As the PR goes horribly wrong for Obama on the oil spill

Revised estimate!!!! All we get is lies, lies and more lies abbout this oil spill. I'm sick of it. - U.S. Estimates Double Oil Flow Into Gulf

i'm afraid i don't see the correlation between that and your O/P.

he's done fair to middlin' on PR... but i think the bigger problem is all the nose.

should he have gone down himself and sucked the oil through a straw?

The Big 0 is fond of touting the importance, power and ability of the Federal Government.

The Federal Government was responsible for inspecting the platform and had the power and ability to enact regulations to assure safety to shut it down if they found it to be in violation of any regulations.

Whatever the cause of the accident, either the regulations were lacking or the enforcement was lacking. The power and the ability of the Federal Government is constantly shown to be inadequate, corrupt and driven by favoritism. This is one more example.

Do you wonder why it has not been blown up? Blowing it up would both stop the flow of oil and would eliminate this well as a source of oil for all time.

Isn't it amazing how BP can still bribe the Administration with a boot on its neck?
i'm afraid i don't see the correlation between that and your O/P.

he's done fair to middlin' on PR... but i think the bigger problem is all the nose.

should he have gone down himself and sucked the oil through a straw? case you missed the announcement....Obama accepted full responsibility for this spill and the ensuing environmental would think the information put out after THIS ANNOUNCEMENT WOULD BE ACCURATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is not true.

The Big 0 would disagree with your conclusion:

We have been in charge from day one, says Obama - Americas, World - The Independent

Facing fierce criticism that he had not done enough to cope with the calamitous Gulf of Mexico oil spill, President Barack Obama yesterday insisted that the administration had been in charge of the crisis "from day one", with BP operating at the direction of the federal government.


"Make no mistake, BP is operating at our direction. Every key decision it takes must be approved by us in advance," Mr Obama told a press conference a day before he makes his second trip to the afflicted region.

The President admitted that mistakes had been made in the government's response to the disaster. But he insisted that the administration was exploring "every reasonable strategy" to stop the spill, and promised that it would do "whatever it takes" to help people whose livelihoods had been affected. Some 20,000 people were in the region, working on the clean-up.
i'm afraid i don't see the correlation between that and your O/P.

he's done fair to middlin' on PR... but i think the bigger problem is all the nose.

should he have gone down himself and sucked the oil through a straw? case you missed the announcement....Obama accepted full responsibility for this spill and the ensuing environmental would think the information put out after THIS ANNOUNCEMENT WOULD BE ACCURATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is not true.

Hah ha ha ha ha ha
Apology in the video!!!!! LISTEN!!!!
Gulf oil spill: BP resumes 'top kill' efforts as Obama accepts responsibility | Mail Online case you missed the announcement....Obama accepted full responsibility for this spill and the ensuing environmental would think the information put out after THIS ANNOUNCEMENT WOULD BE ACCURATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is not true.

The Big 0 would disagree with your conclusion:

We have been in charge from day one, says Obama - Americas, World - The Independent

Facing fierce criticism that he had not done enough to cope with the calamitous Gulf of Mexico oil spill, President Barack Obama yesterday insisted that the administration had been in charge of the crisis "from day one", with BP operating at the direction of the federal government.


"Make no mistake, BP is operating at our direction. Every key decision it takes must be approved by us in advance," Mr Obama told a press conference a day before he makes his second trip to the afflicted region.

The President admitted that mistakes had been made in the government's response to the disaster. But he insisted that the administration was exploring "every reasonable strategy" to stop the spill, and promised that it would do "whatever it takes" to help people whose livelihoods had been affected. Some 20,000 people were in the region, working on the clean-up.

And you dummies take that to mean Obama is taking full responsibility for the spill..

That is not true.

The Big 0 would disagree with your conclusion:

We have been in charge from day one, says Obama - Americas, World - The Independent

Facing fierce criticism that he had not done enough to cope with the calamitous Gulf of Mexico oil spill, President Barack Obama yesterday insisted that the administration had been in charge of the crisis "from day one", with BP operating at the direction of the federal government.


"Make no mistake, BP is operating at our direction. Every key decision it takes must be approved by us in advance," Mr Obama told a press conference a day before he makes his second trip to the afflicted region.

The President admitted that mistakes had been made in the government's response to the disaster. But he insisted that the administration was exploring "every reasonable strategy" to stop the spill, and promised that it would do "whatever it takes" to help people whose livelihoods had been affected. Some 20,000 people were in the region, working on the clean-up.

And you dummies take that to mean Obama is taking full responsibility for the spill..


Notice the LACK OF A COMMENT on my video supplied by a neutral source....typical of a left wing idealogue who's President, messiah and chief left wing loon is going down in flames due to the left wing policy of blame blame blame everyone else!!!!!!!!!
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The Big 0 would disagree with your conclusion:

We have been in charge from day one, says Obama - Americas, World - The Independent

Facing fierce criticism that he had not done enough to cope with the calamitous Gulf of Mexico oil spill, President Barack Obama yesterday insisted that the administration had been in charge of the crisis "from day one", with BP operating at the direction of the federal government.


"Make no mistake, BP is operating at our direction. Every key decision it takes must be approved by us in advance," Mr Obama told a press conference a day before he makes his second trip to the afflicted region.

The President admitted that mistakes had been made in the government's response to the disaster. But he insisted that the administration was exploring "every reasonable strategy" to stop the spill, and promised that it would do "whatever it takes" to help people whose livelihoods had been affected. Some 20,000 people were in the region, working on the clean-up.

And you dummies take that to mean Obama is taking full responsibility for the spill..


Notice the LACK OF A COMMENT on my video supplied by a neutral source....typical of a left wing idealogue who's President, messiah and chief left wing loon is going down in flames due to the left wing policy of blame blame blame everyone else!!!!!!!!!

Here's a comment for you:

You're dumb for politicizing the worst disaster in history.
And you dummies take that to mean Obama is taking full responsibility for the spill..


Notice the LACK OF A COMMENT on my video supplied by a neutral source....typical of a left wing idealogue who's President, messiah and chief left wing loon is going down in flames due to the left wing policy of blame blame blame everyone else!!!!!!!!!

Here's a comment for you:

You're dumb for politicizing the worst disaster in history.

Here's a comment for you:
You're even dumber for thinking that I started this....and next time...please get your facts straight before making statements based on the latest left wing talking points from Huffington and the DNC.
Kinda sucks doesn't it? Like a puppy who pooped on the the dog get's their nose rubbed in it.

Maybe next time there is a Republican president whom you left wingers don't agree with you'll keep your lies. smears and attacks to yourselves.....but I think that is only wishful the cycle will continue......sad.
We had a Republican President from 2001 to 2009. Failed to avenge the deaths of 3000 Americans murdered on American soil. Lied us into a useless war, that gained absolutely nothing, but made billions for the foriegn company that the Vice President had a major interest in.

We had a Republican President that was so fiscally responsible that he cut taxes at a time we were engaged in two wars. A President that on the Sunday before Meltdown Monday, touted how strong the fundementals of the economy were.

We had a Republican President that came into office with the Budget in Balance, and budget surpluses in the foreseeable future. That Republican President spent all of that, cut the taxes, and nearly put us into the Second Great Republican Depression.

Now the Republican Party is looking to steller intellects such as Pallin, Beck, and Limpbaugh. We can really expect a lot from them:eusa_whistle::cuckoo:
We had a Republican President from 2001 to 2009. Failed to avenge the deaths of 3000 Americans murdered on American soil. Lied us into a useless war, that gained absolutely nothing, but made billions for the foriegn company that the Vice President had a major interest in.

We had a Republican President that was so fiscally responsible that he cut taxes at a time we were engaged in two wars. A President that on the Sunday before Meltdown Monday, touted how strong the fundementals of the economy were.

We had a Republican President that came into office with the Budget in Balance, and budget surpluses in the foreseeable future. That Republican President spent all of that, cut the taxes, and nearly put us into the Second Great Republican Depression.

Now the Republican Party is looking to steller intellects such as Pallin, Beck, and Limpbaugh. We can really expect a lot from them:eusa_whistle::cuckoo:

Over 90 countries lost citizens on 9/11. Can we at least stop disrespecting the dead enough to acknowledge that it was not "3000 Americans".
i am a democrat....obama has done very little to contain the mess in the gulf....o what could he have done....taken over immeidately....started relief wells ...he should have never allowed bp the idiots who caused this to take over cleaning it up...

obama should have realized this was his katrina from the minute the phone rang telling him this has happened....he has done very little..the gulf is may never recover in our lifetimes or that of our ways of life have ended....and get this....

there are more rigs just like this one...ready to fail..and they are still pumping...

face it...government be it under the gop or the democrats is nothing but a huge machine ready to devour anything it must devour to keep itself going...

honestly ...if this had happened under bush there would be major protest mounted..marches on washington...calls for impeachment...where are all the hard core enviromentalists now...

al gore....where is your voice in all this....
We had a Republican President from 2001 to 2009. Failed to avenge the deaths of 3000 Americans murdered on American soil. Lied us into a useless war, that gained absolutely nothing, but made billions for the foriegn company that the Vice President had a major interest in.

We had a Republican President that was so fiscally responsible that he cut taxes at a time we were engaged in two wars. A President that on the Sunday before Meltdown Monday, touted how strong the fundementals of the economy were.

We had a Republican President that came into office with the Budget in Balance, and budget surpluses in the foreseeable future. That Republican President spent all of that, cut the taxes, and nearly put us into the Second Great Republican Depression.

Now the Republican Party is looking to steller intellects such as Pallin, Beck, and Limpbaugh. We can really expect a lot from them:eusa_whistle::cuckoo:

Thank you for admitting Bush was fiscally responsible...I know that must have been like getting kicked in the balls for you....but gotta start manning up sometime..:lol:
i am a democrat....obama has done very little to contain the mess in the gulf....o what could he have done....taken over immeidately....started relief wells ...he should have never allowed bp the idiots who caused this to take over cleaning it up...

obama should have realized this was his katrina from the minute the phone rang telling him this has happened....he has done very little..the gulf is may never recover in our lifetimes or that of our ways of life have ended....and get this....

there are more rigs just like this one...ready to fail..and they are still pumping...

face it...government be it under the gop or the democrats is nothing but a huge machine ready to devour anything it must devour to keep itself going...

honestly ...if this had happened under bush there would be major protest mounted..marches on washington...calls for impeachment...where are all the hard core enviromentalists now...

al gore....where is your voice in all this....

You are correct on so many points....I haven't seen anything quite like this...Obama says he has his boot on the neck of BP...he's going to kick their collective asses....well choking off the flow of air to BP will not stop the flow of oil from that well...kicking BP's ass will solve NOTHING!!!!...there are literally thousands of people with ideas out there who are basically being ignored....while the oil continues to pour into the Gulf. The Jones Act remains in place...while oil continues to foul the beaches of the Gulf of Mexico. We have many offers from Europe to help out with skimmer ships and other items desparately needed...much of it being ignored because of union rules. We want a leader....NOT A FUCKING POLITICIAN..... NOW!!!!!!
honestly ...if this had happened under bush there would be major protest mounted..marches on washington...calls for impeachment...where are all the hard core enviromentalists now...

al gore....where is your voice in all this....

Thank you for your honesty on this.

During Katrina, there was a great deal of activity on the part of the media, the environmental movement, and Hollywood which accused Bush and then engaged in relief efforts. The BP spill is the worst ecological disaster faced by the U.S. in our era, and the silence is defeaning. It's not a partisan issue - it's an American issue. Where is Gore, and the host of opportunistic leftwing Hollywood celebs who exploited Katrina for their personal PR campaigns?

Aside: Helen Fielding, the author of "Bridget Jones' Diary" wrote an excellent book about celebrities and African famine relief called "Cause Celeb" - great read.
and Old Rocks...what did Obama do when he cam into office...Hint: HE CUT TAXES AGAIN...WHILE THE COUNTRY IS ENGAGED IN 2 WARS!!!! WHY DON'T YOU START A THREAD BITCHING ABOUT THAT!!!!!:lol: :lol: :lol: case you missed the announcement....Obama accepted full responsibility for this spill and the ensuing environmental would think the information put out after THIS ANNOUNCEMENT WOULD BE ACCURATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

they government is releasing the information they have and seem not to be relying on BP's estimates anymore.

i think the noise about obama in terms of this is silly. i'm sorry.. i actually find it a little offensive that people are using this in the manner they've chosen to.

when we had 9/11, we backed bush because we didn't 'hopehefailed'. i'm not saying you're of that mind, but if you look at the board, an awful lot of the criticism comes from people who are.

i can critique... but the reality is the technology is with BP... and we shouldn't be the ones to pay for it (contrary to what that idiot bohner said).

and ultimately, he's doing a hell of a lot better than mccain/palin would have.

My pet rat could do a better job than Obama and Biden combined.

perhaps... but mccain/palin couldn't have done better than your rat...

you betcha!

btw, i don't think they're communicating great, but i don't think they've been slackers. that meme is boring and is an effort to try to pain the president like 'you're doing a hell of a job brownie'.

like i said, i think the politicization of this issue is pretty disgusting.
I freely admit I have not read a single post.

But Obama sucks. He can do nothing else. Because he's Obama. You expected him to be good in an emergency?

Well here's the price tag.

You voted for him cuz he was cute.

Look how cute he is now.
I never thought I would say this....but I actually agree with Carville...
[ame=]YouTube - James Carville Goes Off on Fareed Zakaria[/ame]

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