Ask yourself - How did you decide to vote in 11/16?

Were you manipulated to vote against HRC, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump?
What decided you to vote the way you voted?

I was fully prepared to vote for Hillary until a black limousine full of big Russians pulled up in front of me, blocked my path, pulled me into the car, told me I was going to vote for Trump instead, and offered me a lifetime supply of this really good borscht. I couldn't pass it up.

All Hillary offered me was a signed copy of her book: 'Hillary: Why I Lost Twice.'

Comrade, do you like a piroshki baked or fried?

Never heard of that one but I'm sure you make it well.
Were you manipulated to vote against HRC, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump?

What decided you to vote the way you voted?
I made the decision months ahead that I would not give my assent to being ruled by either.
It was a last minute decision for me.

Last election I voted for Johnson and thought I'd vote the same this time.

After thinking about it I decided Trump, who isn't a politician, might make a better President than all the politicians.

It was one good choice.
Were you manipulated to vote against HRC, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump?

What decided you to vote the way you voted?

Manipulated to vote against Hillary, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump? Those are the only two choices?

How about this reason: Hillary Rodham Clinton was a post-menopausal lying ratbag whose shitstain husband should have been charged with multiple rapes. She was the most incompetent Secretary of State this country has ever had, her ineptness causes the rise of ISIS in the Middle East, at 69 years old she had a serious head injury, she kept falling down, she had an uncontrollable cough, her Secret service agents hated her, when Bill was President, she demanded that White House workers never speak to her and hide behind the drapes when she appeared, and she was so unstable that she imagined she had conversions with Eleanor Roosevelt and Mahatma Gandhi.

She is so out of touch with Americans that she hasn't even driven a car since 1996, she once defended a man who raped a 12 year old girl and then laughed about it when he got a light sentence, she took a $100,000 bribe when Bill was Governor of Arkansas, as Secretary of State, she performed many favors for other countries who in turn gave her husband or the Clinton Foundation huge sums of money, and she allowed her private email server to be compromised by God know who.

She lied multiple times about having to "run for cover" under Bosnian sniper fire, she helped to create the bogus Iranian nuclear deal, she called for an end to deportation, she ignored over 600 requests for more security in Benghazi and let four Americans die there, she wanted a 25% sales tax on guns and ammunition, her "Russian reset" was a joke, she once stated “We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business”, she called Syrian dictator Assad a "reformer", she claimed that Republicans and the NRA were her "enemy"....

Do you want more reasons why no sane person would ever vote for that piece of human excrement?

I get it, the Right Wing propaganda of Character Assassination of HRC was what motivated you to not vote for HRC.

You want to comment on my answer?

My positions on Trade and Immigration have been firm for quite some time.

Trump was the best match for them, really, ever.

Once his platform firmed up, he was the obvious choice.

All the drama and rhetoric, meant nothing to me.

The only platform I saw in all his rally's was hate.
Were you manipulated to vote against HRC, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump?

What decided you to vote the way you voted?

In no way, and under no circumstances would I vote for HRC for anything.... other than a juror pronouncing her guilty
Were you manipulated to vote against HRC, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump?

What decided you to vote the way you voted?

Manipulated to vote against Hillary, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump? Those are the only two choices?

How about this reason: Hillary Rodham Clinton was a post-menopausal lying ratbag whose shitstain husband should have been charged with multiple rapes. She was the most incompetent Secretary of State this country has ever had, her ineptness causes the rise of ISIS in the Middle East, at 69 years old she had a serious head injury, she kept falling down, she had an uncontrollable cough, her Secret service agents hated her, when Bill was President, she demanded that White House workers never speak to her and hide behind the drapes when she appeared, and she was so unstable that she imagined she had conversions with Eleanor Roosevelt and Mahatma Gandhi.

She is so out of touch with Americans that she hasn't even driven a car since 1996, she once defended a man who raped a 12 year old girl and then laughed about it when he got a light sentence, she took a $100,000 bribe when Bill was Governor of Arkansas, as Secretary of State, she performed many favors for other countries who in turn gave her husband or the Clinton Foundation huge sums of money, and she allowed her private email server to be compromised by God know who.

She lied multiple times about having to "run for cover" under Bosnian sniper fire, she helped to create the bogus Iranian nuclear deal, she called for an end to deportation, she ignored over 600 requests for more security in Benghazi and let four Americans die there, she wanted a 25% sales tax on guns and ammunition, her "Russian reset" was a joke, she once stated “We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business”, she called Syrian dictator Assad a "reformer", she claimed that Republicans and the NRA were her "enemy"....

Do you want more reasons why no sane person would ever vote for that piece of human excrement?

I get it, the Right Wing propaganda of Character Assassination of HRC was what motivated you to not vote for HRC.

You want to comment on my answer?

My positions on Trade and Immigration have been firm for quite some time.

Trump was the best match for them, really, ever.

Once his platform firmed up, he was the obvious choice.

All the drama and rhetoric, meant nothing to me.

The only platform I saw in all his rally's was hate.

That was your hate, interfering with your perception.

There was a reason that Hillary did not bother campaigning much in the Rust Belt.

She thought they were solidly in her corner.

She underestimated the impact Trump's policy on Trade would have on a population devestated by Globalism.

If you can't see that, you are blinded by your hate.
Were you manipulated to vote against HRC, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump?

What decided you to vote the way you voted?

You are a far left drone and can only vote far left, this is a known fact.

So why ask a question that we all know the answer to?

See the far left can not accept the fact that Hilary is worse than Trump!
Were you manipulated to vote against HRC, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump?

What decided you to vote the way you voted?

Generally, it was the the behavior of the Democrats during and following the defeat of Al Gore in 2000 that assured the unlikelihood of my ever voting for a Democrat in the future. They have done everything in their power ever since to cement that position.

Specifically, I liked the direction Trump wanted to go. So far so good.

I see, you are a misanthrope as is Trump.

Nothing he said, supports your response.

You seem to be ignoring all the responses that you can't spin into "Republicans bad/stupid".

I don't need to spin anything about the R's dis-ability to govern. It is apparent to everyone who has their eyes and ears open, and has watched how misanthropic the McConnell and Ryan Leadership have governed.

No one who respects others would act in the manner which Trump does (he's a GD Bully) and was coward by Putin. The man is an empty suit, and the plan by the R's to shit can the PPACA is immoral and self serving of those who pay them to keep the golden goose alive.

So, when I point out to you that you were judging others on the assumption that they shared your views, even though that is very, very unlikely,

your response is to state your views stronger, to the point of claiming that no one could disagree with you.


That is bat shit crazy.
Were you manipulated to vote against HRC, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump?

What decided you to vote the way you voted?

Manipulated to vote against Hillary, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump? Those are the only two choices?

How about this reason: Hillary Rodham Clinton was a post-menopausal lying ratbag whose shitstain husband should have been charged with multiple rapes. She was the most incompetent Secretary of State this country has ever had, her ineptness causes the rise of ISIS in the Middle East, at 69 years old she had a serious head injury, she kept falling down, she had an uncontrollable cough, her Secret service agents hated her, when Bill was President, she demanded that White House workers never speak to her and hide behind the drapes when she appeared, and she was so unstable that she imagined she had conversions with Eleanor Roosevelt and Mahatma Gandhi.

She is so out of touch with Americans that she hasn't even driven a car since 1996, she once defended a man who raped a 12 year old girl and then laughed about it when he got a light sentence, she took a $100,000 bribe when Bill was Governor of Arkansas, as Secretary of State, she performed many favors for other countries who in turn gave her husband or the Clinton Foundation huge sums of money, and she allowed her private email server to be compromised by God know who.

She lied multiple times about having to "run for cover" under Bosnian sniper fire, she helped to create the bogus Iranian nuclear deal, she called for an end to deportation, she ignored over 600 requests for more security in Benghazi and let four Americans die there, she wanted a 25% sales tax on guns and ammunition, her "Russian reset" was a joke, she once stated “We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business”, she called Syrian dictator Assad a "reformer", she claimed that Republicans and the NRA were her "enemy"....

Do you want more reasons why no sane person would ever vote for that piece of human excrement?

I get it, the Right Wing propaganda of Character Assassination of HRC was what motivated you to not vote for HRC.

You want to comment on my answer?

My positions on Trade and Immigration have been firm for quite some time.

Trump was the best match for them, really, ever.

Once his platform firmed up, he was the obvious choice.

All the drama and rhetoric, meant nothing to me.

The only platform I saw in all his rally's was hate.

My my, how the tables have turned.
Were you manipulated to vote against HRC, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump?

What decided you to vote the way you voted?

Generally, it was the the behavior of the Democrats during and following the defeat of Al Gore in 2000 that assured the unlikelihood of my ever voting for a Democrat in the future. They have done everything in their power ever since to cement that position.

Specifically, I liked the direction Trump wanted to go. So far so good.

I see, you are a misanthrope as is Trump.

Nothing he said, supports your response.

You seem to be ignoring all the responses that you can't spin into "Republicans bad/stupid".

I don't need to spin anything about the R's dis-ability to govern. It is apparent to everyone who has their eyes and ears open, and has watched how misanthropic the McConnell and Ryan Leadership have governed.

No one who respects others would act in the manner which Trump does (he's a GD Bully) and was coward by Putin. The man is an empty suit, and the plan by the R's to shit can the PPACA is immoral and self serving of those who pay them to keep the golden goose alive.

So, when I point out to you that you were judging others on the assumption that they shared your views, even though that is very, very unlikely,

your response is to state your views stronger, to the point of claiming that no one could disagree with you.


That is bat shit crazy.

True, although just a liberal doing what liberals do.
Were you manipulated to vote against HRC, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump?

This is an informative view into what passes as the mind of a leftist. They cannot even imagine, in their wildest dreams, an individual. The concept that an individual exists and that an individual can coolly analyze facts and come up with their own decision is as foreign to these collectivist creatures as a alien from outer space. They are nothing more than ants. They wish for nothing more than to be ruled.
Wry is so stupid he doesn't realize that the two options he gave as possible answers are THE SAME FUCKING THING.

And he votes...
Generally, it was the the behavior of the Democrats during and following the defeat of Al Gore in 2000 that assured the unlikelihood of my ever voting for a Democrat in the future. They have done everything in their power ever since to cement that position.

Specifically, I liked the direction Trump wanted to go. So far so good.

I see, you are a misanthrope as is Trump.

Nothing he said, supports your response.

You seem to be ignoring all the responses that you can't spin into "Republicans bad/stupid".

I don't need to spin anything about the R's dis-ability to govern. It is apparent to everyone who has their eyes and ears open, and has watched how misanthropic the McConnell and Ryan Leadership have governed.

No one who respects others would act in the manner which Trump does (he's a GD Bully) and was coward by Putin. The man is an empty suit, and the plan by the R's to shit can the PPACA is immoral and self serving of those who pay them to keep the golden goose alive.

So, when I point out to you that you were judging others on the assumption that they shared your views, even though that is very, very unlikely,

your response is to state your views stronger, to the point of claiming that no one could disagree with you.


That is bat shit crazy.

True, although just a liberal doing what liberals do.

I don't and won't speak for all liberals, but as I liberal I speak the truth. Some actually believe Trump, McConnell and Ryan have governed 300+ million diverse citizens fairly and yet have no ability to confirm such a belief.

As I've suggested in the past, don't watch the lips of pols, watch their feet (it is not what they say, it is what they do).

What have the R's done to reform health care in America and reform the tax policy.

What have they said, and what have they done?

What Trump said:
6 promises Trump has made about health care

What Ryan said:
Five Quotes That Show the Hypocrisy of the Health Care Vote

BTW, what happened to Trump's promise to have the tax form to be one page?
Were you manipulated to vote against HRC, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump?

What decided you to vote the way you voted?
So you are saying that our choices are we were manipulated either way. Sorry, not all of us are snowflake sheep....
I see, you are a misanthrope as is Trump.

Nothing he said, supports your response.

You seem to be ignoring all the responses that you can't spin into "Republicans bad/stupid".

I don't need to spin anything about the R's dis-ability to govern. It is apparent to everyone who has their eyes and ears open, and has watched how misanthropic the McConnell and Ryan Leadership have governed.

No one who respects others would act in the manner which Trump does (he's a GD Bully) and was coward by Putin. The man is an empty suit, and the plan by the R's to shit can the PPACA is immoral and self serving of those who pay them to keep the golden goose alive.

So, when I point out to you that you were judging others on the assumption that they shared your views, even though that is very, very unlikely,

your response is to state your views stronger, to the point of claiming that no one could disagree with you.


That is bat shit crazy.

True, although just a liberal doing what liberals do.

I don't and won't speak for all liberals, but as I liberal I speak the truth. Some actually believe Trump, McConnell and Ryan have governed 300+ million diverse citizens fairly and yet have no ability to confirm such a belief.

As I've suggested in the past, don't watch the lips of pols, watch their feet (it is not what they say, it is what they do).

What have the R's done to reform health care in America and reform the tax policy.

What have they said, and what have they done?

What Trump said:
6 promises Trump has made about health care

What Ryan said:
Five Quotes That Show the Hypocrisy of the Health Care Vote

BTW, what happened to Trump's promise to have the tax form to be one page?

No doubt, I'm sure all liberals speak the truth...based on their limited knowledge of the facts.
As far as reforming the tax policy, am I mistaken, isn't the first phase of their tax policy already in place?

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