Ask not......

JFK advocated national healthcare......Republicans do not
He advocated strong international alliances ......Republicans do not
JFK advocated for programs to help the poor......Republicans do not
JFK opposed the Russians........Republicans are their political partners

JFK would oppose Republican excesses....just like Kennedy’s today do

not one of your points is true.

Kennedy was not for socialized medicine, he wanted everyone to have access to healthcare but not run by the government
trump has taken the same actions as kennedy regarding our allies, that's why JFK was murdered.
Trump has done more for the poor in two years than Obama did in eight, Obama put more americans in poverty than ever before, Trump has created jobs to bring them out of poverty.'
Trump has put strong sanctions on Russia, just like Kennedy

do you care to compare Obama to Kennedy? or Clinton to Kennedy? or Bernie to kennedy?
JFK supprted national healthcare. LBJ toned it down to just Medicare and Medicaid
Trump has destroyed alliances that date back to the JFK era. Didn’t see JFK declaring economic war on Canada
Trump has taken healthcare away from the poor and slashed the source of revenue for programs that help the poor

JFK was actually far more conservative than he was liberal.

The whole spectrum in this country has moved a good ways left since the days of JFK. Both major parties are left leaning for the most part, the only differences between them are a couple social issues, but fiscally we keep moving further and further left.

It is probably the nature of a society to move to the left as it grows

Translation, as the population increases, power mongers see increasing benefits of centralized statism.
JFK advocated national healthcare......Republicans do not
He advocated strong international alliances ......Republicans do not
JFK advocated for programs to help the poor......Republicans do not
JFK opposed the Russians........Republicans are their political partners

JFK would oppose Republican excesses....just like Kennedy’s today do

not one of your points is true.

Kennedy was not for socialized medicine, he wanted everyone to have access to healthcare but not run by the government
trump has taken the same actions as kennedy regarding our allies, that's why JFK was murdered.
Trump has done more for the poor in two years than Obama did in eight, Obama put more americans in poverty than ever before, Trump has created jobs to bring them out of poverty.'
Trump has put strong sanctions on Russia, just like Kennedy

do you care to compare Obama to Kennedy? or Clinton to Kennedy? or Bernie to kennedy?
JFK supprted national healthcare. LBJ toned it down to just Medicare and Medicaid
Trump has destroyed alliances that date back to the JFK era. Didn’t see JFK declaring economic war on Canada
Trump has taken healthcare away from the poor and slashed the source of revenue for programs that help the poor

JFK was actually far more conservative than he was liberal.

The whole spectrum in this country has moved a good ways left since the days of JFK. Both major parties are left leaning for the most part, the only differences between them are a couple social issues, but fiscally we keep moving further and further left.

It is probably the nature of a society to move to the left as it grows

Translation, as the population increases, power mongers see increasing benefits of centralized statism.

That is partly correct, and the people either see it also or they are brainwashed into seeing it.

Let's face it, neither of the two major parties are for making the government smaller or less intrusive in our lives.
not one of your points is true.

Kennedy was not for socialized medicine, he wanted everyone to have access to healthcare but not run by the government
trump has taken the same actions as kennedy regarding our allies, that's why JFK was murdered.
Trump has done more for the poor in two years than Obama did in eight, Obama put more americans in poverty than ever before, Trump has created jobs to bring them out of poverty.'
Trump has put strong sanctions on Russia, just like Kennedy

do you care to compare Obama to Kennedy? or Clinton to Kennedy? or Bernie to kennedy?
JFK supprted national healthcare. LBJ toned it down to just Medicare and Medicaid
Trump has destroyed alliances that date back to the JFK era. Didn’t see JFK declaring economic war on Canada
Trump has taken healthcare away from the poor and slashed the source of revenue for programs that help the poor

JFK was actually far more conservative than he was liberal.

The whole spectrum in this country has moved a good ways left since the days of JFK. Both major parties are left leaning for the most part, the only differences between them are a couple social issues, but fiscally we keep moving further and further left.

It is probably the nature of a society to move to the left as it grows

Translation, as the population increases, power mongers see increasing benefits of centralized statism.

That is partly correct, and the people either see it also or they are brainwashed into seeing it.

Let's face it, neither of the two major parties are for making the government smaller or less intrusive in our lives.

Indeed. What we actually has is a Fusion Party of Permanent Power..
JFK advocated national healthcare......Republicans do not
He advocated strong international alliances ......Republicans do not
JFK advocated for programs to help the poor......Republicans do not
JFK opposed the Russians........Republicans are their political partners

JFK would oppose Republican excesses....just like Kennedy’s today do

The GOP wants a stronger NATO, not a free ride like the dems gave, sanctions are in-place, so what alliance do you think is weaker?
Help the poor? How about $412b for Medicaid and $462b for Welfare in the 2019 budget? (totally disproves your point, let them get jobs and get even more)
Help the Russians, have you seen the sanctions, the cancelled gas pipeline, and the intermediate range missile treaty cancelled? (OMG, your game is off, Hillary and the dems colluded with the Russians for the UraniumOne scam, and for the Steele Dossier. What do you have on Trump and the Russkies??)

GOP excesses, agreed, the tax cuts are too much and need to be reversed to pay the bills, as well as cut defense, welfare & medicaid.
GOP is providing just what Putin wanted when he elected Trump

A weakened NATO alliance, diminished international leadership from the US, confusion and bickering in the West, trade wars

Why shouldn't all NATO members pay their share of the costs? Why should the USA cover the majority of the cost and the cost of protecting those other countries?

trump has put stronger economic sanctions on Russia, hardly what Putin wanted, you are speaking from ignorance and partisan bias.
Actually we don’t. Most NATO countries pay 2.5 percent of their GDP on the military. We pay 4.7 percent of our GDP on “Defense”

Rather than ask why they don’t pay more, we should be looking to pay less
JFK advocated national healthcare......Republicans do not
He advocated strong international alliances ......Republicans do not
JFK advocated for programs to help the poor......Republicans do not
JFK opposed the Russians........Republicans are their political partners

JFK would oppose Republican excesses....just like Kennedy’s today do

not one of your points is true.

Kennedy was not for socialized medicine, he wanted everyone to have access to healthcare but not run by the government
trump has taken the same actions as kennedy regarding our allies, that's why JFK was murdered.
Trump has done more for the poor in two years than Obama did in eight, Obama put more americans in poverty than ever before, Trump has created jobs to bring them out of poverty.'
Trump has put strong sanctions on Russia, just like Kennedy

do you care to compare Obama to Kennedy? or Clinton to Kennedy? or Bernie to kennedy?
JFK supprted national healthcare. LBJ toned it down to just Medicare and Medicaid
Trump has destroyed alliances that date back to the JFK era. Didn’t see JFK declaring economic war on Canada
Trump has taken healthcare away from the poor and slashed the source of revenue for programs that help the poor

JFK was actually far more conservative than he was liberal.

The whole spectrum in this country has moved a good ways left since the days of JFK. Both major parties are left leaning for the most part, the only differences between them are a couple social issues, but fiscally we keep moving further and further left.

It is probably the nature of a society to move to the left as it grows

history says that you are correct, history also says that all of those societies have failed. Do we learn from history or repeat it? That's where we are today in the USA.
JFK advocated national healthcare......Republicans do not
He advocated strong international alliances ......Republicans do not
JFK advocated for programs to help the poor......Republicans do not
JFK opposed the Russians........Republicans are their political partners

JFK would oppose Republican excesses....just like Kennedy’s today do

The GOP wants a stronger NATO, not a free ride like the dems gave, sanctions are in-place, so what alliance do you think is weaker?
Help the poor? How about $412b for Medicaid and $462b for Welfare in the 2019 budget? (totally disproves your point, let them get jobs and get even more)
Help the Russians, have you seen the sanctions, the cancelled gas pipeline, and the intermediate range missile treaty cancelled? (OMG, your game is off, Hillary and the dems colluded with the Russians for the UraniumOne scam, and for the Steele Dossier. What do you have on Trump and the Russkies??)

GOP excesses, agreed, the tax cuts are too much and need to be reversed to pay the bills, as well as cut defense, welfare & medicaid.
GOP is providing just what Putin wanted when he elected Trump

A weakened NATO alliance, diminished international leadership from the US, confusion and bickering in the West, trade wars

Why shouldn't all NATO members pay their share of the costs? Why should the USA cover the majority of the cost and the cost of protecting those other countries?

trump has put stronger economic sanctions on Russia, hardly what Putin wanted, you are speaking from ignorance and partisan bias.
Actually we don’t. Most NATO countries pay 2.5 percent of their GDP on the military. We pay 4.7 percent of our GDP on “Defense”

Rather than ask why they don’t pay more, we should be looking to pay less

you just don't get it. we pay more because we are defending all of them with our military. Why do you think we should be the world's police force at our expense?
The same question could be asked of any Repub, you included?

What have you done for your country?

served in the military, paid taxes for my entire lifetime, stood for the flag, honored those who sacrificed their lives for this country, and obeyed the laws of this great nation. But this is not about me, its about what the dem party has become.

So, give us the name of one democrat of today who would say what Kennedy said, give us one democrat of today who would have ended WW2 like Truman did. Just one name-------------------------------------

I cannot name one person in power that fits that bill, be them Repub or Dem.

There is not a single one.

Hard to argue with you on this point. In fact impossible to argue with you on this point!
you just don't get it. we pay more because we are defending all of them with our military. Why do you think we should be the world's police force at our expense?

But why are we defending them with our military? Why are we the world's police force?
The same question could be asked of any Repub, you included?

What have you done for your country?

served in the military, paid taxes for my entire lifetime, stood for the flag, honored those who sacrificed their lives for this country, and obeyed the laws of this great nation. But this is not about me, its about what the dem party has become.

So, give us the name of one democrat of today who would say what Kennedy said, give us one democrat of today who would have ended WW2 like Truman did. Just one name-------------------------------------

I cannot name one person in power that fits that bill, be them Repub or Dem.

There is not a single one.

Hard to argue with you on this point. In fact impossible to argue with you on this point!

I'll give you a few: Scalise, Pense, Rand Paul, Cruz, DeSantis, and yes, Trump.
you just don't get it. we pay more because we are defending all of them with our military. Why do you think we should be the world's police force at our expense?

But why are we defending them with our military? Why are we the world's police force?

Because previous administrations have decided to put us in that position and our allies have welcomed our free protection.

Trump is trying to change that, which is what you say you want, so either you support Trump's efforts on this or you are a hypocrite, which is it?
what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country, JFK

what dem of 2018 would say that?, what dem of 2018 even thinks that way?

the answer, I think, is none. It is very sad that the once great democrat party of Kennedy and Truman is dead and has been replaced by the far left party of Marx and Alinsky.

EVERY Democrat would say that

We honor public service. Republicans think they are suckers
There is reason why the vast majority of military folk vote for the conservative candidate...
The same question could be asked of any Repub, you included?

What have you done for your country?

served in the military, paid taxes for my entire lifetime, stood for the flag, honored those who sacrificed their lives for this country, and obeyed the laws of this great nation. But this is not about me, its about what the dem party has become.

So, give us the name of one democrat of today who would say what Kennedy said, give us one democrat of today who would have ended WW2 like Truman did. Just one name-------------------------------------

I cannot name one person in power that fits that bill, be them Repub or Dem.

There is not a single one.

Hard to argue with you on this point. In fact impossible to argue with you on this point!

I'll give you a few: Scalise, Pense, Rand Paul, Cruz, DeSantis, and yes, Trump.

I wish it were true, it just isn't! Remember lying Ted? Somebody is either a liar or someone is lying. That easily eliminates one you choose. Because none of them give a shit about this country, just what they can get out of it!
what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country, JFK

what dem of 2018 would say that?, what dem of 2018 even thinks that way?

the answer, I think, is none. It is very sad that the once great democrat party of Kennedy and Truman is dead and has been replaced by the far left party of Marx and Alinsky.
So you think the MAGA Bomber was "doing for his country"?

You think his defenders are?

Who are his defenders?
The same question could be asked of any Repub, you included?

What have you done for your country?

served in the military, paid taxes for my entire lifetime, stood for the flag, honored those who sacrificed their lives for this country, and obeyed the laws of this great nation. But this is not about me, its about what the dem party has become.

So, give us the name of one democrat of today who would say what Kennedy said, give us one democrat of today who would have ended WW2 like Truman did. Just one name-------------------------------------

I cannot name one person in power that fits that bill, be them Repub or Dem.

There is not a single one.
Disagree. I think Trump is a lot like Truman, a total pragmatist.

Trump is a populist, not a pragmatist. All Trump cares about is the cheers of his supporters.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama, we had eight years of Obama... And the people said fuck this shit Karma is a bitch LOL
The same question could be asked of any Repub, you included?

What have you done for your country?

served in the military, paid taxes for my entire lifetime, stood for the flag, honored those who sacrificed their lives for this country, and obeyed the laws of this great nation. But this is not about me, its about what the dem party has become.

So, give us the name of one democrat of today who would say what Kennedy said, give us one democrat of today who would have ended WW2 like Truman did. Just one name-------------------------------------

I cannot name one person in power that fits that bill, be them Repub or Dem.

There is not a single one.

Hard to argue with you on this point. In fact impossible to argue with you on this point!

I'll give you a few: Scalise, Pense, Rand Paul, Cruz, DeSantis, and yes, Trump.


Damn, dude get your head out of the kook aid bowl!

Bone spurs Trump! :21::21::21::21:
you just don't get it. we pay more because we are defending all of them with our military. Why do you think we should be the world's police force at our expense?

But why are we defending them with our military? Why are we the world's police force?

Because previous administrations have decided to put us in that position and our allies have welcomed our free protection.

Trump is trying to change that, which is what you say you want, so either you support Trump's efforts on this or you are a hypocrite, which is it?

Trump is trying to change that? No he is not. He is pushing for a bigger military and increased military spending.
JFK advocated national healthcare......Republicans do not
He advocated strong international alliances ......Republicans do not
JFK advocated for programs to help the poor......Republicans do not
JFK opposed the Russians........Republicans are their political partners

JFK would oppose Republican excesses....just like Kennedy’s today do

not one of your points is true.

Kennedy was not for socialized medicine, he wanted everyone to have access to healthcare but not run by the government
trump has taken the same actions as kennedy regarding our allies, that's why JFK was murdered.
Trump has done more for the poor in two years than Obama did in eight, Obama put more americans in poverty than ever before, Trump has created jobs to bring them out of poverty.'
Trump has put strong sanctions on Russia, just like Kennedy

do you care to compare Obama to Kennedy? or Clinton to Kennedy? or Bernie to kennedy?
JFK supprted national healthcare. LBJ toned it down to just Medicare and Medicaid
Trump has destroyed alliances that date back to the JFK era. Didn’t see JFK declaring economic war on Canada
Trump has taken healthcare away from the poor and slashed the source of revenue for programs that help the poor
Dipshit, Who pays for national healthcare?
Is there anybody stupid enough to believe that either party isnt about only themselves? They aren't for the 98 percent...they kinda throw them a bone once in awhile. Other than that is about the 2 percent. It's all about and only about the money. Lease try to counter this.
you just don't get it. we pay more because we are defending all of them with our military. Why do you think we should be the world's police force at our expense?

But why are we defending them with our military? Why are we the world's police force?

Because previous administrations have decided to put us in that position and our allies have welcomed our free protection.

Trump is trying to change that, which is what you say you want, so either you support Trump's efforts on this or you are a hypocrite, which is it?

Trump is trying to change that? No he is not. He is pushing for a bigger military and increased military spending.

He is trying to get the NATO members to pay their fair share, he is also trying to get our military back to where it was before obozo almost destroyed it.

Its fine if you hate him for whatever your reasons are, but to pretend that he is not doing the right things for this country is just plain stupid.

I never liked bubba Clinton but he did some good things for the country (before his left wing wife and his dick got him totally screwed up)
Is there anybody stupid enough to believe that either party isnt about only themselves? They aren't for the 98 percent...they kinda throw them a bone once in awhile. Other than that is about the 2 percent. It's all about and only about the money. Lease try to counter this.
What do people expect when they vote in career politicians over and over again.

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