Ask not......

Trump is trying to change that? No he is not. He is pushing for a bigger military and increased military spending.

He is trying to get the NATO members to pay their fair share, he is also trying to get our military back to where it was before obozo almost destroyed it.

Its fine if you hate him for whatever your reasons are, but to pretend that he is not doing the right things for this country is just plain stupid.

I never liked bubba Clinton but he did some good things for the country (before is left wing wife and his dick got him totally screwed up)

He is trying to get NATO members to spend more on their own military, he is not trying to stop us from being the world's police force.

Adding 1.27 trillion to the debt is not the right thing for the country. Our military is not underfunded, it is misused and mismanaged.
I would agree with Trump if he was trying to get them to pay more so we can pay less

But he wants them to pay more while we increase our military spending.

Where is the threat?

Funding NATO and maintaining our military are two different things. If they NATO members pay more we can pay less. that has nothing to do with rebuilding our military

Trump is not pushing for spending less on our military, he is pushing for spending more and more.

spending is necessary to bring it back after Obama decimated it. We need a strong military, plus military spending creates American jobs, who do you think builds planes, ships,, tanks, guns, ammo, uniforms, boots, rations, etc? American blue collar workers, that's who. That money stays in this country and helps our economy and our people.
Trump is trying to change that? No he is not. He is pushing for a bigger military and increased military spending.

He is trying to get the NATO members to pay their fair share, he is also trying to get our military back to where it was before obozo almost destroyed it.

Its fine if you hate him for whatever your reasons are, but to pretend that he is not doing the right things for this country is just plain stupid.

I never liked bubba Clinton but he did some good things for the country (before his left wing wife and his dick got him totally screwed up)
How did the Great Obama destroy our military?

We have a more powerful military than the next eight nations combined
Actually under Obama the morale of the military was at its lowest... Stanley McChrystal said it best… Obama is a fuckup

horseshit. You have anything to support this?
Lol.. Right back at you
I deal with the military on a daily basis, Have for over 25 years.
There is a reason why the vast majority of the military folk did not vote for Obama, like Stanley McChrystal said he’s a fuck up.

So, you have nothing to back this up except. thanks

The vast majority of the military folk have never voted for the Dem, that goes back 50 plus years. Has nothing to do with morale.

Morale was pretty shitty when we were losing 800 plus service members a year in Iraq for no fucking reason at all. Did your "dealing with" the military tell you that too? Were you ever a part of the military or just an outsider looking in?
He is trying to get the NATO members to pay their fair share, he is also trying to get our military back to where it was before obozo almost destroyed it.

Its fine if you hate him for whatever your reasons are, but to pretend that he is not doing the right things for this country is just plain stupid.

I never liked bubba Clinton but he did some good things for the country (before is left wing wife and his dick got him totally screwed up)

He is trying to get NATO members to spend more on their own military, he is not trying to stop us from being the world's police force.

Adding 1.27 trillion to the debt is not the right thing for the country. Our military is not underfunded, it is misused and mismanaged.
I would agree with Trump if he was trying to get them to pay more so we can pay less

But he wants them to pay more while we increase our military spending.

Where is the threat?

Funding NATO and maintaining our military are two different things. If they NATO members pay more we can pay less. that has nothing to do with rebuilding our military

Trump is not pushing for spending less on our military, he is pushing for spending more and more.

spending is necessary to bring it back after Obama decimated it. We need a strong military, plus military spending creates American jobs, who do you think builds planes, ships,, tanks, guns, ammo, uniforms, boots, rations, etc? American blue collar workers, that's who. That money stays in this country and helps our economy and our people.

So, now your claim is that government spending creates jobs? That is a new spin for someone claiming to be a Conservative.
The same question could be asked of any Repub, you included?

What have you done for your country?

served in the military, paid taxes for my entire lifetime, stood for the flag, honored those who sacrificed their lives for this country, and obeyed the laws of this great nation. But this is not about me, its about what the dem party has become.

So, give us the name of one democrat of today who would say what Kennedy said, give us one democrat of today who would have ended WW2 like Truman did. Just one name-------------------------------------

I cannot name one person in power that fits that bill, be them Repub or Dem.

There is not a single one.
Disagree. I think Trump is a lot like Truman, a total pragmatist.

I agree.
He is trying to get the NATO members to pay their fair share, he is also trying to get our military back to where it was before obozo almost destroyed it.

Its fine if you hate him for whatever your reasons are, but to pretend that he is not doing the right things for this country is just plain stupid.

I never liked bubba Clinton but he did some good things for the country (before his left wing wife and his dick got him totally screwed up)
How did the Great Obama destroy our military?

We have a more powerful military than the next eight nations combined
Actually under Obama the morale of the military was at its lowest... Stanley McChrystal said it best… Obama is a fuckup

horseshit. You have anything to support this?
Lol.. Right back at you
I deal with the military on a daily basis, Have for over 25 years.
There is a reason why the vast majority of the military folk did not vote for Obama, like Stanley McChrystal said he’s a fuck up.

So, you have nothing to back this up except. thanks

The vast majority of the military folk have never voted for the Dem, that goes back 50 plus years. Has nothing to do with morale.

Morale was pretty shitty when we were losing 800 plus service members a year in Iraq for no fucking reason at all. Did your "dealing with" the military tell you that too? Were you ever a part of the military or just an outsider looking in?
Well, I sell firearms to the local sheriffs department and to Officers on two military bases nearby for their service sidearm along with enlisted private owned firearms.
They had one thing in common during the Obama years, they felt their commander in chief was not on their side.
Like I said there is a reason why the vast majority of military folk Do not vote for progressives like Obama. And Stanley McChrystal a democrat called Obama fuck up.

I was in the guard for eight years...
He is trying to get NATO members to spend more on their own military, he is not trying to stop us from being the world's police force.

Adding 1.27 trillion to the debt is not the right thing for the country. Our military is not underfunded, it is misused and mismanaged.
I would agree with Trump if he was trying to get them to pay more so we can pay less

But he wants them to pay more while we increase our military spending.

Where is the threat?

Funding NATO and maintaining our military are two different things. If they NATO members pay more we can pay less. that has nothing to do with rebuilding our military

Trump is not pushing for spending less on our military, he is pushing for spending more and more.

spending is necessary to bring it back after Obama decimated it. We need a strong military, plus military spending creates American jobs, who do you think builds planes, ships,, tanks, guns, ammo, uniforms, boots, rations, etc? American blue collar workers, that's who. That money stays in this country and helps our economy and our people.

So, now your claim is that government spending creates jobs? That is a new spin for someone claiming to be a Conservative.
No one can claim civilian government jobs are real jobs...
But why are we defending them with our military? Why are we the world's police force?

Because previous administrations have decided to put us in that position and our allies have welcomed our free protection.

Trump is trying to change that, which is what you say you want, so either you support Trump's efforts on this or you are a hypocrite, which is it?

Trump is trying to change that? No he is not. He is pushing for a bigger military and increased military spending.

He is trying to get the NATO members to pay their fair share, he is also trying to get our military back to where it was before obozo almost destroyed it.

Its fine if you hate him for whatever your reasons are, but to pretend that he is not doing the right things for this country is just plain stupid.

I never liked bubba Clinton but he did some good things for the country (before his left wing wife and his dick got him totally screwed up)
How did the Great Obama destroy our military?

We have a more powerful military than the next eight nations combined

you left out a word. it should be the Great FAILURE Obama.
The Great Obama is one of the great presidents of the modern era

Trump? You got some splain’n to do on that one
Because previous administrations have decided to put us in that position and our allies have welcomed our free protection.

Trump is trying to change that, which is what you say you want, so either you support Trump's efforts on this or you are a hypocrite, which is it?

Trump is trying to change that? No he is not. He is pushing for a bigger military and increased military spending.

He is trying to get the NATO members to pay their fair share, he is also trying to get our military back to where it was before obozo almost destroyed it.

Its fine if you hate him for whatever your reasons are, but to pretend that he is not doing the right things for this country is just plain stupid.

I never liked bubba Clinton but he did some good things for the country (before is left wing wife and his dick got him totally screwed up)

He is trying to get NATO members to spend more on their own military, he is not trying to stop us from being the world's police force.

Adding 1.27 trillion to the debt is not the right thing for the country. Our military is not underfunded, it is misused and mismanaged.
I would agree with Trump if he was trying to get them to pay more so we can pay less

But he wants them to pay more while we increase our military spending.

Where is the threat?

where is the threat? really? Russia, china, Iran, ISIS, Radical Islam, Are you living under a rock?
Some threat

Because previous administrations have decided to put us in that position and our allies have welcomed our free protection.

Trump is trying to change that, which is what you say you want, so either you support Trump's efforts on this or you are a hypocrite, which is it?

Trump is trying to change that? No he is not. He is pushing for a bigger military and increased military spending.

He is trying to get the NATO members to pay their fair share, he is also trying to get our military back to where it was before obozo almost destroyed it.

Its fine if you hate him for whatever your reasons are, but to pretend that he is not doing the right things for this country is just plain stupid.

I never liked bubba Clinton but he did some good things for the country (before his left wing wife and his dick got him totally screwed up)
How did the Great Obama destroy our military?

We have a more powerful military than the next eight nations combined

you left out a word. it should be the Great FAILURE Obama.
The Great Obama is one of the great presidents of the modern era

Trump? You got some splain’n to do on that one
Trump is erasing Obama’s legacy… Rightfully so
How did the Great Obama destroy our military?

We have a more powerful military than the next eight nations combined
Actually under Obama the morale of the military was at its lowest... Stanley McChrystal said it best… Obama is a fuckup

horseshit. You have anything to support this?
Lol.. Right back at you
I deal with the military on a daily basis, Have for over 25 years.
There is a reason why the vast majority of the military folk did not vote for Obama, like Stanley McChrystal said he’s a fuck up.

So, you have nothing to back this up except. thanks

The vast majority of the military folk have never voted for the Dem, that goes back 50 plus years. Has nothing to do with morale.

Morale was pretty shitty when we were losing 800 plus service members a year in Iraq for no fucking reason at all. Did your "dealing with" the military tell you that too? Were you ever a part of the military or just an outsider looking in?
Well, I sell firearms to the local sheriffs department and to Officers on two military bases nearby for their service sidearm along with enlisted private owned firearms.
They had one thing in common during the Obama years, they felt their commander in chief was not on their side.
Like I said there is a reason why the vast majority of military folk Do not vote for progressives like Obama. And Stanley McChrystal a democrat called Obama fuck up.

I was in the guard for eight years...

So, that is a no, you just base your view on those that happen to walk into your shop.
Why shouldn't all NATO members pay their share of the costs? Why should the USA cover the majority of the cost and the cost of protecting those other countries?

trump has put stronger economic sanctions on Russia, hardly what Putin wanted, you are speaking from ignorance and partisan bias.
Actually we don’t. Most NATO countries pay 2.5 percent of their GDP on the military. We pay 4.7 percent of our GDP on “Defense”

Rather than ask why they don’t pay more, we should be looking to pay less

you just don't get it. we pay more because we are defending all of them with our military. Why do you think we should be the world's police force at our expense?
We spend 46 cents out of every defense dollar on earth yet haven’t been invaded in over 200 years

How dumb is that?

Why not cut defense spending to 3 percent GDP and leave the rest of the world to defend themselves

actually pearl harbor was less than 200 years ago, and 9/11 was 17 years ago. Ready for another of either of them?

Please explain how increased military spending would stop another 9/11.
Didn’t help us one bit
I would agree with Trump if he was trying to get them to pay more so we can pay less

But he wants them to pay more while we increase our military spending.

Where is the threat?

Funding NATO and maintaining our military are two different things. If they NATO members pay more we can pay less. that has nothing to do with rebuilding our military

Trump is not pushing for spending less on our military, he is pushing for spending more and more.

spending is necessary to bring it back after Obama decimated it. We need a strong military, plus military spending creates American jobs, who do you think builds planes, ships,, tanks, guns, ammo, uniforms, boots, rations, etc? American blue collar workers, that's who. That money stays in this country and helps our economy and our people.

So, now your claim is that government spending creates jobs? That is a new spin for someone claiming to be a Conservative.
No one can claim civilian government jobs are real jobs...

So the border patrol is not a real job?

ICE is not a real job?

Air Traffic Control is not a real job?

The jobs working supply and base maintenance on military facilitates are not real jobs?
He is trying to get the NATO members to pay their fair share, he is also trying to get our military back to where it was before obozo almost destroyed it.

Its fine if you hate him for whatever your reasons are, but to pretend that he is not doing the right things for this country is just plain stupid.

I never liked bubba Clinton but he did some good things for the country (before is left wing wife and his dick got him totally screwed up)

He is trying to get NATO members to spend more on their own military, he is not trying to stop us from being the world's police force.

Adding 1.27 trillion to the debt is not the right thing for the country. Our military is not underfunded, it is misused and mismanaged.
I would agree with Trump if he was trying to get them to pay more so we can pay less

But he wants them to pay more while we increase our military spending.

Where is the threat?

Funding NATO and maintaining our military are two different things. If they NATO members pay more we can pay less. that has nothing to do with rebuilding our military

Trump is not pushing for spending less on our military, he is pushing for spending more and more.

spending is necessary to bring it back after Obama decimated it. We need a strong military, plus military spending creates American jobs, who do you think builds planes, ships,, tanks, guns, ammo, uniforms, boots, rations, etc? American blue collar workers, that's who. That money stays in this country and helps our economy and our people.

You keep saying that

Can you show how Obama decimated the military?
The same question could be asked of any Repub, you included?

What have you done for your country?

I work a job and pay multiple times my fair share.

And you think that makes you special?

Without people like me liberals would be fighting in the streets for scraps of food.

You are no different than me

I'm an American who believes in the Constitution and rule of law, hence you are nothing like me.
Because previous administrations have decided to put us in that position and our allies have welcomed our free protection.

Trump is trying to change that, which is what you say you want, so either you support Trump's efforts on this or you are a hypocrite, which is it?

Trump is trying to change that? No he is not. He is pushing for a bigger military and increased military spending.

He is trying to get the NATO members to pay their fair share, he is also trying to get our military back to where it was before obozo almost destroyed it.

Its fine if you hate him for whatever your reasons are, but to pretend that he is not doing the right things for this country is just plain stupid.

I never liked bubba Clinton but he did some good things for the country (before is left wing wife and his dick got him totally screwed up)

He is trying to get NATO members to spend more on their own military, he is not trying to stop us from being the world's police force.

Adding 1.27 trillion to the debt is not the right thing for the country. Our military is not underfunded, it is misused and mismanaged.
I would agree with Trump if he was trying to get them to pay more so we can pay less

But he wants them to pay more while we increase our military spending.

Where is the threat?

Funding NATO and maintaining our military are two different things. If they NATO members pay more we can pay less. that has nothing to do with rebuilding our military
Why do we need to rebuild our military when it is already bigger than the next ten nations combined (eight of them are our allies)

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