Ashli Babbitt’s shooter is—Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd.

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It was an officer doing what he was sworn to do
Protect Congress

Ashli was an agitator intent on storming Congress. She was ordered to withdraw or else risk firing. She chose to lead the attack into the House Chamber

Cost her life
No warning to leave or die was issued. You are lying again, and still.
In fact you never stop lying. And in any case the use of deadly force in this instance was unnecessary
and illegal. It will all come out in trial, loser.
And she deserves to be killed because she doesn't share your far left conspiracy nut job theories?

She deserved to be killed because she ignored orders to pull back and led an attack on the House Chamber while Congressmen were sheltering for safety.

Dood --- now you're getting down right silly.

That is why she was killed. She was a risk to members of Congress on the other side of that door.
The officer was investigated and absolved from guilt.

YOU Chose to identify him in spite of knowing his name was being protected

Stop making this about me.

I 'report', you decide.

You are accountable for your actions

You knew his name was not being released to protect him and his family from retaliation.
YOU chose to post it anyway.

Have you no decency?

Every bit as much as him. He murdered a woman for no reason. He's not decent at all.

It was an officer doing what he was sworn to do
Protect Congress

Ashli was an agitator intent on storming Congress. She was ordered to withdraw or else risk firing. She chose to lead the attack into the House Chamber

Cost her life
This is what REALLY upsets him. He did his job and he did it well....just like Officer Goodman did his job and did it well, leading the stupid mob away from where the Congress members were escaping.
Quickly and silently the Biden crew of slimy depraved criminals cleared Michael Leroy Byrd of all
wrong doing when he hid out of sight and shot Ashli Babbit in a calculated act of premeditated murder.

And look at all the shitbags who will defend this cowardly killing. It's enough to make one vomit.

I have nothing but contempt for the gutter snipes that stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6th. Whether it was one dead or 100 that should have been mowed down, makes little difference to me.

Sounds about right as you cheered and rooted for blm terrorists all year long. Hey, you're consistent. You want the opposition to be killed.
Did that poster cheer and root for the "blm terrorists all year long"? Show us evidence of that. OR are you lying?

We've been asking this question for a awhile now.

The Biden admin has already decided not to press charges against the Capital policeman who killed her.

Interesting fact here, that it was a black guy who wasted this white broad.

What do we know about Byrd? Was this a hate crime? Did Byrd ever address white peeps as "honkies"? Belong to any black only organizations?

Maybe state charges can be brought against Byrd. Or international charges at The Hague for a crime against humanity, if Biden refuses to act responsibly and investigate
Golly gee....why are Leftists always bringing up race? :rolleyes:
And she deserves to be killed because she doesn't share your far left conspiracy nut job theories?

She deserved to be killed because she ignored orders to pull back and led an attack on the House Chamber while Congressmen were sheltering for safety.

Dood --- now you're getting down right silly.

That is why she was killed. She was a risk to members of Congress on the other side of that door.
The officer was investigated and absolved from guilt.

YOU Chose to identify him in spite of knowing his name was being protected

Stop making this about me.

I 'report', you decide.

You are accountable for your actions

You knew his name was not being released to protect him and his family from retaliation.
YOU chose to post it anyway.

Have you no decency?

If it were reversed you loons wouldn't be able to post it fast enough

It is not reversed.
Certain kinds of people like to fantasize with "what if's"...forgetting that those "what if's" don't exist at all.

I guess we will find out “what if” when liberals storm Congress and attempt to breach the House Chamber
Are you really too stupid to understand? You have put a target on the back of the person you named, and the many kooks on this MB will echo the same hateful comment.

Be advised, if an attack on the Capitol or other Federal or State Government Building is stormed by the crazies, those who actually believe anything Trump says, and in this case that the election was stolen from him, the defense of said buildings will be met with a much more lethal response.
Big talk from someone with zero authority to issue such a threat.
Where was that bullshit when Portland and it's federal buildings were under 100 straight days of violent
attack last year? When ICE facilities were set on fire while agents were trapped inside?
Didn't hear from you then, Captain America. Take your tough talk and jam it!
And she deserves to be killed because she doesn't share your far left conspiracy nut job theories?

She deserved to be killed because she ignored orders to pull back and led an attack on the House Chamber while Congressmen were sheltering for safety.

Dood --- now you're getting down right silly.

That is why she was killed. She was a risk to members of Congress on the other side of that door.
The officer was investigated and absolved from guilt.

YOU Chose to identify him in spite of knowing his name was being protected

Stop making this about me.

I 'report', you decide.

You are accountable for your actions

You knew his name was not being released to protect him and his family from retaliation.
YOU chose to post it anyway.

Have you no decency?

Every bit as much as him. He murdered a woman for no reason. He's not decent at all.

It was an officer doing what he was sworn to do
Protect Congress

Ashli was an agitator intent on storming Congress. She was ordered to withdraw or else risk firing. She chose to lead the attack into the House Chamber

Cost her life

Police are not sworn to protect congress.
If they are sworn to a duty, it is to protect rights equally.
Congress gets no more priority than anyone.
And the cop is just working for pay, not sworn duty.

The mob was already in the Senate Chamber, and was trying to get into the lobby that lead to the House Chamber.
But there were no Congress people there, so it would have risked no one to let them into the lobby or even the House Chamber.

But again, common sense dictates a warning shot.
Not doing that is a total breach of law and ethics.
It was an officer doing what he was sworn to do
Protect Congress

Ashli was an agitator intent on storming Congress. She was ordered to withdraw or else risk firing. She chose to lead the attack into the House Chamber

Cost her life
No warning to leave or die was issued. You are lying again, and still.
In fact you never stop lying. And in any case the use of deadly force in this instance was unnecessary
and illegal. It will all come out in trial, loser.

You are engaging in revisionist history again. A true Trumpster

Don‘t like the facts?
Make up your own
No. You whitewash murder and try to sweep this matter under the rug.
I did not whitewash anything. It is a fact. If you are cleared of charges, you are free to go.

Not for murder.
So...if you are cleared of charges of murder you are NOT free to go? Really?

Nobody was cleared of charges.
A prosecutor deciding to not charge does not mean they are not subject to citizen's arrest.
It should have gone to a grand jury.
The prosecutor is obvious compromised.
Everyone trying to breach that door was warned repeatedly. It is public record and on tape. As first one through the broken window, Ashli was leading the assault.
Trumpsters appear to think that this was just a group tour visiting the Capitol building.

Just another day. A few spirited tourists.

I don't know how to communicate with people like this.

I don't know how to communicate with people like this.

step 1: Open mouth

Step 2: try to quell automatic response to insert foot.

step 3: articulate thoughts.
Are you really too stupid to understand? You have put a target on the back of the person you named, and the many kooks on this MB will echo the same hateful comment.
Let the system do the right thing and try this man for premeditated murder, instead of this politicized
whitehwash we've gotten from the Joe Biden regime. How about actually enforcing penalties against
murder? Instead of ignoring them.
And she deserves to be killed because she doesn't share your far left conspiracy nut job theories?

She deserved to be killed because she ignored orders to pull back and led an attack on the House Chamber while Congressmen were sheltering for safety.

Dood --- now you're getting down right silly.

That is why she was killed. She was a risk to members of Congress on the other side of that door.
The officer was investigated and absolved from guilt.

YOU Chose to identify him in spite of knowing his name was being protected

Stop making this about me.

I 'report', you decide.

You are accountable for your actions

You knew his name was not being released to protect him and his family from retaliation.
YOU chose to post it anyway.

Have you no decency?

Every bit as much as him. He murdered a woman for no reason. He's not decent at all.

It was an officer doing what he was sworn to do
Protect Congress

Ashli was an agitator intent on storming Congress. She was ordered to withdraw or else risk firing. She chose to lead the attack into the House Chamber

Cost her life

Police are not sworn to protect congress.
If they are sworn to a duty, it is to protect rights equally.
Congress gets no more priority than anyone.
And the cop is just working for pay, not sworn duty.

The mob was already in the Senate Chamber, and was trying to get into the lobby that lead to the House Chamber.
But there were no Congress people there, so it would have risked no one to let them into the lobby or even the House Chamber.

But again, common sense dictates a warning shot.
Not doing that is a total breach of law and ethics.
Actually, Capitol cops ARE sworn to protect members of Congress.
I did not whitewash anything. It is a fact. If you are cleared of charges, you are free to go.
No, you personally did not whitewash this travesty of justice. The DOJ and other politicians did that
silently and with no notice, which is always a significant sign it is recognized they are covering for a cold
blooded premeditated murder!

This will not stand and you can blather all you want about all the people that entered the Capitol building
and wandered around taking selfies and looking at the views.
Nothing you say about "she knew better and she had it coming" can rationalize what happened to
Ashli Babbitt.
Michael Leroy Byrd committed a cold blooded premeditated murder and it was all so unnecessary
under the circumstances. If you try to excuse it and rationalize it then you are morally, if not legally,
culpable in this disgraceful act of barbarism.

Don't forget who the president is while all this whitewashing is going on. Joe the center of
a shit storm once again.
I never said she had it coming. It is a sad thing, indeed. I said, she made mistakes and unfortunately paid the ultimate price. I have been lucky. Only pointed a loaded weapon at somebody once in my life. Lucky for both of us, they complied, dropped their threats of attack and left the area as instructed.
I did not whitewash anything. It is a fact. If you are cleared of charges, you are free to go.
No, you personally did not whitewash this travesty of justice. The DOJ and other politicians did that
silently and with no notice, which is always a significant sign it is recognized they are covering for a cold
blooded premeditated murder!

This will not stand and you can blather all you want about all the people that entered the Capitol building
and wandered around taking selfies and looking at the views.
Nothing you say about "she knew better and she had it coming" can rationalize what happened to
Ashli Babbitt.
Michael Leroy Byrd committed a cold blooded premeditated murder and it was all so unnecessary
under the circumstances. If you try to excuse it and rationalize it then you are morally, if not legally,
culpable in this disgraceful act of barbarism.

Don't forget who the president is while all this whitewashing is going on. Joe the center of
a shit storm once again.

This happened under Trump. He could have had the officer arrested.
Wasn't Individual One too busy walking down to the Capitol with his adoring fans?
As far as the cop knew, she could have been the mob attempting to protect our democracy.
Lol, no.

Let's at least try to be serious here, ok?

The cop has no authority to pick and choose who is right when there is a conflict like this.
The fact the mob is a national minority and wrong, was not something the cop could know at the time.
The cop could try to contain things, but not to use deadly force for no reason.
That violates due process and amounts to a lynching.
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