Assault weapons ban

The guns are not evil. If the operator of that gun chooses to steel it in the first place and then use it to commit a crime he has committed two crimes - theft of a gun and murder. In over 40 years of owning and carrying guns I have never lost one to theft. I have never once killed anyone in civilian life. I have only had one desparate time when I drew that gun in self defense and I did not have to fire.
There are a lot more legal gun owners out there than there are criminals with those guns that you have an irrational fear of. In all the years I have been around guns I have never seen or even heard of one jumping up and killing someone. The guns are not evil - the criminal is.
Get that through your skull - the criminal is evil not the gun. The guns are used for legal recreation, target practice, competitions and the legal defense of property and life. They are very good at that when the person behind the trigger is a lawful owner and not a criminal. No gun is built to kill "lots and lots of people". Owning a semi-automatic rifle is innocent and a lot of fun. when my family goes to the range it is a great family outing. We all shoot - and shoot well - because we do it often. Not once have I heard any one of us say that they want to kill someone. Worry about the criminals, not about the legal gun owners.

Nuclear bombs are not evil, either.:evil:
Very dumb response to such a well written post..... This is the lib mindset though, where as it's like you people have been sheltered all your life, and then if by some chance you get into a leadership position due to having possibly more book sense then you have common sense as to be coupled with it, then you easily make fools of yourself as to what most in the country who are Americans think about you sadly enough. Especially when you open your mouths in this way, but it's ok though, because it is all due to your upbringing I guess.....I mean is there any other explanation out there really to explain it ? (smile)
That has nothing to do with the example.
It has everything to do with the example.

Again, you're arguing that because we can regulate right A because of Y, we can also regulate right B because of Z.

The fact that we can regulate cars used on public property in no way means we can regulate guns that are not.
They are both a threat to public welfare when used incorrectly.

And for those of you that brought up the 2nd again, I wouldn't argue except to say the right to bear arms does not mean we cannot regulate them and put limits on their use. We already do.

We aren't talking about bans, but regulations. Two entirely different things in the eyes of the law.
Nothing you say he negates the soundness of my response - you're arguing apples and potatoes.
The guns are not evil. If the operator of that gun chooses to steel it in the first place and then use it to commit a crime he has committed two crimes - theft of a gun and murder. In over 40 years of owning and carrying guns I have never lost one to theft. I have never once killed anyone in civilian life. I have only had one desparate time when I drew that gun in self defense and I did not have to fire.
There are a lot more legal gun owners out there than there are criminals with those guns that you have an irrational fear of. In all the years I have been around guns I have never seen or even heard of one jumping up and killing someone. The guns are not evil - the criminal is.
Get that through your skull - the criminal is evil not the gun. The guns are used for legal recreation, target practice, competitions and the legal defense of property and life. They are very good at that when the person behind the trigger is a lawful owner and not a criminal. No gun is built to kill "lots and lots of people". Owning a semi-automatic rifle is innocent and a lot of fun. when my family goes to the range it is a great family outing. We all shoot - and shoot well - because we do it often. Not once have I heard any one of us say that they want to kill someone. Worry about the criminals, not about the legal gun owners.

Nuclear bombs are not evil, either.:evil:
Very dumb response to such a well written post.
Give him a break - he's doing the best he can with what he has to work with.
That has nothing to do with the example.
It has everything to do with the example.

Again, you're arguing that because we can regulate right A because of Y, we can also regulate right B because of Z.

The fact that we can regulate cars used on public property in no way means we can regulate guns that are not.

They are both a threat to public welfare when used incorrectly.

And for those of you that brought up the 2nd again, I wouldn't argue except to say the right to bear arms does not mean we cannot regulate them and put limits on their use. We already do.

We aren't talking about bans, but regulations. Two entirely different things in the eyes of the law.
The regulations that have been placed on them in the past, has shown not to work, because as it is being attempted once again we are trying to regulate without identifying the real culprits in the situation, so going after an object is safer when it comes to idiotic politicians, because they don't want to make any voter base they think they have in their tool box mad now do they? Problem with this way of thinking, is that all voters are not necessarily good people, but if they can lift that hand and vote, then they are all the best of people in a politicians view, so the beat goes on as our freedoms parish under this way of doing business in America these days, especially on the issues that are being dealt with now in these ways.
The guns are not evil. If the operator of that gun chooses to steel it in the first place and then use it to commit a crime he has committed two crimes - theft of a gun and murder. In over 40 years of owning and carrying guns I have never lost one to theft. I have never once killed anyone in civilian life. I have only had one desparate time when I drew that gun in self defense and I did not have to fire.
There are a lot more legal gun owners out there than there are criminals with those guns that you have an irrational fear of. In all the years I have been around guns I have never seen or even heard of one jumping up and killing someone. The guns are not evil - the criminal is.
Get that through your skull - the criminal is evil not the gun. The guns are used for legal recreation, target practice, competitions and the legal defense of property and life. They are very good at that when the person behind the trigger is a lawful owner and not a criminal. No gun is built to kill "lots and lots of people". Owning a semi-automatic rifle is innocent and a lot of fun. when my family goes to the range it is a great family outing. We all shoot - and shoot well - because we do it often. Not once have I heard any one of us say that they want to kill someone. Worry about the criminals, not about the legal gun owners.

Nuclear bombs are not evil, either.:evil:
Very dumb response to such a well written post..... This is the lib mindset though, where as it's like you people have been sheltered all your life, and then if by some chance you get into a leadership position due to having possibly more book sense then you have common sense as to be coupled with it, then you easily make fools of yourself as to what most in the country who are Americans think about you sadly enough. Especially when you open your mouths in this way, but it's ok though, because it is all due to your upbringing I guess.....I mean is there any other explanation out there really to explain it ? (smile)

Your opinion is not valid IMHO.
Nuclear bombs are not evil, either.:evil:
Very dumb response to such a well written post..... This is the lib mindset though, where as it's like you people have been sheltered all your life, and then if by some chance you get into a leadership position due to having possibly more book sense then you have common sense as to be coupled with it, then you easily make fools of yourself as to what most in the country who are Americans think about you sadly enough. Especially when you open your mouths in this way, but it's ok though, because it is all due to your upbringing I guess.....I mean is there any other explanation out there really to explain it ? (smile)

Your opinion is not valid IMHO.
A lot of thought went into that one didn't it ?
Nuclear bombs are not protected by the 2A.

Why not? You're slipping. lol.

So it's okay if the 2nd protects some arms and not others?

Actually it's not. As pointed out the 2nd Amendment was intended to insure the people weren't out gunned by the Federal government. The best argument you have is the people are currently so outgunned that banning assault weapons won't amount to a hill of beans.

The current concentration of power and technology in our federal government is enourmous. The ability of the President to do damn well anything he pleases has been unchallenged by the ends justifies the means left and the in the all mighty America crowd on the Right. Ron Paul was a lone voice in the wilderness on this topic and if the republicans had nominated him I would have voted for him.
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Your rights are in place because the government voted in by our representatives a long time ago put them there. And they can be taken away if the majority of representatives are directed that way by the will of the people.

Read the declaration of independence again. The entire basis of a free republic is grounded upon the legal and ethical fiction of inalienable rights inherent to all persons. The moment you reject that fiction as the foundation of our society and law, you embrace tyranny, oppression, and the exploitation of the weak.
Very dumb response to such a well written post..... This is the lib mindset though, where as it's like you people have been sheltered all your life, and then if by some chance you get into a leadership position due to having possibly more book sense then you have common sense as to be coupled with it, then you easily make fools of yourself as to what most in the country who are Americans think about you sadly enough. Especially when you open your mouths in this way, but it's ok though, because it is all due to your upbringing I guess.....I mean is there any other explanation out there really to explain it ? (smile)

Your opinion is not valid IMHO.
A lot of thought went into that one didn't it ?

No, it comes to me easily.
I'm a natural born debator.
The assault weapons ban legislation put out yesterday got me thinking about when we enacted prohibition to halt the manufacture, transportation and sale of alcohol and alcoholic beverages as we know that ended up creating a bigger problem than the act was attempting to solve. Granted we are not talking about banning all guns like they were with alcohol this ban though does seem to be more far reaching than the last one so I wonder like prohibition could this ban end up causing more problems than it solves?

The New York Post, a major U.S. tabloid owned by conservative-leaning media mogul Rupert Murdoch, implored President Donald Trump on its cover Monday to ban assault weapons following several mass shootings in recent days.

“President Trump, America is scared and we need bold action. It’s time to... BAN WEAPONS OF WAR,” the cover reads next to a picture of an assault-style rifle, a weapon that mass shooters frequently use to kill as many people as possible.
The assault weapons ban legislation put out yesterday got me thinking about when we enacted prohibition to halt the manufacture, transportation and sale of alcohol and alcoholic beverages as we know that ended up creating a bigger problem than the act was attempting to solve. Granted we are not talking about banning all guns like they were with alcohol this ban though does seem to be more far reaching than the last one so I wonder like prohibition could this ban end up causing more problems than it solves?

The New York Post, a major U.S. tabloid owned by conservative-leaning media mogul Rupert Murdoch, implored President Donald Trump on its cover Monday to ban assault weapons following several mass shootings in recent days.

“President Trump, America is scared and we need bold action. It’s time to... BAN WEAPONS OF WAR,” the cover reads next to a picture of an assault-style rifle, a weapon that mass shooters frequently use to kill as many people as possible.

Semi automatic rifles are not assault weapons, or weapons of war.

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