Ashley Babbitt dies while looking in "the Peoples House". Maybe we should start shooting illegals who want come into our country?


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
I keep hearing from the progressive slaves on this board that Ashley Babbitt deserved to be shot, while being in the Capitol. Using their same logic, then it should be open season on illegals who want to criminally break out laws by crossing the southern border.

What say you?

I keep hearing from the progressive slaves on this board that Ashley Babbitt deserved to be shot, while being in the Capitol. Using their same logic, then it should be open season on illegals who want to criminally break out laws by crossing the southern border.

What say you?

Except those people at the border aren't looking to overturn the results of a free and fair election...because their guy lost. They aren't storming government buildings looking for politicians to bully into installing their guy back in the White House.They're just looking to escape the shithole they came from. So with that, I say...the right wing is the greatest threat this country has faced since the Civil War. :)
I keep hearing from the progressive slaves on this board that Ashley Babbitt deserved to be shot, while being in the Capitol. Using their same logic, then it should be open season on illegals who want to criminally break out laws by crossing the southern border.

What say you?

This is a lie and fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Refugees seeking asylum pursuant to immigration law is not the same as a criminal/terrorist killed during the commission of an act of terror.

That the hateful, reprehensible right would advocate murdering innocent asylum seekers comes as no surprise.
I guess if they also fail to comply then they can expect to get shot as well.
I keep hearing from the progressive slaves on this board that Ashley Babbitt deserved to be shot, while being in the Capitol. Using their same logic, then it should be open season on illegals who want to criminally break out laws by crossing the southern border.

What say you?

This is a lie and fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Refugees seeking asylum pursuant to immigration law is not the same as a criminal/terrorist killed during the commission of an act of terror.

That the hateful, reprehensible right would advocate murdering innocent asylum seekers comes as no surprise.
Dude, just because your fucking country is a shithole and has crime and drugs, dont come to this country that has crime and drugs, thus increasing the crime and drugs. What the fuck dont you get, brainless moron....
She was just "looking"? That's the whole story?

Okay. I do believe that you guys believe that.

I've never seen anything like this. Incredible.
I keep hearing from the progressive slaves on this board that Ashley Babbitt deserved to be shot, while being in the Capitol. Using their same logic, then it should be open season on illegals who want to criminally break out laws by crossing the southern border.

What say you?

Only whites will be treated like this without repercussions
I keep hearing from the progressive slaves on this board that Ashley Babbitt deserved to be shot, while being in the Capitol. Using their same logic, then it should be open season on illegals who want to criminally break out laws by crossing the southern border.

What say you?

This is a lie and fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Refugees seeking asylum pursuant to immigration law is not the same as a criminal/terrorist killed during the commission of an act of terror.

That the hateful, reprehensible right would advocate murdering innocent asylum seekers comes as no surprise.
Dude, just because your fucking country is a shithole and has crime and drugs, dont come to this country that has crime and drugs, thus increasing the crime and drugs. What the fuck dont you get, brainless moron....
No, he's a nazi America hater and it's his job to spew his lies. he gets it.
I keep hearing from the progressive slaves on this board that Ashley Babbitt deserved to be shot, while being in the Capitol. Using their same logic, then it should be open season on illegals who want to criminally break out laws by crossing the southern border.

What say you?

She had every right to be shot because she was breaking and entering committing a crime. Everyone who entered the capital should be charged with a crime and jailed. Attacking officers and they had the right to protect themselves. Black get killed all the time over minor crimes and illegals cross the border illegally, breaking and entering and should be shot also
She had every right to be shot because she was breaking and entering committing a crime. Everyone who entered the capital should be charged with a crime and jailed. Attacking officers and they had the right to protect themselves. Black get killed all the time over minor crimes and illegals cross the border illegally, breaking and entering and should be shot also
So since the illegals are breaking into our country and committing crimes, then it is okay to shoot them? Thank you for making my point.
We are past the point of reasoned, civil, negotiation. Lines have been drawn. The fence sitters can sit back and watch whose dick they'll be sucking, as they survey the landscape from navel level...
Except those people at the border aren't looking to overturn the results of a free and fair election...because their guy lost. They aren't storming government buildings looking for politicians to bully into installing their guy back in the White House.They're just looking to escape the shithole they came from. So with that, I say...the right wing is the greatest threat this country has faced since the Civil War. :)
You left Winger sure know how to overreact. Those people were just protesting what they perceived as a stolen election at the Capitol. It appears they were right.
I keep hearing from the progressive slaves on this board that Ashley Babbitt deserved to be shot, while being in the Capitol. Using their same logic, then it should be open season on illegals who want to criminally break out laws by crossing the southern border.

What say you?

Gov Abbott or DeSantis could have started this 3 1/2 years ago
Except those people at the border aren't looking to overturn the results of a free and fair election...because their guy lost. They aren't storming government buildings looking for politicians to bully into installing their guy back in the White House.They're just looking to escape the shithole they came from. So with that, I say...the right wing is the greatest threat this country has faced since the Civil War. :)
There was not one chance of that happening. You are an idiot if you thought the country was in danger. You witnessed the theft of the election finalized.
Why is the Capitol Police Officers name hidden from the Internet? Does anyone know his name? We knew Officer Chauvin's name the day after Floyd's death.
Judicial Watch has filed a $30 million wrongful death lawsuit for the Jan. 6, 2021, killing of Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt by U.S. Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd.
The suit, filed in federal court in San Diego, accuses Mr. Byrd of multiple counts of negligence that resulted in Ms. Babbitt’s death by a gunshot wound to her left anterior shoulder.

Judicial Watch filed the action against the federal government on behalf of Ms. Babbitt’s husband, Aaron Babbitt, and her personal estate.
The suit alleges that Mr. Byrd, now a USCP captain, was negligent in the use of his firearm and in his faulty assessment that Ms. Babbitt posed an imminent threat to his life.

“Ashli was unarmed. Her hands were up in the air, empty, and in plain view of Lt. Byrd and other officers in the lobby,” the lawsuit states. “Ashli posed no threat to the safety of anyone.”
I keep hearing from the progressive slaves on this board that Ashley Babbitt deserved to be shot, while being in the Capitol. Using their same logic, then it should be open season on illegals who want to criminally break out laws by crossing the southern border.

What say you?

Intriguing that the compelling evidence that the shooting was 100% Fake has been buried or just simply ignored .
She was a high ranking Intel Officer -- as were her family -

Proof the January 6 Trials are Fake -
Are you as confident now after scanning the paper?

Trouble is , the paper is more than two paras long and it concludes that things might not be exactly as your entrained brains have been led to believe .
Therefore , by Definition, it must be all Conspiracy . Doubtless inspired by Trump , Russia or madness .

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