As the "returns" start to come in: the EXIT POLL thread

Looks like Obama still might end up being president of the anal fornicators and the welfare recipients, but that will more or less be all he'll be president of.. The people who work for a living and have to make ends meet and the military (have ypou seen the list of retired military who have endorsed Romney) not so much, especially after Benghazi. Gonna be tough for the Obambi walking through crowds of trained sharpshooters who would like nothing more than to have you squarely in their crosshairs. Those are the kind of political conditions that breed secret police states and what better guy to bring about a police state in America than Barack Obama?
But, be forewarned:
Early exit polls may favor Obama more than the overall vote.
Don’t get fooled again: Wonkblog’s guide to watching the exit polls

(Oddly, Team Obama was telling the faithful earlier today not to get too distracted by early exit poll information. Seems a bit contradictory.)

The embargo (or whatever they are calling it) on Exit Poll details gets lifted at 7:00 (or at least partly lifted at that time).

Stay tuned.

Late deciders breaking fro the President.

time to call it

From the White House to an Orange Jump Suit

That is my wish for Obama and his entire filthy gang on this election day.
CBS: Wisc. and Ohio LEANING to Obama- would make it almost impossible for Romney, would have to win all other battlegrounds...aaarrrggghhh lol.
But, be forewarned:
Early exit polls may favor Obama more than the overall vote.
Don’t get fooled again: Wonkblog’s guide to watching the exit polls

(Oddly, Team Obama was telling the faithful earlier today not to get too distracted by early exit poll information. Seems a bit contradictory.)

The embargo (or whatever they are calling it) on Exit Poll details gets lifted at 7:00 (or at least partly lifted at that time).

Stay tuned.

Late deciders breaking fro the President.

time to call it


I don't think so. The "ground game" the President's guys were talking about was a GET OUT THE BASE campaign that looks like it was effective.

Hard to believe anybody could get voters motivated to RE-elect the FAIL in CHIEF.

But the race is presently quite close and giving the devil his due: it looks like the dim GET OUT THE VOTE campaign was good.
The initial Team Obama lead in Ohio down to 7% with 35% reporting.

Could be a stunner yet.


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