Assholes making trouble in Oregon

So you admit the feds are ambushing ranchers. Progress.

there certainly was an ambush set up at the second stop

complete with crossfire

it will be interesting to see how many bullet holes are in the truck

They spent 7 minutes trying to get Lavoy to surrender to a lawful probable cause warrant. He refused and led them on a high speed chase. Then tried to run a police blockade. Then tried to pull a 9mm pistol and murder an Oregon State Trooper.

And you're *still* trying to excuse this piece of shit?
They ambushed the first stoo, too. Lavoy stopped, the guy in the other seat showed his hands and they shot at his head. One guy rolled out and was taken into custody....lavoy yelled that he was going to the sheriff and took off. No traffic..the entire purpose of the exercise was to kill at least one leader and prevent them from speaking to people who agree that the feds need to go.
They ambushed the first stoo, too. Lavoy stopped, the guy in the other seat showed his hands and they shot at his head. One guy rolled out and was taken into custody....lavoy yelled that he was going to the sheriff and took off. No traffic..the entire purpose of the exercise was to kill at least one leader and prevent them from speaking to people who agree that the feds need to go.

They were pulled over. And as Ammon Bundy demonstrated elegantly, surrendering to a lawful warrant prevents any shootings. Or police chases. Or running of police blockades.

The video was already released, Kosh. All 24 minutes of it. You can make up whatever fantasy you'd like. We can all see that Lavoy refused to surrender to a lawful warrant. And that the cops spent 7 full minutes trying to convince Lavoy to get out of his car to be arrested before he tore away and led them on a high speed chase.
High speed chase skylar? You just lap up everything you're told, eh?

About how fast do you think he was going? From the video that you've watched.
The truck took fire the whole both stops. Ive seen the video, thank you. aMany, many, many times.
High speed chase? You just lap up everything your told, eh?

About how fast do you think he was going? From the video that you've watched.

I've watched the video. Watched as the police tried to arrest Lavoy on a lawful probable cause warrant. And Lavoy refusing to surrender, eventually tearing away in his vehicle and racing toward the police blockade. Watched as Lavoy swerved to the left at the last minute, trying to run the blockade but getting caught in the snow. Watched as he ran from his car, got about 15 feet before being cornered by State Troopers. Watched as he reached for his pistol and tried to pull a gun to murder an Oregon State Trooper.

But you keep carrying water for wanna be cop killers.
The truck took fire the whole both stops. Ive seen the video, thank you. aMany, many, many times.

Was this before or after the police spent 7 minutes trying to get Lavoy to exit the vehicle......with Lavoy responding by tearing away from the officers and trying to run a police blockade?
They didnt try to arrest him, they didnt speak at all. They had snipers in the trees and at least three on the ground who shot him. He was shot in the hip, the side, and the face.
They didnt try to arrest him, they didnt speak at all. They had snipers in the trees and at least three on the ground who shot him. He was shot in the hip, the side, and the face.

Except when they did try and arrest him and spent 7 full minutes trying to convince him to get out of his vehicle. Until he bolted, tore away from the officers and tried to run a police blockade.

As Ammon Bundy demonstrated elegantly, it was entirely possible to surrender to a lawful warrant without incident or a scratch on you.
They didnt try to arrest him, they didnt speak at all. They had snipers in the trees and at least three on the ground who shot him. He was shot in the hip, the side, and the face.
Roadblocks are designed to be set up similarly to an ambush in case a vehicle does not stop the way Finicum did not stop and attempted to go around and almost run over a trooper.
High speed chase? You just lap up everything your told, eh?

About how fast do you think he was going? From the video that you've watched.
At least 40mph!!!!!! Crazy fast!!!!
Fast enough to not be able to stop for the roadblock.
So the rig didnt stop? lol you're a retard of bode proportions...
You claim you've seen the video several times. How is it then that you missed the truck having to skid into a snow bank?
They didnt try to arrest him, they didnt speak at all. They had snipers in the trees and at least three on the ground who shot him. He was shot in the hip, the side, and the face.
Nothing you have said in this thread ends up being reliable or accurate. Why do you expect anyone to believe your agenda driven misinformation and nonsense?
The truck took fire the whole both stops. Ive seen the video, thank you. aMany, many, many times.
Was it your long time resident, British accent local guy who told you that?

Hey, at least she's getting sources who are closer to the event than Moscow this time. I haven't seen her cite Russian Government owned 'Sputnik News' for at least a couple of days.
They didnt try to arrest him, they didnt speak at all. They had snipers in the trees and at least three on the ground who shot him. He was shot in the hip, the side, and the face.
You crazy now.

This is such a worst case scenario for the militia wanna-bes. As we can see what happened. And see how utterly incompatible their narratives are to the video.

The more furiously they polish that turd, the more they cover themselves in bullshit.

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