Associated Press reports: Ukrainian government is killing its own people and ruining their homes


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2014
Associated Press has published a few recent pictures of civilian victims of Ukrainian Army, shelling residential areas of Donetsk, SE Ukraine.
EVERY DAY (!) Ukrainian Army kills several civilians and wounds even more. There are many people, victims of Ukrainian shelling, in the hospitals without hands, legs, eyes, including the children. Last week during Ukrainian shelling a boy Vanya Voronov, 9 y.o., lost both his feet and one arm, one eye doesn’t see anything and the other can see only bright light and his little brother and step father were killed. And Poroshenko, the president, which gives the orders to exterminate his own civilians, was marching in Paris against terrorism... NONSENSE!!!!

Mourners gather around a coffin bearing Artiam, 4, who was killed in a Ukrainian army artillery strike, during his funeral in Kuivisevsky district on the outskirts of Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2015. At least three civilians were killed in shelling Tuesday in eastern Ukraine as fighting continued between government and rebel forces in the separatist-held city of Donetsk. (AP Photo/Manu Brabo)

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A person walk near the remains of a man lying near a bus stop that was damaged in shelling by the Ukrainian army in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2015. At least three civilians were killed in shelling Tuesday in eastern Ukraine as fighting continued between government and rebel forces in the separatist-held city of Donetsk. (AP Photo/Manu Brabo)

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An elderly Ukrainian man lies on a bed, in the basement of a hospital hit by the Ukrainian Army Artillery, at the Hospital Nº 3 for elder people and children in Donetsk, Ukraine. Monday, Jan. 19, 2015. The separatist stronghold, Donetsk, was shaken by intense outgoing and incoming artillery fire on Sunday as a bitter battle raged for control over the city's airport. Streets in the city, which was home to 1 million people before unrest erupted in spring, were completely deserted and the windows of apartments in the center rattled from incessant rocket and mortar fire. (AP Photo/Manu Brabo)

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A view of the damaged Hospital Nº 3, after it was hit by Ukrainian Army artillery in Kalininsky district, in Donetsk, Ukraine. Monday, Jan. 19, 2015. The separatist stronghold, Donetsk, was shaken by intense outgoing and incoming artillery fire on Sunday as a bitter battle raged for control over the city's airport. Streets in the city, which was home to 1 million people before unrest erupted in spring, were completely deserted and the windows of apartments in the center rattled from incessant rocket and mortar fire. (AP Photo/Manu Brabo)

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A Ukrainian woman looks through a broken window at their flat after it was hit by Ukrainian Artillery in the Voroshilovsky area, center of Donetsk, Ukraine. Sunday, Jan. 18, 2015. The separatist stronghold, Donetsk, was shaken by intense outgoing and incoming artillery fire as a bitter battle raged for control over the city's airport. Streets in the city, which was home to 1 million people before unrest erupted in spring, were completely deserted and the windows of apartments in the center rattled from incessant rocket and mortar fire. (AP Photo/Manu Brabo)

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Ukraine is run by Jewish elites, they don't really care as long as they keep the land. Jewish Bolshevik and Holodomor
Yea, problem with that is millions of ethnic Russians are already at home, and they've got the guts to fight and die for those homes, a very strange and unsettling concept to the sissy Western left.
:clap: This is one of the smartest and most thoughtful comments I've seen on USMB so far about Ukraine. Thank you!
Maybe you should read about the Holodomor

Technically the term "Golodomor" was invented by Yuschenko, another Ukrainian president (2005-2010), backed up by USA. And according to Yuschenko, in 30-s the Soviets were starving Ukraine (unlike the other areas of the USSR) and the purpose of it was genocide of Ukrainians. But the truth is: there was a huge famine in the Soviet Union in 30-s as a result of a poor Stalin's internal policy and the people were starved and dying all over the Soviet Union,not only in Ukraine, Ukraine as a republic of the USSR was just a part of a whole picture.

Now a days the only thing officials in Ukraine are good in is rewriting its history, which tightly connects it to Russia. Actually Ukrainians are Russians, mixed up with Polish (Poland invaded a Western part of Russia and later Russia got it back, that how Ukraine appeared and that's what officials in Ukraine are badly trying to wipe out of people's mind).

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Yes I noticed that as well, since it was mainly Jews behind the Holodomor, they are rewriting history.
Maybe you should read about the Holodomor

Technically the term "Golodomor" was invented by Yuschenko, another Ukrainian president (2005-2010), backed up by USA. And according to Yuschenko, in 30-s the Soviets were starving Ukraine (unlike the other areas of the USSR) and the purpose of it was genocide of Ukrainians. But the truth is: there was a huge famine in the Soviet Union in 30-s as a result of a poor Stalin's internal policy and the people were starved and dying all over the Soviet Union,not only in Ukraine, Ukraine as a republic of the USSR was just a part of a whole picture.

Now a days the only thing officials in Ukraine are good in is rewriting its history, which tightly connects it to Russia. Actually Ukrainians are Russians, mixed up with Polish (Poland invaded a Western part of Russia and later Russia got it back, that how Ukraine appeared and that's what officials in Ukraine are badly trying to wipe out of people's mind).

Now a days the only thing officials in Ukraine are good in is rewriting its history

Hilarious to hear a Russian complaining about rewriting history.
We all know there was a global depression in the early 30's on and food was scarce

A second response to the Depression was fascism and militarism--a response found in Germany, Italy, and Japan. In Germany, Adolph Hitler and his Nazi Party promised to restore the country's economy and to rebuild its military. After becoming chancellor in 1932, Hitler outlawed labor unions, restructured German industry into a series of cartels, and after 1935, instituted a massive program of military rearmament that ended high unemployment. In Italy, fascism arose even before the Depression's onset under the leadership of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. In Japan, militarists seized control of the government during the 1930s. In an effort to relieve the Depression, Japanese military officers conquered Manchuria, a region rich in raw materials, and coastal China in 1937.

A third response to the Depression was totalitarian communism. In the Soviet Union, the Great Depression helped solidify Joseph Stalin's grip on power. In 1928, Stalin instituted a planned economy. His First Five Year Plan called for rapid industrialization and "collectivization" of small peasant farms under government control. To crush opposition to his program, which required peasant farmers to give their products to the government at low prices, Stalin exiled millions of peasant to labor camps in Siberia and instituted a program of terror called the Great Purge. Historians estimate that as many as 20 million Soviets died during the 1930s as a result of famine and deliberate killings.

Digital History
All the West receives the “information” (technically: disinformation) from official Kiev, who is obviously not interested to look bad and tell the world what it’s doing to its own people. My question is: how the Western world can even buy that information without any confirmation (videos, pictures) from the scene of the actual events? If anybody from the Western world bothered to come to Donbass, make videos of thousands of ruined houses and just ask civilians (women, seniors and even children know!!) one simple question: who keeps ruining your houses and killing your people, everybody would answer as one voice: “Ukrainian army does!”, however the world stays uninformed...
War on Civilians #11 'The Ukrainian Army Relentlessly Shell Us'

Captured Ukraine soldiers face angry crowd at scene of bus shelling, Donetsk
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Maybe you should read about the Holodomor

Technically the term "Golodomor" was invented by Yuschenko, another Ukrainian president (2005-2010), backed up by USA. And according to Yuschenko, in 30-s the Soviets were starving Ukraine (unlike the other areas of the USSR) and the purpose of it was genocide of Ukrainians. But the truth is: there was a huge famine in the Soviet Union in 30-s as a result of a poor Stalin's internal policy and the people were starved and dying all over the Soviet Union,not only in Ukraine, Ukraine as a republic of the USSR was just a part of a whole picture.

Now a days the only thing officials in Ukraine are good in is rewriting its history, which tightly connects it to Russia. Actually Ukrainians are Russians, mixed up with Polish (Poland invaded a Western part of Russia and later Russia got it back, that how Ukraine appeared and that's what officials in Ukraine are badly trying to wipe out of people's mind).

Ukraine was Russian for centuries.

Ukraine was given faux independence under Kruschev, in order to gain another Soviet UN vote.

It will be Russian again.

You can call Putin insane, but, with Obama as Pres, he has no choice but to grab all he can while the grabbin' is good.
Maybe you should read about the Holodomor

Technically the term "Golodomor" was invented by Yuschenko, another Ukrainian president (2005-2010), backed up by USA. And according to Yuschenko, in 30-s the Soviets were starving Ukraine (unlike the other areas of the USSR) and the purpose of it was genocide of Ukrainians. But the truth is: there was a huge famine in the Soviet Union in 30-s as a result of a poor Stalin's internal policy and the people were starved and dying all over the Soviet Union,not only in Ukraine, Ukraine as a republic of the USSR was just a part of a whole picture.

Now a days the only thing officials in Ukraine are good in is rewriting its history, which tightly connects it to Russia. Actually Ukrainians are Russians, mixed up with Polish (Poland invaded a Western part of Russia and later Russia got it back, that how Ukraine appeared and that's what officials in Ukraine are badly trying to wipe out of people's mind).

Ukraine was Russian for centuries.

Ukraine was given faux independence under Kruschev, in order to gain another Soviet UN vote.

It will be Russian again.

You can call Putin insane, but, with Obama as Pres, he has no choice but to grab all he can while the grabbin' is good.
It has nothing to do with Obama individually. The West has no interest in Russia reestablishing it's empire. How much choice Putin had after the maiden is debatable, as is how much his miscalculation with Snowden solidified US thinking on Russia.
Bendog, from what you have been writing now and before I can tell you: you know NOTHING about Putin. Everything you "know" comes from your "independent" Media, which is all LIES, when they report about Russia and its president. Sorry, but I have a very low interest in your comments.
Bendog, from what you have been writing now and before I can tell you: you know NOTHING about Putin. Everything you "know" comes from your "independent" Media, which is all LIES, when they report about Russia and its president. Sorry, but I have a very low interest in your comments.
Dude, you're Pravda. And actually the western media have articles critical not just of Obama, but the entire West's basically creating this situation to force Ukraine out from any alliance with Putin. But, at the crux, you have Russia, which has no functioning political system or economy (beyond being a gas field), pulling former parts of its' empire into its sphere with gas sold beneath free market levels. And, punishing those who don't cooperate with more expensive gas. At the heart, that is contrary to the Reagan doctrine. Right or wrong doesn't matter. But there's little room for compromise.

It depends on Merkel. The CIA wants putin gone yesterday over Snowden, and that is not going to change.

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