Ashli Babbit

This was the name of the woman shot dead at the Capital as she entered unarmed.

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Who was she?

She was a resident of the San Diego area and a veteran. Babbit was an outspoken supporter of Donald Trump, according to her social media feeds.

I thought people should at least know who it was and what she was about. After all, when police gun down unarmed blacks on the streets the media repeats those names nonstop, but when this happens, all the media says is that there was a bloody revolt by right wingers trying to overthrow the government............unarmed.

Well, I reckon they have their martyre now.

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She was committing an act of sedition against the United States of America.

The intended purpose of the attack on the Capitol and on Congress was to stop the counting of electoral votes and to undermine democracy.

She deserved what she got.

I hope the other treasonous bastards that attacked the capitol building and Congress are arrested and put in prison for the rest of their lives!!!!

Trespassing is a misdemeanor. Not happening you fascist PITA!


You are truly an idiot!

This was an attack against Congress intending to stop Congress from Certifying Biden and undermine Democracy.

It was sedition.

The time for your BULLSHIT is over...people like you are now traitors to the United States!

It was a temporary act of political expression.
Which is protected by the 1st amendment.

hmmm....well all that rioting that occurred in some cities during the racial injustice protests....that was political expression too? They were pissed at the government. Are there ANY bounds to "protected" "political expression"? I always thought violence was the boundary.
Charge this cop with murder and then publicly hang him.

Pretty obvious she is climbing through a window. I presume she received a warning. That officer was tasked with defending the people behind him, that is his job. She was attacking, she was the one climbing through the window. The officer saw the crowd behind and couldn't be overrun..

I think the officers having no option for non lethal force is the mistake here. But they are not the attackers...

As for the ones that say it is 'our' building... Bullshit and if you think you can have access to all federal buildings, you don't mind if a few thousand BLM supporters climb over the fence and have a run at the white house.

Seriously for the attack that happened, the police showed a huge amount of restraint...

I read that according to a witness she was warned to get down several times...and the witness I think also videoed it and you can hear it.

One would think as a veteran she would know the consequences of being a tip of the spear front line shock troop.
She is a martyr for the cause of liberty now. True American hero like Nathan Hale.
That is precisely how Trump's neo-nazis at Daily Stormer are trying to exploit her.

She was a part of a mob attacking the American seat of government, and the police action in defending it must be assessed, of course.
She has more hits and courage than you will ever have you fucking coward.
Without comment.

She represents the anger of the common citizen against the Swamp. Her face should be on Mt. Rushmore you fucking faggot.

She's doesn't appear to be a 'common citizen'. I'm sorry you guys are this angry, it's not healthy.

With that said the Mt. Rushmore idea is childish, if everyone thought like that the monument would have been chiseled down to nothing by now. Please grow up.
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She got exactly what was deserved. She was complicit in sedition, trespassing, and treason. Identify the remaining ones and bring out the firing squad. She is the epitome of the brainwashed, non-thinking, "walking-dead" cult.

Trumplicans are so far from the Law & Order party it's comical.

I just heard, "She deserved to die because how DARE she support Trump! We should execute anyone who doesn't parrot the leftist lines I do!!!"

Leftists are so far from humans, let alone qualified to gas about "moral outrage", it's repulsive.

Unless you can point me to ONE post you ever made about the "sedition, trespassing, and treason" exhibited by rioting, looting thugs all last year, you need to come tell me about your concern for "Law & Order" to my face, so I can spit on you properly.

You are the ones who are repulsive. This woman was shot because she was storming the capital building. That is a attack on this country. The fact is that the police were too gentle with the terrorists.

No, they murdered her point blank.

Trump murdered her. She believed his bullshit.

Nope, you're wrong again. That cop murdered her.
It is interesting that 4 other people died, but not a word about them

Strange is it not?

But then, we are talking about the censored press
They likely never made it inside and were not a part of those who were breaking laws. Many of the protesters were peaceful. They also were not shot. They had medical issues. We do not tend to link innocents to such things. When you are an innocent they will not drag your name through the mud.

Most of the thousands there just came just to protest, but there was a significant core who's goal was violence. I listened to some interesting interviews with some of the people there. One man came to protest the election but was very uncomfortable with the undercurrent of violence he was Another was quoted as saying they were going to drag out all the senators and representatives and execute four at a time (Republican and Democrat) - and if they used his name he was going to kill the reporter too. Could have been all talk though but a mob fuels violent acts and emboldens so who knows.
Any one who speaks that way is a psychopath hope the person that said those things made it inside and gets what they deserve. Those who made it inside the capital building are in some real hot water. I look forward to animalsike that being put into a cage with like minded fellows..
Diversion? I'm asking a simple question...The answer must be inconvenient for you....
The topic concerns an insurrection against the U.S. government, criminal trespass by a mob, and a casualty that ensued at the hands of those charged with protecting the Capitol Building that was being violated by that casualty.

One might evoke a comparable assault upon the Capitol in 1812 by British forces, but such a diversion would not serve to inform upon yesterday's attack upon democracy.
Nope, you're wrong again. That cop murdered her.
Your hysterical attempt to exploit a tragedy aside, the officer was defending the Capitol Building against an attack by a criminal mob.

If he acted improperly, that is yet to be determined.
she was a domestic hero
She was a domestic terrorist? What did she do to terrorize? Protest at the capital building?

She was participating in a attempt to storm the Capital building. That is not protesting. Thqat is a act of terrorism
That is protesting storming the capital building to send a message to our corrupt politicians---especially since they didn't burn the place down like the leftist brown shirt groups is protesting.......something our founders encouraged and much worse.
Its a god damned tragedy. If there is a go fund me to pay for her funeral expenses, I hope someone lets us know. I will contribute to it.

From the political angle; you're right. Blobbers are all for "law and order" until they break the law, shoot up a wal mart here and there, run over a woman in their car and claim she died from a heart attack, mail bombs to people and justify it by saying they didn't go off....plot to kidnap a governor...think executive orders are illegal until they have a leader who does little more than issue executive orders.

I know they will never...and I mean EVER...concede the point publicly but behind the scenes, some of the rare, cogent, sober, and sensible blobbers do realize just how completely fucked in the head they have become.
Insurrectionists who attack the United States do so at their peril.

If this officer is determined to be remiss in his use of lethal force amidst the assault on the Capitol Building, he should be prosecuted.
Funny, but you weren't saying that when the dems brown shirts aka antifa and blm attacked cities and businesses and churches and did far far worse than these protestors did. HYPOCRIT much?
Funny, but you weren't saying that when the dems brown shirts aka antifa and blm attacked cities and businesses and churches and did far far worse than these protestors did.
Your fake pretenses concerning what you need to pretend I said or did not say aside, the insurrection mob incited by a disgruntled office seeker attacked our democracy. You may not like it that our public servants and those charged with defending our democratic institutions didn't surrender to the lawless thugs, but they didn't.

I celebrate that patriotic resolve.

She is a martyr for the cause of liberty now. True American hero like Nathan Hale.
That is precisely how Trump's neo-nazis at Daily Stormer are trying to exploit her.

She was a part of a mob attacking the American seat of government, and the police action in defending it must be assessed, of course.
She has more hits and courage than you will ever have you fucking coward.

She was deceived and used by a coward....
This was the name of the woman shot dead at the Capital as she entered unarmed.

View attachment 438703

Who was she?

She was a resident of the San Diego area and a veteran. Babbit was an outspoken supporter of Donald Trump, according to her social media feeds.

I thought people should at least know who it was and what she was about. After all, when police gun down unarmed blacks on the streets the media repeats those names nonstop, but when this happens, all the media says is that there was a bloody revolt by right wingers trying to overthrow the government............unarmed.

Well, I reckon they have their martyre now.

View attachment 438706

She was committing an act of sedition against the United States of America.

The intended purpose of the attack on the Capitol and on Congress was to stop the counting of electoral votes and to undermine democracy.

She deserved what she got.

I hope the other treasonous bastards that attacked the capitol building and Congress are arrested and put in prison for the rest of their lives!!!!

She got exactly what was deserved. She was complicit in sedition, trespassing, and treason. Identify the remaining ones and bring out the firing squad. She is the epitome of the brainwashed, non-thinking, "walking-dead" cult.

Trumplicans are so far from the Law & Order party it's comical.

I just heard, "She deserved to die because how DARE she support Trump! We should execute anyone who doesn't parrot the leftist lines I do!!!"

Leftists are so far from humans, let alone qualified to gas about "moral outrage", it's repulsive.

Unless you can point me to ONE post you ever made about the "sedition, trespassing, and treason" exhibited by rioting, looting thugs all last year, you need to come tell me about your concern for "Law & Order" to my face, so I can spit on you properly.
Like I said - you commit crimes against this country (which she did), you pay the price for it. I guess she felt believing Trump and his conspiracy theories was worth dying for. Do you?

Funny how you deflect to rationalize your flawed stance. This is about yesterday, why are you bringing up events that have no relevance to yesterday? It's because you have NO defense to the seditionist, treasonous, and criminal behavior that was 'exhibited' yesterday.

You would drop to your knees in my presence - I know it, you know it. Continue hiding behind your 'device' like a cowering little bitch and you won't face the same demise as the criminal we are discussing.

Who in the fck do you think you are, lowly left loon

As for bringing up past events? It's you who is uncomfortable you sniveling little twat
I am who I am - deal with it or hit the ignore button. Who are you to question that shithead?

I am not uncomfortable - it is you who's the hypocritical asshole. That's one pathetic existence you reside in.

Oh you're a noob, you'll learn
And past events do matter, hypocritical asshole

Now shthfuup before you get hurt
She was deceived and used by a coward....
She was far from being the only one.

The more these losers are exposed, the better America can be prepared to deal with them.

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Barnett, from Gravette, Ark., is part of a pro-Trump group, 2A NWA Stand.
He ... has posted comments on social media supporting white nationalism.



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she was a domestic hero

Nope, she wasn't. She was unarmed. This is your marxist treasonous party in action for all to see. Useful idiots will be engulfed.
How do you know she was unarmed, and the guy who shot her certainly did not know.
She and everyone around her were per the video. No weapons in sight. So why target an unarmed white woman and not show the capital police officer who shot her...............

We have actually seen blatantly unarmed women shot before.........


They were stormintg the capital building. The police were too gentle with the protestors.
Protestors are to be shot now-----well atleast the ones that support Trump right?
Did you guys not support that teenager who crossed state lines and killed someone?
Yeah, i supported it. I also support this one too.
So you agree protestors are to be shot?

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