Assassination threats against Trump flood Twitter- Meet the real deplorables


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Okay, each and every idiot who posts these death threats needs to be visited by authorities and investigated. Remember when Ted Nugent got a visit after making a post saying he'd be arrested if Obama won again?

These folks are calling for Trump's assassination and calling for death or violence against all his supporters. Several, including a young girl, were already beat to a pulp by intolerant thugs for supporting Trump. We have liberals, like Samantha Bee, claiming that white people ruined this country. Good thing whites don't run Africa or Syria or they would be a mess.

The rhetoric is the worse I've ever seen from those who could do a lot to calm the situation. Sad that too many are choosing to escalate the hate speech, knowing full well that thugs across the country are taking their words to heart and acting out violently.

The Hillary supporters on the streets and online media calling for violence are pieces of shit who should be charged for every single bit of violence and vandalism.

Now we know who the real deplorables are.

Assassination threats against Trump flood Twitter | New York Post


Racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-semitic seditious, treasonous, flag-burning, criminal domestic terrorists who have lost their fucking minds, who would rather see this nation destroyed if they can't have their way - have their own criminal despots in power.

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