Assault weapons and bomb-carrying robots.....

My cousin is one of those hoarders. He was one of the rubes who fell for the OBAMAZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNZ SO BUY MOAR GUNZ marketing campaign. He stockpiled the shit out of guns and ammo, contributing to a spike in gun prices and a shortage of ammo. That's what panic buying does to any commodity.

People like him are responsible for the spike in gun sales. And it has had no impact on the FACT that fewer and fewer households own guns.

I have little doubt the gun manufacturers and retailers of America are hoping for a Clinton win so they can continue their successful fearmongering campaign which has netted them record profits in a market which has a dwindling customer base.
Yeah....only the gun grabbers think gun ownership is women, minorities and gays are buying guns as the biggest growth sectors in the industry....

Are Americans Really Giving Up Their Guns?

To summarize the overall discrepancies: Gallup, a respected research organization, has found varying levels of gun ownership, but has reported that the proportion of individuals reporting a gun in their home remains relatively high. In 2012, that proportion was found to be 43 percent.



“Our basic question is do you have a gun in your home and if you don’t have a gun in their home we follow up and ask do you have a gun on your property,” Newport explained.

In the past, TheBlaze has analyzed the differences between the two firms’ presentation of this question. The GSS question, based on the 2010 survey (the question wording has not changed in decades), reads, “Do you happen to have in your home (IF HOUSE: or garage) any guns or revolvers?”

The Gallup version is a bit more expansive, also asking in a follow-up question if guns are present inside one’s vehicle. It reads, “Do you have a gun in your home? (If no: Do you have a gun anywhere else on your property, such as in your garage, barn, shed, or in your car or truck?). Newport questioned the inclusion of “revolver” in the GSS study, wondering – not charging, per se – if its inclusion skews results in a downward fashion.



Another element worth considering when measuring firearms or any other controversial indicator is the mode, or the method through which data are collected. While making no definitive statements surrounding which firm has the most accurate data collection method, Newport highlighted that mode effect could also potentially play a role in the differences observed in guns ownership statistics.

“There’s also what we call a mode effect and I believe…most of the GSS survey is done in person and, of course, our survey and everyone else’s are done on the phone,” he told TheBlaze. “If someone’s there in your living room asking [you questions] with a clip board…there could be a difference.”

Newport was clear that he wasn’t claiming a definite impact on results if and when someone collects data inside the home versus via telephone, however he did raise the mode as a possible explanatory factor. He said that testing this dynamic this would be necessary in order to make more informed and definitive decisions on the matter.

As for Smith, he confirmed that the GSS’s methodology and general mode of communication with respondents is in person. While the vast majority of studies are conducted in peoples’ homes, some individuals are reached outside of their houses (traveling salesmen and others who are regularly on the road). And another small portion of the sample is reached via phone. Overall, these outliers account for five to 10 percent of the sample, Smith told TheBlaze.

Considering the impact of social and political discussion and the aura that accompanies in-person interviews (a more personal face-to-face engagement), one could reasonably assert that, depending on the issue, respondents could be intimidated or shy away from affirmatively answering something that they fear might make them look insensitive.

For example: Self-reporting ownership of an AR-15, especially in light of pressures following Sandy Hook, could, theoretically, be impacted by this dynamic.

Let's take it one step further........

law enforcement agents are allowed to wear bullet-proof vests (or any type of body armor)........Gun lovers have insisted that the average American should ALSO be allowed to purchase such body armor.......So the question arises as to: WHY ???
My cousin is one of those hoarders. He was one of the rubes who fell for the OBAMAZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNZ SO BUY MOAR GUNZ marketing campaign. He stockpiled the shit out of guns and ammo, contributing to a spike in gun prices and a shortage of ammo. That's what panic buying does to any commodity.

People like him are responsible for the spike in gun sales. And it has had no impact on the FACT that fewer and fewer households own guns. I said.....a few people did not by 37,000,000 new guns........women, and minorities are the biggest growth sectors in the gun buying gun buyers both groups....
Let's take it one step further........

law enforcement agents are allowed to wear bullet-proof vests (or any type of body armor)........Gun lovers have insisted that the average American should ALSO be allowed to purchase such body armor.......So the question arises as to: WHY ???

It would have helped people in Dallas and at Orlando.....that's why......and if you live in a democrat voting precinct where democrats are shooting each other all the might need a vest.
My cousin is one of those hoarders. He was one of the rubes who fell for the OBAMAZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNZ SO BUY MOAR GUNZ marketing campaign. He stockpiled the shit out of guns and ammo, contributing to a spike in gun prices and a shortage of ammo. That's what panic buying does to any commodity.

People like him are responsible for the spike in gun sales. And it has had no impact on the FACT that fewer and fewer households own guns. I said.....a few people did not by 37,000,000 new guns........women, and minorities are the biggest growth sectors in the gun buying gun buyers both groups....
A few people caused gun sales to spike above the norm, oh innumerate one.

It would have helped people in Dallas and at Orlando.....that's why......and if you live in a democrat voting precinct where democrats are shooting each other all the might need a vest.

Good news for you 2guy.....There's rumors that gun vest manufacturers will begin making them in lavender colors.....LOL
Trouble is, you idiots don't listen.

TX and FL listen to the gun nuts. Now FL owns the worst mass shooting in US history. TX owns the worst mass shooting of police.
The worst mass shooting in Texas belongs to Whitman armed with a bolt action.

Imagine how much worse it would have been with a semi auto.
And you are wrong about the mass killing of cops as well, that goes to New York. You are all mouth and no brain.

Ah so Dallas was a good event then? Good guys with guns all over and after many dead and wounded they needed a robot and a bomb. I don't recall the NRA saying a good guy with a robot and a bomb stops bad guys with a gun.

You argue a gun isn't an assault rifle, yet it kills almost 50 and injured over 50 in one mass shooting. You say if only a good guy with a gun was there, there have been many good guys with guns there. You blame gun free zones. You guys have been selling BS.

You really are just too stupid to waste time talking to, but I'm bored at the moment.

The shooter in Pulse had 3 hours. I could kill 50 people in three hours with any kind of weapon.
See? You can't do it.

So many dead and the right argues definitions. Sad.

Definitions are what keeps us civilized.

Yes Dallas and Orlando very civilized.

It is the Left that refuses to accept the definition of words.

The right argues definitions while people die.

The left stands on the corpses of the dead, and pushes a political agenda. Much worse asshole.
You really do not know anything about weapons

We rely on you limp-dick-heads for all the weapon "knowledge" anyone one needs to know.....LOL.

Trouble is, you idiots don't listen.

TX and FL listen to the gun nuts. Now FL owns the worst mass shooting in US history. TX owns the worst mass shooting of police.

And the one in Florida was a gun free zone....300 unarmed people, made that way by people like you....the Texas one...armed response and only 5 killed....and nothing you morons say about armed citizens carrying weapons happened......people were walking around with AR-15s and because the police were right on the scene...they let the police handle it, just like we keep tellling you they one besides the shooter was shot by police....

Nothing you guys say about guns ever comes true.

Lies are all they have.
A selectable fire weapon would be considered an "Assault Weapon" . What you just described encompasses several styles of hunting rifles and handguns none of which are selectable fire. You need to stop listening to the "limp-dicks" and start getting your information from people who know.

Well we know a semi auto rifle with detachable clip can kill 49 and injure over 50 in minutes. It can also kill and injure many police in a single shootout. Call it what you will, it is a mass killing weapon.
Car crashes can kill dozens, bombs hundreds, box cutters and airplanes killed thousands.
Cars are for transportation.
Bombs are illegal.
We have much better airport security now.

So why would you legally sell weapons for mass killing?

We don't ......... rifles killed 154 people in 34 years.....

Knives.....1,567 in just 2014......

So we aren't selling a weapon for mass killing troll....

I can think of over 70 just this year.

Lies are all you have.
Let's take it one step further........

law enforcement agents are allowed to wear bullet-proof vests (or any type of body armor)........Gun lovers have insisted that the average American should ALSO be allowed to purchase such body armor.......So the question arises as to: WHY ???

It would have helped people in Dallas and at Orlando.....that's why......and if you live in a democrat voting precinct where democrats are shooting each other all the might need a vest.

Dallas a gun free zone ? Did "good guys" carrying save the day??

God imagine the choas if there were a bunch of yahoos running around waving there guns ?
Dallas a gun free zone ? Did "good guys" carrying save the day??

God imagine the choas if there were a bunch of yahoos running around waving there guns ?

Excellent points......Imagine, what exactly could have happened in a scenario where a bunch of people started waving guns as a sniper was shooting at cops.....and the cops response to the chaos.....Dallas could have resembled Kabul in 2002.
Let's take it one step further........

law enforcement agents are allowed to wear bullet-proof vests (or any type of body armor)........Gun lovers have insisted that the average American should ALSO be allowed to purchase such body armor.......So the question arises as to: WHY ???

It would have helped people in Dallas and at Orlando.....that's why......and if you live in a democrat voting precinct where democrats are shooting each other all the might need a vest.

Dallas a gun free zone ? Did "good guys" carrying save the day??

God imagine the choas if there were a bunch of yahoos running around waving there guns ?

Are you stupid...or amazingly stupid.....there actually were people with guns there....full size rifles..........the civilians carrying guns did exactly what we keep telling you they would do....the police were right there so they let the police handle it.........they did not attempt t to assist, they did not turn into Rambo......

You guys were wrong about that.....

Next.....there were guys there, not only with pistols but also with AR-15s......and since the police were there...they let the police do the shooting...showing again that you morons don't know anything about actual gun owners or people who carry guns for protection...

The cops easily identified the good guys with rifles...they weren't shooting anyone....the cops did not shoot any armed civilians...

You were wrong about that too...

Nothing you guys say about guns in the Unote States is truthful, factual or accurate....
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Dallas a gun free zone ? Did "good guys" carrying save the day??

God imagine the choas if there were a bunch of yahoos running around waving there guns ?

Excellent points......Imagine, what exactly could have happened in a scenario where a bunch of people started waving guns as a sniper was shooting at cops.....and the cops response to the chaos.....Dallas could have resembled Kabul in 2002. are just as stupid as Timmy.......there were people actually there with rifles on their shoulders and nothing you just posted were wrong...nothing you just posted would happen actually happened...and the guys with rifles weren't shot by the police....

You guys are wrong on everything about guns.....
It would have helped people in Dallas and at Orlando.....that's why......and if you live in a democrat voting precinct where democrats are shooting each other all the might need a vest.

Good news for you 2guy.....There's rumors that gun vest manufacturers will begin making them in lavender colors.....LOL

Actually...I like a basic black....goes with my evening dress.... are just as stupid as Timmy.......there were people actually there with rifles on their shoulders and nothing you just posted were wrong...nothing you just posted would happen actually happened...and the guys with rifles weren't shot by the police....

You guys are wrong on everything about guns.....

Just for fun.....apply your little scenario to that poor guy in Minnesota...or that 12 year old in Cleveland. Go on......

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