Assholes making trouble in Oregon

I am deeply concerned about what a bunch of fat assed old men wearing cowboy hats up in Oregon think about using federal land for free. It is enough to fill me with patriotism and pride. Unfortunately, I have had very little experience crying myself to sleep every night was a victim, so I don't think that I would fit in to their little gang of yahoos.......

And I bet you could care less about a bunch of skinny ass cartel mules going through your lands in southern AZ either.
I am deeply concerned about what a bunch of fat assed old men wearing cowboy hats up in Oregon think about using federal land for free. It is enough to fill me with patriotism and pride. Unfortunately, I have had very little experience crying myself to sleep every night was a victim, so I don't think that I would fit in to their little gang of yahoos.......

And I bet you could care less about a bunch of skinny ass cartel mules going through your lands in southern AZ either.

I have parsed your post upwards, downwards, sideways, and diagonally, but, I confess that I simply can not find even a remote link between your post and this thread's topic, or even to my post. Are you sure that you are on the right thread?
I have parsed your post upwards, downwards, sideways, and diagonally, but, I confess that I simply can not find even a remote link between your post and this thread's topic, or even to my post. Are you sure that you are on the right thread?

Nope, you are correct. I posted out of a sheer emotional response only based upon your location; since your post did not seem to actually address any actual facts and was IMHO also a post based upon sheer emotion.
Oregon standoff: LaVoy Finicum memorial torn down and rebuilt

No law enforcement agency had anything to do with the destruction of the site, an Oregon State Police spokesman said. An Oregon Department of Transportation spokesman said the agency played no role in its removal.

Finicum was buried Friday, Feb. 5 in his hometown of Kanab, Utah.

Burns has also been showing signs of weariness. Two billboards went up Friday expressing support for law enforcement and community pride in what appeared to be a tacit rebuke of the occupation.

The front page of the local newspaper, Burns Times-Herald, said it succinctly: "Go home militia!"

That what most of the people of that area want, for the damned fools to get out of their lives, and let them go back to living as they had been.
Then give the Forest Service the money and resources to thin and clear. At present, all their resources are going to fight fires.

You sir are way out of touch. The Forest Service has plenty of resources that are for thinning and clearing, but it is the environmentalist that eat away these fund through lawsuits to prevent just that. And so all they are left with is attempting to fight the fires; fires that would be much easier to figh if it weren't for the environmentalists.
And you are a Goddamned liar.

How Wildfires Are Burning through the Forest Service Budget | American Forests

A report released by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) earlier this month has revealed a stunning increase in wildfire suppression costs. This past year, more than half of the organization’s budget went to fire suppression, a first in USFS history and a stark comparison to the 16 percent of the budget allocated to wildfire suppression in 1995. This exponential growth shows no sign of stopping anytime soon, with 67 percent of the budget estimated to go to wildfire suppression by 2025 if left unchecked.

What’s Causing the Dramatic Increase?


Suppressing wildland fires is a costly process that requires a lot of expensive equipment. How in the world are we spending so much money on combating wildfires?

First and foremost, more development is taking place than ever before in fire-prone areas, which means that the USFS must prioritize their limited resources to protect lives and property.

Due to the changing climate, the average wildfire season is now 78 days longer than in 1970, increasing it to almost 300 days in some areas. These days, the U.S. is burning twice as many acres as it did three decades ago.

So, is the USFS just doing a bad job at putting out fires?

No! In fact, even as the wildfires have continued to grow, the USFS, and related firefighting agencies, manage to suppress 98% of all wildfires. However, it’s this 1 to 2 percent of the most extreme wildfires that end up devouring at least 30% of the firefighting budget.

Drought, variations in temperature and a buildup of fire-prone vegetation have combined to create some truly immense fires that are burning hotter and longer than ever before.

The costs will of fighting wildland fires will continue to increase until we invest more in preventative measures. Photo credit: USFS, “The Rising Cost of Wildfire Operations.”
I have parsed your post upwards, downwards, sideways, and diagonally, but, I confess that I simply can not find even a remote link between your post and this thread's topic, or even to my post. Are you sure that you are on the right thread?

Nope, you are correct. I posted out of a sheer emotional response only based upon your location; since your post did not seem to actually address any actual facts and was IMHO also a post based upon sheer emotion.

Well, I am not a very emotional guy, but I am weary of these freeloading John Wayne wannabe's whining week after week because they can't have something that they want for free. It was amusing at first. Now, it is just plain boring.
There were over 300 locals demonstrating in Burns against the militia's. There were about 200 outsiders, with just a handful of locals, demonstrating for Bundy's felons. Had it not been a workday, there would have been significantly more people telling the militia that they were unwelcome. Which brings up another point, how is it that the members of the militia's can live without an income. Guess what, most of them are supported by Uncle Sugar.

Here Is How The Bundy Militia Standoff Couldn’t Exist Without Government Funding

It's funny how any other protest, and you support the people against injustice, until it's a group you don't like, and then they are evil militias.

Look, here's the problem..... Do you know what Feudalism is?

Without getting deep into mechanics, basically the government (Feudal Lord), owns all the land. The peasants 'rent' the land on behalf of the government.

Our country was built on the idea of individuals owning the land. We were never supposed to be a Feudal system.

View attachment 62618
The percentage of the state in red, is how much of the state land, is owned by the Federal Government.

Out west, there are states like Nevada, where 85% of the entire freakin state... is owned by the Federal Government! It's not supposed to be that way. We are not supposed to be a Feudal system, where the government owns the land, and we are good little peasants paying rent to use... what is supposed to be OUR LAND.

It's ridiculous.

Now do I support grabbing a bunch of guns and taking over out houses? No, not so much. But.... this hatred of the Federal Government, is going to grow and grow, until you guys stop treating the people out west, like they are peasants that owe the rest of us rent, to use their own land.

This problem likely won't go away.
And who the hell says it is not supposed to be that way? And, dumb fuck, you graze your cows on private land, and it is $20 per unit per month. On the government land, $1.63. In other words, the government is subsidizing the ranchers, and we who eat the beef that they produce. A good system for all. And that is land that any citizen can go hiking, hunting, or fishing on without paying or asking permission. It is our land.

That silly ass goofballs like you are trying to take that away from the rest of us is evidence that you are not my or any other person that enjoys our nations beauty friend.
I have parsed your post upwards, downwards, sideways, and diagonally, but, I confess that I simply can not find even a remote link between your post and this thread's topic, or even to my post. Are you sure that you are on the right thread?

Nope, you are correct. I posted out of a sheer emotional response only based upon your location; since your post did not seem to actually address any actual facts and was IMHO also a post based upon sheer emotion.

Well, I am not a very emotional guy, but I am weary of these freeloading John Wayne wannabe's whining week after week because they can't have something that they want for free. It was amusing at first. Now, it is just plain boring.

Really? But then again who asked you?
If you don't find it entertaining why keep posting on the thread? What happened to the idea that this was all over a week or two ago? Think people are beginning to understand why I said the Feds fucked up?
I am deeply concerned about what a bunch of fat assed old men wearing cowboy hats up in Oregon think about using federal land for free. It is enough to fill me with patriotism and pride. Unfortunately, I have had very little experience crying myself to sleep every night was a victim, so I don't think that I would fit in to their little gang of yahoos.......
No, you wouldn't. They aren't into biker faggots.
I have parsed your post upwards, downwards, sideways, and diagonally, but, I confess that I simply can not find even a remote link between your post and this thread's topic, or even to my post. Are you sure that you are on the right thread?

Nope, you are correct. I posted out of a sheer emotional response only based upon your location; since your post did not seem to actually address any actual facts and was IMHO also a post based upon sheer emotion.

Well, I am not a very emotional guy, but I am weary of these freeloading John Wayne wannabe's whining week after week because they can't have something that they want for free. It was amusing at first. Now, it is just plain boring.

Really? But then again who asked you?
If you don't find it entertaining why keep posting on the thread? What happened to the idea that this was all over a week or two ago? Think people are beginning to understand why I said the Feds fucked up?

You are absolutely right, so I am clickicking on the "unwatch thread" button.
However, I hate to leave without telling Koshergirl "Goodby". Please tell her that I love her, but don't want anyone to know it!
Well fk, there was a road block and they weren't marked . What the fk!

funny how the whole thing could have been avoided

if they would have used road spikes
They did use a spike strip. Finicum went around it.

As the white truck approaches the roadblock, there is a spike strip across the road but it appears Finicum missed it as he attempted to drive around the roadblock. He nearly hits an FBI agent as he maneuvers to the left. The truck gets stuck in the snowbank.


i have watched that video on several screens including my 70 flat screen

and there is no spike strips

so either you are lying or you have not watched the video

so in what frames do you see the spike strip at what minutes and seconds
I suggest you file a complaint with the FBI since they were there and they said Finicum missed it.
There were over 300 locals demonstrating in Burns against the militia's. There were about 200 outsiders, with just a handful of locals, demonstrating for Bundy's felons. Had it not been a workday, there would have been significantly more people telling the militia that they were unwelcome. Which brings up another point, how is it that the members of the militia's can live without an income. Guess what, most of them are supported by Uncle Sugar.

Here Is How The Bundy Militia Standoff Couldn’t Exist Without Government Funding

It's funny how any other protest, and you support the people against injustice, until it's a group you don't like, and then they are evil militias.

Look, here's the problem..... Do you know what Feudalism is?

Without getting deep into mechanics, basically the government (Feudal Lord), owns all the land. The peasants 'rent' the land on behalf of the government.

Our country was built on the idea of individuals owning the land. We were never supposed to be a Feudal system.

View attachment 62618
The percentage of the state in red, is how much of the state land, is owned by the Federal Government.

Out west, there are states like Nevada, where 85% of the entire freakin state... is owned by the Federal Government! It's not supposed to be that way. We are not supposed to be a Feudal system, where the government owns the land, and we are good little peasants paying rent to use... what is supposed to be OUR LAND.

It's ridiculous.

Now do I support grabbing a bunch of guns and taking over out houses? No, not so much. But.... this hatred of the Federal Government, is going to grow and grow, until you guys stop treating the people out west, like they are peasants that owe the rest of us rent, to use their own land.

This problem likely won't go away.
And who the hell says it is not supposed to be that way? And, dumb fuck, you graze your cows on private land, and it is $20 per unit per month. On the government land, $1.63. In other words, the government is subsidizing the ranchers, and we who eat the beef that they produce. A good system for all. And that is land that any citizen can go hiking, hunting, or fishing on without paying or asking permission. It is our land.

That silly ass goofballs like you are trying to take that away from the rest of us is evidence that you are not my or any other person that enjoys our nations beauty friend.

Controversial Federal Grazing Fees Not A Great Deal For Anyone

“If you just look at the grazing fee itself, and you see the small amount on public land and then a 10-fold increase on private land grazing fees, it looks like — people call it a subsidy,” said John Tanaka, a rangeland economist at the University of Wyoming. “But when you consider all the costs involved in grazing, they’re roughly equal. Or in some cases, public land grazing can cost the rancher more.”

Joe Villagrana, a ranch manager from Lake County, in Southeast Oregon, says permits on public land carry their own costs.
“What people don’t realize is, by holding the permit, you are responsible for maintaining the fences, maintaining water, for example like water troughs,” Villagrana said. “And that costs money. So you add up time, labor, fuel, material and all that, it actually gets to be very expensive. So yeah, that sounds pretty cheap, but with everything that’s put on us to keep that permit, it costs us a lot of money.”

On private lands, a lot of this infrastructure is already included in that up-front price.
You fail. It's not cheaper.

Moreover.... even if it was cheaper... which it is not.... doesn't matter. You are dictating to these people, how they live. Just like a king does to a peasant, in a Feudal system. Funny how you talk about freedom from oppression, and then give every justification for it you can.

And lastly, you also ignore that perhaps the rancher could buy his own land, and not pay a fee to anyone. What if the fee was no $20, or $1.63, but was zero, because he bought the land? Oh wait... they can't because 85% of the freakin state is owned by the Feudal lords in Washington.

But that's not even the end of the argument..... because you don't even know what triggered the problem to begin with.

Cliven Bundy originally paid his permit fees routinely, year over year, until 1993. What happened? The Feudal Lords decided that he was not allowed to graze so many cattle.... supposedly because of a turtle. So they simply refused to give him permits for all his cattle.

That's effectively saying "Old Rocks, you are not allowed to earn as much money anymore, and since we own your land, you can't do jack about it". Now listen you self centered dirty old man.... if YOU had been told by the Feudal Lords, that you simply were not allowed to earn as much money, and screw you..... Would you be sitting here defending them? As you are when it's Cliven Bundy's livelihood?

Don't even attempt to tell me a narcissistic guy like you, would agree to that. You'd be bouncing off the roof. Again you talk about freedom from oppression in other posts, and then turn right around and give every justification for it here.
There were over 300 locals demonstrating in Burns against the militia's. There were about 200 outsiders, with just a handful of locals, demonstrating for Bundy's felons. Had it not been a workday, there would have been significantly more people telling the militia that they were unwelcome. Which brings up another point, how is it that the members of the militia's can live without an income. Guess what, most of them are supported by Uncle Sugar.

Here Is How The Bundy Militia Standoff Couldn’t Exist Without Government Funding

It's funny how any other protest, and you support the people against injustice, until it's a group you don't like, and then they are evil militias.

Look, here's the problem..... Do you know what Feudalism is?

Without getting deep into mechanics, basically the government (Feudal Lord), owns all the land. The peasants 'rent' the land on behalf of the government.

Our country was built on the idea of individuals owning the land. We were never supposed to be a Feudal system.

View attachment 62618
The percentage of the state in red, is how much of the state land, is owned by the Federal Government.

Out west, there are states like Nevada, where 85% of the entire freakin state... is owned by the Federal Government! It's not supposed to be that way. We are not supposed to be a Feudal system, where the government owns the land, and we are good little peasants paying rent to use... what is supposed to be OUR LAND.

It's ridiculous.

Now do I support grabbing a bunch of guns and taking over out houses? No, not so much. But.... this hatred of the Federal Government, is going to grow and grow, until you guys stop treating the people out west, like they are peasants that owe the rest of us rent, to use their own land.

This problem likely won't go away.
And who the hell says it is not supposed to be that way? And, dumb fuck, you graze your cows on private land, and it is $20 per unit per month. On the government land, $1.63. In other words, the government is subsidizing the ranchers, and we who eat the beef that they produce. A good system for all. And that is land that any citizen can go hiking, hunting, or fishing on without paying or asking permission. It is our land.

That silly ass goofballs like you are trying to take that away from the rest of us is evidence that you are not my or any other person that enjoys our nations beauty friend.

Controversial Federal Grazing Fees Not A Great Deal For Anyone

“If you just look at the grazing fee itself, and you see the small amount on public land and then a 10-fold increase on private land grazing fees, it looks like — people call it a subsidy,” said John Tanaka, a rangeland economist at the University of Wyoming. “But when you consider all the costs involved in grazing, they’re roughly equal. Or in some cases, public land grazing can cost the rancher more.”

Joe Villagrana, a ranch manager from Lake County, in Southeast Oregon, says permits on public land carry their own costs.
“What people don’t realize is, by holding the permit, you are responsible for maintaining the fences, maintaining water, for example like water troughs,” Villagrana said. “And that costs money. So you add up time, labor, fuel, material and all that, it actually gets to be very expensive. So yeah, that sounds pretty cheap, but with everything that’s put on us to keep that permit, it costs us a lot of money.”

On private lands, a lot of this infrastructure is already included in that up-front price.
You fail. It's not cheaper.

Moreover.... even if it was cheaper... which it is not.... doesn't matter. You are dictating to these people, how they live. Just like a king does to a peasant, in a Feudal system. Funny how you talk about freedom from oppression, and then give every justification for it you can.

And lastly, you also ignore that perhaps the rancher could buy his own land, and not pay a fee to anyone. What if the fee was no $20, or $1.63, but was zero, because he bought the land? Oh wait... they can't because 85% of the freakin state is owned by the Feudal lords in Washington.

But that's not even the end of the argument..... because you don't even know what triggered the problem to begin with.

Cliven Bundy originally paid his permit fees routinely, year over year, until 1993. What happened? The Feudal Lords decided that he was not allowed to graze so many cattle.... supposedly because of a turtle. So they simply refused to give him permits for all his cattle.

That's effectively saying "Old Rocks, you are not allowed to earn as much money anymore, and since we own your land, you can't do jack about it". Now listen you self centered dirty old man.... if YOU had been told by the Feudal Lords, that you simply were not allowed to earn as much money, and screw you..... Would you be sitting here defending them? As you are when it's Cliven Bundy's livelihood?

Don't even attempt to tell me a narcissistic guy like you, would agree to that. You'd be bouncing off the roof. Again you talk about freedom from oppression in other posts, and then turn right around and give every justification for it here.
This is an edited and cherry-picked portion of an article with the posters comments added to shape a one sided story. The article titled "Controversial Federal Grazing Fees Not a Great Deal For Anyone" needs to be paid attention to. The rest of the story, the part omitted, gives the story of how the taxpayers are subsidizing the ranchers and losing money every year due to the program that supports the ranchers and is a losing battle to provide a balance that is fair to both the ranchers and the taxpayers.
At some point. it becomes obvious that some ranchers are not, and never will be able to operate a profitable ranch without government financial assistance and taxpayer subsidies in the 21rst Century.
funny how the whole thing could have been avoided

if they would have used road spikes
They did use a spike strip. Finicum went around it.

As the white truck approaches the roadblock, there is a spike strip across the road but it appears Finicum missed it as he attempted to drive around the roadblock. He nearly hits an FBI agent as he maneuvers to the left. The truck gets stuck in the snowbank.


i have watched that video on several screens including my 70 flat screen

and there is no spike strips

so either you are lying or you have not watched the video

so in what frames do you see the spike strip at what minutes and seconds
I suggest you file a complaint with the FBI since they were there and they said Finicum missed it.

couldnt find on the video huh

that is because there was not one

it would have been completely stupid

for the cops to place one where you had "suggested" it was
They did use a spike strip. Finicum went around it.

As the white truck approaches the roadblock, there is a spike strip across the road but it appears Finicum missed it as he attempted to drive around the roadblock. He nearly hits an FBI agent as he maneuvers to the left. The truck gets stuck in the snowbank.


i have watched that video on several screens including my 70 flat screen

and there is no spike strips

so either you are lying or you have not watched the video

so in what frames do you see the spike strip at what minutes and seconds
I suggest you file a complaint with the FBI since they were there and they said Finicum missed it.

couldnt find on the video huh

that is because there was not one

it would have been completely stupid

for the cops to place one where you had "suggested" it was
Like I'm gonna take your word from watching a grainy video shot from a plane over the law enforcement agents who were there. :cuckoo:
As the white truck approaches the roadblock, there is a spike strip across the road but it appears Finicum missed it as he attempted to drive around the roadblock. He nearly hits an FBI agent as he maneuvers to the left. The truck gets stuck in the snowbank.


i have watched that video on several screens including my 70 flat screen

and there is no spike strips

so either you are lying or you have not watched the video

so in what frames do you see the spike strip at what minutes and seconds
I suggest you file a complaint with the FBI since they were there and they said Finicum missed it.

couldnt find on the video huh

that is because there was not one

it would have been completely stupid

for the cops to place one where you had "suggested" it was
Like I'm gonna take your word from watching a grainy video shot from a plane over the law enforcement agents who were there. :cuckoo:

hey asshole the cops would never place a strip where you said it was --LOL

funny all the cops trailing him also "missed" your imaginary spike strip

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