Ashlii Babbitt Thread

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Not true. The threat was the violent mob. They had to be kept out of the House chamber until all members of Congress & staff could be safely evacuated. That violent mob was trying to break in. Ashes Targetpractice happened to be the first to get through, so she was shot. That kept the rest of that violent mob at bay.


First of all, this doorway Ashlii was trying to breach was not to the House chamber, but just to a corridor behind it.
Second is that if it was important, then why was there only Michael Bryd, and no one else?
Why did the 2 cops in front of this barricade, decide to stand down and move over.
There was no one lined up behind Ashlii.
No one else was small enough to get through the window.
So there was zero threat.
And since the shooting ended everything, obviously a verbal threat, warning shot into the floor, or any number of alternatives were available without resorting to deliberate murder.
Breaching a barricade that the cops in front had already decided was no longer needed and to be abandoned, is not at all a deadly threat.
Breaching a barricade would only be a deadly threat if there was something deadly she could have reached on the other side of the barricade, which there wasn't.

They left their post because their lives were in danger. Not to mention, if lethal force would have been needed to keep that violent mob out of the House chamber, they had to be moved out so they wouldn't get caught in the line of fire.
If they are committing a felony and threatening public safety, they absolutely do. As always, you have no idea what you're talking about.

Absolutely and completely wrong.
Deadly force can ONLY be used to counter a deadly threat.
You can NOT use deadly force in order to stop felony.
For example, bouncing a check for over $100 is a felony, but you can NOT shoot them.
If they are committing a felony and threatening public safety, they absolutely do. As always, you have no idea what you're talking about.
He's a Russian troll. What do you expect
They left their post because their lives were in danger. Not to mention, if lethal force would have been needed to keep that violent mob out of the House chamber, they had to be moved out so they wouldn't get caught in the line of fire.

No, their lives obviously were not in danger.
If they were in danger, then they would have left completely, instead of just moving over 10'.
And in fact, they where they moved to was behind the line of sight between Bryd and Ashlii, so if the shot had missed Ashlii, it could easily have hit one of the 2 cops.
It was a totally illegal and irresponsible shooting.
Absolutely and completely wrong.
Deadly force can ONLY be used to counter a deadly threat.
You can NOT use deadly force in order to stop felony.
For example, bouncing a check for over $100 is a felony, but you can NOT shoot them.

Obviously, you're not familiar with the fleeing felon rule.
The last twenty members of Congress and their staff evacuated from the House Chamber are what have come to be known as the "Gallery Group" because they were upstairs in the gallery overlooking the floor. Numerous people reported what they thought were gunshots but were actually just things being struck by someone with a flagpole. There was only one gunshot and that occurred as the "Gallery Group" were being escorted out of the House Chamber which means in a matter of seconds that chamber would have been empty except for whatever law enforcement officers chose to remain behind. So why was it that Byrd decided THEN that he needed to shoot a protester without warning?
Since dickhead can't seem to find this thread...I thought I'd drag his lying ass here
The tards talk about Ashli Babbitt and shed their crocodile tears and say she was murdered.

The dipshits don't even mention, or know about, Roseanne Boyland who actually was murdered by the tard herd that trampled her to death.

You never hear her name cross Traitor Trump's lips. That's because it would ruin his whole narrative.
Lie harder. You need more practice. You're just not convincing enough.
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