Ashli Babbitt’s shooter is—Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd.

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Lets stop the personal attacks and stick to the subject.

There was at least one more barricade between the lobby and the House, so when Ashli tried to go from the Senate to the lobby, in no way was she any possible threat to any congress people.

You can see it in the video of the shooter, in the House, sticking his arm through openings in the House barricade.
There is no way Ashli could have gotten into the House if she had succeeded in getting into the lobby.

There was zero reason to shoot her.
If Ashli was a threat to the House, then the cops outside the doors and windows Ashli was trying to get through, would have stopped her.
They were literally at arms length from her.
They were not at all concerned that she was going through the window.
There knew there were congress people in the building any more, and there were still more barricades between her and the House floor.
So, the Capitol police should have just kept retreating and retreating and retreating? And the insurrectionists should have been allowed to destroy and pass barricade after barricade after barricade? When do you suggest this should have stopped?

At any point the police could have just started handcuffing and arresting for trespassing.
There was never any indication that they would have had any problem arresting any or all if they wanted to.
I do not know why they did not?
Police normally do arrest hundreds of people at a time.
It happened at Washington DC dozens of time.
During the Vietnam protests in DC, I was arrested along with thousands of others, many times.
There was never any justification for shooting.
Lets stop the personal attacks and stick to the subject.

There was at least one more barricade between the lobby and the House, so when Ashli tried to go from the Senate to the lobby, in no way was she any possible threat to any congress people.

You can see it in the video of the shooter, in the House, sticking his arm through openings in the House barricade.
There is no way Ashli could have gotten into the House if she had succeeded in getting into the lobby.

There was zero reason to shoot her.
If Ashli was a threat to the House, then the cops outside the doors and windows Ashli was trying to get through, would have stopped her.
They were literally at arms length from her.
They were not at all concerned that she was going through the window.
There knew there were congress people in the building any more, and there were still more barricades between her and the House floor.
So, the Capitol police should have just kept retreating and retreating and retreating? And the insurrectionists should have been allowed to destroy and pass barricade after barricade after barricade? When do you suggest this should have stopped?

At any point the police could have just started handcuffing and arresting for trespassing.
There was never any indication that they would have had any problem arresting any or all if they wanted to.
I do not know why they did not?
Police normally do arrest hundreds of people at a time.
It happened at Washington DC dozens of time.
During the Vietnam protests in DC, I was arrested along with thousands of others, many times.
There was never any justification for shooting.
If you watched the video of the entire riot from beginning to end, the Capitol police were GROSSLY outnumbered. Even while trying to be as calming as possible, several dozen of them were beaten by the mob. When you were in D.C. protesting the Viet Nam war, were protesters beating on the cops with bats, hockey sticks, flag poles and spraying bear spray at them? Did they come wearing tactical gear bearing plastic handcuffs?
Lets stop the personal attacks and stick to the subject.

There was at least one more barricade between the lobby and the House, so when Ashli tried to go from the Senate to the lobby, in no way was she any possible threat to any congress people.

You can see it in the video of the shooter, in the House, sticking his arm through openings in the House barricade.
There is no way Ashli could have gotten into the House if she had succeeded in getting into the lobby.

There was zero reason to shoot her.
If Ashli was a threat to the House, then the cops outside the doors and windows Ashli was trying to get through, would have stopped her.
They were literally at arms length from her.
They were not at all concerned that she was going through the window.
There knew there were congress people in the building any more, and there were still more barricades between her and the House floor.
You're lying again. Had that mob busted through those doors, the only "barricade" between them and the lawmakers still inside the House chamber were armed police.

Totally false.
Again, watch the video of the shooter from inside the House chamber.
He clearly is leaning into the barricade in order to get his arm and gun through the barricade, so he can get a clear shot of the lobby that Ashli is about to try to enter.

This is a different House door that was also barricaded, but shows how well the House was protected and that Ashli has no possibility of entering.

Lets stop the personal attacks and stick to the subject.

There was at least one more barricade between the lobby and the House, so when Ashli tried to go from the Senate to the lobby, in no way was she any possible threat to any congress people.

You can see it in the video of the shooter, in the House, sticking his arm through openings in the House barricade.
There is no way Ashli could have gotten into the House if she had succeeded in getting into the lobby.

There was zero reason to shoot her.
If Ashli was a threat to the House, then the cops outside the doors and windows Ashli was trying to get through, would have stopped her.
They were literally at arms length from her.
They were not at all concerned that she was going through the window.
There knew there were congress people in the building any more, and there were still more barricades between her and the House floor.
So, the Capitol police should have just kept retreating and retreating and retreating? And the insurrectionists should have been allowed to destroy and pass barricade after barricade after barricade? When do you suggest this should have stopped?

At any point the police could have just started handcuffing and arresting for trespassing.
There was never any indication that they would have had any problem arresting any or all if they wanted to.
I do not know why they did not?
Police normally do arrest hundreds of people at a time.
It happened at Washington DC dozens of time.
During the Vietnam protests in DC, I was arrested along with thousands of others, many times.
There was never any justification for shooting.
If you watched the video of the entire riot from beginning to end, the Capitol police were GROSSLY outnumbered. Even while trying to be as calming as possible, several dozen of them were beaten by the mob.

At any one point, the police always greatly outnumbered the protestors.
That is because there are chokepoints, like doors, etc., where the protestors can not fan out and use their greater numbers, and instead the police can work in a concave formation of much greater numbers at a time.
And the consequence for Ashli Targetpractice was earning the first Darwin award for 2021.


I think we all can agree it was foolish for Ashli to go through the window after everyone else saw the cop pointing the gun, and everyone was yelling about how there was a gun being pointed.

But that does not negate the fact the cop committed murder since Ashlie was not a lethal threat to anyone.
The video clearly shows that the cop who shot was sticking his arm through a very dense barricade.

Actually, the American hero committed patriotism by defending the Speaker's chambers against unlawful violent terrorists! Babbitt and her thugs were committing TREASON to overthrow a lawful election that had been ratified by all states!

It is NOT treason to believe voter fraud and to try to get media attention with a protest.
The fact she was wrong about the election is irrelevant.
It's pure evil to expose this American patriot and his family to further danger from Trump terrorists. That's why the mainstream media isn't doing it.

That is why mebelle did t.

Alert the vigilantes to their target.....a truly despicable act

Amen! I'm sort of puzzled why USMB would even allow such a thread - especially from a mod.

Indeed, Belle should have posted this "news" based on a stupid TWEET in Badlands or Rubber Room. :)
Most would have been banned for posting restricted personal information. But some posters get away with it

When a person becomes a public figure by actions of their own, like shooting someone, then the law says they no longer have some rights to privacy they had before. Such as their picture, name, and even address appearing in national publications. You can not legally take a picture of someone and publish it, but if they were already in a TV commercial, then you can. It paparazzi rules that then apply.

And I would totally disagree this cop who shot is a hero.
He was behind a further barricade, with many other police.
Ashli was only going from the senate to the lobby, not to the actual House where the cop was.
So there was at least one more layer of barricade before one could claim it was the last ditch defense effort.
There is just no way to claim the shooting was necessary.

The officers identity was being intentionally withheld for his safety and the safety of his family.

The same crazies who attacked the Capitol would attack him in retaliation.

The original poster does not care about the officers safety and gloated about it. USMB Mods do not care either.
Stop with the drama. Babbitt was shot for political reasons. It was to intimidate Trump supporters and the justice she received, which was no justice at all, is also to intimidate conservatives and embolden those violent thugs that do the Democrats dirty work.
She was shot for political reasons

She believed the lies and rhetoric coming out of Trump about a stolen election.
She tried to do something about it.
Cost her life
She did nothing that warranted being shot with no warning. You know it but would rather support the murderer. Absolutely no surprise there.

Rightwinger the award winning scumbag.
She was leading an angry mob in the process of attacking members of Congress

She was not a leader and no members of congress were at risk, yet.

As this was happening, how would anyone know she was not a leader?
How do you know no members were at risk? They were there, behind the police. And a mob was trying to get in.

The fact she was the first to try to go through the window was just because she was smaller than anyone else there.
It is not likely anyone else would even follow.

The window was in fact quite large. It is very likely others would take her lead and follow her in either through the window or by opening up the doors. Why do think they wouldn't?


Nor would access to the lobby have threatened members of Congress, who had already left.

They had not all left, some were still trapped.

Also - the police are living beings with lives to worry about. Their lives were being threatened. This is the same mob that savagely beat a police man with a metal pole, attempted to gouge out another's eyes, squashed a police officer between the doors, and injured over 140, some seriously, and one dying as a result.

There was at least one more barricade to even get to the House Chamber, much less house members.

Great - only one barricade remaining to get through! They should have just let Ashli through. Sheesh.
Regardless of her size, Ashli was the first one through the window making her an immediate threat.
Nobody followed because a message was sent
So there was no "charge through the window"? I wish all your lies were so easy to debunk.
And how about retracting your second lie.
Ashli Babbitt never made it through that window. New videos capture fatal shooting of Ashli Babbitt during Capitol siege

She was in the process of climbing through when she was shot. Now you are just arguing semantics.
And the consequence for Ashli Targetpractice was earning the first Darwin award for 2021.


I think we all can agree it was foolish for Ashli to go through the window after everyone else saw the cop pointing the gun, and everyone was yelling about how there was a gun being pointed.

But that does not negate the fact the cop committed murder since Ashlie was not a lethal threat to anyone.
The video clearly shows that the cop who shot was sticking his arm through a very dense barricade.
You can talk about where people were, the last steps they took, and what direction they happened to turn their heads at the time they were murdered, but that does not negate the premeditation, planning, and set-up for the murders -- including extensive travel plans and itineraries -- that took place leading up to the events of January 6.
"premeditation"? Who premeditated Babbit's death? How does that work out?

Cops were standing right next to Ashli as she attempted to climb through the window, and they felt no urgent need to arrest her. She could easily have been arrested at amy time. Therefore there was no valid reason to shoot her.
Thread is getting derailed with a food fight, please get back on topic.
And the consequence for Ashli Targetpractice was earning the first Darwin award for 2021.


I think we all can agree it was foolish for Ashli to go through the window after everyone else saw the cop pointing the gun, and everyone was yelling about how there was a gun being pointed.

But that does not negate the fact the cop committed murder since Ashlie was not a lethal threat to anyone.
The video clearly shows that the cop who shot was sticking his arm through a very dense barricade.
You can talk about where people were, the last steps they took, and what direction they happened to turn their heads at the time they were murdered, but that does not negate the premeditation, planning, and set-up for the murders -- including extensive travel plans and itineraries -- that took place leading up to the events of January 6.
"premeditation"? Who premeditated Babbit's death? How does that work out?

Cops were standing right next to Ashli as she attempted to climb through the window, and they felt no urgent need to arrest her. She could easily have been arrested at amy time. Therefore there was no valid reason to shoot her.
Do you think this riot happened in slow motion or something?
Regardless of her size, Ashli was the first one through the window making her an immediate threat.
Nobody followed because a message was sent
So there was no "charge through the window"? I wish all your lies were so easy to debunk.
And how about retracting your second lie.
Ashli Babbitt never made it through that window. New videos capture fatal shooting of Ashli Babbitt during Capitol siege

She was in the process of climbing through when she was shot. Now you are just arguing semantics.

Doesn't matter.
It would have been just as easy to handcuff her as to shoot her.
So there was no need to shoot.
Shooting is only legal in self defense from a deadly threat.
That did not exist, so then shooting was not legal.
The message has been sent.

If people are "breaking the law" then police can shoot to kill even if those breaking the law are unarmed.

Nice to know

She was rushing the police officer and had a large crowd behind her... He gave her multiple warnings...

His job was to defend the line, he didn't want to kill her but he was left with no choice.

The police had retreated to that position, they were threatened and out numbered.... She just pushed it too far and they had to escalate, there was no choice he swore an oath to defend the capital...
Regardless of her size, Ashli was the first one through the window making her an immediate threat.
Nobody followed because a message was sent
So there was no "charge through the window"? I wish all your lies were so easy to debunk.
And how about retracting your second lie.
Ashli Babbitt never made it through that window. New videos capture fatal shooting of Ashli Babbitt during Capitol siege

She was in the process of climbing through when she was shot. Now you are just arguing semantics.

Doesn't matter.
It would have been just as easy to handcuff her as to shoot her.
So there was no need to shoot.
Shooting is only legal in self defense from a deadly threat.
That did not exist, so then shooting was not legal.
How would they have gone about handcuffing her as she (and others) were pushing their way thru the barricade? Call a time-out?
The message has been sent.

If people are "breaking the law" then police can shoot to kill even if those breaking the law are unarmed.

Nice to know

She was rushing the police officer and had a large crowd behind her... He gave her multiple warnings...

His job was to defend the line, he didn't want to kill her but he was left with no choice.

The police had retreated to that position, they were threatened and out numbered.... She just pushed it too far and they had to escalate, there was no choice he swore an oath to defend the capital...
This ^
Regardless of her size, Ashli was the first one through the window making her an immediate threat.
Nobody followed because a message was sent
So there was no "charge through the window"? I wish all your lies were so easy to debunk.
And how about retracting your second lie.
Ashli Babbitt never made it through that window. New videos capture fatal shooting of Ashli Babbitt during Capitol siege

She was in the process of climbing through when she was shot. Now you are just arguing semantics.

Doesn't matter.
It would have been just as easy to handcuff her as to shoot her.
So there was no need to shoot.
Shooting is only legal in self defense from a deadly threat.
That did not exist, so then shooting was not legal.

A mob IS a deadly threat. At that moment, she was part of a mob - she just happened to be the first.
Regardless of her size, Ashli was the first one through the window making her an immediate threat.
Nobody followed because a message was sent
So there was no "charge through the window"? I wish all your lies were so easy to debunk.
And how about retracting your second lie.
Ashli Babbitt never made it through that window. New videos capture fatal shooting of Ashli Babbitt during Capitol siege

She was in the process of climbing through when she was shot. Now you are just arguing semantics.

Doesn't matter.
It would have been just as easy to handcuff her as to shoot her.
So there was no need to shoot.
Shooting is only legal in self defense from a deadly threat.
That did not exist, so then shooting was not legal.

They assaulted other officers and one officer was killed... This was a large mob, she was warned...

He could handcuffed her and not be grabbed by the crowd... He is trained to stay a safe distance away...
Lets stop the personal attacks and stick to the subject.

There was at least one more barricade between the lobby and the House, so when Ashli tried to go from the Senate to the lobby, in no way was she any possible threat to any congress people.

You can see it in the video of the shooter, in the House, sticking his arm through openings in the House barricade.
There is no way Ashli could have gotten into the House if she had succeeded in getting into the lobby.

There was zero reason to shoot her.
If Ashli was a threat to the House, then the cops outside the doors and windows Ashli was trying to get through, would have stopped her.
They were literally at arms length from her.
They were not at all concerned that she was going through the window.
There knew there were congress people in the building any more, and there were still more barricades between her and the House floor.
So, the Capitol police should have just kept retreating and retreating and retreating? And the insurrectionists should have been allowed to destroy and pass barricade after barricade after barricade? When do you suggest this should have stopped?

At any point the police could have just started handcuffing and arresting for trespassing.
There was never any indication that they would have had any problem arresting any or all if they wanted to.
I do not know why they did not?
Police normally do arrest hundreds of people at a time.
It happened at Washington DC dozens of time.
During the Vietnam protests in DC, I was arrested along with thousands of others, many times.
There was never any justification for shooting.
If you watched the video of the entire riot from beginning to end, the Capitol police were GROSSLY outnumbered. Even while trying to be as calming as possible, several dozen of them were beaten by the mob. When you were in D.C. protesting the Viet Nam war, were protesters beating on the cops with bats, hockey sticks, flag poles and spraying bear spray at them? Did they come wearing tactical gear bearing plastic handcuffs?
The police are always outnumbered in any riot.
Are we supposed to care? she got shot because she busted through a window at the Capitol and started climbing through despite being told flat out that they would shoot her if she didn't stop. And this was one of the only cases I'm a police officer actually opening fire on the attackers. It's a miracle they just didn't open fire on the entire group in kill a bunch of them. They showed a surprising amount of restraint.

The lieutenant should get a medal for putting down a scumbag attacking the US Capital.
Regardless of her size, Ashli was the first one through the window making her an immediate threat.
Nobody followed because a message was sent
So there was no "charge through the window"? I wish all your lies were so easy to debunk.
And how about retracting your second lie.
Ashli Babbitt never made it through that window. New videos capture fatal shooting of Ashli Babbitt during Capitol siege

She was in the process of climbing through when she was shot. Now you are just arguing semantics.

Doesn't matter.
It would have been just as easy to handcuff her as to shoot her.
So there was no need to shoot.
Shooting is only legal in self defense from a deadly threat.
That did not exist, so then shooting was not legal.

They assaulted other officers and one officer was killed... This was a large mob, she was warned...

He could handcuffed her and not be grabbed by the crowd... He is trained to stay a safe distance away...
The officer was not killed, NAZI. He died of natural causes. Hundreds of police officers were assaulted in Portland and Seattle.
Lets stop the personal attacks and stick to the subject.

There was at least one more barricade between the lobby and the House, so when Ashli tried to go from the Senate to the lobby, in no way was she any possible threat to any congress people.

You can see it in the video of the shooter, in the House, sticking his arm through openings in the House barricade.
There is no way Ashli could have gotten into the House if she had succeeded in getting into the lobby.

There was zero reason to shoot her.
If Ashli was a threat to the House, then the cops outside the doors and windows Ashli was trying to get through, would have stopped her.
They were literally at arms length from her.
They were not at all concerned that she was going through the window.
There knew there were congress people in the building any more, and there were still more barricades between her and the House floor.
So, the Capitol police should have just kept retreating and retreating and retreating? And the insurrectionists should have been allowed to destroy and pass barricade after barricade after barricade? When do you suggest this should have stopped?

At any point the police could have just started handcuffing and arresting for trespassing.
There was never any indication that they would have had any problem arresting any or all if they wanted to.
I do not know why they did not?
Police normally do arrest hundreds of people at a time.
It happened at Washington DC dozens of time.
During the Vietnam protests in DC, I was arrested along with thousands of others, many times.
There was never any justification for shooting.
If you watched the video of the entire riot from beginning to end, the Capitol police were GROSSLY outnumbered. Even while trying to be as calming as possible, several dozen of them were beaten by the mob. When you were in D.C. protesting the Viet Nam war, were protesters beating on the cops with bats, hockey sticks, flag poles and spraying bear spray at them? Did they come wearing tactical gear bearing plastic handcuffs?
The police are always outnumbered in any riot.
So you admit it was a riot. Progress.
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