As the party of racism, slavery, the kkk and jim crow...should the democrat party be outlawed...?

Another Con chimes in on outlawing political opponents.

Outlaw Political Opposition?

ROFLMNAO! How positively ADORABLE!

I spoke to outlawing the Ideological Left; which is to say the means by which EVIL is advanced politically.

If it makes ya feel any better, I also advocate for outlawing Islam. Which is the means by which Evil is advanced in the name of religion.

But how adorable is it that you feel that there is some 'right' to advance evil as a political alternative...

Now... let me guess, you're a person who 'feels' that that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal context, and, as such can never be the result of soundly reasoned absolutes. Right?
and...he doubles down.
Further, your comment about President Obama suggests that you may not be aware of the DEFINITION of "racism":

rac·ism [rey-siz-uhm] Show IPA
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

What in this sense of racism, in any way differs from obama, his life history or the policy advanced by his cult?

2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.

So a policy, system of government, etc... which is based upon the fomenting of racial division, such as the obama cult... that would therefore be a function of racism.

3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Well... DAM'! That's just straight up Ideological Left... and a fair definition of obama.
What "Obama cult"?
A lot of their dirty little secrets are about to start surfacing.

The fact that the Democratic party is so much different now than it was half a century ago is hardly a secret.
Different? Lol. No, they still segregate people into groups.
As opposed to just one big WHITE group?
How about just one "American" group?
Now you are talking about the Democratic Party.

Mentioning "American" in relation to Democrats is a study in opposites.
Yep, the modern Democrat Party = Communist Party.

Most of them should be rounded up and tried for treason.
Nothing like a Con-federate wanting fellow Americans rounded up.

Acutally, the left is the side that rounds people up for concentration guy FDR did it to Americans during World War 2 and your buddies over seas murdered close to 100 million people......and of course you democrats belong to the racist party....
The internment of Japanese Americans was a big mistake, granted. But the Republicans were big supporters of the Fascists in Europe before Pearl Harbor.

The kennedy's like hitler......the democrats liked what hitler and mussolini were doing......and they just loved them some joe stalin....
Ah...Con-servative story time.
No surprise that a Conservative wants to ban a political party......

What, you don't like taste of your own medicine? You wanna ban everything that is even remotely reminding of slavery, right? Well, the best way to eliminate it is to remove the heart and soul of slavery, those who started it and fought for it, Democrat party.
No surprise that a Conservative wants to ban a political party......

What, you don't like taste of your own medicine? You wanna ban everything that is even remotely reminding of slavery, right? Well, the best way to eliminate it is to remove the heart and soul of slavery, those who started it and fought for it, Democrat party.

They can't. Their intent is to replace the old slavery of black-to-white with the slavery of all to the State.
A lot of their dirty little secrets are about to start surfacing.

The fact that the Democratic party is so much different now than it was half a century ago is hardly a secret.

The fact is that South is so much different then it was 100 years ago and even much better on racial issues then North.

Indeed. Black Americans have been moving South for decades. They're much happier in Charleston than they are in Newark.
There is no evidence that LBJ said that.

The quote is from Ronald Kessler's book, and although there is no actual recording of LBJ saying exact the same quote, there are other recordings where LBJ is using racial slurs including "******". Like this one...

Races, ethnicities, religions, gender.

The GOP. Christians Whites. That's 90%. The rest? Who cares? They have no power anyway.

Yes...just look at the 14 GOP candidates for President...Cruz, Rubio, Jindal, Carson, Fiorini......all those white

Rush told you that Obama was elected because of his color, so your main priority is someone with a tan. Perfect right wing logic.

Uh, to the lie told by bulldog.....

What lie might that be?
A lot of their dirty little secrets are about to start surfacing.

The fact that the Democratic party is so much different now than it was half a century ago is hardly a secret.

Not really. Gone are the white sheets, the cross burnings, and the Jim Crow Laws. They've been replaced by social programs, welfare, food stamps, Affirmative Action, and Obamaphones. Different method than 150 years ago but it keeps the black people down and keeps the Democrats in power. Like LBJ said, "I'll have those ni**gers voting for Democrats for the next hundred years". And as long as Democrats keep giving them entitlements, they'll they'll keep getting elected. God forbid any the black race as a whole ever sees through this whole charade, otherwise there'd be alot of Democrats lined up against a wall.
A lot of their dirty little secrets are about to start surfacing.

The fact that the Democratic party is so much different now than it was half a century ago is hardly a secret.

Not really. Gone are the white sheets, the cross burnings, and the Jim Crow Laws. They've been replaced by social programs, welfare, food stamps, Affirmative Action, and Obamaphones. Different method than 150 years ago but it keeps the black people down and keeps the Democrats in power. Like LBJ said, "I'll have those ni**gers voting for Democrats for the next hundred years". And as long as Democrats keep giving them entitlements, they'll they'll keep getting elected. God forbid any the black race as a whole ever sees through this whole charade, otherwise there'd be alot of Democrats lined up against a wall.

So you think all blacks are stupid?
A lot of their dirty little secrets are about to start surfacing.

The fact that the Democratic party is so much different now than it was half a century ago is hardly a secret.

Not really. Gone are the white sheets, the cross burnings, and the Jim Crow Laws. They've been replaced by social programs, welfare, food stamps, Affirmative Action, and Obamaphones. Different method than 150 years ago but it keeps the black people down and keeps the Democrats in power. Like LBJ said, "I'll have those ni**gers voting for Democrats for the next hundred years". And as long as Democrats keep giving them entitlements, they'll they'll keep getting elected. God forbid any the black race as a whole ever sees through this whole charade, otherwise there'd be alot of Democrats lined up against a wall.

So you think all blacks are stupid?

Stupid if they continue voting for Democrats. Consider what they've reaped after decades of what the Democrats have done to them: The soul-killing dependency of government entitlements, the ghettos, the crime, the drugs, the perpetration of the myth that "black people are victims". Pick any large urban area where the black-on-black murder rate is out of control and scratch the surface. What do you see? They've all been run or managed by liberals and Democrats for the last 50 years.. Chicago is a perfect example.
A lot of their dirty little secrets are about to start surfacing.

The fact that the Democratic party is so much different now than it was half a century ago is hardly a secret.

Not really. Gone are the white sheets, the cross burnings, and the Jim Crow Laws. They've been replaced by social programs, welfare, food stamps, Affirmative Action, and Obamaphones. Different method than 150 years ago but it keeps the black people down and keeps the Democrats in power. Like LBJ said, "I'll have those ni**gers voting for Democrats for the next hundred years". And as long as Democrats keep giving them entitlements, they'll they'll keep getting elected. God forbid any the black race as a whole ever sees through this whole charade, otherwise there'd be alot of Democrats lined up against a wall.

So you think all blacks are stupid?

Stupid if they continue voting for Democrats. Consider what they've reaped after decades of what the Democrats have done to them: The soul-killing dependency of government entitlements, the ghettos, the crime, the drugs, the perpetration of the myth that "black people are victims". Pick any large urban area where the black-on-black murder rate is out of control and scratch the surface. What do you see? They've all been run or managed by liberals and Democrats for the last 50 years.. Chicago is a perfect example.

Great bumper sticker YOU'RE STUPID......VOTE FOR ME
A lot of their dirty little secrets are about to start surfacing.

The fact that the Democratic party is so much different now than it was half a century ago is hardly a secret.

The fact is that South is so much different then it was 100 years ago and even much better on racial issues then North.

Indeed. Black Americans have been moving South for decades. They're much happier in Charleston than they are in Newark.
Their life expectancy is much better...
A lot of their dirty little secrets are about to start surfacing.

The fact that the Democratic party is so much different now than it was half a century ago is hardly a secret.
Different? Lol. No, they still segregate people into groups.
America s 10 Most Segregated Cities
America's Most Segregated Cities
  • 1 / 10
    10. Nassau-Suffolk, New York

    Dissimilarity Index: 69.2

  • 2 / 10
    9. St. Louis, Missouri

    Dissimilarity Index: 70.6

  • 3 / 10
    8. Cleveland, Ohio

    Dissimilarity Index: 72.6

  • 4 / 10
    7. Miami, Florida

    Dissimilarity Index: 73.0

  • 5 / 10
    6. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    Dissimilarity Index: 73.7
    • 6 / 10
      5. Chicago, Illinois

      Dissimilarity Index: 75.9

    • 7 / 10
      4. Newark, New Jersey

      Dissimilarity Index: 78.0

    • 8 / 10
      3. New York, New York

      Dissimilarity Index: 79.1

    • 9 / 10
      2. Milwaukee, Wisconsin

      Dissimilarity Index: 79.6
    • 10 / 10
      1. Detroit, Michigan

      Dissimilarity Index: 79.6
The Democrat party owns racism, pure and simple.... from Wilson who reinstituted segregation at the federal level to the KKK... they own it.
The Democrat party owns racism, pure and simple.... from Wilson who reinstituted segregation at the federal level to the KKK... they own it.
Actually, the idea of reparations might work if the Democrats would actually pay them....

That's easy, they first need to raise the taxes on everyone else.

Remember $1.2B reparation to black farmers? It came from the "stash".

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