As the PR goes horribly wrong for Obama on the oil spill

Obama blows it again!!!

This catastrophe is a absolute disaster for the petroleum industry. Anything at all that they can lay at someone else's feet will be welcome for them. In spite of their record in third world nations, they have trumpeted their 'safety' record in the first world nations. Now we see the negligence that they practice, even here.

This should point out to all the stupidity of using a resource whose use is endangering our agriculture through the warming of the atmosphere through anthropogenic GHGs, and poisoning the environment, whether land or sea.
Revised estimate!!!! All we get is lies, lies and more lies abbout this oil spill. I'm sick of it. - U.S. Estimates Double Oil Flow Into Gulf

i'm afraid i don't see the correlation between that and your O/P.

he's done fair to middlin' on PR... but i think the bigger problem is all the nose.

should he have gone down himself and sucked the oil through a straw? case you missed the announcement....Obama accepted full responsibility for this spill and the ensuing environmental would think the information put out after THIS ANNOUNCEMENT WOULD BE ACCURATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Revised estimate!!!! All we get is lies, lies and more lies abbout this oil spill. I'm sick of it. - U.S. Estimates Double Oil Flow Into Gulf

i'm afraid i don't see the correlation between that and your O/P.

he's done fair to middlin' on PR... but i think the bigger problem is all the nose.

should he have gone down himself and sucked the oil through a straw? case you missed the announcement....Obama accepted full responsibility for this spill and the ensuing environmental would think the information put out after THIS ANNOUNCEMENT WOULD BE ACCURATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

they government is releasing the information they have and seem not to be relying on BP's estimates anymore.

i think the noise about obama in terms of this is silly. i'm sorry.. i actually find it a little offensive that people are using this in the manner they've chosen to.

when we had 9/11, we backed bush because we didn't 'hopehefailed'. i'm not saying you're of that mind, but if you look at the board, an awful lot of the criticism comes from people who are.

i can critique... but the reality is the technology is with BP... and we shouldn't be the ones to pay for it (contrary to what that idiot bohner said).

and ultimately, he's doing a hell of a lot better than mccain/palin would have.
i'm afraid i don't see the correlation between that and your O/P.

he's done fair to middlin' on PR... but i think the bigger problem is all the nose.

should he have gone down himself and sucked the oil through a straw? case you missed the announcement....Obama accepted full responsibility for this spill and the ensuing environmental would think the information put out after THIS ANNOUNCEMENT WOULD BE ACCURATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

they government is releasing the information they have and seem not to be relying on BP's estimates anymore.

i think the noise about obama in terms of this is silly. i'm sorry.. i actually find it a little offensive that people are using this in the manner they've chosen to.

when we had 9/11, we backed bush because we didn't 'hopehefailed'. i'm not saying you're of that mind, but if you look at the board, an awful lot of the criticism comes from people who are.

i can critique... but the reality is the technology is with BP... and we shouldn't be the ones to pay for it (contrary to what that idiot bohner said).

and ultimately, he's doing a hell of a lot better than mccain/palin would have.

My pet rat could do a better job than Obama and Biden combined.
i'm afraid i don't see the correlation between that and your O/P.

he's done fair to middlin' on PR... but i think the bigger problem is all the nose.

should he have gone down himself and sucked the oil through a straw? case you missed the announcement....Obama accepted full responsibility for this spill and the ensuing environmental would think the information put out after THIS ANNOUNCEMENT WOULD BE ACCURATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

they government is releasing the information they have and seem not to be relying on BP's estimates anymore.

i think the noise about obama in terms of this is silly. i'm sorry.. i actually find it a little offensive that people are using this in the manner they've chosen to.
when we had 9/11, we backed bush because we didn't 'hopehefailed'. i'm not saying you're of that mind, but if you look at the board, an awful lot of the criticism comes from people who are.

i can critique... but the reality is the technology is with BP... and we shouldn't be the ones to pay for it (contrary to what that idiot bohner said).

and ultimately, he's doing a hell of a lot better than mccain/palin would have.

We'll never know that now will we.

Look. Now you know how other's thought about the whackos on the left bitching and complaining about Bush 24/7 FROM DAY ONE HE WAS IN OFFICE!!!!...and to this very day blaming everything on Bush including this spill and it's consequences!!!! I don't hear a peep out of you over that....but it's understandable.
Look. The liberals had high hopes for Obama...and probably still do. They thought this first term would be a cakewalk and that any criticism against him could be silenced by bringing up Bush or playing the race card. The liberals certainly didn't plan on having the world's single greatest environmental disaster happen on Obama's watch...and then have to watch someone with absolutely no training in crisis management take the helm and LEAD!!! People are upset...they want someone to see what you get when you do nothing but play the blame game? You see what you get when you do nothing but fingerpoint your first 17 months in office? There are consequences for the behavior elicited by Obama and his machine...sorry if you don't like the blowback. Obama is an easy target after he accepted full responsibility. His handling of this whole disaster is his own bed...he made it....he's accountable...history and the MSM will judge him. Are we in full possession of all of the facts yet? Probably not. Just like liberals judged Bush without knowing the we go again. Karma. You reap what you sow. I hope the DNC and the liberals have learned their lesson....but somehow I don't think so. It's already patently obvious the RNC hasn' the wheels continue to turn and divide the Nation.

It's real easy to blame everyone else for the woes of a Nation....but when you swear in...IT'S YOUR WATCH...You just accepted responsibility for everything!!!! THAT'S when the finger pointing should have STOPPED!!!
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Revised estimate!!!! All we get is lies, lies and more lies abbout this oil spill. I'm sick of it. - U.S. Estimates Double Oil Flow Into Gulf

i'm afraid i don't see the correlation between that and your O/P.

he's done fair to middlin' on PR... but i think the bigger problem is all the nose.

should he have gone down himself and sucked the oil through a straw? case you missed the announcement....Obama accepted full responsibility for this spill and the ensuing environmental would think the information put out after THIS ANNOUNCEMENT WOULD BE ACCURATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is not true.
Revised estimate!!!! All we get is lies, lies and more lies abbout this oil spill. I'm sick of it. - U.S. Estimates Double Oil Flow Into Gulf

How exactly is this bad pr for Obama?

Maybe Fox wants to dive down there and put a meter on that pipe. Then their news might be accurate but that's doubtful.

Fox doesn't have SHIT to do with it....BP DOES!!!!! and since your selective memory seems to be on the fritz today...Obama accepted responsibility for the spill and the consequences.
Look at that goddam spillcam!!!!! "Uh yeah...there's only about a hundred gallons a minute." Obama takes over..."uh yeah...we're catching half of that now with our FUCKING TOP HAT!!!!!!
You gotta be shitting me!!!!!
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