As We Move Towards a Cashless Society

Pretty soon the rugged individual will have no choice but hunt, fish, trap and set up networks of local trade where people in the area produce their own goods and all purchases are based on a town or village or county bartering system which exists wholly outside government influence and/or regulation. Guerilla markets. Local manufacturing. Good times.
Yeah, cut-throats will abound.
Yeah, cut-throats will abound.
You'd know. :auiqs.jpg:

Pretty soon the rugged individual will have no choice but hunt, fish, trap and set up networks of local trade where people in the area produce their own goods and all purchases are based on a town or village or county bartering system which exists wholly outside government influence and/or regulation. Guerilla markets. Local manufacturing. Good times.

It's already happening.
Russians can’t use Apple Pay, Google pay, or credit cards any longer. Just remember that they can make you totally broke in a nanosecond if they don’t like you and there’s not a thing you can do about it.

Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. Revelation 13:16-17

The devil is always in the details. Visa and MC are cancelling cross border transactions.

So if your card was issued in Russia, and you buy something in Russia, it will work. Locals still have functioning credit cards. If they travel outside the country, the card will not work. Of course, nothing is stopping them from getting a second card tied to a billing adress in say France.

The opposite is true. If the card was issued outside Russia, it will not work inside Russia. No tourist dollars for you Putin! Not that they are getting many tourists when Departments of State are telling people to flee Russia.

Finally, I have to laugh at this fake display of corporate responsibility by Visa and Mastercard. They are doing this because of currency risk. The Ruble fell out of bed and is highly volitle. If I purchase something in Tokyo on my Visa, Visa pays the vendor in yen, converts the currency to dollars, and then bills me in dollars. There is no way they are going to do this with Rubles.

It is not a political statement, it is prudent financial management.

The same goes for a number of companies pulling out of Russia. They were being paid in Rubles...which are pretty much worthless.
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How fast do you suppose people will go back to gold and silver to avoid this especially after what Trudeau did to the trucker protest in Canada?

After all the banks don't want to pay crap so you might as well stick it in your mattress.



Gold and silver is great but if we suddenly went back to them as currency who would accept it? You won't be able to go to the gorcery and say "ok here is 1.2 oz of silver". Try going to a bank and deposting a bar of gold I to your checking account. There is no public system setup for gold and silver to be used as currency. Amazon certainly isn't going to take it or anyone really.

If things got that bad you can expect the government to step in and create a national bank all Americans have to use and it will be the only accepted form of payment unless you're doing under the table deals person to person. They will make gold and silver useless so they get to keep it all.

Honestly I think that's what Democrats are shooting for. A system so fucked up they can scare Americans into agreeing to a national bank.
Gold and silver is great but if we suddenly went back to them as currency who would accept it? You won't be able to go to the gorcery and say "ok here is 1.2 oz of silver". Try going to a bank and deposting a bar of gold I to your checking account. There is no public system setup for gold and silver to be used as currency. Amazon certainly isn't going to take it or anyone really.

If things got that bad you can expect the government to step in and create a national bank all Americans have to use and it will be the only accepted form of payment unless you're doing under the table deals person to person. They will make gold and silver useless so they get to keep it all.

Honestly I think that's what Democrats are shooting for. A system so fucked up they can scare Americans into agreeing to a national bank.


If a majority of people trust neither the government or the banks they will set up a separate system.

Small businesses will then come back to avoid having to purchase from large chains or Amazon, Ebay and such.


Gold and silver is great but if we suddenly went back to them as currency who would accept it? You won't be able to go to the gorcery and say "ok here is 1.2 oz of silver". Try going to a bank and deposting a bar of gold I to your checking account. There is no public system setup for gold and silver to be used as currency. Amazon certainly isn't going to take it or anyone really.

If things got that bad you can expect the government to step in and create a national bank all Americans have to use and it will be the only accepted form of payment unless you're doing under the table deals person to person. They will make gold and silver useless so they get to keep it all.

Honestly I think that's what Democrats are shooting for. A system so fucked up they can scare Americans into agreeing to a national bank.
Gold and silver have been currency since they were discovered. People will take that versus a worthless piece of paper any day.
Gold and silver is great but if we suddenly went back to them as currency who would accept it? You won't be able to go to the gorcery and say "ok here is 1.2 oz of silver". Try going to a bank and deposting a bar of gold I to your checking account. There is no public system setup for gold and silver to be used as currency. Amazon certainly isn't going to take it or anyone really.

If things got that bad you can expect the government to step in and create a national bank all Americans have to use and it will be the only accepted form of payment unless you're doing under the table deals person to person. They will make gold and silver useless so they get to keep it all.

Honestly I think that's what Democrats are shooting for. A system so fucked up they can scare Americans into agreeing to a national bank.

Most normal people would. Those who won't, will starve.

As long as there are computers and electricity, bitcoin will piss of the globalists, since they can't control it or shut it down. :heehee:

As long as there are computers and electricity, bitcoin will piss of the globalists, since they can't control it or shut it down. :heehee:
Bitcoin's value is more volatile than natural gas, and far more volatile than any currency. Only an idiot would risk investing in Bitcoin.
Bitcoin's value is more volatile than natural gas, and far more volatile than any currency. Only an idiot would risk investing in Bitcoin.
I don't believe I implied using it as an investment. Maybe I did. My mistake. I only thought it could be used as an alternative for a medium of exchange. Of course it is not good as an investment.

Probably the most stable, would be a place that exchanged precious metals for bitcoin, and then you could use bitcoin as a better medium of exchange than precious metals.

. . . probably better than central bank backed fiat.


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