Associate Press: Around world, Obama's presidency a disappointment


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2012
A great read on the worldwide perceived notion that the Obama Presidency is an EPIC FAILURE. Excerpts:

'In a world weary of war and economic crises, and concerned about global climate change, the consensus is that Obama has not lived up to the lofty expectations that surrounded his 2008 election and Nobel Peace Prize a year later. Many in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America were also taken aback by his support for gay marriage, a taboo subject among religious conservatives.'

News from The Associated Press
Nothing to see there in the left wing media . They just want to talk about something that happened almost 50 yrs ago to deflect the real problems
Yeah the real problem of choosing the right person to lead us right now.

You just dont think REAL charactor matters when it your corporate chosen candidate
Is English a second language for you, TM? For your sake...I hope so...
A great read on the worldwide perceived notion that the Obama Presidency is an EPIC FAILURE. Excerpts:

'In a world weary of war and economic crises, and concerned about global climate change, the consensus is that Obama has not lived up to the lofty expectations that surrounded his 2008 election and Nobel Peace Prize a year later. Many in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America were also taken aback by his support for gay marriage, a taboo subject among religious conservatives.'

News from The Associated Press

I can see how planet earth is disappointed in Obama .. but I doubt that gay marriage is their biggest disappointment.

His love of war would be the biggest disappointment.
I cant wait for November 8,and lets hope we have 60 seats in the senate, you will see millions of americans headed for best buy, wal mart and the rest, they will be making purchases they have had to hold off until they saw the day when O'Castro was finally thrown out of office.
Seems like the world is disappointed that he acts too much like a republican.
A great read on the worldwide perceived notion that the Obama Presidency is an EPIC FAILURE. Excerpts:

'In a world weary of war and economic crises, and concerned about global climate change, the consensus is that Obama has not lived up to the lofty expectations that surrounded his 2008 election and Nobel Peace Prize a year later. Many in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America were also taken aback by his support for gay marriage, a taboo subject among religious conservatives.'

News from The Associated Press

I can see how planet earth is disappointed in Obama .. but I doubt that gay marriage is their biggest disappointment.

His love of war would be the biggest disappointment.

Actually, they are more concerned with global economic issues which seem to go over the head of the liberal messiah. I am not surprised that this basic fact seems to go over yours also.
A great read on the worldwide perceived notion that the Obama Presidency is an EPIC FAILURE. Excerpts:

But the Democrat still enjoys broad international support.

Epic failure? More like EPIC LIE on your part!
You can please some of the people some of the time, but don't expect to please all of the people all of the time.
Seems like the world is disappointed that he acts too much like a republican.

More like the world is disappointed with his complete failure to lead, Occupied. This was a man who was given the Nobel Peace Prize simply for showing up. The world bought into the whole Barack is a genius theme and they've been waiting for him to show just a glimmer of the intelligence that he was supposed to have, ever since.

To be blunt...the Obama hype was so over the top...that the reality of him as President has been hard to take.

There were people who said he didn't have the experience needed to do the job. As time has passed those people have looked more and more spot on...
Seems like the world is disappointed that he acts too much like a republican.

Obama said himself that he forgets the impact the recession is having on America cus he is too busy being mr. fancypants.
Seems like the world is disappointed that he acts too much like a republican.

More like the world is disappointed with his complete failure to lead, Occupied. This was a man who was given the Nobel Peace Prize simply for showing up. The world bought into the whole Barack is a genius theme and they've been waiting for him to show just a glimmer of the intelligence that he was supposed to have, ever since.

To be blunt...the Obama hype was so over the top...that the reality of him as President has been hard to take.

There were people who said he didn't have the experience needed to do the job. As time has passed those people have looked more and more spot on...

Maybe, maybe not, but it's certain that almost no one in the world wants Romney to be our next president except a small minority of the US population.
Pub World Depressions and their no compromise "un-American" (TIME) paralysis of the congress have that effect. Thanks for the stupidest wars EVER, too- one down, the nonBS one to go...Pubs and Dupes, the world's disgrace and laughing stock...
A great read on the worldwide perceived notion that the Obama Presidency is an EPIC FAILURE. Excerpts:

'In a world weary of war and economic crises, and concerned about global climate change, the consensus is that Obama has not lived up to the lofty expectations that surrounded his 2008 election and Nobel Peace Prize a year later. Many in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America were also taken aback by his support for gay marriage, a taboo subject among religious conservatives.'

News from The Associated Press

A year later? WTF? He was elected in November and hadn't had time to memorize the shortest route from the Oval Office to the President's suite before he was given the NPP in February. That isn't a frigging year later.

A great read on the worldwide perceived notion that the Obama Presidency is an EPIC FAILURE. Excerpts:

'In a world weary of war and economic crises, and concerned about global climate change, the consensus is that Obama has not lived up to the lofty expectations that surrounded his 2008 election and Nobel Peace Prize a year later. Many in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America were also taken aback by his support for gay marriage, a taboo subject among religious conservatives.'

News from The Associated Press

And here I thought based on their past stances on this issue that the right didn't care what foreigners thought about us? Funny how things change when the president is a democrat isn't it?
I guess there is more to the story:

But the Democrat still enjoys broad international support. In large part, it's because of unfavorable memories of his Republican predecessor, George W. Bush, and many people would still prefer Obama over his presumptive Republican challenger Mitt Romney.

I cant wait for November 8,and lets hope we have 60 seats in the senate, you will see millions of americans headed for best buy, wal mart and the rest, they will be making purchases they have had to hold off until they saw the day when O'Castro was finally thrown out of office.

And when all of that doesn't happen what will you do then? LOL

Either way after this election cycle and when all of the "job creators" stop wasting money trying to elect the waste of space known as romney maybe then they will start investing in the country that allowed them to get where they are in the first place?

BTW I jst love all of thses BS arguments that business are unsure about what will happen next when the fact is that there is no certainty nor any guarantees when running or starting a business. If there were then everyone would have one and we would have no unemployment problem.
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