Ashcroft, Tenet, Rumsfeld warned 9/11 Commission about ‘line’ it ’should not cross’


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
Revealed: Ashcroft, Tenet, Rumsfeld warned 9/11 Commission about ‘line’ it ’should not cross’ | Raw Story

You know, it's this type of bullshit by the three clowns that give the truthers a foot to stand on in the first place.

Senior Bush administration officials sternly cautioned the 9/11 Commission against probing too deeply into the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, according to a document recently obtained by the ACLU.

The notification came in a letter dated January 6, 2004, addressed by Attorney General John Ashcroft, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and CIA Director George J. Tenet. The ACLU described it as a fax sent by David Addington, then-counsel to former vice president Dick Cheney.

In the message, the officials denied the bipartisan commission's request to question terrorist detainees, informing its two senior-most members that doing so would "cross" a "line" and obstruct the administration's ability to protect the nation.

"In response to the Commission's expansive requests for access to secrets, the executive branch has provided such access in full cooperation," the letter read. "There is, however, a line that the Commission should not cross -- the line separating the Commission's proper inquiry into the September 11, 2001 attacks from interference with the Government's ability to safeguard the national security, including protection of Americans from future terrorist attacks."

The 9/11 Commission, officially called the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, was formed by President Bush in November of 2002 "to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks" and to offer recommendations for preventing future attacks.

Thoughts USMB?
Revealed: Ashcroft, Tenet, Rumsfeld warned 9/11 Commission about ‘line’ it ’should not cross’ | Raw Story

You know, it's this type of bullshit by the three clowns that give the truthers a foot to stand on in the first place.

Senior Bush administration officials sternly cautioned the 9/11 Commission against probing too deeply into the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, according to a document recently obtained by the ACLU.

The notification came in a letter dated January 6, 2004, addressed by Attorney General John Ashcroft, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and CIA Director George J. Tenet. The ACLU described it as a fax sent by David Addington, then-counsel to former vice president Dick Cheney.

In the message, the officials denied the bipartisan commission's request to question terrorist detainees, informing its two senior-most members that doing so would "cross" a "line" and obstruct the administration's ability to protect the nation.

"In response to the Commission's expansive requests for access to secrets, the executive branch has provided such access in full cooperation," the letter read. "There is, however, a line that the Commission should not cross -- the line separating the Commission's proper inquiry into the September 11, 2001 attacks from interference with the Government's ability to safeguard the national security, including protection of Americans from future terrorist attacks."

The 9/11 Commission, officially called the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, was formed by President Bush in November of 2002 "to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks" and to offer recommendations for preventing future attacks.

Thoughts USMB?

"You know, it's this type of bullshit by the three clowns that give the truthers a foot to stand on in the first place."

"You know, it's this type of bullshit by the three clowns that give the truthers a foot to stand on in the first place."


The fact the Bush Administration was hellbent about preventing any sort of real investigation will always keep the rumors alive. Just makes me shake my head.
I agree dogbert, I am shaking my head as well.
At this point, even a new and complete investigation will always be tainted by the mistakes of the past.
For this reason, I do not think any future investigation will be accepted by the 'truthers'.

Still, I think we deserve an investigation into the investigation. I can see that happening at some point in the future.
I agree dogbert, I am shaking my head as well.
At this point, even a new and complete investigation will always be tainted by the mistakes of the past.
For this reason, I do not think any future investigation will be accepted by the 'truthers'.

Still, I think we deserve an investigation into the investigation. I can see that happening at some point in the future.

I don't know if Obama will do it, but I can see it being at least fifteen years down the road from when 9/11 occurred. So 2016.

We agree though, the truthers will not accept likely. However, those family members who lost loved ones on 9/11 and the American People deserve real answers. I'm sure we agree on that too.
Like I have always said, REINVESTIGATE IT, even people on the commission dont trust the results.
I agree dogbert, I am shaking my head as well.
At this point, even a new and complete investigation will always be tainted by the mistakes of the past.
For this reason, I do not think any future investigation will be accepted by the 'truthers'.

Still, I think we deserve an investigation into the investigation. I can see that happening at some point in the future.

I don't know if Obama will do it, but I can see it being at least fifteen years down the road from when 9/11 occurred. So 2016.

We agree though, the truthers will not accept likely. However, those family members who lost loved ones on 9/11 and the American People deserve real answers. I'm sure we agree on that too.

I see it happening in about the same time-frame, 15-20 years after the fact. I only see a new investigation that looks into the manner in which the first investigation was conducted.
I don't see an investigation into what happened, and that is the reason I don't think the 'truthers' will accept it.
Like I have always said, REINVESTIGATE IT, even people on the commission dont trust the results.

As i said before, I think we will see an investigation into the investigation.

I don't think we will see an investigation to determine who did it. I don't see the claims of "bush did it" being investigated.

There is a large gap between recognizing problems in the report and how it was formed, and the claims made by the more insane in the truth movement.

In my opinion, the WTC investigation by NIST falls short of expectations by not definitively finding cause, by not sufficiently linking recommendations of specificity to cause, by not fully invoking all of their authority to seek facts in the investigation, and by the guidance of government lawyers to deter rather than develop fact finding

OpEdNews - Page 2 of Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation
Revealed: Ashcroft, Tenet, Rumsfeld warned 9/11 Commission about ‘line’ it ’should not cross’ | Raw Story

You know, it's this type of bullshit by the three clowns that give the truthers a foot to stand on in the first place.

Senior Bush administration officials sternly cautioned the 9/11 Commission against probing too deeply into the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, according to a document recently obtained by the ACLU.

The notification came in a letter dated January 6, 2004, addressed by Attorney General John Ashcroft, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and CIA Director George J. Tenet. The ACLU described it as a fax sent by David Addington, then-counsel to former vice president Dick Cheney.

In the message, the officials denied the bipartisan commission's request to question terrorist detainees, informing its two senior-most members that doing so would "cross" a "line" and obstruct the administration's ability to protect the nation.

"In response to the Commission's expansive requests for access to secrets, the executive branch has provided such access in full cooperation," the letter read. "There is, however, a line that the Commission should not cross -- the line separating the Commission's proper inquiry into the September 11, 2001 attacks from interference with the Government's ability to safeguard the national security, including protection of Americans from future terrorist attacks."

The 9/11 Commission, officially called the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, was formed by President Bush in November of 2002 "to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks" and to offer recommendations for preventing future attacks.

Thoughts USMB?

I see nothing in the text that is out of the ordinary except in some people's 'translation'. Basically it's a warning to be careful potentially revealing top secret, intelligence sensitive information. Ya know, ya kinda don't want our enemies knowing what info you have and/or how you got it, not to mention other defensive strategies that might accidentally be compromised.
Of course if you want to believe it's something more than please, indulge your fantasies to your hearts desire.
Greetings to All:

The out-of-control Bush Regime cautioned the 911 Commission against probing too deeply into the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, because 9/11 Was Definitely An Inside Job (my 911Truth Blog).


Revealed: Ashcroft, Tenet, Rumsfeld warned 9/11 Commission about ‘line’ it ’should not cross’

Senior Bush administration officials sternly cautioned the 9/11 Commission against probing too deeply into the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, according to a document recently obtained by the ACLU.

The notification came in a letter dated January 6, 2004, addressed by Attorney General John Ashcroft, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and CIA Director George J. Tenet. The ACLU described it as a fax sent by David Addington, then-counsel to former vice president Dick Cheney.

In the message, the officials denied the bipartisan commission's request to question terrorist detainees, informing its two senior-most members that doing so would "cross" a "line" and obstruct the administration's ability to protect the nation.

"In response to the Commission's expansive requests for access to secrets, the executive branch has provided such access in full cooperation," the letter read. "There is, however, a line that the Commission should not cross -- the line separating the Commission's proper inquiry into the September 11, 2001 attacks from interference with the Government's ability to safeguard the national security, including protection of Americans from future terrorist attacks."

The 9/11 Commission, officially called the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, was formed by President Bush in November of 2002 "to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks" and to offer recommendations for preventing future attacks. [More]
The Bush and Obama Fascist Regimes do NOT want to charge Gitmo Detainees with specific crimes in the 9/11 attacks, because that would require producing 'evidence' and even The Govt Documentation Proves 9/11 Was An Inside Job (my Topic). Flight 93 Never Crashed In The Empty Shanksville Field (my Topic) and What Really Happened At The Pentagon (my Topic) has 'nothing' to do with the Official Govt Cover Story LIE. WTC-7 Was Definitely Brought Down Using Controlled Demolition (link) and my Topic on What Really Happened On 9/11 is here.

None of the Official Govt Cover Story Stooges (Gamolon, Fizz, CandyCorn, DiveConMan, etc.) can 'debunk' the substance of my 911Truth Explanations and none of them can accept My Challenge (Topic) to haul out their evidence that explains the Official 9/11 Cover Story, because the evidence clearly says something else ...


Last edited:
Greetings to All:

The out-of-control Bush Regime cautioned the 911 Commission against probing too deeply into the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, because 9/11 Was Definitely An Inside Job (my 911Truth Blog).


Revealed: Ashcroft, Tenet, Rumsfeld warned 9/11 Commission about ‘line’ it ’should not cross’

Senior Bush administration officials sternly cautioned the 9/11 Commission against probing too deeply into the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, according to a document recently obtained by the ACLU.

The notification came in a letter dated January 6, 2004, addressed by Attorney General John Ashcroft, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and CIA Director George J. Tenet. The ACLU described it as a fax sent by David Addington, then-counsel to former vice president Dick Cheney.

In the message, the officials denied the bipartisan commission's request to question terrorist detainees, informing its two senior-most members that doing so would "cross" a "line" and obstruct the administration's ability to protect the nation.

"In response to the Commission's expansive requests for access to secrets, the executive branch has provided such access in full cooperation," the letter read. "There is, however, a line that the Commission should not cross -- the line separating the Commission's proper inquiry into the September 11, 2001 attacks from interference with the Government's ability to safeguard the national security, including protection of Americans from future terrorist attacks."

The 9/11 Commission, officially called the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, was formed by President Bush in November of 2002 "to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks" and to offer recommendations for preventing future attacks. [More]
The Bush and Obama Fascist Regimes do NOT want to charge Gitmo Detainees with specific crimes in the 9/11 attacks, because that would require producing 'evidence' and even The Govt Documentation Proves 9/11 Was An Inside Job (my Topic). Flight 93 Never Crashed In The Empty Shanksville Field (my Topic) and What Really Happened At The Pentagon (my Topic) has 'nothing' to do with the Official Govt Cover Story LIE. WTC-7 Was Definitely Brought Down Using Controlled Demolition (link) and my Topic on What Really Happened On 9/11 is here.

None of the Official Govt Cover Story Stooges (Gamolon, Fizz, CandyCorn, DiveConMan, etc.) can 'debunk' the substance of my 911Truth Explanations and none of them can accept My Challenge (Topic) to haul out their evidence that explains the Official 9/11 Cover Story, because the evidence clearly says something else ...



gee, thats horrible. you should definitely vote Bush out of office the next time he comes up for re-election.
Revealed: Ashcroft, Tenet, Rumsfeld warned 9/11 Commission about ‘line’ it ’should not cross’ | Raw Story

You know, it's this type of bullshit by the three clowns that give the truthers a foot to stand on in the first place.

Senior Bush administration officials sternly cautioned the 9/11 Commission against probing too deeply into the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, according to a document recently obtained by the ACLU.

The notification came in a letter dated January 6, 2004, addressed by Attorney General John Ashcroft, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and CIA Director George J. Tenet. The ACLU described it as a fax sent by David Addington, then-counsel to former vice president Dick Cheney.

In the message, the officials denied the bipartisan commission's request to question terrorist detainees, informing its two senior-most members that doing so would "cross" a "line" and obstruct the administration's ability to protect the nation.

"In response to the Commission's expansive requests for access to secrets, the executive branch has provided such access in full cooperation," the letter read. "There is, however, a line that the Commission should not cross -- the line separating the Commission's proper inquiry into the September 11, 2001 attacks from interference with the Government's ability to safeguard the national security, including protection of Americans from future terrorist attacks."

The 9/11 Commission, officially called the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, was formed by President Bush in November of 2002 "to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks" and to offer recommendations for preventing future attacks.

Thoughts USMB?

I see nothing in the text that is out of the ordinary except in some people's 'translation'. Basically it's a warning to be careful potentially revealing top secret, intelligence sensitive information. Ya know, ya kinda don't want our enemies knowing what info you have and/or how you got it, not to mention other defensive strategies that might accidentally be compromised.
Of course if you want to believe it's something more than please, indulge your fantasies to your hearts desire.

Thats right nothing to see here just stuff your head up your ass and move along
Revealed: Ashcroft, Tenet, Rumsfeld warned 9/11 Commission about ‘line’ it ’should not cross’ | Raw Story

You know, it's this type of bullshit by the three clowns that give the truthers a foot to stand on in the first place.

Senior Bush administration officials sternly cautioned the 9/11 Commission against probing too deeply into the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, according to a document recently obtained by the ACLU.

The notification came in a letter dated January 6, 2004, addressed by Attorney General John Ashcroft, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and CIA Director George J. Tenet. The ACLU described it as a fax sent by David Addington, then-counsel to former vice president Dick Cheney.

In the message, the officials denied the bipartisan commission's request to question terrorist detainees, informing its two senior-most members that doing so would "cross" a "line" and obstruct the administration's ability to protect the nation.

"In response to the Commission's expansive requests for access to secrets, the executive branch has provided such access in full cooperation," the letter read. "There is, however, a line that the Commission should not cross -- the line separating the Commission's proper inquiry into the September 11, 2001 attacks from interference with the Government's ability to safeguard the national security, including protection of Americans from future terrorist attacks."

The 9/11 Commission, officially called the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, was formed by President Bush in November of 2002 "to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks" and to offer recommendations for preventing future attacks.

Thoughts USMB?

"You know, it's this type of bullshit by the three clowns that give the truthers a foot to stand on in the first place."


[ame=""]What motivated the 9/11 hijackers? See testimony most didn't[/ame]


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