As The Taliban Seize 3 MORE Major Cities While Afghanistan Continues To Collapse, Biden Warns Taliban NOT To Take Over Afghanistan

Warns? Eh, it's just fluff is all. He is putting his chest so Americans think he is tough and means business.

At the end of the day they will do whatever they want and he won't actually do anything about it.
Typical Democrat foreign policy blunder and mismanagement. We see this sorry ass weak shit everything a Democrat is President.

There was a right way and wrong to withdraw from Afghanistan.

Trump was doing it the right way.

Joe Dufus is doing it the wrong way.
I dont support nor like Biden but Trump said he would pull out by May, we have no way to know if a Trump presidency would have left anyone.
Warns? Eh, it's just fluff is all. He is putting his chest so Americans think he is tough and means business.

At the end of the day they will do whatever they want and he won't actually do anything about it.
Biden doesn't know what room he is in half the time. What is that senile old fuck gonna do? Shit in his diaper...that's what.
I wonder if anybody was intimidated by the stuttering shit clown reading "don't take over Afghanistan" from his notes in 4 inch purple crayon.

I'm just fucking with you.... of course the entire planet just continues to laugh and point at it.

Thank God the drooling fucktard didn't drop his notes on the floor again or we would have heard "don't take over Florida".....

Biden: Come on man
SS: There's the door into the White House (points)
Biden: Are we supposed to be walking on the grass?
SS: The door's back there behind you.
Biden: What?
SS: Again the door into the White House is back that way.
Biden: Where are you going the door is back that way.
SS: Just follow me.
Biden: Okay but I'm just saying the door is back there.
SS: Here I opened the door for you.
Biden: Don't know why we took the scenic route but okay.
Dateline Saigon, er um Kabul April 1975, no, wait, October 2021. The last Marine helicopter lifted off the roof of the US Embassy as North Vietnam, no, Taliban troops entered the embassy compound.
Collapse accelerates: Taliban seize three more major cities
-- in a single day....

The only locations in Afghanistan the Taliban are not attacking and taking over is where we still, temporarily, have troops...and only because they know THAT might bring us back into the fight there. So they are content in taking everything else and waiting us out to we finally pull everyone out to move into those places.

I don't even understand why Joe is acting like he cares what the Taliban are doing and what happens to Afghanistan.

It's over. We're out. There is nothing to stop the Taliban from taking over, as the troops and government officials we trained / worked with either surrender, turn, or get beheaded / killed. Believing they could stand up on their own once we left was a pipe dream....and all of Joe's 'stern warnings' can't change that.

He shouldn't feel bad, though - no matter what President was in office and pulled our troops out this would have happened, & we couldn't stay in Afghanistan forever.

If I were a political hack like you are, I'd point out that Biden's hands are largely tied by the peace treaty that Trump signed with the Taliban last year. The one where we agreed to withdraw if they promised not to attack our troops in the process.

But I'm intellectually honest enough to admit that everyone knew that this would be the end result and no one really cared that much. I even give Trump some credit in doing what Obama should have done in 2009.

The Afghans we worked with had 20 years to get their shit together and provide a good government the majority could support. Instead they flooded the west with Opium, stole the aid we sent with both hands, rigged elections and now are dropping their weapons and switching sides at the first opportunity.

Every president since Jimmy Carter has dropped the ball on Afghanistan.... We'd have all been better off if we just let the commies force atheism on them and taught girls how to read.
Anyone else reminded of O'bummer's fuck-up in Iraq? Same situation, Bush set a goal and O'bummer carried it out, only to create a mess Trump cleaned up after. This time Trump set a goal and Xiden carried it out. Gee, can't wait to see what happens next.

Except Trump didn't clean up the mess in Iraq, the Iranians did. Now the Iranians essentially control Syria and Iraq, and there's not a lot we can do about it.
Collapse accelerates: Taliban seize three more major cities
-- in a single day....

Biden WARNS the Taliban, "Don't Take Over Afghanistan!"
View attachment 523894

...And the Taliban Reacted To Joe Biden's stern warning....
View attachment 523895


The only locations in Afghanistan the Taliban are not attacking and taking over is where we still, temporarily, have troops...and only because they know THAT might bring us back into the fight there. So they are content in taking everything else and waiting us out to we finally pull everyone out to move into those places.

I don't even understand why Joe is acting like he cares what the Taliban are doing and what happens to Afghanistan.

It's over. We're out. There is nothing to stop the Taliban from taking over, as the troops and government officials we trained / worked with either surrender, turn, or get beheaded / killed. Believing they could stand up on their own once we left was a pipe dream....and all of Joe's 'stern warnings' can't change that.

He shouldn't feel bad, though - no matter what President was in office and pulled our troops out this would have happened, & we couldn't stay in Afghanistan forever.

Biden warns them eh? Or what? Lol
The fact is that Trump was poised to withdraw from Afghanistan so the same thing would have happened. This is a bipartisan bad move.
Trump would have executed the withdraw much better because he's a much more competent and efficient person. Biden can't even control his military, partly because he has them more worried about sex reassignments and the evils of White supremacy instead of military things like the logistics and planning for withdraw. There has never been a more incompetent buffoon in the White House. Thanks for nothing Democrats. You reprove your ineptness every day.
Trump would have executed the withdraw much better because he's a much more competent and efficient person. Biden can't even control his military, partly because he has them more worried about sex reassignments and the evils of White supremacy instead of military things like the logistics and planning for withdraw. There has never been a more incompetent buffoon in the White House. Thanks for nothing Democrats. You reprove your ineptness every day.

Trump was hated by the military establishment, which openly opposed most of the stupid things he wanted to do. How many defense secretaries did he go through?

Again, if you spend 2 Trillion propping up the Afghan Army for 20 years, and they all still drop their rifles, how is that Biden's fault, again?
We should have been in-and-out of that medieval Muzzie $hithole within six months...

You can't build a nation when all you've got to work with are ignorant backwards Neanderthals and Chicken$hits...

Let 'em go on butchering each other... less for us to have to deal with later if the time ever comes...
There are plenty here in America that we should send over there to fend for themselves to prove just what badassmotherfuckers they are.
To paraphrase something first appearing (to the best of my knowledge) in the 1940s...

>>>>> FOR SALE <<<<<

300,000 Afghan Army rifles

* Never fired

* Only dropped once

Inquire within
To paraphrase something first appearing (to the best of my knowledge) in the 1940s...

>>>>> FOR SALE <<<<<

300,000 Afghan Army rifles

* Never fired

* Only dropped once

Inquire within

You stole my joke.

(I actually think the original was Italian Army Rifles).

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