Assholes making trouble in Oregon

You can see it for yourself. He first applies his brakes some 200 feet before reaching the road block and he still didn't stop in time.
Well fk, there was a road block and they weren't marked . What the fk!

funny how the whole thing could have been avoided

if they would have used road spikes
They did use a spike strip. Finicum went around it.

As the white truck approaches the roadblock, there is a spike strip across the road but it appears Finicum missed it as he attempted to drive around the roadblock. He nearly hits an FBI agent as he maneuvers to the left. The truck gets stuck in the snowbank.


so says the fbi how in the fuck did they get around it

with three foot ditches and a ATF drone following their every move

use your brain for once dildo
You can see it for yourself. He first applies his brakes some 200 feet before reaching the road block and he still didn't stop in time.
Well fk, there was a road block and they weren't marked . What the fk!

funny how the whole thing could have been avoided

if they would have used road spikes
They did use a spike strip. Finicum went around it.

As the white truck approaches the roadblock, there is a spike strip across the road but it appears Finicum missed it as he attempted to drive around the roadblock. He nearly hits an FBI agent as he maneuvers to the left. The truck gets stuck in the snowbank.

No, I posted what actually happened and how the fbi dude ran out in front of the white truck. You should open your eyes when you watch a video it helps describe what actually happened. LOL
You can see it for yourself. He first applies his brakes some 200 feet before reaching the road block and he still didn't stop in time.
Well fk, there was a road block and they weren't marked . What the fk!

funny how the whole thing could have been avoided

if they would have used road spikes
They did use a spike strip. Finicum went around it.

As the white truck approaches the roadblock, there is a spike strip across the road but it appears Finicum missed it as he attempted to drive around the roadblock. He nearly hits an FBI agent as he maneuvers to the left. The truck gets stuck in the snowbank.


i have watched that video on several screens including my 70 flat screen

and there is no spike strips

so either you are lying or you have not watched the video

so in what frames do you see the spike strip at what minutes and seconds
Well fk, there was a road block and they weren't marked . What the fk!

funny how the whole thing could have been avoided

if they would have used road spikes
They did use a spike strip. Finicum went around it.

As the white truck approaches the roadblock, there is a spike strip across the road but it appears Finicum missed it as he attempted to drive around the roadblock. He nearly hits an FBI agent as he maneuvers to the left. The truck gets stuck in the snowbank.

No, I posted what actually happened and how the fbi dude ran out in front of the white truck. You should open your eyes when you watch a video it helps describe what actually happened. LOL

there is not any spikes on the roadway
Judge handling Oregon standoff case allows defendant to attend LaVoy Finicum funeral

Shawna Cox, one of the 16 people indicted on a federal conspiracy charge in the armed takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, was granted permission Friday morning to attend the funeral of Robert "LaVoy'' Finicum, who was killed during a police stop last week.
Cox's lawyer had appealed to U.S. District Court Judge Anna J. Brown, who heard an emergency motion and reversed a magistrate judge's decision earlier in the week that barred Cox from going to the funeral.
The funeral is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. PST in Cox's hometown, Kanab, Utah.

[FONT=Benton Sans, Arial, sans-serif]Judge handling Oregon standoff case allows defendant to attend LaVoy Finicum funeral[/FONT]
Not only that...originally the pos judge told her that she could be released...but not attend the funeral. Her attendance there was a result of a second ruling.

They also put the old dude from Irrigon in jail...all he did was ride around with a flag and talk to people.

There was a large collection of tribute memorabilia at the murder scene...someone removed it, secretly, to the consternation of the residents of the county who aren't bought and paid by the govt.
Old fag is full of shit when he talks about the residents of Oregon rural lands.
There were over 300 locals demonstrating in Burns against the militia's. There were about 200 outsiders, with just a handful of locals, demonstrating for Bundy's felons. Had it not been a workday, there would have been significantly more people telling the militia that they were unwelcome. Which brings up another point, how is it that the members of the militia's can live without an income. Guess what, most of them are supported by Uncle Sugar.

Here Is How The Bundy Militia Standoff Couldn’t Exist Without Government Funding
There were over 300 locals demonstrating in Burns against the militia's. There were about 200 outsiders, with just a handful of locals, demonstrating for Bundy's felons. Had it not been a workday, there would have been significantly more people telling the militia that they were unwelcome. Which brings up another point, how is it that the members of the militia's can live without an income. Guess what, most of them are supported by Uncle Sugar.

Here Is How The Bundy Militia Standoff Couldn’t Exist Without Government Funding
Shut up, you statist turd. Nobody believes a word you say...
That's one theory. Not one that I agree with, but it is one.

Personally, I don't think it was Finicum's intent to shoot anyone. I believe he wanted police to shoot him because as he said, he would rather die than go to prison. I also believe he jumped out of his vehicle with his hands up and trotted away from the vehicle to draw the police away from it so no one inside would get hurt when police killed him. And lastly, I believe when he was clear from the vehicle, he lowered his hand in a motion as if he were going for a gun while shouting at the police, "just shoot me."

They did. That's what he wanted.

His death is nothing more than suicide by cop.

Thank you for your candor. Your theory is also one that is very possible. I do appreciate the fact that you did not just chant the same mantra as skylar, carla, and others do as a blanket answer. There may be hope for you yet, lol.

And on the "high rate", it seems as though Shawna Cox has come out and said LaVoy might have hit as much as 60mph so I suppose I must stop arguing on that as well, since IMHO the threshold is about 50mph.
I am deeply concerned about what a bunch of fat assed old men wearing cowboy hats up in Oregon think about using federal land for free. It is enough to fill me with patriotism and pride. Unfortunately, I have had very little experience crying myself to sleep every night was a victim, so I don't think that I would fit in to their little gang of yahoos.......
Then give the Forest Service the money and resources to thin and clear. At present, all their resources are going to fight fires.

You sir are way out of touch. The Forest Service has plenty of resources that are for thinning and clearing, but it is the environmentalist that eat away these fund through lawsuits to prevent just that. And so all they are left with is attempting to fight the fires; fires that would be much easier to figh if it weren't for the environmentalists.
That's one theory. Not one that I agree with, but it is one.

Personally, I don't think it was Finicum's intent to shoot anyone. I believe he wanted police to shoot him because as he said, he would rather die than go to prison. I also believe he jumped out of his vehicle with his hands up and trotted away from the vehicle to draw the police away from it so no one inside would get hurt when police killed him. And lastly, I believe when he was clear from the vehicle, he lowered his hand in a motion as if he were going for a gun while shouting at the police, "just shoot me."

They did. That's what he wanted.

His death is nothing more than suicide by cop.

Thank you for your candor. Your theory is also one that is very possible. I do appreciate the fact that you did not just chant the same mantra as skylar, carla, and others do as a blanket answer. There may be hope for you yet, lol.

And on the "high rate", it seems as though Shawna Cox has come out and said LaVoy might have hit as much as 60mph so I suppose I must stop arguing on that as well, since IMHO the threshold is about 50mph.

Odd, isn't it?

A deliberate case of suicide by cop.
Like I said, excellent opportunity to take pictures, and do background checks, and get a few felons off the streets.

"Well said Comrade. We appreciate your furthering of our statist cause and continued chanting of our mantra. You will go far in the party, Comrade. Your reward awaits you."

There were over 300 locals demonstrating in Burns against the militia's. There were about 200 outsiders, with just a handful of locals, demonstrating for Bundy's felons. Had it not been a workday, there would have been significantly more people telling the militia that they were unwelcome. Which brings up another point, how is it that the members of the militia's can live without an income. Guess what, most of them are supported by Uncle Sugar.

Here Is How The Bundy Militia Standoff Couldn’t Exist Without Government Funding

It's funny how any other protest, and you support the people against injustice, until it's a group you don't like, and then they are evil militias.

Look, here's the problem..... Do you know what Feudalism is?

Without getting deep into mechanics, basically the government (Feudal Lord), owns all the land. The peasants 'rent' the land on behalf of the government.

Our country was built on the idea of individuals owning the land. We were never supposed to be a Feudal system.


The percentage of the state in red, is how much of the state land, is owned by the Federal Government.

Out west, there are states like Nevada, where 85% of the entire freakin state... is owned by the Federal Government! It's not supposed to be that way. We are not supposed to be a Feudal system, where the government owns the land, and we are good little peasants paying rent to use... what is supposed to be OUR LAND.

It's ridiculous.

Now do I support grabbing a bunch of guns and taking over out houses? No, not so much. But.... this hatred of the Federal Government, is going to grow and grow, until you guys stop treating the people out west, like they are peasants that owe the rest of us rent, to use their own land.

This problem likely won't go away.

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