Assholes making trouble in Oregon

A respected, lifelong Harney County resident, rancher, business owner and Christian.....a type of man that makes statist freaks piss themselves....posted this

The guy I got this from is an unbelievably wonderful person...cowboy, rancher, family man, I think he might have done a stint working with the feds at some point. Statist men when faced with this sort of guy ( the man who asked ppl to watch this)don't know how to act. After pissing or crapping themselves, typically they sulk in a corner. I think old rock would probably cry and puke as well..y
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A respected, lifelong Harney County resident, rancher, business owner and Christian.....a type of man that makes statist freaks piss themselves....posted this

The guy I got this from is an unbelievably wonderful person...cowboy, rancher, family man, I think he might have done a stint with the feds at some point. Statist men when faced with this sort of guy ( the man who asked ppl to watch this)don't know how to act. After pissing or crapping themselves, typically they sulk in a corner. I think old rock would probably cry and puke as well..y

Why isn't he wearing a tin foil hat?

A respected, lifelong Harney County resident, rancher, business owner and Christian.....a type of man that makes statist freaks piss themselves....posted this

The guy I got this from is an unbelievably wonderful person...cowboy, rancher, family man, I think he might have done a stint with the feds at some point. Statist men when faced with this sort of guy ( the man who asked ppl to watch this)don't know how to act. After pissing or crapping themselves, typically they sulk in a corner. I think old rock would probably cry and puke as well..y

If this man is a lifelong Harney Country resident, why does it say "Words for Lavoy Finicum from England " on his youtube page?

I guess what you mean to say is someone re-posted a video of some fruit cake in England.
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A respected, lifelong Harney County resident, rancher, business owner and Christian.....a type of man that makes statist freaks piss themselves....posted this

The guy I got this from is an unbelievably wonderful person...cowboy, rancher, family man, I think he might have done a stint with the feds at some point. Statist men when faced with this sort of guy ( the man who asked ppl to watch this)don't know how to act. After pissing or crapping themselves, typically they sulk in a corner. I think old rock would probably cry and puke as well..y

If this man is a lifelong Harney Country resident, why does it say "Words for Lavoy Finicum from England " on his youtube page?

I guess what you mean to say is someone re-posted a video of some fruit cake in England.'d think that by the law of averages alone Kosher would eventually get something right. But defying both statistics and reason, she always finds a way.

To fail.

Time for her to quote the Russian government and 'Sputnik News' again, I suppose.

A respected, lifelong Harney County resident, rancher, business owner and Christian.....a type of man that makes statist freaks piss themselves....posted this

The guy I got this from is an unbelievably wonderful person...cowboy, rancher, family man, I think he might have done a stint with the feds at some point. Statist men when faced with this sort of guy ( the man who asked ppl to watch this)don't know how to act. After pissing or crapping themselves, typically they sulk in a corner. I think old rock would probably cry and puke as well..y

Why isn't he wearing a tin foil hat?

Why are you? It's a fashion statement.

A respected, lifelong Harney County resident, rancher, business owner and Christian.....a type of man that makes statist freaks piss themselves....posted this

The guy I got this from is an unbelievably wonderful person...cowboy, rancher, family man, I think he might have done a stint working with the feds at some point. Statist men when faced with this sort of guy ( the man who asked ppl to watch this)don't know how to act. After pissing or crapping themselves, typically they sulk in a corner. I think old rock would probably cry and puke as well..y

Piss from laughing, maybe. The guy is a friggin' loon. :cuckoo: No wonder you relate to him.

The police were not "out of control." They acted reasonably and as expected. They did not set out to kill anyone. They could not help a lunatic like Finicum would emerge from that vehicle with a death wish.

If their intent was to "kill at least one of the ring leaders" .... they wouldn't have video taped the arrest. seriously...what the fuck is wrong with you people?
These guys were on their way to a prayer meeting, after which, they were going to feed the homeless vets who were unable to leave their sleeping bags where they lived under a bridge, because they had lost their legs in Vietnam. On the way, they were ambushed by FBI special agents who were wearing turbans and chanting Muslim slogans. The ranchers offered to pray with them, but the FBI just kept shooting. The ranchers, being non violent, tried to escape in their car, but being concerned that they might accidentally break speeding laws, were careful to keep the vehicle under 55 MPH, giving the FBI time to set up a roadblock. One thing let to another, and the feds riddled Finicum with a Browning automatic rifle and a bazooka. The ranchers, of course, were unarmed, having sworn an oath of loyalty to the USA, and not wanting to provoke anyone. Finicum died with his mother's name on his lips.

A respected, lifelong Harney County resident, rancher, business owner and Christian.....a type of man that makes statist freaks piss themselves....posted this

The guy I got this from is an unbelievably wonderful person...cowboy, rancher, family man, I think he might have done a stint working with the feds at some point. Statist men when faced with this sort of guy ( the man who asked ppl to watch this)don't know how to act. After pissing or crapping themselves, typically they sulk in a corner. I think old rock would probably cry and puke as well..y

Piss from laughing, maybe. The guy is a friggin' loon. :cuckoo: No wonder you relate to him.

The police were not "out of control." They acted reasonably and as expected. They did not set out to kill anyone. They could not help a lunatic like Finicum would emerge from that vehicle with a death wish.

If their intent was to "kill at least one of the ring leaders" .... they wouldn't have video taped the arrest. seriously...what the fuck is wrong with you people?

My favorite was Militia man Porkins who insisted its 'Armageddon!'

I kept looking for Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck, but for the life of me, I didn't see them anywhere in at the refuge.
These guys were on their way to a prayer meeting, after which, they were going to feed the homeless vets who were unable to leave their sleeping bags where they lived under a bridge, because they had lost their legs in Vietnam. On the way, they were ambushed by FBI special agents who were wearing turbans and chanting Muslim slogans. The ranchers offered to pray with them, but the FBI just kept shooting. The ranchers, being non violent, tried to escape in their car, but being concerned that they might accidentally break speeding laws, were careful to keep the vehicle under 55 MPH, giving the FBI time to set up a roadblock. One thing let to another, and the feds riddled Finicum with a Browning automatic rifle and a bazooka. The ranchers, of course, were unarmed, having sworn an oath of loyalty to the USA, and not wanting to provoke anyone. Finicum died with his mother's name on his lips.

You forgot the part where Lavoy Finicum slipped in the blood of the toddler's the Oregon State Troopers had spread liberally on the ground as part of their snowbound man on man orgy minutes before his arrival.

A respected, lifelong Harney County resident, rancher, business owner and Christian.....a type of man that makes statist freaks piss themselves....posted this

The guy I got this from is an unbelievably wonderful person...cowboy, rancher, family man, I think he might have done a stint with the feds at some point. Statist men when faced with this sort of guy ( the man who asked ppl to watch this)don't know how to act. After pissing or crapping themselves, typically they sulk in a corner. I think old rock would probably cry and puke as well..y

If this man is a lifelong Harney Country resident, why does it say "Words for Lavoy Finicum from England " on his youtube page?

I guess what you mean to say is someone re-posted a video of some fruit cake in England.'d think that by the law of averages alone Kosher would eventually get something right. But defying both statistics and reason, she always finds a way.

To fail.

Time for her to quote the Russian government and 'Sputnik News' again, I suppose.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. ;)

A respected, lifelong Harney County resident, rancher, business owner and Christian.....a type of man that makes statist freaks piss themselves....posted this

The guy I got this from is an unbelievably wonderful person...cowboy, rancher, family man, I think he might have done a stint working with the feds at some point. Statist men when faced with this sort of guy ( the man who asked ppl to watch this)don't know how to act. After pissing or crapping themselves, typically they sulk in a corner. I think old rock would probably cry and puke as well..y

I know it's been said....but Allie....I do wonder at your sanity and your intelligence....claiming a man with a British accent is a "respected, LIFELONG Harney County resident, rancher, business owner and Christian"......:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Still haven't seen the dash cams from the cars, Has anyone? What about the body cams or radio recorders. They were all not working I guess. After all the victim WAS the wrong color. HAH now what. No need for that in this case I guess. Hey I have a whole new box of tinfoil if you liberal igmos need some to protect your last two brain cells.

A respected, lifelong Harney County resident, rancher, business owner and Christian.....a type of man that makes statist freaks piss themselves....posted this

The guy I got this from is an unbelievably wonderful person...cowboy, rancher, family man, I think he might have done a stint working with the feds at some point. Statist men when faced with this sort of guy ( the man who asked ppl to watch this)don't know how to act. After pissing or crapping themselves, typically they sulk in a corner. I think old rock would probably cry and puke as well..y

I know it's been said....but Allie....I do wonder at your sanity and your intelligence....claiming a man with a British accent is a "respected, LIFELONG Harney County resident, rancher, business owner and Christian"......:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

She knows him. Hell, she knows his whole family.
Still haven't seen the dash cams from the cars, Has anyone? What about the body cams or radio recorders. They were all not working I guess. After all the victim WAS the wrong color. HAH now what. No need for that in this case I guess. Hey I have a whole new box of tinfoil if you liberal igmos need some to protect your last two brain cells.

What body cams and 'radio recorders'?

And 'dash cams'? What relevance would they have been? Lavoy wasn't anywhere near them.

But hey, you keep insinuating the existence of 'secret evidence' that you can't factually establishes actually exists....and we'll keep laughing. Just make sure you've got a liberal supply of tin foil.

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