLENGE you to provide your most compelling evidence that Barack Obama's behavior meets the definition of "racism"!

"Prove ALL THINGS and hold fast to that which Is right" - 1st Thes 5:21

You don't know who jeremiah wright is do you? You got all of your obama background from the democrat is some jeremiah wright, the man who ran the church obama attended for 20 years....and michelle as well...tell me this man is not a racist.....

Jeremiah Wright White racist alien DNA running through synapses of Obama s brain The Daily Caller

“There is white racist DNA running through the synapses of their under-brain tissue,” he continued.
“They will kill their own kind, defend the enemies of their kind or anyone who is perceived to be the enemy of the milky white way of life.”

Blog Another racist rant from Jeremiah Wright

But the question remains; why can't we discuss Obama's close relationship with a man who believes that all whites are evil and promotes a separatist philosophy for African Americans? Doesn't the fact that he spent 20 years listening to this toxic waste say something vitally important about his judgment?
A lot of their dirty little secrets are about to start surfacing.

The fact that the Democratic party is so much different now than it was half a century ago is hardly a secret.

How is that.....all of the openly racist groups in the country, all the openly racists personalities in the country are democrats...including barak obama......that the only thing that changed is they want to control all people, not just blacks....

My, what an ACTIVE imagination! Jump to conclusions much. Do you claim the Charleston shooter was a "democrat"??

Further, your comment about President Obama suggests that you may not be aware of the DEFINITION of "racism":

rac·ism [rey-siz-uhm] Show IPA
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
[END QUOTE Racism Define Racism at ]

I therefore CHALLENGE you to provide your most compelling evidence that Barack Obama's behavior meets the definition of "racism"!

"Prove ALL THINGS and hold fast to that which Is right" - 1st Thes 5:21

A little tidbit about the racist church obama attended for 20 years.....tell me any "white" group that preached this who wouldn't be called the klan.....

Trinity United Church of Christ The Black Value System
The problem with this argument is that most of the Democrats who did those things were conservatives. Most Republicans opposed those measures.
The problem with this argument is that most of the Democrats who did those things were conservatives. Most Republicans opposed those measures.

and the republicans trying to "conserve" the founding principals of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and Bill of Rights of the founding over 100 years before the start of the war against the racist democrats....

They are trying to tie "conservatism" to racism when it is a neutral term. they know that if it becomes common understanding that the democrats owned the slaves and not just "Southerners, or Confederates" then by their own cries to ban the symbol of racism...the "Confederate/democrat" battle flag...will logically lead to asking .......well who created the flag in the first place and why did they create it? and they cannot allow that to happen. Their control of the black vote would vanish.....
You failed to
In Germany the nazi party was banned for crimes against humanity. Right now our country is purging national monuments of the "Confederate" battle flags and their various interations........but if that flag represents the evils of slavery.....why doesn't the political party that fought and killed to keep slavery also get banned, since the flag is merely a symbol while the party actually committed the crimes.

The democrat party:

1) kept the slaves long after the rest of the country ended slavery

2) wanted to establish slavery in the new states

3) wanted to restart the slave trade which the Constitution Ended

4) Went to war and fought and killed to keep slaves

5)they started jim crow

6) they started the kkk

Those Democrats have disappeared.

Remember what Zell Miller, CONSERVATIVE, ex-segregationist Democrat said?

...I didn't leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left me.
And he became quite the Darling of the RW, didn't he?

Oh, poor baby can't comment on the point of the post. If John Kennedy was alive today he'd be Tea Party. Communist filthy trash.
yes, and everyone of them should be tried FOR being TRAITORS to Us and our Country

Especially Obama
honestly seeing how violent and illogical blacks are...How was jim crow wrong? I'd of given them half of a few states instead of the dumb civil rights act.

The republicans fucked them selves with it and the 1965 immigration act. Now we're going to be a third world country.
Obviously the originator of this topic has not done any research into how the Democratic Party has dealt with the items listed as opposed to the Republican response to the Lily-white movement within the party that began in Texas immediately after the Civil War and by the 1920's was successful nationwide. I think as a party when we Republicans are unwilling to face up to our history and instead point to the Democrats' past, it is comparable to those who defend Obama by pointing at GWB.
Yep, the modern Democrat Party = Communist Party.

Most of them should be rounded up and tried for treason.

Yep- another proud American- who wants to arrest millions of Americans for treason- because he doesnt' agree with them.

Too funny. It's gone 'way beyond simple disagreement. The Democrats have become the very thing the United States spent half of the 20th Century combating.

So you are in favor of arresting tens of millions of Americans because they are registered Democrats too......

Another proud Conservative voter.....

Nope. Just outlaw another terrorist organization. The supporters may stagger off and continue their useless existence so long as they behave in a law-abiding manner.

Ah I love how the Conservatives are showing their true colors in this thread- advocating murder and arrest of Americans- or in your case- just banning any political party you disagree with......

I don't consider the current incarnation of the Democratic Party to be American. That said, I have advocated the arrest or murder of no one, and I challenge you to show where I have, or admit your lie.
A lot of their dirty little secrets are about to start surfacing.

The fact that the Democratic party is so much different now than it was half a century ago is hardly a secret.
Different? Lol. No, they still segregate people into groups.
As opposed to just one big WHITE group?
How about just one "American" group?
Now you are talking about the Democratic Party.

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