Assholes at ACLU threaten to sue school for allowing students to say God Bless America

For some, the ACLU is God.

Christians are now a minority in America, the ACLU should be protecting them right? God bless the school for fighting the good fight.

Jews do not like Christians.
That's news to the Jews I know!
I wish that were true, but most Jews despise most Christians has been my experience.

An atheist can be a Jewish member of a synagogue in fine standing, but let a Messianic Jew darken the doorstep and they freak out.

Jews are good people, but they have a special hatred for Christians that dives the majority of them to quietly celebrate whenever a bad thing happens to us, just like the Muslims do. I have no idea why, but maybe it has something to do with the 1st century, or the Holocaust, blaming all of us for the Nazis evil, or something. Hell, I dont know, but every Jew I have gotten to know personally I have found hates Christians to a fault.

you know... .I was born a jew and I've been a jew my whole life. and I can't think of jews who hate Christians.

of course, if you are referring to hatred as not wanting Christians to enact their dogma as legislation, yeah probably because none of us would want you to make this into a Christian theocracy. that would be stupid of us, wouldn't it?

or maybe you're talking about us thinking it's disgusting when certain types of Christians say we're going to hell because we don't believe in their brand of religion. I can see where you'd face some hostility if you said something that ignorant to a jew.

I suspect you're projecting your own hatred and discomfort with jews on us.
Silly boy...we all know that the NRA is God.
Wrong. I'm a girl and I know that God is God.
Nope, Dog is God.
Nope. Wrong. And that isn't even a good joke.
How do you know it's a joke? And what do YOU care about what other people might consider a god....or a goddess?
Try not to be a nincompoop. I remarked that some consider the ACLU God. You ran with that remark, attempted to be clever, and failed miserably. Why not do us all a favor and move on? you were NOT trying to be clever in saying that some consider the ACLU God? Good then, you succeeded in not being clever.
Maybe. Or maybe I don't assume that it is hate that motivates people as often as you do.
There are different kinds and styles of hate.

There are people I hate that I would never do harm to, but I wouldnt help them either.

My hatreds do not extend to ethnicities or religions so much as they do extend to ideologues and politicians.
Well. That is interesting. I guess I'm a simple soul who mostly tries not to hate, but when I do, I try not to get so deeply into the idea of hate enough to categorize it.
Wrong. I'm a girl and I know that God is God.
Nope, Dog is God.
Nope. Wrong. And that isn't even a good joke.
How do you know it's a joke? And what do YOU care about what other people might consider a god....or a goddess?
Try not to be a nincompoop. I remarked that some consider the ACLU God. You ran with that remark, attempted to be clever, and failed miserably. Why not do us all a favor and move on? you were NOT trying to be clever in saying that some consider the ACLU God? Good then, you succeeded in not being clever.
You are sounding very very desperate and pathetic now.
Are you trying to infer that one must believe in the Judeo-Christian-Islamic God to NOT be an atheist?
You ducked the question, implicitly affirming that you are a gawdless atheistic scumbag.
Thank you.
No, I am attempting to clarify before I answer based on your use of the term "God" as if it were the only option besides Atheist. You DO know that there are Hindus who believe in many there are Pagans such as myself who believe in many gods, goddesses, etc. None of us are Atheists. The definition of an Atheist is someone who does not believe in ANY god, goddess, or overriding spirit. Glad to have pointed that out if you were misunderstanding the use of the word.
God is generic, I see nothing wrong with it. It could be Mother Earth to some, money to some, Yahweh to Jews , and even Allah to Muslims, or Jesus to Christians . Our US dollar and coins say in God We Trust.
You realize that the ACLU wouldn't have gotten involved if some parent hadn't complained, right?
Why do you shit-eating atheists think you have a right to tell the rest of us to not acknowledge God on our own time and dime?

why do religious people think they have the right to tell atheists what to believe?
Or better yet, why do some religious people like pushy christians or pushy muslims think they have the right to label other people as "shit-eating atheists" if they don't believe as they do?
Christians are now a minority in America, the ACLU should be protecting them right? God bless the school for fighting the good fight.
Christians are now a minority in America

white Christians sure are!!! :biggrin::dance:

White Christians Are Now Officially a Minority

white Christians are now just 44 percent of the U.S. population. That’s down from a majority, 55 percent, as recently as 2007.:ack-1:

White Christians Are Now Officially a Minority

White Christians Are Now in the Minority While the Young “Nones” Are on the Rise
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Guarantee you if a Muslim demanded prayer rug time in school, the ACLU would suddenly look the other way.
This isn't the same thing.....what would be a valid comparison is if the SCHOOL told the kids to get out their prayer rugs and pray to Mecca. And the ACLU would be all over that because, as I said earlier, it starts with a parental complaint.

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