Assault Rifle

The problem is not the arm or arms, it is psychology. The excessive fascination with these military style rifles indicates an unhealthy fetishism. A semi-auto 30.06 deer rifle just doesn't look 'bad', but it will sure enough kill at 600 meters and much further in the right hands.

"Excessive fascination". Now there is an amusing term. Kind of like your excessive fascination with books, or plants, or whatever it is that you find interesting. The depths to which progressives will go to vilify an object are amazing.
Why are AR 15s more popular than any other semi-auto real hunting rifles? Just because they are semi-auto M 16s and look tough for the other boys?

Nope. They're popular because they are modular. You can build one for any particular job. I have one which is a long range tack driver, and I have another which is a dedicated .22LR practice rifle. It is not uncommon for people to own three or four of them all set up to do different things. That's why. As usual, you idiots think it's all about how nasty they look. Grow up.

Even if and when they do grow up, they will still be stupid liberal ass-hats.
Why are AR 15s more popular than any other semi-auto real hunting rifles? Just because they are semi-auto M 16s and look tough for the other boys?

Yeah, it can't be that every single military veteran (21.8 MIllion in the U.S.) has been trained with an M-16 and has served their military term of three to twenty plus years carrying one and training with one for their entire time in service.

Do you not agree that would have an impact for the demand for the civilian versions of the same gun - after their active duty status is over?

It's sad that this country does not appreciate how it's veterans (myself included) have quietly continued our readiness to defend our country even as we are no longer "actively" serving our country in the Armed Forces.
At least you admit it is an M 16.

Who cares what it is. If they are outlawed then the scumbags will switch to shotguns and then you'll see even more people dying. It's not the tool dumbass. It's the asshole who uses it to do evil. A shotgun is a far more lethal weapon at close range than an AR and yet that is the very weapon that Biden and co. think we should all be limited to. Until they decide to get rid of those too.

France is your dream country and yet 150 people were murdered with AK's. How is that possible? They had laws that outlawed those darn things!
At least you admit it is an M 16.

Who cares what it is. If they are outlawed then the scumbags will switch to shotguns and then you'll see even more people dying. It's not the tool dumbass. It's the asshole who uses it to do evil. A shotgun is a far more lethal weapon at close range than an AR and yet that is the very weapon that Biden and co. think we should all be limited to. Until they decide to get rid of those too.

France is your dream country and yet 150 people were murdered with AK's. How is that possible? They had laws that outlawed those darn things!

Odd that you insist on demonstrating foolishness with assumptions and blithering, unsubstantiated allegations. Nothing of what you allege can be found attributable to me. As usual, you project and accuse blindly. Get a grip!
from Wikipedia:
In 1963, Colt started selling the semi-automatic version of the M16 rifle as the Colt AR-15 for civilian use and the term has been used to refer to semiautomatic-only versions of the rifle since then.[18] Colt continued to use the AR-15 trademark for its semi-automatic variants (AR-15, AR-15A2) which were marketed to civilian and law-enforcement customers. The original AR-15 was a very lightweight weapon, weighing less than 6 pounds with empty magazine. Later heavy-barrel versions of the civilian AR-15 can weigh upwards of 8.5 lb.
from Wikipedia:
In 1963, Colt started selling the semi-automatic version of the M16 rifle as the Colt AR-15 for civilian use and the term has been used to refer to semiautomatic-only versions of the rifle since then.[18] Colt continued to use the AR-15 trademark for its semi-automatic variants (AR-15, AR-15A2) which were marketed to civilian and law-enforcement customers. The original AR-15 was a very lightweight weapon, weighing less than 6 pounds with empty magazine. Later heavy-barrel versions of the civilian AR-15 can weigh upwards of 8.5 lb.

They are different rifles...thank you.
Less different than a Fiat with an automatic transmission and one with a manual.

Thank you.
What is the fucking difference? When you can fire off 30 rounds in under 10 seconds, and switch magazines in under 2 seconds, and the people you are killing are unarmed, what the hell is the difference? You bastards have played with semantics far to long.

These guns were designed for one purpose only, killing people. And they do that very well. And are very easy to get, do not even have to go to a dealer. One person on the board from Missouri bought one with the ammo and extra magazines in a Walmart parking lot, no questions asked. And each time with have tens of people gunned down, we go through the lies from people like you all over again. Eventually, someone will do something horrific enough with one of these assault weapons that they will flat out be outlawed, and merely possessing one will be a felony. And then you will regret not working with those of us that would not ban them, but would control who has them off their own property.

Islamic extremists were designed for one purpose only, killing people.
That's what you should be focusing on.
You won't though, you and other ignorant liberals will focus on the symptom instead of what's really the problem.
At least you admit it is an M 16.

Who cares what it is. If they are outlawed then the scumbags will switch to shotguns and then you'll see even more people dying. It's not the tool dumbass. It's the asshole who uses it to do evil. A shotgun is a far more lethal weapon at close range than an AR and yet that is the very weapon that Biden and co. think we should all be limited to. Until they decide to get rid of those too.

France is your dream country and yet 150 people were murdered with AK's. How is that possible? They had laws that outlawed those darn things!

Odd that you insist on demonstrating foolishness with assumptions and blithering, unsubstantiated allegations. Nothing of what you allege can be found attributable to me. As usual, you project and accuse blindly. Get a grip!

Get a grip on what? Your the one who is delusional thinking that outlawing a weapon is going to stop mass killings. France has shown beyond doubt that gun bans don't work in the slightest. The whooooole EU is a gun free zone, unless you're rich of course, and that ultimately is what gun control is all about, keeping the rich powerful, and the middle class weak, and yet with that whole gun free zone bad people were quite easily able to get real assault rifles into the heart of Paris and kill 150.

My allegations are accurate. It is your allegations that are without merit.
Detail the differences, then. The pieces are interchangeable.

But it has been stated that is not the problem. You are just anal-retentive about your 'guns'.
It's the psychology, the feverish, unhealthy fascination with weapons, and especially certain ones, that is the problem. The fact that the AR 15 and M 16 are essentially the same with minor alterations, is unimportant. The fact that any semi-auto of the same caliber is just as deadly is unimportant. It is the attitude and mystique of pseudo-military types and their death-cult brothers all over the world that present the danger. We're not going to get rid of them by any 'ban'. We are going to give them more attention when we see they are so fired up about firing off so much so quickly for no meaningful reason.
It's the psychology, the feverish, unhealthy fascination with weapons, and especially certain ones, that is the problem. The fact that the AR 15 and M 16 are essentially the same with minor alterations, is unimportant. The fact that any semi-auto of the same caliber is just as deadly is unimportant. It is the attitude and mystique of pseudo-military types and their death-cult brothers all over the world that present the danger. We're not going to get rid of them by any 'ban'. We are going to give them more attention when we see they are so fired up about firing off so much so quickly for no meaningful reason.

Actually, if anyone's mentality is unhealthy, it's yours. You feel that you have the right to tell other people how to live. I hate to break it to you but that is called an "Authoritarian Personality Disorder". Some pretty famous people have been afflicted with that particular mental illness. Our insistence on maintaining our gun Rights is to keep people like that under control.

"A personality disorder reflecting a desire for security, order, power, and status, with a desire for structured lines of authority, a conventional set of values or outlook, a demand for unquestioning obedience, and a tendency to be hostile toward or use as scapegoats individuals of minority or nontraditional groups."

Authoritarian Personality Disorder
Never stop projecting, do you? Where did the post tell anyone else how to live?

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