Assholes making trouble in Oregon

I'm guessing if they all just put their hands up the first time the FBI said "put your hands up" at the first stop, this would have been a tiny news blurb that already disappeared.

Agreed. But that is not what happened so now we are left to argue over the slop the .gov has tried to feed the masses and what is closer to some semblance of truth.

There is a video, and the instant replay is at best inconclusive so the call on the field stands.

By the way, all the talk about 'our 2nd amendment rights and they'll have to pry my gun from my cold dead hands and the gubment blah blah blah". This is what happens. Its easy, lazy, and fake machismo to walk into a Wendy's with a rifle slung over your shoulder. When you actually have to face other men that are professionally trained to handle belligerents that have guns you see what happens. They don't play games. And in the end this is what these squatters were doing, playing games like its a game to wave a weapon at other people.

It isn't. Ever.
Fuck you. Yes we are fully aware of the deadly and tyrannical nature of a government that is no longer answerable to the people, or restricted by the law. That's the point. They will continue to kill us...and eventually they'll become the target.
I have become aware that you are a paranoid fool. Those assholes were breaking the law, threatening the people and law of Harney County with their weapons. There was no other end it could come to than this. That only one of the felons paid for their actions with their life is a credit to the restraint on the part of the law officers.
Lol. Now we all know thats not true. Three thousand attended finicums funeral, and there are gatherings all over the nation protesting his death and demanding that federal pukes obey the law, stop fucking with people, and go back to dc where they belong. Nobody has started picking off blm and forest service officials, but they will. Fbi is still harassing ppl in harney county.
The group of locals on Monday in Burns were carrying signs stating that they wanted the FBI to stay, and the militia dingbats to leave. That was the locals. It was outsiders in the other group. People who were there only to cause trouble. And you know that is the truth, because right after you were calling the people of Burns and Harney County names.
I'm guessing if they all just put their hands up the first time the FBI said "put your hands up" at the first stop, this would have been a tiny news blurb that already disappeared.

Agreed. But that is not what happened so now we are left to argue over the slop the .gov has tried to feed the masses and what is closer to some semblance of truth.

There is a video, and the instant replay is at best inconclusive so the call on the field stands.

By the way, all the talk about 'our 2nd amendment rights and they'll have to pry my gun from my cold dead hands and the gubment blah blah blah". This is what happens. Its easy, lazy, and fake machismo to walk into a Wendy's with a rifle slung over your shoulder. When you actually have to face other men that are professionally trained to handle belligerents that have guns you see what happens. They don't play games. And in the end this is what these squatters were doing, playing games like its a game to wave a weapon at other people.

It isn't. Ever.
Fuck you. Yes we are fully aware of the deadly and tyrannical nature of a government that is no longer answerable to the people, or restricted by the law. That's the point. They will continue to kill us...and eventually they'll become the target.
I have become aware that you are a paranoid fool. Those assholes were breaking the law, threatening the people and law of Harney County with their weapons. There was no other end it could come to than this. That only one of the felons paid for their actions with their life is a credit to the restraint on the part of the law officers.
Lol. Now we all know thats not true. Three thousand attended finicums funeral, and there are gatherings all over the nation protesting his death and demanding that federal pukes obey the law, stop fucking with people, and go back to dc where they belong. Nobody has started picking off blm and forest service officials, but they will. Fbi is still harassing ppl in harney county.
Where does this figure of three thousand come from? I found a blog site that said "thousands" but news sources say less than a thousand. Only FOX News in Salt Lake claims "over a thousand". I found nothing about "gatherings all over the nation". None of the video's or photo's indicate thousands in attendance.
I'm guessing if they all just put their hands up the first time the FBI said "put your hands up" at the first stop, this would have been a tiny news blurb that already disappeared.

Agreed. But that is not what happened so now we are left to argue over the slop the .gov has tried to feed the masses and what is closer to some semblance of truth.

There is a video, and the instant replay is at best inconclusive so the call on the field stands.

By the way, all the talk about 'our 2nd amendment rights and they'll have to pry my gun from my cold dead hands and the gubment blah blah blah". This is what happens. Its easy, lazy, and fake machismo to walk into a Wendy's with a rifle slung over your shoulder. When you actually have to face other men that are professionally trained to handle belligerents that have guns you see what happens. They don't play games. And in the end this is what these squatters were doing, playing games like its a game to wave a weapon at other people.

It isn't. Ever.
Fuck you. Yes we are fully aware of the deadly and tyrannical nature of a government that is no longer answerable to the people, or restricted by the law. That's the point. They will continue to kill us...and eventually they'll become the target.
I have become aware that you are a paranoid fool. Those assholes were breaking the law, threatening the people and law of Harney County with their weapons. There was no other end it could come to than this. That only one of the felons paid for their actions with their life is a credit to the restraint on the part of the law officers.

bs there are plenty of alternatives
Of course there were. We could just have had the National Guard in there with M-60's on the second day of the occupation and ended that nonsense right then and there. However, by letting it play out as it did, the nation was allowed to see how truly fruitloopy these assholes really are. And Cliven Bundy's ultimatum to the Sheriff of Harney County was the icing on the cake.
Bundy then went on to take the sovereign position over the servants of the people

Read more at Bundy Puts Harney County Sheriff on Notice: “We Will Retain Possession of the Harney County Resource Center” - Freedom Outpost

Total idiocy
Agreed. But that is not what happened so now we are left to argue over the slop the .gov has tried to feed the masses and what is closer to some semblance of truth.

There is a video, and the instant replay is at best inconclusive so the call on the field stands.

By the way, all the talk about 'our 2nd amendment rights and they'll have to pry my gun from my cold dead hands and the gubment blah blah blah". This is what happens. Its easy, lazy, and fake machismo to walk into a Wendy's with a rifle slung over your shoulder. When you actually have to face other men that are professionally trained to handle belligerents that have guns you see what happens. They don't play games. And in the end this is what these squatters were doing, playing games like its a game to wave a weapon at other people.

It isn't. Ever.
Fuck you. Yes we are fully aware of the deadly and tyrannical nature of a government that is no longer answerable to the people, or restricted by the law. That's the point. They will continue to kill us...and eventually they'll become the target.
I have become aware that you are a paranoid fool. Those assholes were breaking the law, threatening the people and law of Harney County with their weapons. There was no other end it could come to than this. That only one of the felons paid for their actions with their life is a credit to the restraint on the part of the law officers.

bs there are plenty of alternatives
Of course there were. We could just have had the National Guard in there with M-60's on the second day of the occupation and ended that nonsense right then and there. However, by letting it play out as it did, the nation was allowed to see how truly fruitloopy these assholes really are. And Cliven Bundy's ultimatum to the Sheriff of Harney County was the icing on the cake.
Bundy then went on to take the sovereign position over the servants of the people

Read more at Bundy Puts Harney County Sheriff on Notice: “We Will Retain Possession of the Harney County Resource Center” - Freedom Outpost

Total idiocy

There is a video, and the instant replay is at best inconclusive so the call on the field stands.

By the way, all the talk about 'our 2nd amendment rights and they'll have to pry my gun from my cold dead hands and the gubment blah blah blah". This is what happens. Its easy, lazy, and fake machismo to walk into a Wendy's with a rifle slung over your shoulder. When you actually have to face other men that are professionally trained to handle belligerents that have guns you see what happens. They don't play games. And in the end this is what these squatters were doing, playing games like its a game to wave a weapon at other people.

It isn't. Ever.
Fuck you. Yes we are fully aware of the deadly and tyrannical nature of a government that is no longer answerable to the people, or restricted by the law. That's the point. They will continue to kill us...and eventually they'll become the target.
I have become aware that you are a paranoid fool. Those assholes were breaking the law, threatening the people and law of Harney County with their weapons. There was no other end it could come to than this. That only one of the felons paid for their actions with their life is a credit to the restraint on the part of the law officers.

bs there are plenty of alternatives
Of course there were. We could just have had the National Guard in there with M-60's on the second day of the occupation and ended that nonsense right then and there. However, by letting it play out as it did, the nation was allowed to see how truly fruitloopy these assholes really are. And Cliven Bundy's ultimatum to the Sheriff of Harney County was the icing on the cake.
Bundy then went on to take the sovereign position over the servants of the people

Read more at Bundy Puts Harney County Sheriff on Notice: “We Will Retain Possession of the Harney County Resource Center” - Freedom Outpost

Total idiocy

Of course it is. as is the crap from the Pacific Patriots group.
Fuck you. Yes we are fully aware of the deadly and tyrannical nature of a government that is no longer answerable to the people, or restricted by the law. That's the point. They will continue to kill us...and eventually they'll become the target.
I have become aware that you are a paranoid fool. Those assholes were breaking the law, threatening the people and law of Harney County with their weapons. There was no other end it could come to than this. That only one of the felons paid for their actions with their life is a credit to the restraint on the part of the law officers.

bs there are plenty of alternatives
Of course there were. We could just have had the National Guard in there with M-60's on the second day of the occupation and ended that nonsense right then and there. However, by letting it play out as it did, the nation was allowed to see how truly fruitloopy these assholes really are. And Cliven Bundy's ultimatum to the Sheriff of Harney County was the icing on the cake.
Bundy then went on to take the sovereign position over the servants of the people

Read more at Bundy Puts Harney County Sheriff on Notice: “We Will Retain Possession of the Harney County Resource Center” - Freedom Outpost

Total idiocy

Of course it is. as is the crap from the Pacific Patriots group.

you are full of nonsense
The funeral is Friday, Feb. 5, in Kanab, Utah, Finicum's family said. More than 30 memorials, candlelight vigils and rallies in at least 17 states are planned for Feb. 5, Feb. 6 and Feb. 7.

LaVoy Finicum's death in Oregon occupation prompts memorials across country
So, where are the photo's and video's of these events?

The dispute between ranchers and the BLM and NFS and various landowners and US Government agencies has been hijacked by the radical extremist Sovereign Citizen movement. That movement has been rejected by American citizens for decades. Even that movement itself relies on even more radical extremist such as white supremacist and anarchist.

Folks who at first found common ground with the militia that took over the wildlife refuge have realized the mistake they made and have come to realize they were tricked by people who claimed to be there to help them but proved to have a separate and very different agenda.
The funeral is Friday, Feb. 5, in Kanab, Utah, Finicum's family said. More than 30 memorials, candlelight vigils and rallies in at least 17 states are planned for Feb. 5, Feb. 6 and Feb. 7.

LaVoy Finicum's death in Oregon occupation prompts memorials across country
So, where are the photo's and video's of these events?

The dispute between ranchers and the BLM and NFS and various landowners and US Government agencies has been hijacked by the radical extremist Sovereign Citizen movement. That movement has been rejected by American citizens for decades. Even that movement itself relies on even more radical extremist such as white supremacist and anarchist.

Folks who at first found common ground with the militia that took over the wildlife refuge have realized the mistake they made and have come to realize they were tricked by people who claimed to be there to help them but proved to have a separate and very different agenda.

do i look like a time traveler does article writer look like a futuristic time traveler as well

Feb. 6 and Feb. 7.
Agreed. But that is not what happened so now we are left to argue over the slop the .gov has tried to feed the masses and what is closer to some semblance of truth.

There is a video, and the instant replay is at best inconclusive so the call on the field stands.

By the way, all the talk about 'our 2nd amendment rights and they'll have to pry my gun from my cold dead hands and the gubment blah blah blah". This is what happens. Its easy, lazy, and fake machismo to walk into a Wendy's with a rifle slung over your shoulder. When you actually have to face other men that are professionally trained to handle belligerents that have guns you see what happens. They don't play games. And in the end this is what these squatters were doing, playing games like its a game to wave a weapon at other people.

It isn't. Ever.
Fuck you. Yes we are fully aware of the deadly and tyrannical nature of a government that is no longer answerable to the people, or restricted by the law. That's the point. They will continue to kill us...and eventually they'll become the target.
I have become aware that you are a paranoid fool. Those assholes were breaking the law, threatening the people and law of Harney County with their weapons. There was no other end it could come to than this. That only one of the felons paid for their actions with their life is a credit to the restraint on the part of the law officers.
Lol. Now we all know thats not true. Three thousand attended finicums funeral, and there are gatherings all over the nation protesting his death and demanding that federal pukes obey the law, stop fucking with people, and go back to dc where they belong. Nobody has started picking off blm and forest service officials, but they will. Fbi is still harassing ppl in harney county.
The group of locals on Monday in Burns were carrying signs stating that they wanted the FBI to stay, and the militia dingbats to leave. That was the locals. It was outsiders in the other group. People who were there only to cause trouble. And you know that is the truth, because right after you were calling the people of Burns and Harney County names.
Employees of the state, transplants, their families, dependents of the state...and imports.

Burns is a company town lol.
The funeral is Friday, Feb. 5, in Kanab, Utah, Finicum's family said. More than 30 memorials, candlelight vigils and rallies in at least 17 states are planned for Feb. 5, Feb. 6 and Feb. 7.

LaVoy Finicum's death in Oregon occupation prompts memorials across country
So, where are the photo's and video's of these events?

The dispute between ranchers and the BLM and NFS and various landowners and US Government agencies has been hijacked by the radical extremist Sovereign Citizen movement. That movement has been rejected by American citizens for decades. Even that movement itself relies on even more radical extremist such as white supremacist and anarchist.

Folks who at first found common ground with the militia that took over the wildlife refuge have realized the mistake they made and have come to realize they were tricked by people who claimed to be there to help them but proved to have a separate and very different agenda.
Not even close.
The funeral is Friday, Feb. 5, in Kanab, Utah, Finicum's family said. More than 30 memorials, candlelight vigils and rallies in at least 17 states are planned for Feb. 5, Feb. 6 and Feb. 7.

LaVoy Finicum's death in Oregon occupation prompts memorials across country
So, where are the photo's and video's of these events?

The dispute between ranchers and the BLM and NFS and various landowners and US Government agencies has been hijacked by the radical extremist Sovereign Citizen movement. That movement has been rejected by American citizens for decades. Even that movement itself relies on even more radical extremist such as white supremacist and anarchist.

Folks who at first found common ground with the militia that took over the wildlife refuge have realized the mistake they made and have come to realize they were tricked by people who claimed to be there to help them but proved to have a separate and very different agenda.
Not even close.

So, you think he could see them in enough time to abide by this stopping distance? Oh, and the dude from the FBI or Troopers runs right into the path, you can't be that fking blind are you?
View attachment 62457

see no one in his path???????????

And then.....
View attachment 62458

Where'd the fk he come from? Oh yeah ran in the direction of the truck. What a fking stupid fk.

so now tell me did he drive at the cop or did the cop go after his truck? fking loser libturds.
You can see it for yourself. He first applies his brakes some 200 feet before reaching the road block and he still didn't stop in time.
Well fk, there was a road block and they weren't marked . What the fk!

funny how the whole thing could have been avoided

if they would have used road spikes
They did use a spike strip. Finicum went around it.

As the white truck approaches the roadblock, there is a spike strip across the road but it appears Finicum missed it as he attempted to drive around the roadblock. He nearly hits an FBI agent as he maneuvers to the left. The truck gets stuck in the snowbank.

I'm guessing if they all just put their hands up the first time the FBI said "put your hands up" at the first stop, this would have been a tiny news blurb that already disappeared.

Agreed. But that is not what happened so now we are left to argue over the slop the .gov has tried to feed the masses and what is closer to some semblance of truth.

There is a video, and the instant replay is at best inconclusive so the call on the field stands.

By the way, all the talk about 'our 2nd amendment rights and they'll have to pry my gun from my cold dead hands and the gubment blah blah blah". This is what happens. Its easy, lazy, and fake machismo to walk into a Wendy's with a rifle slung over your shoulder. When you actually have to face other men that are professionally trained to handle belligerents that have guns you see what happens. They don't play games. And in the end this is what these squatters were doing, playing games like its a game to wave a weapon at other people.

It isn't. Ever.
Fuck you. Yes we are fully aware of the deadly and tyrannical nature of a government that is no longer answerable to the people, or restricted by the law. That's the point. They will continue to kill us...and eventually they'll become the target.
They serve to protect the people. They did an outstanding job.

Agreed. But that is not what happened so now we are left to argue over the slop the .gov has tried to feed the masses and what is closer to some semblance of truth.

There is a video, and the instant replay is at best inconclusive so the call on the field stands.

By the way, all the talk about 'our 2nd amendment rights and they'll have to pry my gun from my cold dead hands and the gubment blah blah blah". This is what happens. Its easy, lazy, and fake machismo to walk into a Wendy's with a rifle slung over your shoulder. When you actually have to face other men that are professionally trained to handle belligerents that have guns you see what happens. They don't play games. And in the end this is what these squatters were doing, playing games like its a game to wave a weapon at other people.

It isn't. Ever.
Fuck you. Yes we are fully aware of the deadly and tyrannical nature of a government that is no longer answerable to the people, or restricted by the law. That's the point. They will continue to kill us...and eventually they'll become the target.
I have become aware that you are a paranoid fool. Those assholes were breaking the law, threatening the people and law of Harney County with their weapons. There was no other end it could come to than this. That only one of the felons paid for their actions with their life is a credit to the restraint on the part of the law officers.
Lol. Now we all know thats not true. Three thousand attended finicums funeral, and there are gatherings all over the nation protesting his death and demanding that federal pukes obey the law, stop fucking with people, and go back to dc where they belong. Nobody has started picking off blm and forest service officials, but they will. Fbi is still harassing ppl in harney county.
Where does this figure of three thousand come from? I found a blog site that said "thousands" but news sources say less than a thousand. Only FOX News in Salt Lake claims "over a thousand". I found nothing about "gatherings all over the nation". None of the video's or photo's indicate thousands in attendance.
"Hundreds" attended...

LaVoy Finicum funeral Oregon standoff |
I'm guessing if they all just put their hands up the first time the FBI said "put your hands up" at the first stop, this would have been a tiny news blurb that already disappeared.

Agreed. But that is not what happened so now we are left to argue over the slop the .gov has tried to feed the masses and what is closer to some semblance of truth.

There is a video, and the instant replay is at best inconclusive so the call on the field stands.

By the way, all the talk about 'our 2nd amendment rights and they'll have to pry my gun from my cold dead hands and the gubment blah blah blah". This is what happens. Its easy, lazy, and fake machismo to walk into a Wendy's with a rifle slung over your shoulder. When you actually have to face other men that are professionally trained to handle belligerents that have guns you see what happens. They don't play games. And in the end this is what these squatters were doing, playing games like its a game to wave a weapon at other people.

It isn't. Ever.
What about cops that go out daily info areas that the people want to kill them ? They don't get that same benefit eh? As I stated earlier, you all are hypocrites

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