Ask yourself - How did you decide to vote in 11/16?

I am sure not going to vote for any batshit crazy asshole Democrats.

Only a Moon Bat, Illegal or welfare queen lacking in moral clarity and being dumber than a door knob would for Democrats.
Were you manipulated to vote against HRC, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump?

What decided you to vote the way you voted?

I didnt want that idiot Drumpf to be in office. Thats the only reason I voted for Hilary.

Pretty much everything that Hillary warned about Trump has come true. This country sucks.

You have opitions...say Venzuela?

For all it's faults the US is still the greatest nation on Earth
Were you manipulated to vote against HRC, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump?

What decided you to vote the way you voted?

Manipulated to vote against Hillary, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump? Those are the only two choices?

How about this reason: Hillary Rodham Clinton was a post-menopausal lying ratbag whose shitstain husband should have been charged with multiple rapes. She was the most incompetent Secretary of State this country has ever had, her ineptness causes the rise of ISIS in the Middle East, at 69 years old she had a serious head injury, she kept falling down, she had an uncontrollable cough, her Secret service agents hated her, when Bill was President, she demanded that White House workers never speak to her and hide behind the drapes when she appeared, and she was so unstable that she imagined she had conversions with Eleanor Roosevelt and Mahatma Gandhi.

She is so out of touch with Americans that she hasn't even driven a car since 1996, she once defended a man who raped a 12 year old girl and then laughed about it when he got a light sentence, she took a $100,000 bribe when Bill was Governor of Arkansas, as Secretary of State, she performed many favors for other countries who in turn gave her husband or the Clinton Foundation huge sums of money, and she allowed her private email server to be compromised by God know who.

She lied multiple times about having to "run for cover" under Bosnian sniper fire, she helped to create the bogus Iranian nuclear deal, she called for an end to deportation, she ignored over 600 requests for more security in Benghazi and let four Americans die there, she wanted a 25% sales tax on guns and ammunition, her "Russian reset" was a joke, she once stated “We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business”, she called Syrian dictator Assad a "reformer", she claimed that Republicans and the NRA were her "enemy"....

Do you want more reasons why no sane person would ever vote for that piece of human excrement?
Were you manipulated to vote against HRC, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump?

What decided you to vote the way you voted?

Manipulated to vote against Hillary, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump? Those are the only two choices?

How about this reason: Hillary Rodham Clinton was a post-menopausal lying ratbag whose shitstain husband should have been charged with multiple rapes. She was the most incompetent Secretary of State this country has ever had, her ineptness causes the rise of ISIS in the Middle East, at 69 years old she had a serious head injury, she kept falling down, she had an uncontrollable cough, her Secret service agents hated her, when Bill was President, she demanded that White House workers never speak to her and hide behind the drapes when she appeared, and she was so unstable that she imagined she had conversions with Eleanor Roosevelt and Mahatma Gandhi.

She is so out of touch with Americans that she hasn't even driven a car since 1996, she once defended a man who raped a 12 year old girl and then laughed about it when he got a light sentence, she took a $100,000 bribe when Bill was Governor of Arkansas, as Secretary of State, she performed many favors for other countries who in turn gave her husband or the Clinton Foundation huge sums of money, and she allowed her private email server to be compromised by God know who.

She lied multiple times about having to "run for cover" under Bosnian sniper fire, she helped to create the bogus Iranian nuclear deal, she called for an end to deportation, she ignored over 600 requests for more security in Benghazi and let four Americans die there, she wanted a 25% sales tax on guns and ammunition, her "Russian reset" was a joke, she once stated “We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business”, she called Syrian dictator Assad a "reformer", she claimed that Republicans and the NRA were her "enemy"....

Do you want more reasons why no sane person would ever vote for that piece of human excrement?

That and she's never accomplished a damn thing on her own
Were you manipulated to vote against HRC, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump?

What decided you to vote the way you voted?

Generally, it was the the behavior of the Democrats during and following the defeat of Al Gore in 2000 that assured the unlikelihood of my ever voting for a Democrat in the future. They have done everything in their power ever since to cement that position.

Specifically, I liked the direction Trump wanted to go. So far so good.
Were you manipulated to vote against HRC, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump?

What decided you to vote the way you voted?

Manipulated to vote against Hillary, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump? Those are the only two choices?

How about this reason: Hillary Rodham Clinton was a post-menopausal lying ratbag whose shitstain husband should have been charged with multiple rapes. She was the most incompetent Secretary of State this country has ever had, her ineptness causes the rise of ISIS in the Middle East, at 69 years old she had a serious head injury, she kept falling down, she had an uncontrollable cough, her Secret service agents hated her, when Bill was President, she demanded that White House workers never speak to her and hide behind the drapes when she appeared, and she was so unstable that she imagined she had conversions with Eleanor Roosevelt and Mahatma Gandhi.

She is so out of touch with Americans that she hasn't even driven a car since 1996, she once defended a man who raped a 12 year old girl and then laughed about it when he got a light sentence, she took a $100,000 bribe when Bill was Governor of Arkansas, as Secretary of State, she performed many favors for other countries who in turn gave her husband or the Clinton Foundation huge sums of money, and she allowed her private email server to be compromised by God know who.

She lied multiple times about having to "run for cover" under Bosnian sniper fire, she helped to create the bogus Iranian nuclear deal, she called for an end to deportation, she ignored over 600 requests for more security in Benghazi and let four Americans die there, she wanted a 25% sales tax on guns and ammunition, her "Russian reset" was a joke, she once stated “We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business”, she called Syrian dictator Assad a "reformer", she claimed that Republicans and the NRA were her "enemy"....

Do you want more reasons why no sane person would ever vote for that piece of human excrement?

That and she's never accomplished a damn thing on her own

Not a damned thing. But according to Hillary, it was "her time." Everyone was certain that she would win, even the Russians. They were most likely as surprised as the Democrats were, when Trump won.
It’s simple. I determined both sucked and voted for the third party candidate I could stomach and actually had a chance to get some electors though he ultimately failed to
What I did was pretty brilliant; I basically met two women outside the polling place. One was waving around a sign for Trump, the other, for Clinton. I challenged them to a blowjob competition; whoever sucked a meaner dick got my vote.

Gotta give it to the Trump girl; she was definitely the superior cocksucker. Probably because she had no teeth. Still didn't vote for Trump though...
It’s simple. I determined both sucked and voted for the third party candidate I could stomach and actually had a chance to get some electors though he ultimately failed to
Did you honestly think they would get elected or was it a matter of principle?
America First plus 'Make America Great Again' plus my thinking is that he has kids and Grandkids that he might like to see grow up in a good America similar to the America that he grew up in . Plus i just like The TRUMPS Style and what i hope is his anti foreigner and anti immigration stance .
It’s simple. I determined both sucked and voted for the third party candidate I could stomach and actually had a chance to get some electors though he ultimately failed to

That is what I have been doing since 1996. There has not been a main party candidate worth voting for since then.
Were you manipulated to vote against HRC, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump?

What decided you to vote the way you voted?

To illustrate some foundational relevancy in order to best answer this question: I voted for Barack Obama in 2008. See, things OCONUS were just dragging on and on and we envisioned the supposed opposite of GWB getting everyone out and home--with respect to realistic expectations, of course. And then, what's he go and do? He fires nearly 200 officers over the coming years, an act of treason some saw it as; high disrespect and dishonor, for others. Made my job at the time feel lots less appreciated by the body politic at large. If the military was a third political party, DT would be their candidate. Works for me.
i voted for these reasons:

1)i dont like Crooked Hillary cos she's a bland woman
2) Trump has sexy hair
3) Trump will drain the swamp
4) Trump will build the wall
5) Trump will do the travel ban
6)Trump will go down in history as the most entertaining president in history
Were you manipulated to vote against HRC, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump?

What decided you to vote the way you voted?

Well, that isn't a loaded choice.

True left winger that you are.

It has to be this way.

Someone could not have made up their own mind, having lived through the Clinton bullshit years that they didn't trust Hillary.


Stop are a waste of oxygen.

I see, but to be clear, was it Fox's Hannity, or an internet Blog?
Were you manipulated to vote against HRC, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump?

What decided you to vote the way you voted?

Manipulated to vote against Hillary, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump? Those are the only two choices?

How about this reason: Hillary Rodham Clinton was a post-menopausal lying ratbag whose shitstain husband should have been charged with multiple rapes. She was the most incompetent Secretary of State this country has ever had, her ineptness causes the rise of ISIS in the Middle East, at 69 years old she had a serious head injury, she kept falling down, she had an uncontrollable cough, her Secret service agents hated her, when Bill was President, she demanded that White House workers never speak to her and hide behind the drapes when she appeared, and she was so unstable that she imagined she had conversions with Eleanor Roosevelt and Mahatma Gandhi.

She is so out of touch with Americans that she hasn't even driven a car since 1996, she once defended a man who raped a 12 year old girl and then laughed about it when he got a light sentence, she took a $100,000 bribe when Bill was Governor of Arkansas, as Secretary of State, she performed many favors for other countries who in turn gave her husband or the Clinton Foundation huge sums of money, and she allowed her private email server to be compromised by God know who.

She lied multiple times about having to "run for cover" under Bosnian sniper fire, she helped to create the bogus Iranian nuclear deal, she called for an end to deportation, she ignored over 600 requests for more security in Benghazi and let four Americans die there, she wanted a 25% sales tax on guns and ammunition, her "Russian reset" was a joke, she once stated “We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business”, she called Syrian dictator Assad a "reformer", she claimed that Republicans and the NRA were her "enemy"....

Do you want more reasons why no sane person would ever vote for that piece of human excrement?

I get it, the Right Wing propaganda of Character Assassination of HRC was what motivated you to not vote for HRC.

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