Ask yourself - How did you decide to vote in 11/16?

I voted for HRC as she was the most experienced of all of the candidate from both the D & R parties.

Experience matters, Trump has proved inexperience is a drawback.
Were you manipulated to vote against HRC, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump?

What decided you to vote the way you voted?
I had planned to vote for President Trump from the time he announced! Never changed my mind.
-------------------------------------------- yeah , pretty much the same for me , who else was there . Mighta been a choice if Ted Cruz was running . But the way that it was , well The TRUMP was the only choice Odium .
I voted for HRC as she was the most experienced of all of the candidate from both the D & R parties.

Experience matters, Trump has proved inexperience is a drawback.
---------------------------- OFF TOPIC but looking at you signature 'jfk' Quote , it looks to me like your hero ' jfk' was a bonehead . Just a comment Wry !!
Let us attempt to rephrase the OP in a manner which can be universally understood:
Were you manipulated to vote against HRC, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump?

What decided you to vote the way you voted?

Do you feel as if you were manipulated into casting a ballot for someone you now believe to be a charlatan?

If so, which of these particular issues and subjects caused you to vote in a manner that you would not have (knowing what you know today)?
The Russian baloney comes down to the American public did not deserve to learn what wretches Hillary and her bunch are. We should have been permitted to make our decision based ONLY on what the MSM revealed and what she said about herself
I voted for HRC as she was the most experienced of all of the candidate from both the D & R parties.

Experience matters, Trump has proved inexperience is a drawback.

Yet, manufacturing employment is surging.

THat was not supposed to be possible, according to you anti-Trumpers.

What are you going to do, if his policies work?
Were you manipulated to vote against HRC, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump?

What decided you to vote the way you voted?

Manipulated to vote against Hillary, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump? Those are the only two choices?

How about this reason: Hillary Rodham Clinton was a post-menopausal lying ratbag whose shitstain husband should have been charged with multiple rapes. She was the most incompetent Secretary of State this country has ever had, her ineptness causes the rise of ISIS in the Middle East, at 69 years old she had a serious head injury, she kept falling down, she had an uncontrollable cough, her Secret service agents hated her, when Bill was President, she demanded that White House workers never speak to her and hide behind the drapes when she appeared, and she was so unstable that she imagined she had conversions with Eleanor Roosevelt and Mahatma Gandhi.

She is so out of touch with Americans that she hasn't even driven a car since 1996, she once defended a man who raped a 12 year old girl and then laughed about it when he got a light sentence, she took a $100,000 bribe when Bill was Governor of Arkansas, as Secretary of State, she performed many favors for other countries who in turn gave her husband or the Clinton Foundation huge sums of money, and she allowed her private email server to be compromised by God know who.

She lied multiple times about having to "run for cover" under Bosnian sniper fire, she helped to create the bogus Iranian nuclear deal, she called for an end to deportation, she ignored over 600 requests for more security in Benghazi and let four Americans die there, she wanted a 25% sales tax on guns and ammunition, her "Russian reset" was a joke, she once stated “We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business”, she called Syrian dictator Assad a "reformer", she claimed that Republicans and the NRA were her "enemy"....

Do you want more reasons why no sane person would ever vote for that piece of human excrement?

I get it, the Right Wing propaganda of Character Assassination of HRC was what motivated you to not vote for HRC.

You want to comment on my answer?

My positions on Trade and Immigration have been firm for quite some time.

Trump was the best match for them, really, ever.

Once his platform firmed up, he was the obvious choice.

All the drama and rhetoric, meant nothing to me.

The only platform I saw in all his rally's was hate.

My my, how the tables have turned.

Apparently your don't get out much and are stuck on USMB, there is enough hate on both sides to go around.
Manipulated to vote against Hillary, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump? Those are the only two choices?

How about this reason: Hillary Rodham Clinton was a post-menopausal lying ratbag whose shitstain husband should have been charged with multiple rapes. She was the most incompetent Secretary of State this country has ever had, her ineptness causes the rise of ISIS in the Middle East, at 69 years old she had a serious head injury, she kept falling down, she had an uncontrollable cough, her Secret service agents hated her, when Bill was President, she demanded that White House workers never speak to her and hide behind the drapes when she appeared, and she was so unstable that she imagined she had conversions with Eleanor Roosevelt and Mahatma Gandhi.

She is so out of touch with Americans that she hasn't even driven a car since 1996, she once defended a man who raped a 12 year old girl and then laughed about it when he got a light sentence, she took a $100,000 bribe when Bill was Governor of Arkansas, as Secretary of State, she performed many favors for other countries who in turn gave her husband or the Clinton Foundation huge sums of money, and she allowed her private email server to be compromised by God know who.

She lied multiple times about having to "run for cover" under Bosnian sniper fire, she helped to create the bogus Iranian nuclear deal, she called for an end to deportation, she ignored over 600 requests for more security in Benghazi and let four Americans die there, she wanted a 25% sales tax on guns and ammunition, her "Russian reset" was a joke, she once stated “We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business”, she called Syrian dictator Assad a "reformer", she claimed that Republicans and the NRA were her "enemy"....

Do you want more reasons why no sane person would ever vote for that piece of human excrement?

I get it, the Right Wing propaganda of Character Assassination of HRC was what motivated you to not vote for HRC.

You want to comment on my answer?

My positions on Trade and Immigration have been firm for quite some time.

Trump was the best match for them, really, ever.

Once his platform firmed up, he was the obvious choice.

All the drama and rhetoric, meant nothing to me.

The only platform I saw in all his rally's was hate.

My my, how the tables have turned.

Apparently your don't get out much and are stuck on USMB, there is enough hate on both sides to go around.

That may be true, can't imagine I'm the only one that hates some of the stupid stuff liberals say.
Were you manipulated to vote against HRC, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump?

What decided you to vote the way you voted?
I had planned to vote for President Trump from the time he announced! Never changed my mind.

Willful ignorance or a close mind?
Neither. You should be one to WHINE seeing how you supported a BITCH who called half of Americans deplorable. Fuck her,Fuck you and Fuck all whining tide pod eating,pussy hat wearing snowflakes!
I voted for HRC as she was the most experienced of all of the candidate from both the D & R parties.

Experience matters, Trump has proved inexperience is a drawback.
Yeah it don't matter it was BAD experience. She did NOTHING as First Lady,NOTHING as Senator and NOTHING as SOS....not anything GOOD anyways!
The Russian baloney comes down to the American public did not deserve to learn what wretches Hillary and her bunch are. We should have been permitted to make our decision based ONLY on what the MSM revealed and what she said about herself

That would have been a disaster. I thank God that the Russians or whomever the hell did hack the DNC and the Hillary campaign's servers, otherwise we never would have known how unfit she really was to be President. We never would have known about Podesta's emails, Hillary's stealing the nomination from Sanders, or any of the other skullduggery she was up to.

If anything, whatever country that revealed what a real piece of human excrement she is, should have our gratitude.
Were you manipulated to vote against HRC, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump?

What decided you to vote the way you voted?
I knew Trump was a con artist long before he ran for office. Way too many never figured that out..
The Russian baloney comes down to the American public did not deserve to learn what wretches Hillary and her bunch are. We should have been permitted to make our decision based ONLY on what the MSM revealed and what she said about herself

That would have been a disaster. I thank God that the Russians or whomever the hell did hack the DNC and the Hillary campaign's servers, otherwise we never would have known how unfit she really was to be President. We never would have known about Podesta's emails, Hillary's stealing the nomination from Sanders, or any of the other skullduggery she was up to.

If anything, whatever country that revealed what a real piece of human excrement she is, should have our gratitude.
We’ve seen thousands of examples of how unfit this incompetent prez is to hold office. Any office. And yet you’re still talking about Hillary.
Were you manipulated to vote against HRC, and/or manipulated to vote for Donald Trump?

What decided you to vote the way you voted?
The guy of the right wing had nothing but social plans instead of the fine capital plans he alleged to have.
Maybe you've seen thousands of reasons why you don't like him. But he's done a hell of a job from my point of view.
I don't play the "lesser of two evils" game. Never have and never will. But I'm glad you used the word manipulation, because that is exactly what has been happening. Every four years people are manipulated into voting against the other candidate… rather than voting for a candidate. In my opinion, the powers that be have used that strategy to give us corrupt frauds who otherwise would never have been elected.

This video Is worth watching, it's not recent but still relevant.


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