Assholes making trouble in Oregon

Victoria, the girl in the car says they shot the car at least 100 times, that they shot at them while they had their hands out the windows and were asking to talk to the Sheriff. No aggression at all. LaVoy came out of the car, hands up, and said "Are you just going to shoot me then?" Then they did. And she said that once he was on the ground, they continued to shoot him.
Hands up, don't shoot!!!
At least his hands were up
Until he reached for his gun (@9:28) .... after running over an agent ...


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So you didn't watch the video? If that is your idea of what happened you didn't watch it very well. There was a lot of ordinance in the air all the while, the man was shot the first time before he dropped hi hands the truck was taking heavy fire and they deployed at least three grenades I didn't see anybody get run over, one dumbass started to go that way, and jumped back in front of the unit there. Now the feds want regular cops to wear body cams but of course Not them, easy to see why. These people were exercising a constitutional right. no body got killed till the feds showed up just like always. Governments kill thousands more people in the world than all of the private murders in all of the countries of the world combined. this one is NO exception.
So you didn't watch the video? If that is your idea of what happened you didn't watch it very well. There was a lot of ordinance in the air all the while, the man was shot the first time before he dropped hi hands the truck was taking heavy fire and they deployed at least three grenades I didn't see anybody get run over, one dumbass started to go that way, and jumped back in front of the unit there. Now the feds want regular cops to wear body cams but of course Not them, easy to see why. These people were exercising a constitutional right. no body got killed till the feds showed up just like always. Governments kill thousands more people in the world than all of the private murders in all of the countries of the world combined. this one is NO exception.
^^^ see what I mean? ^^^

This was a serious fuck up on the part of the FBI. They escalated a peaceful protest into a shootout for no very good reason except to throw their weight around. They shed first blood at their own little ambush and created a martyr. Next time around they may find themselves getting ambushed. Great way to start a war.
This was a serious fuck up on the part of the FBI. They escalated a peaceful protest into a shootout for no very good reason except to throw their weight around. They shed first blood at their own little ambush and created a martyr. Next time around they may find themselves getting ambushed. Great way to start a war.
What escalation? They waited until Bundy was away from the crowds at the refuge to arrest him as peacefully as possible.

Thanks for sharing the deranged rightard view. Can never get enough of those. :thup:
So you didn't watch the video? If that is your idea of what happened you didn't watch it very well. There was a lot of ordinance in the air all the while, the man was shot the first time before he dropped hi hands the truck was taking heavy fire and they deployed at least three grenades I didn't see anybody get run over, one dumbass started to go that way, and jumped back in front of the unit there. Now the feds want regular cops to wear body cams but of course Not them, easy to see why. These people were exercising a constitutional right. no body got killed till the feds showed up just like always. Governments kill thousands more people in the world than all of the private murders in all of the countries of the world combined. this one is NO exception.
^^^ see what I mean? ^^^


There comes a time when people need to admit to themselves that they are living in a make believe universe and that they need help escaping from their private rabbit hole.
I used to be convinced that it was something in the water, up in Idaho, Montana, etc. But that does not explain Texas. Now,I just realize that there are a hell of a lot of morons who have learned to post on a message board. Let's hope that they do not evolve enough to register to vote.
New testimony is that the federal agents were screaming at LaVoy to remove his weapon when his hands were up seconds after he got out of his truck. When he complied and attempted to remove it the agent from behind shot him.
New testimony is that the federal agents were screaming at LaVoy to remove his weapon when his hands were up seconds after he got out of his truck. When he complied and attempted to remove it the agent from behind shot him.
Testimony from whom, the voices in your head?
This was a serious fuck up on the part of the FBI. They escalated a peaceful protest into a shootout for no very good reason except to throw their weight around. They shed first blood at their own little ambush and created a martyr. Next time around they may find themselves getting ambushed. Great way to start a war.
What an incredibly stupid post, dumb fuck. These people were threatening law officers with weapons from the gitgo. They were justly taken down. A dimbulb with a death wish reached for his gun when the police had him dead to rights. And, quite justly, they made him dead. He got his wish. Should a dumb loudmouth like you actually act on the idiocy you post, you will get the same, also quite justly.
New testimony is that the federal agents were screaming at LaVoy to remove his weapon when his hands were up seconds after he got out of his truck. When he complied and attempted to remove it the agent from behind shot him.
Sorta doubt that. Cops don't want people touching guns, they are sensitive about that. It would be hands up, behind the head, on the knees, lay down. They do the disarming.
He came out with hands up and was losing his footing. He didnt have a gun on him. It looks to me like hr was shot by the shooter on the right, dropped his hands and was shot again. Incidentally...when an armed person is shot at that close range, the first thing law enfforcement does is remove the weapon. No weapon, they knew it. They started shooting the vehicle when it was initially stopped, when everybody inside was holding their hands up except for the girl in the back, a Christian singer, who was on the floorboards. When they shot the stopped vehicle repeatedly is when lavoy took off. He bailed because he was drawing fire. Nobody returned fire, there was no shootout. They complied until the feds started shooting at the stationary car full of people with their hands up.

Lavoy came out with his hands up and asked to talk to the sheriff. They shot him, his hand dropped, and they shot him some more.
You're such a dupe. :lol:

They guy was 15 feet away from his vehicle, which was stuck in a snow bank after he tried to flee from the law. How does one "lose their footing" for 15 feet?


And according to authorizes, he had a loaded 9mm semi-automatic handgun in the pocket he was reaching for. Even worse for your idiocy, the next guy exiting the vehicle throws something to the ground -- most likely a firearm.

KG's version of events....
He came out with hands up and was losing his footing. He didnt have a gun on him. It looks to me like hr was shot by the shooter on the right, dropped his hands and was shot again. Incidentally...when an armed person is shot at that close range, the first thing law enfforcement does is remove the weapon. No weapon, they knew it. They started shooting the vehicle when it was initially stopped, when everybody inside was holding their hands up except for the girl in the back, a Christian singer, who was on the floorboards. When they shot the stopped vehicle repeatedly is when lavoy took off. He bailed because he was drawing fire. Nobody returned fire, there was no shootout. They complied until the feds started shooting at the stationary car full of people with their hands up.

Lavoy came out with his hands up and asked to talk to the sheriff. They shot him, his hand dropped, and they shot him some more.
Nice try....your lies are catching up to you...we can all see the video.
New testimony is that the federal agents were screaming at LaVoy to remove his weapon when his hands were up seconds after he got out of his truck. When he complied and attempted to remove it the agent from behind shot him.
Right...because authorities ALWAYS tell people to remove their weapons.....:rolleyes:

Thank you for proving you are from the shallow end of the gene pool.....once again.
New testimony is that the federal agents were screaming at LaVoy to remove his weapon when his hands were up seconds after he got out of his truck. When he complied and attempted to remove it the agent from behind shot him.
Right...because authorities ALWAYS tell people to remove their weapons.....:rolleyes:

Thank you for proving you are from the shallow end of the gene pool.....once again.
Of course, don'tcha know? When people being arrested have their hands up, police instruct them to reach for their gun.

9ThIDdoc served our country as a combat medic, in a foreign battlefield. Show a little respect.
Which video game? Call Of Duty?

Well, because that was Vietnam (the war; not a video game-you might have heard of it) I was probably used to being insulted long before you were born. So take your best shot. I never have understood why POS civilians think insults make them cute and witty.

POS civilians? lol

Its the 'you can't criticize me, I'm a veteran' schtick. The last refuge of the militia sympathists.

I said respect him and his service. I never said you had to agree with him.

Ya see, that's the problem with Liberals, you have no respect for anyone.

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