Assholes making trouble in Oregon

Goddamn, life long Harney County resident with an English accent. LOL
Er..who said that, fool?


This sounds like more bullshit; just like your claim that some random guy in England is a long time Harney County resident.

Yeah, I talked to my buddy is a teacher in French Glenn. And he says that 40 of his students are terrified of the militia. And claim to be haunted by the ghost of Lavoy Finnicum......covered in a blue tarp.

40 is more than 4, right?
Not sure I know what is so bad about federal check points. Living 35 miles from the Mexican border, I have been crossing them at least once per week for years. All these guys are armed, and they have dogs, as well. Yet, nobody down here has ever occupied a federal facility and called for armed militia to help them end federal oppression. Am I hearing from the Right that we don't need them?
Career Criminals

The 10 men charged in Malheur occupation have criminal histories involving domestic violence, illegal firearm possession and terrorist threats

Arrested Oregon militiamen have had extensive previous run-ins with the law

Wes Kjar yells for more police footage in the death of Robert ‘LaVoy’ Finicum during a protest outside the Harney County Courthouse in Burns, Oregon on Monday. Photograph: Jim Urquhart/Reuters

The arrested militiamen of the Oregon refuge occupation have had extensive previous run-ins with the law – and a history of anti-government protests that federal officials are now using against them in court.

In recent filings in federal court in Portland, prosecutors have detailed the criminal histories of the 11 people facing felony charges for their involvement in the armed occupation of the Malheur national wildlife refuge, which began 2 January and continues to drag on this week with no end in sight.

The men’s rap sheets include cases of domestic violence, illegal firearm possession, terrorist threats, resisting arrest and drug crimes, according to the court records
Not sure I know what is so bad about federal check points. Living 35 miles from the Mexican border, I have been crossing them at least once per week for years. All these guys are armed, and they have dogs, as well. Yet, nobody down here has ever occupied a federal facility and called for armed militia to help them end federal oppression. Am I hearing from the Right that we don't need them?
Of course you don't, loser.
"Canyon City resident Tad Houpt, who organized the Jan. 26 meeting and invited the refuge occupiers, said he is planning another meeting, but he would not specify the date because he did not want the government “to assassinate some more speakers.” He said, after watching the FBI video of Finicum’s shooting, he was certain that is what happened.
They’re using tactics of war against the people of Grant and Harney counties, and that’s treason,” he said. “When our government is at war with the people, that’s treason. The truth will come out on this in the long run.”

#OregonStandoff: Justice or ambush?
"Canyon City resident Tad Houpt, who organized the Jan. 26 meeting and invited the refuge occupiers, said he is planning another meeting, but he would not specify the date because he did not want the government “to assassinate some more speakers.” He said, after watching the FBI video of Finicum’s shooting, he was certain that is what happened.
They’re using tactics of war against the people of Grant and Harney counties, and that’s treason,” he said. “When our government is at war with the people, that’s treason. The truth will come out on this in the long run.”

#OregonStandoff: Justice or ambush?

How's this as a way of preventing the 'assassination of more speakers'.

1) Obey the law
2) Don't try and pull a gun to murder Oregon State Troopers.

Do either one of those two things and the odds of a 'speaker' being 'assassinated' is quite low.

A respected, lifelong Harney County resident, rancher, business owner and Christian.....a type of man that makes statist freaks piss themselves....posted this

The guy I got this from is an unbelievably wonderful person...cowboy, rancher, family man, I think he might have done a stint working with the feds at some point. Statist men when faced with this sort of guy ( the man who asked ppl to watch this)don't know how to act. After pissing or crapping themselves, typically they sulk in a corner. I think old rock would probably cry and puke as well..y

why don't you stock up on snacks, move off of the grid, and become a sovereign citizen Allie?
Not sure I know what is so bad about federal check points. Living 35 miles from the Mexican border, I have been crossing them at least once per week for years. All these guys are armed, and they have dogs, as well. Yet, nobody down here has ever occupied a federal facility and called for armed militia to help them end federal oppression. Am I hearing from the Right that we don't need them?
Daryl Issa wanted them gone at one time.
Career Criminals

The 10 men charged in Malheur occupation have criminal histories involving domestic violence, illegal firearm possession and terrorist threats

Arrested Oregon militiamen have had extensive previous run-ins with the law

Wes Kjar yells for more police footage in the death of Robert ‘LaVoy’ Finicum during a protest outside the Harney County Courthouse in Burns, Oregon on Monday. Photograph: Jim Urquhart/Reuters

The arrested militiamen of the Oregon refuge occupation have had extensive previous run-ins with the law – and a history of anti-government protests that federal officials are now using against them in court.

In recent filings in federal court in Portland, prosecutors have detailed the criminal histories of the 11 people facing felony charges for their involvement in the armed occupation of the Malheur national wildlife refuge, which began 2 January and continues to drag on this week with no end in sight.

The men’s rap sheets include cases of domestic violence, illegal firearm possession, terrorist threats, resisting arrest and drug crimes, according to the court records
Roseburg area rancher encounters Malheur refuge checkpoints |

While traveling north in his red pickup between his ranch near Frenchglen at the base of the Steens Mountains and his ranch near Izee in the Ochoco Mountains, Spencer and his wife Veronica traveled through two roadblocks. The checkpoints had been set up by law enforcement officers following the Tuesday shooting of one refuge occupier and the arrest of several others. The rancher, whose Frenchglen ranch is just a half-hour drive south of the refuge headquarters and whose property borders with refuge land, said the stop at the first checkpoint was “scary.”

They were very professional and kind, but when you have guns kind of pointing at you, it is scary,” Spencer said in describing the scene to The News-Review on Friday. “They (officers) were very, very cautious. They asked us to get out and keep our hands free. They were FBI, but they looked like Army personnel. There were snipers around.

“It felt like a checkpoint in a foreign country,” he continued. “There was no room for error. They asked for ID and ran our license plate. They asked me if I had a gun and I told them I did and where it was in the rig. I told them to help themselves as far as looking, but they actually barely looked around. I guess they were comfortable with who we were after checking our IDs and plate.”

The couple were then allowed to drive on and at the checkpoint north of the refuge, their travel was barely interrupted. They assumed the first checkpoint had called ahead and given them the OK for the northern stop.

Sounds like a team of well trained professionals to me. And with those four crazies still holed up at the Refuge, calling for help from the other crazies, those checkpoints are necessary.
Roseburg area rancher encounters Malheur refuge checkpoints |

The 59-year-old Spencer, who grew up in Oakland and has been a rancher for close to 40 years, said he has dealt with federal agencies in his business operations and has had mixed results. He has a grazing permit with the Bureau of Land Management for his Steen Mountains ranch and a permit with the U.S. Forest Service for his Ochoco ranch.

“I’ve been on both sides of the issue,” he said. “I basically have zero complaints with BLM. They’re been very, very good, easy to work with. The Forest Service has been more challenging. They have a different attitude. It is like they’re looking for you to make a mistake rather than helping you. BLM coaches me on what to do while the Forest Service is getting more finicky. But I’ve always done what they’ve ask me to do.”

Let's see, the people in Burns don't want the unfeathered loons around. This rancher states he has no complaints with the BLM, seems to blow a lot of your blather right out of the water.
"Canyon City resident Tad Houpt, who organized the Jan. 26 meeting and invited the refuge occupiers, said he is planning another meeting, but he would not specify the date because he did not want the government “to assassinate some more speakers.” He said, after watching the FBI video of Finicum’s shooting, he was certain that is what happened.
They’re using tactics of war against the people of Grant and Harney counties, and that’s treason,” he said. “When our government is at war with the people, that’s treason. The truth will come out on this in the long run.”

#OregonStandoff: Justice or ambush?
So, Tad organized that meeting and set up the ambush for the law officers. Good for ol' Tad. Wonder if his bank account grew?
Cry of the Militia: WAAAHHHH…But We Don’t Wanna Get Arrested!!
February 3, 2016
Cry of the Militia: WAAAHHHH…But We Don’t Wanna Get Arrested!!

by Mike Ferner

As the macho, gun-toting, testosterone-addled cowboys who took over the wildlife refuge in Oregon call it quits, their pitiful whine can be heard all the way to Florida: “Waaahhh…but we don’t wanna get arrested…”

So much for the rugged-individualists and badass proponents of personal responsibility. Let’s see what happens as their armed insurrection winds down. How will the system treat the militant bullyboys?

Will they get pepper-sprayed in the face as did the college students peacefully sitting in a driveway at UC Davis during Occupy protests, or shot in the head with a police projectile as did Veterans For Peace member Scott Olson in Oakland?

Will they get two months in jail like Ed Kinane for stepping across a line at the School of the Americas; or six months in jail like grandmother Mary Anne Grady, for taking pictures of demonstrators outside the Reaper drone base in upstate NY; or a $20,000 fine like Kathy Kelly’s peace group, for taking medicine to people in Iraq before we invaded their country in 2003; or 10 years in prison for speaking out against the madness of World War One, like Gene Debs;

Cry of the Militia: WAAAHHHH…But We Don’t Wanna Get Arrested!!
Tel me again why the only people whose opinions matter are the residents of Burns...who are government employees and officials, and are located abou thirrty miles from the refuge?

Statist tool.

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