Assholes making trouble in Oregon

Like it matters what faun believes. The statist losers who have NOTHING except whatis given to them by others are just mentally ill entitlement weirdoes. I guarantee that their neighbors despise and fear them...and as felons and mentaly incapacitated persons, they're nonentities anyway.
Spits the moron who actually tried to pass off an Britainer in England as a life-long resident of Harney county. :rolleyes:
No, I didn't lol. I said the video was shared by a lifelong harney county resident on facebook...but aAs I said...who cares what incompetents think. They can't reason, their brains don't function properly. As faun advertises every time he posts.
Who knows why you lie when your post is still there. Chalk this up to you being batshit crazy.

Here's what you posted with the video...

A respected, lifelong Harney County resident, rancher, business owner and Christian.....a type of man that makes statist freaks piss themselves....posted this
Faster than he was going at the very beginning of the video. And fast enough that he couldn't stop in time without crashing into either the roadblock or the snow despite hitting his brakes approximately 10 car lengths prior to reaching the road block. Considering a rule of thumb where one car length for every 10 MPH is needed for stopping, he must have been going pretty damn fast.

Wow, just wow, ace. Your ignorance is showing, but since you are chanting the same mantra that the rest of the robots are it doesn't surprise me.

That rule of thumb is for the distance to keep between you and the car in front of you, ace. Nothing at all to do with stopping. But since you say it was 10 car lengths, let's see what the facts are:

The average car driving at 20 mph will travel 20 feet before coming to a complete stop, however a car travelling at 40 mph will take 80 ft to come to a stop – that’s why it’s SO important not to exceed the speed limit.


Source: Stopping distances - ingenie® Young Driver's Guide

So according to your estimate of ten car lengths, he was going what I estimated from watching the video: around 40 MPH TOPS. And I actually think he may have tried to plow his way around the roadblock and failed.
The rule of thumb of maintaining a car length per every ten feet is because that is the minimum distance required to stop in an emergency. :eusa_doh:

Your next fail is basing the distance on 118ft. When I estimated ten car lengths, that was based on Finicum's truck, not an "average car length" as referenced in the chart you posted. The distance he traveled was closer to 200ft.

Then add in how much more distance he would have needed to stop had the snow bank not stopped him abruptly.

My fail, hehehe, you're funny. You originally said it takes about one car length per 10mph to stop. When I call you on it you back peddle and side step. Typical.

Judging by how fast he was going by the objects (trees, etc.) he was passing, he was doing about 40-45 mph average. When he hit his brakes, he did not do so to fully stop, he was trying to decide what to do.
Too funny. You realize your original estimate was off by roughly 80%, yet you think that means he was going only maybe another 5 MPH. :lol:

He was trying to flee from the law. The law describes it as a "high speed chase."

And I backpedaled on nothing. I repeated what I said initially -- it takes about 1 car length for every 10 MPH to stop.
Ok, let me try to insert some logical reality into this discussion, if it is at all possible.

YOU are LaVoy Finnicum. You get in an argument at the first stop and one guy jumps out of the truck. You know the gig is up, so you think about trying to get to the Grant county sheriff somehow and speed away. Upon approaching the road block you realize that's not going to happen. But you are intent on 'murdering' cops before you die. So what do you do when you slow and plow into the snow?

Do you just jump out and walk away from any available cover with your hands held high as you can and think about pulling your gun at some time along the way? NO! You would get the gun in your hand first, jump out and use as much of the truck for cover as you can to fire as many rounds to attempt to 'murder' cops before they can get to you.
That's one theory. Not one that I agree with, but it is one.

Personally, I don't think it was Finicum's intent to shoot anyone. I believe he wanted police to shoot him because as he said, he would rather die than go to prison. I also believe he jumped out of his vehicle with his hands up and trotted away from the vehicle to draw the police away from it so no one inside would get hurt when police killed him. And lastly, I believe when he was clear from the vehicle, he lowered his hand in a motion as if he were going for a gun while shouting at the police, "just shoot me."

They did. That's what he wanted.

His death is nothing more than suicide by cop.
Faster than he was going at the very beginning of the video. And fast enough that he couldn't stop in time without crashing into either the roadblock or the snow despite hitting his brakes approximately 10 car lengths prior to reaching the road block. Considering a rule of thumb where one car length for every 10 MPH is needed for stopping, he must have been going pretty damn fast.

Wow, just wow, ace. Your ignorance is showing, but since you are chanting the same mantra that the rest of the robots are it doesn't surprise me.

That rule of thumb is for the distance to keep between you and the car in front of you, ace. Nothing at all to do with stopping. But since you say it was 10 car lengths, let's see what the facts are:

The average car driving at 20 mph will travel 20 feet before coming to a complete stop, however a car travelling at 40 mph will take 80 ft to come to a stop – that’s why it’s SO important not to exceed the speed limit.


Source: Stopping distances - ingenie® Young Driver's Guide

So according to your estimate of ten car lengths, he was going what I estimated from watching the video: around 40 MPH TOPS. And I actually think he may have tried to plow his way around the roadblock and failed.
The rule of thumb of maintaining a car length per every ten feet is because that is the minimum distance required to stop in an emergency. :eusa_doh:

Your next fail is basing the distance on 118ft. When I estimated ten car lengths, that was based on Finicum's truck, not an "average car length" as referenced in the chart you posted. The distance he traveled was closer to 200ft.

Then add in how much more distance he would have needed to stop had the snow bank not stopped him abruptly.
So, you think he could see them in enough time to abide by this stopping distance? Oh, and the dude from the FBI or Troopers runs right into the path, you can't be that fking blind are you?
View attachment 62457

see no one in his path???????????

And then.....
View attachment 62458

Where'd the fk he come from? Oh yeah ran in the direction of the truck. What a fking stupid fk.

so now tell me did he drive at the cop or did the cop go after his truck? fking loser libturds.
You can see it for yourself. He first applies his brakes some 200 feet before reaching the road block and he still didn't stop in time.
Well fk, there was a road block and they weren't marked . What the fk!
As usual, you post like you're drunk.

Not sure what difference you think it makes if they were marked or not, but regardless, he was being chased by policed after being stopped by police and then fleeing from police. The middle car in the roadblock he faced had flashing red/blue lights. And he jumped out immediately from his vehicle with his hands up.

I'm more than fairly certain he recognized it was a police roadblock.
Wow, just wow, ace. Your ignorance is showing, but since you are chanting the same mantra that the rest of the robots are it doesn't surprise me.

That rule of thumb is for the distance to keep between you and the car in front of you, ace. Nothing at all to do with stopping. But since you say it was 10 car lengths, let's see what the facts are:


Source: Stopping distances - ingenie® Young Driver's Guide

So according to your estimate of ten car lengths, he was going what I estimated from watching the video: around 40 MPH TOPS. And I actually think he may have tried to plow his way around the roadblock and failed.
The rule of thumb of maintaining a car length per every ten feet is because that is the minimum distance required to stop in an emergency. :eusa_doh:

Your next fail is basing the distance on 118ft. When I estimated ten car lengths, that was based on Finicum's truck, not an "average car length" as referenced in the chart you posted. The distance he traveled was closer to 200ft.

Then add in how much more distance he would have needed to stop had the snow bank not stopped him abruptly.
So, you think he could see them in enough time to abide by this stopping distance? Oh, and the dude from the FBI or Troopers runs right into the path, you can't be that fking blind are you?
View attachment 62457

see no one in his path???????????

And then.....
View attachment 62458

Where'd the fk he come from? Oh yeah ran in the direction of the truck. What a fking stupid fk.

so now tell me did he drive at the cop or did the cop go after his truck? fking loser libturds.
You can see it for yourself. He first applies his brakes some 200 feet before reaching the road block and he still didn't stop in time.
Well fk, there was a road block and they weren't marked . What the fk!

funny how the whole thing could have been avoided

if they would have used road spikes
They did use a spike strip. Finicum went around it.
I'm guessing if they all just put their hands up the first time the FBI said "put your hands up" at the first stop, this would have been a tiny news blurb that already disappeared.

Agreed. But that is not what happened so now we are left to argue over the slop the .gov has tried to feed the masses and what is closer to some semblance of truth.

There is a video, and the instant replay is at best inconclusive so the call on the field stands.

By the way, all the talk about 'our 2nd amendment rights and they'll have to pry my gun from my cold dead hands and the gubment blah blah blah". This is what happens. Its easy, lazy, and fake machismo to walk into a Wendy's with a rifle slung over your shoulder. When you actually have to face other men that are professionally trained to handle belligerents that have guns you see what happens. They don't play games. And in the end this is what these squatters were doing, playing games like its a game to wave a weapon at other people.

It isn't. Ever.
Fuck you. Yes we are fully aware of the deadly and tyrannical nature of a government that is no longer answerable to the people, or restricted by the law. That's the point. They will continue to kill us...and eventually they'll become the target.
The rule of thumb of maintaining a car length per every ten feet is because that is the minimum distance required to stop in an emergency. :eusa_doh:

Your next fail is basing the distance on 118ft. When I estimated ten car lengths, that was based on Finicum's truck, not an "average car length" as referenced in the chart you posted. The distance he traveled was closer to 200ft.

Then add in how much more distance he would have needed to stop had the snow bank not stopped him abruptly.
So, you think he could see them in enough time to abide by this stopping distance? Oh, and the dude from the FBI or Troopers runs right into the path, you can't be that fking blind are you?
View attachment 62457

see no one in his path???????????

And then.....
View attachment 62458

Where'd the fk he come from? Oh yeah ran in the direction of the truck. What a fking stupid fk.

so now tell me did he drive at the cop or did the cop go after his truck? fking loser libturds.
You can see it for yourself. He first applies his brakes some 200 feet before reaching the road block and he still didn't stop in time.
Well fk, there was a road block and they weren't marked . What the fk!

funny how the whole thing could have been avoided

if they would have used road spikes
They did use a spike strip. Finicum went around it.

I'm guessing if they all just put their hands up the first time the FBI said "put your hands up" at the first stop, this would have been a tiny news blurb that already disappeared.

Agreed. But that is not what happened so now we are left to argue over the slop the .gov has tried to feed the masses and what is closer to some semblance of truth.

There is a video, and the instant replay is at best inconclusive so the call on the field stands.

By the way, all the talk about 'our 2nd amendment rights and they'll have to pry my gun from my cold dead hands and the gubment blah blah blah". This is what happens. Its easy, lazy, and fake machismo to walk into a Wendy's with a rifle slung over your shoulder. When you actually have to face other men that are professionally trained to handle belligerents that have guns you see what happens. They don't play games. And in the end this is what these squatters were doing, playing games like its a game to wave a weapon at other people.

It isn't. Ever.
Hahahaha, l agree, murder
I'm guessing if they all just put their hands up the first time the FBI said "put your hands up" at the first stop, this would have been a tiny news blurb that already disappeared.

Agreed. But that is not what happened so now we are left to argue over the slop the .gov has tried to feed the masses and what is closer to some semblance of truth.

There is a video, and the instant replay is at best inconclusive so the call on the field stands.

By the way, all the talk about 'our 2nd amendment rights and they'll have to pry my gun from my cold dead hands and the gubment blah blah blah". This is what happens. Its easy, lazy, and fake machismo to walk into a Wendy's with a rifle slung over your shoulder. When you actually have to face other men that are professionally trained to handle belligerents that have guns you see what happens. They don't play games. And in the end this is what these squatters were doing, playing games like its a game to wave a weapon at other people.

It isn't. Ever.
Fuck you. Yes we are fully aware of the deadly and tyrannical nature of a government that is no longer answerable to the people, or restricted by the law. That's the point. They will continue to kill us...and eventually they'll become the target.
Dude quit letting them get under your skin
I'm guessing if they all just put their hands up the first time the FBI said "put your hands up" at the first stop, this would have been a tiny news blurb that already disappeared.

Agreed. But that is not what happened so now we are left to argue over the slop the .gov has tried to feed the masses and what is closer to some semblance of truth.

There is a video, and the instant replay is at best inconclusive so the call on the field stands.

By the way, all the talk about 'our 2nd amendment rights and they'll have to pry my gun from my cold dead hands and the gubment blah blah blah". This is what happens. Its easy, lazy, and fake machismo to walk into a Wendy's with a rifle slung over your shoulder. When you actually have to face other men that are professionally trained to handle belligerents that have guns you see what happens. They don't play games. And in the end this is what these squatters were doing, playing games like its a game to wave a weapon at other people.

It isn't. Ever.
Hahahaha, l agree, murder

I'm guessing if they all just put their hands up the first time the FBI said "put your hands up" at the first stop, this would have been a tiny news blurb that already disappeared.

Agreed. But that is not what happened so now we are left to argue over the slop the .gov has tried to feed the masses and what is closer to some semblance of truth.

There is a video, and the instant replay is at best inconclusive so the call on the field stands.

By the way, all the talk about 'our 2nd amendment rights and they'll have to pry my gun from my cold dead hands and the gubment blah blah blah". This is what happens. Its easy, lazy, and fake machismo to walk into a Wendy's with a rifle slung over your shoulder. When you actually have to face other men that are professionally trained to handle belligerents that have guns you see what happens. They don't play games. And in the end this is what these squatters were doing, playing games like its a game to wave a weapon at other people.

It isn't. Ever.
Fuck you. Yes we are fully aware of the deadly and tyrannical nature of a government that is no longer answerable to the people, or restricted by the law. That's the point. They will continue to kill us...and eventually they'll become the target.
Dude quit letting them get under your skin
There is nothing wrong with pointing out sheep, and letting them know that their cowardice and stupidity leads to.
I'm guessing if they all just put their hands up the first time the FBI said "put your hands up" at the first stop, this would have been a tiny news blurb that already disappeared.

Agreed. But that is not what happened so now we are left to argue over the slop the .gov has tried to feed the masses and what is closer to some semblance of truth.

There is a video, and the instant replay is at best inconclusive so the call on the field stands.

By the way, all the talk about 'our 2nd amendment rights and they'll have to pry my gun from my cold dead hands and the gubment blah blah blah". This is what happens. Its easy, lazy, and fake machismo to walk into a Wendy's with a rifle slung over your shoulder. When you actually have to face other men that are professionally trained to handle belligerents that have guns you see what happens. They don't play games. And in the end this is what these squatters were doing, playing games like its a game to wave a weapon at other people.

It isn't. Ever.
Fuck you. Yes we are fully aware of the deadly and tyrannical nature of a government that is no longer answerable to the people, or restricted by the law. That's the point. They will continue to kill us...and eventually they'll become the target.
I have become aware that you are a paranoid fool. Those assholes were breaking the law, threatening the people and law of Harney County with their weapons. There was no other end it could come to than this. That only one of the felons paid for their actions with their life is a credit to the restraint on the part of the law officers.
I'm guessing if they all just put their hands up the first time the FBI said "put your hands up" at the first stop, this would have been a tiny news blurb that already disappeared.

Agreed. But that is not what happened so now we are left to argue over the slop the .gov has tried to feed the masses and what is closer to some semblance of truth.

There is a video, and the instant replay is at best inconclusive so the call on the field stands.

By the way, all the talk about 'our 2nd amendment rights and they'll have to pry my gun from my cold dead hands and the gubment blah blah blah". This is what happens. Its easy, lazy, and fake machismo to walk into a Wendy's with a rifle slung over your shoulder. When you actually have to face other men that are professionally trained to handle belligerents that have guns you see what happens. They don't play games. And in the end this is what these squatters were doing, playing games like its a game to wave a weapon at other people.

It isn't. Ever.
Fuck you. Yes we are fully aware of the deadly and tyrannical nature of a government that is no longer answerable to the people, or restricted by the law. That's the point. They will continue to kill us...and eventually they'll become the target.
I have become aware that you are a paranoid fool. Those assholes were breaking the law, threatening the people and law of Harney County with their weapons. There was no other end it could come to than this. That only one of the felons paid for their actions with their life is a credit to the restraint on the part of the law officers.
Lol. Now we all know thats not true. Three thousand attended finicums funeral, and there are gatherings all over the nation protesting his death and demanding that federal pukes obey the law, stop fucking with people, and go back to dc where they belong. Nobody has started picking off blm and forest service officials, but they will. Fbi is still harassing ppl in harney county.
They do, and they will justly hang. Either after the law gets them, or before, when the sane citizens take care of them. And that kind of talk is exactly why the rest of us want these bastards neutralized. I do hope that the FBI was taking pictures of those that attended these gathering. If there were weapons displayed, id'ing the people with the weapons, and checking for criminal background, whether they are allowed to have weapons, and if not, putting out an APB on them.

Time to put a end to this nonsense of assholes playing bad asses and threatening the rest of us. The fucking miscreants need to get jobs, quit living off the government they hate, and work for a living like the rest of us.
Then give the Forest Service the money and resources to thin and clear. At present, all their resources are going to fight fires. It is assholes like you that have created the situation. First you demand that they fight the fires, then you state that you hate them for fighting the fires. You are one paranoid little bitch. You really need to get help with your mental problems.
I'm guessing if they all just put their hands up the first time the FBI said "put your hands up" at the first stop, this would have been a tiny news blurb that already disappeared.

Agreed. But that is not what happened so now we are left to argue over the slop the .gov has tried to feed the masses and what is closer to some semblance of truth.

There is a video, and the instant replay is at best inconclusive so the call on the field stands.

By the way, all the talk about 'our 2nd amendment rights and they'll have to pry my gun from my cold dead hands and the gubment blah blah blah". This is what happens. Its easy, lazy, and fake machismo to walk into a Wendy's with a rifle slung over your shoulder. When you actually have to face other men that are professionally trained to handle belligerents that have guns you see what happens. They don't play games. And in the end this is what these squatters were doing, playing games like its a game to wave a weapon at other people.

It isn't. Ever.
Fuck you. Yes we are fully aware of the deadly and tyrannical nature of a government that is no longer answerable to the people, or restricted by the law. That's the point. They will continue to kill us...and eventually they'll become the target.
I have become aware that you are a paranoid fool. Those assholes were breaking the law, threatening the people and law of Harney County with their weapons. There was no other end it could come to than this. That only one of the felons paid for their actions with their life is a credit to the restraint on the part of the law officers.

bs there are plenty of alternatives

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