Assholes making trouble in Oregon

It is okay to harass, and kill them, It is also fine to murder 70 women and children, and entrap a man kill his wife dog, and young teen son, all under liberal administrations too, not all dims but NWO liberals.
The Bush administration was not a "Liberal administration." WTF is wrong with you freaks?
  • Did they riot did they destroy any property they impede anyones right to use the facility. It was just as much their property as ANYONE elses. The idea that you are seizing the property did not apply to occupy wall street I guess.
Whether or not they damaged the premises is irrelevant. They illegaly seized it and were trespassing. When given the lawful order to vacate the premises, they refused.

They broke the law and were arrested.
AND how many times were all of your favorite rioters given orders to vacate and they stayed no one killed any of them, AND they destroyed the places. The first Bush was, and Is a NWO liberal everyone knows that don't you! He was director of the CIA too. Liberal education I guess always fails to tell historic FACTS.

Great song but not apt in the Oregon case.
Ferguson seems more in keeping with the original theme of those lyrics.


The refuge was open the whole time. Until the FEDS blocked access and shut down the roads.

Here's the people in neighboring Grant County where people were waiting to hear and support Bundy. The feds and sheriff would not allow meetings in Harney county, so grant county said come here...we want and will support you. So the feds ambushed them because they DO NOT want people to hear the stories these people have to tell, and they do not want the truth about their illegal occupation discussed publically.
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  • Did they riot did they destroy any property they impede anyones right to use the facility. It was just as much their property as ANYONE elses. The idea that you are seizing the property did not apply to occupy wall street I guess. I consider assault and murder crimes.
The occupying assholes paved roads, removed fences and took down security cameras.
btw, the fbi had invited bundy and his men to this particular meeting, promising peaceful negotiation with the intent of coming to a peaceful.resolution. Grant county ranchers wanted to hear what the feds had to say because they support bundy in his demand that the feds release their illegal control of public lands and to release the hammonds.
Those poor victimized ranchers, armed to the teeth with semi-automatic weapons, trespassing, stealing government vehicles, closing public facilities, and threatening civil war. I shed a tear for the oppression that they suffer, while disrupting the entire county in which they are doing these unlawful things.:crybaby:

I feel their pain. After all, i am a Southerner, and I know what it is like to be under the jack boot of the federal government. We politely asked the feds to leave Ft. Sumter, but Noooooooooooo.....!

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Those poor victimized ranchers, armed to the teeth with semi-automatic weapons, trespassing, stealing government vehicles, closing public facilities, and threatening civil war. I shed a tear for the oppression that they suffer, while disrupting the entire county in which they are doing these unlawful things.:crybaby:

I feel their pain. After all, i am a Southerner, and I know what it is like to be under the jack boot of the federal government. We politely asked the feds to leave Ft. Sumter, but Noooooooooooo.....!

^ that
Those poor victimized ranchers, armed to the teeth with semi-automatic weapons, trespassing, stealing government vehicles, closing public facilities, and threatening civil war. I shed a tear for the oppression that they suffer, while disrupting the entire county in which they are doing these unlawful things.:crybaby:

I feel their pain. After all, i am a Southerner, and I know what it is like to be under the jack boot of the federal government. We politely asked the feds to leave Ft. Sumter, but Noooooooooooo.....!

^ that
So you are okay with federal assault on ranchers feedi g cattle.

You are a card carrying terrorist. I bet you jack off to muslim snuff videos.
AND how many times were all of your favorite rioters given orders to vacate and they stayed no one killed any of them, AND they destroyed the places. The first Bush was, and Is a NWO liberal everyone knows that don't you! He was director of the CIA too. Liberal education I guess always fails to tell historic FACTS.
And the rioters were the law-breakers in those cases. Law enforcement was not.

Using those riots as an analogy to what happened in Oregon exposes how retarded one must be to call the law enforcement officers trying to break up those riots, "law-breakers."


Thanks for adding the exclamation mark to my point about 9thIDdoc!

The refuge was open the whole time. Until the FEDS blocked access and shut down the roads.

Here's the people in neighboring Grant County where people were waiting to hear and support Bundy. The feds and sheriff would not allow meetings in Harney county, so grant county said come here...we want and will support you. So the feds ambushed them because they DO NOT want people to hear the stories these people have to tell, and they do not want the truth about their illegal occupation discussed publically. View attachment 61444
What a loon. :cuckoo:

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